Age care

INT102 Student Assessment

12 April 2023 05:29 AM | UPDATED 2 years ago

INT102 Student Assessment :

For solution: +610482078788



INT102 Student  Assessment
INT102 Student Assessment

Logo  Description automatically generated with low confidenceAssessment 1: 35%

Due Date for 1A Oral Presentation: Week 4 – 6 (15%) Due Date for 1B Written Report: Week 4 (20%)

Both parts of the assessment are to address the task.

Oral Presentation (15%)

Oral presentations will be completed in Weeks 4 – 6 during tutorial time, according to the scheduled established by the tutor.

Students are required to complete a 5-minute presentation highlighting the findings of their written INT102 Student Assessment report with specific focus on their case study drawn from own lived experience (i.e. someone you have met).

Students are required to:

  • Choose a case study from one of the groups listed below to demonstrate identified barriers and applied resources in action – this should be from your own experience.
  • Describe the communication barriers when working with the chosen client group (please draw these from pp. 140 – 142 of the De Janasz et al. (2014) text book).
  • Demonstrate clear understanding of the communication skills required for effectively communicating with the chosen client group.
  • Identify applicable resources that may assist with communication with the chosen client group.
  • Include in-text references for direct quotes (e.g. definitions and statistics) and a final slide with a reference list including all sources used in the presentation.

Client groups that can be chosen:

  • Children
  • Youth
  • Elderly
  • Disability – chose one type e.g. vision impairment or person with cerebral palsy
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
  • Other (please advise your Lecturer if you would like to focus on a group not mentioned above)

Written report (20%)

Students are required to submit a written report between 1000 – 1200 words on communicating with a chosen target client group. Use the information delivered in your presentation to supply the content (barriers, skills, resources and the case study) but also include information from the academic resources.

Students are to use APA 7 report format (with subheadings) and referencing, both in-text and reference list, and include excerpts from at least 5 (scholarly) journals.

Do NOT utilise sources such as and other such web materials as these in no way constitute academic references for the purpose of your INT102 Student Assessment . If you rely on such sources for theoretical support, you will be deemed NOT to have met the requirements of the assessment.


INT102 Assessment 1A -Marking Criteria – Oral Presentation (15%)

PRESENTATION CRITERIAWeightF 0 – 49%P 50 – 59%C 60 – 69%D 70 – 79%HD 80% +
Structure of presentation15No clarity of concepts and structure.Poor clarity of concepts and structure: introduction, body and conclusion.Good clarity of concepts and structure: introduction, body and conclusion.Very good clarity of concepts and structure: introduction, body and conclusion.Excellent clarity of concepts and structure: introduction, body and conclusion.
PowerPoint Presentation appearance20Poor PowerPoint presentation.Attempt made at PowerPoint presentation.PowerPoint presentation is generally clear, well laid out with appropriate headings and number of slides.PowerPoint presentation is mostly clear, well laid out with appropriate headings and number of slides.Sophisticated PowerPoint presentation is clear, very well laid out with appropriate headings and number of slides, images and references.
Presentation skills20No evidence of communication skills presenter’s tone of voice, non-verbal cues, body posture, little to no eye contact with audience.Very poor communication skills presenter’s tone of voice, non- verbal cues, body posture and eye contact are not generally evidenced in relation to the audience.Good communication skills presenter’s tone of voice, non- verbal cues, body posture and eye contact are typically appropriate to the audience.Very good communication skills presenter’s tone of voice, non- verbal cues, body posture and eye contact are largely appropriate to the audience.Excellent communication skills presenter’s tone of voice, non- verbal cues, body posture and eye contact are completely appropriate to the audience.
Topic coverage25Introduction absent, poorly written or not related to the topic. No case study used.Mentions topic; Poor analysis. Case study not well used.Covers topic, Some analysis of the topic. Use of case study.Covers topic well; Analysis of the topic. Case study integrated into discussion of barriers and resources.Covers topic in-depth; Sophisticated and thorough analysis of the topic. Excellent integration of Case Study to enrich discussion.
Time management & engagement20Little to no evidence of ability to retain time management, attention and involvement: not interactive with audience.Little ability to retain time management, attention and involvement: small amount of interaction with audience.Good ability to retain time management, attention and involvement: interactive with audience.Very good ability to retain time management, attention and involvement: high level of interaction with audience.Excellent ability to retain time management, attention and involvement: very interactive with audience.

INT102 Assessment 1B – Marking Criteria Written Report (20%)

CRITERIAWeightF 0 49%P 50 – 59%C 60 69%D 70 79%HD 80 >
Presentation10No coversheet. Formatting guidelines not followed.Coversheet present with missing details. Formatting guidelines observed but not in full.Completed coversheet. Most formatting guidelines observed.Correctly completed coversheet including word count. Formatting guidelines observed with minor inconsistencies.Correctly completed coversheet with all required information provided. Fully observes formatting guidelines.
Academic Writing20Poor word choice; Poor syntax; Incorrect/poor use of language.Satisfactory attempt in academic writing; Syntax and structure evident but with multiple errors.Correct written expression; Good syntax and structure of assessment with some errors.Clear, concise and correct writing; Very good syntax and structure of assessment with few errors.Sophisticated clarity, conciseness, and correctness of writing; Excellent written expression.
Introduction10Introduction absent, poorly written or not related to the topic.Mentions topic.Covers topic.Covers topic; Provides direction for assessment.Covers topic clearly; Provides context & direction of assessment.
Discussion30Poor understanding of barriers.Very little identification of barriers, poor examples.Good understanding of barriers; examples appropriate.Very good and clearly stated description of barriers; applicable examples discussed.Excellent and clearly stated description of barriers; excellent examples of barriers from own experience.
Conclusion10No summary or conclusion.Poor summary and conclusionGood summary and conclusion.Very good summary and conclusion; attempt at integration of personal learning.Excellent summary and conclusion; integration of personal learning.
In-text Referencing10No in-text referencing;. APA 7 not used or poorly observed.Attempt made at in-text referencing; APA 7 guidelines observed but not in full.In-text references cited; APA 7 guidelines observed to some extent.In-text references cited with few errors; APA 7 observed well.In-text references correctly cited; APA 7 guidelines observed fully.
Reference List10Reference List absent. APA 7 not used or poorly observed.Reference List has errors; APA 7 guidelines observed but not in full.Reference List has some errors; APA 7 guidelines observed to some extent.Reference list presented with few errors; APA 7 observed well.Reference list presented with no errors; APA 7 guidelines observed fully.


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