Finance and Management

RES 800 Business Research

13 April 2023 08:00 AM | UPDATED 2 years ago

RES 800 Business Research :

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RES 800 Business Research
RES 800 Business Research
Subject TitleBusiness Research
Subject CodeRES 800
Assessment TitleResearch Design
Learning Outcome/sAnalyse ethical issues and considerations and their relevance in applied business research.Apply research theories and methodologies to assist in developing a business research proposal.Succinctly communicate arguments that reflect a synthesis of literature and business research conceptsUtilise critical thinking to analyse managerial problems and formulate relevant research questions and research design.
Assessment type (group or individual)Individual
Word count1500s (+/- 10% excluding cover page, references and appendices)
Due dateSunday Week 8, 23:55
Class submissionLecture Tutorial  
Submission typePaper copyTurnitin  
Format / Layout of Assessment (details of what to include) (cross the appropriate check boxes)Report: ICMS Cover Page Table of Contents Synopsis / Executive Summary  ☐ ☐ ☐
 Reference List
 Appendices☐ ☐
 ICMS Cover Page
 Reference List
 Oral Presentation: 
Paper submission
PowerPoint submission Peer review (group presentation)☐ ☐
Reference List
(outline specific details here – use check boxes)
Assessment instructions (clear, succinct, without repetition)In this assignment, students need to: Design a range of qualitative and/or quantitative research methods which align to their research question and literature review; andWrite a 1500-word research methodology report on how they will address their research question and to provide an argument about why they chose those research method/s and how the data will be analysed.   Please pay attention to notes below: Reports are to be submitted to Turnitin at week 8You will be expected to have consulted books, at least 15 relevant recent academic journal articles, conference proceedings, theses, dissertations, market reports and so on to prepare the report from quality sources listed in scholarly databasesUse proper in-text citations and referencingDo not plagiarizeFor style you need to use follow carefully the style guide document on the Moodle.
Readings for the assessment (instructions where they can be found e.g. MyAthens database, Moodle etc.)Lecture notes (Moodle)   Recommended textbooks in the unit outline   Prescribed articles available on MyAthens database
Grading Criteria / RubricThe following criteria will be used to assess this assignment: Structure of the essay, clear headings and sub headingsClarity, consistency and conceptual accuracy of argumentsLogical flow for the literature reviewComplete and accurate in-text citation and referencing
Peer Review Evaluation (group work – optional)N/A
RES 800 Business Research

Assessment 2 – Research Design (25%)

Marking criteriaExcellentVery GoodGoodSatisfactoryUnsatisfactory
Research topic, Aim, and Research questions/researc h objectives54320-1
Compelling research topic. Research questions are not amenable to misinterpretationVery clear research topic. Research questions are not amenable to misinterpretationClear research topic. Research questions are not amenable to misinterpretation but may suffer from some clarity problemsFair research topic. Research questions are fairly clear but amenable to misinterpretation. May suffer from some clarity problemsResearch topic is not clear and is highly amenable to misinterpretation. Research questions may suffer from some clarity problems
Research problem/State ment of the research problem54320-1
Identifies and defines the research problem with expert clarity and concisionIdentifies and defines the research problem clearly and conciselyIdentifies and defines the research problem somewhat clearly and conciselyIdentifies and defines the research problem but misses some important points.Insufficient accuracy, clarity and concision in identifying the research problem
Methodology42.5-5037.25 to 42.2432.25 to 37.2424.75 to 32.240-24.7
Excellent methodology for addressing the identified research problem and expertly linked to the research paradigm including ontology and epistemologyVery good methodology for addressing the identified research problem and supporting the thesis statementSound methodology for addressing the identified research problem and supporting the thesis statementMethodology goes some way towards addressing the identified research problem and supporting the thesis statementSelected methodology does not satisfactorily address the identified research problem and/or support the thesis statement
Proposed data analysis approach18-2016-1713-1510-120-9
Expertly describes the approach to data analysis linking well with the research questionsProvides a strong description of the approach to data analysis in relation to the research questionsProvides a good description of the approach to data analysis in relation to the research questionsProvides a fair description of the approach to data analysis in relation to the research questionsMisses a lot of important points in explaining the data analysis approach
 Provides compelling arguments that show the relevance, as well as how appropriate the method is in addressing the proposed research questions.Provides strong arguments that show the relevance, as well as how appropriate the method is in addressing the proposed research questions.Provides somewhat strong arguments that show the relevance, as well as how appropriate the method is in addressing the proposed research questions.Provides fair arguments but misses a number of significant issuesInsufficiently supports the chosen method
Expression & and structure54320-1
 Exceptionally effective, clear and concise expression and structure which enabled the Examiner to easily understand the workHighly effective, clear and concise expression and structure which enabled the Examiner to understand the workGenerally effective, clear and concise expression and structure which enabled the Examiner to mostly understand the workSatisfactory expression and structure though with deficiencies that sometimes obscured the work’s meaning.Inadequate explanation of the matter, with lack of clarity and concision.
Quality of Sources, research and Referencing8-107650-1
Excellent range of sources used and Excellent compliance with the APA 7tth Ed GuidelinesGood range of sources and also very good compliance with the APA 7th Ed GuidelinesGood range of sources used and also good compliance with the APA 7th Ed GuidelinesA few of the sources are not relevant. Satisfactory compliance with the APA 7th Ed GuidelinesInsufficient compliance with the APA 7th Guidelines


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