Age care

CHCECE047 Information For Children’s Learning

12 April 2023 09:33 AM | UPDATED 2 years ago

CHCECE047 Information For Children’s Learning :

For solution: +610482078788



CHCECE047 Analyse Information For Children’s Learning
CHCECE047 Analyse Information For Children’s Learning

Student Name:

Date submitted:

In Class Assessment Task 2 – Assessment methods and tools

Assessment Method/ToolWhy are each of these different methods used in an ECEC setting?
Anecdotal records 
Asking questions of children 
Child records 
Discussion with families 
Learning stories 
Running records 
Time or event samples 
Digital images 
Cultural maps 
Samples of children’s work 

2. Write an Anecdotal Record for language development for an infant, a toddler and a preschool child. (Anecdotal Record templates are attached to the task in Google Classroom)

Ensure that your observational method identifies a child’s observational method identifies a child’s CHCECE047 Analyse Information For Children’s Learning receptive skills, expressive ability (use of vocabulary), articulation, understanding of the observational method identifies a child’s meaning of words (semantics) and understanding of how to use words in observational method identifies a child’s sentences (syntax).

In Class Assessment Task 2Completed Satisfactorily
Did the student correctly identify which Assessment methods/tools are used in particular contexts in an ECEC Setting?Y /   N
Did the student write three Anecdotal Records for three children – infant, toddler and preschooler?Y /   N
Did the student ensure that each of the Anecdotal Records identified a child’s receptive skills, expressive ability (use of vocabulary), articulation, understanding of the meaning of words (semantics) and understanding of how to use words in sentences (syntax)?Y /   N
Assessor’s Name:
Comments if not satisfactory:
Assessor’s Signature:Date:


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For solution: +610482078788

