
SITXFSA005 Use hygienic practices for food safety

05 May 2024 10:13 AM | UPDATED 6 months ago

SITXFSA005 Use hygienic practices for food safety:

SITXFSA005 Use hygienic practices for food safety
SITXFSA005 – Use hygienic practices for food safety
SITXFSA005 Use hygienic practices for food safety


This form is for the assessor’s use only.

This Observation Form outlines the specific criteria that the candidate must demonstrate/perform while completing Workplace Assessment Task 2.

This form is to be completed by the candidate’s assessor to document their observation of the candidate’s performance in Workplace Assessment Task 2.

Task Overview

This task required the candidate to report each of the following hygiene hazards promptly according to organisational policies and procedures.

  • Unsafe practices that breach hygiene procedures
  • Food hazards within the food service area
  • Personal health issues that cause hygiene risk in food safety
  • Incident of food contamination resulting from personal health issue identified.

This task requires the candidate to complete the following while being observed by the assessor:

  1. Unsafe Hygiene Practices During Food Handling Tasks
  2. Identify at least two unsafe food handling practices in the workplace observed while completing food handling tasks.
  3. Report the above to at least one relevant personnel.
  4. Food Hazards in the Food Service Area
  5. For each of the following, identify at least two food hazards that affect their health and safety within the food service area:
  6. Customers
  7. Colleagues
  8. Self
  9. Remove or minimise each identified food hazard
  10. Report the above to at least one relevant personnel
  11. Personal Health Issues That Cause Hygiene Risk
  12. Identify at least two personal health issues that may cause hygiene risk during food handling activities
  13. Stop participation in all food handling activities where there is a risk of food contamination due to personal health issues.
  14. Identify at least two incidents of food contamination caused by personal health issues identified.
  15. Report the following to at least one relevant personnel:
  16. Identified personal health issues.
  17. Food handling activity stopped participation in due to identified personal health issues.
  18. Identified incidents of food contamination caused by identified personal health issues.

Instructions to the Assessor

Before the assessment

  • Access and review the following:
  • Organisational hygiene and food safety policies and procedures from the candidate’s workplace.
  • Organisational policies and procedures relevant to reporting hygiene hazards from the candidate’s workplace. These policies and procedures must have information on reporting the following:
    • Unsafe practices that breach organisational hygiene procedures
    • Food hazards within the food service area
    • Personal health issues that cause hygiene risk in food safety
    • Incidents of food contamination resulting from personal health issues identified.
  • Review the items in this checklist and contextualise, as appropriate to the workplace context of the candidate.
  • Discuss the resources required by the candidate to complete the task and ensure that they have access to these resources prior to the practical observation.
  • Discuss this assessment task with the candidate, including the practical skills they need to demonstrate and the criteria to satisfactorily demonstrate each skill.
  • Review this form with the candidate and address any queries or concerns they may have about it.

While observing the candidate

  • For each practical skill listed in this Observation Form:
    • Tick YES if you confirm you have observed the candidate demonstrate/perform the practical skill.
    • Tick NO if you have not observed the candidate demonstrate/perform the practical skill.
  • For skills where you ticked YES, indicate the date when you observed the candidate demonstrate this skill.
  • For skills where you ticked NO, provide additional information on how the candidate can satisfactorily demonstrate the practical skill for this task.
  • Write specific comments on the candidate’s performance in each criterion. Your feedback/insights will help address any area(s) for improvement.

After observing the candidate

  • Complete all parts of the Observation Form, including the Assessor Declaration on the last page of this form. Your signature must be handwritten.

Candidate Details

Candidate Name     

Assessor/Observer Details

Assessor/Observer Name     
Training Organisation     
Relevant Qualifications Held     

Assessment Context

Assessment Environment☐ Candidate’s Workplace☐ Simulated Workplace
Mode of Observation☐ Direct Observation Assessor must be physically present in the assessment environment.
☐ Observation via video recording Candidate and the assessment requirements must be present in the video recording.
Date of Observation     
Resources required for assessmentAt least one relevant personnel to report each of the following hygiene hazards: ☐ Unsafe practices that breach organisational hygiene procedures ☐ Food hazards within the food service area ☐ Personal health issues that cause hygiene risk in food safety ☐ Incidents of food contamination resulting from personal health issue ☐ Organisational hygiene and food safety policies and procedures from the candidate’s workplace. ☐ Organisational policies and procedures relevant to reporting hygiene hazards from the candidate’s workplace. These policies and procedures must have information on reporting the following: ☐ Unsafe practices that breach organisational hygiene procedures ☐ Food hazards within the food service area ☐ Personal health issues that cause hygiene risk in food safety ☐ Incidents of food contamination resulting from personal health issues

Candidate Assessment Briefing

Date of assessment briefing     
The assessor confirms:YES/NO
They have discussed with the candidate the workplace task they are required to complete for this assessment.☐ YES     ☐ NO
They have discussed with the candidate the resources they are required to access to complete the workplace task.☐ YES     ☐ NO
The candidate understands they will be assessed while completing this workplace task, as well as any document(s) they will complete as part of this task.☐ YES     ☐ NO
They have discussed with the candidate the instructions on how they are to undertake the workplace task.☐ YES     ☐ NO
They have provided the candidate guidance on how they can satisfactorily complete the task.☐ YES     ☐ NO
They have discussed with the candidate the practical skills (outlined below) they are required to meet to satisfactorily complete the task.☐ YES     ☐ NO
They have addressed the candidate’s questions or concerns about the workplace task and the assessment process.☐ YES     ☐ NO
During the reporting of hygiene hazards candidate: YES/NODate ObservedAssessor’s comments
Identifies at least two unsafe food handling practices in the workplace. These refer to food handling practices that do not follow the requirements from the organisation’s hygiene and food safety policies and procedures accessed and reviewed in this task. Unsafe food handling practices must be observed by the candidate during food handling activities Identified unsafe food handling practices may be observed while completing Workplace Assessment Task 1. Identified unsafe food handling practices must correspond to the organisational policies and procedures relevant to reporting food hazards accessed and reviewed in this task.
Check the box to identify the first unsafe food handling practice observed by the candidate. ☐ Using contaminated ingredients during food preparation ☐ Improper handwashing ☐ Not wearing personal protective equipment ☐ Not cooking food thoroughly☐ YES   ☐ NO          
Check the box to identify the second unsafe food handling practice observed by the candidate. ☐ Using contaminated ingredients during food preparation ☐ Improper handwashing ☐ Not wearing personal protective equipment ☐ Not cooking food thoroughly☐ YES   ☐ NO          
SITXFSA005 Use hygienic practices for food safety
During the reporting of hygiene hazards candidate: YES/NODate ObservedAssessor’s comments
Reports each identified unsafe food handling practice to at least one relevant personnel Relevant personnel reported to must correspond to the organisational policies and procedures relevant to reporting food hazards accessed and reviewed in this task. In demonstrating this, candidate.
Check the box to identify at least one relevant personnel the candidate reports unsafe food handling practices to. ☐ Managers/Supervisors Indicate name of manager/supervisor here:       ☐ Colleagues Indicate name of colleague here:      ☐ YES   ☐ NO          
Reports each identified unsafe food handling practice promptly This refers to informing the relevant personnel as soon as unsafe food handling practices are observed in the workplace.☐ YES   ☐ NO          
Reports each identified unsafe food handling practice accurately This refers to correctly informing relevant personnel the details of the identified unsafe food handling practice observed. In demonstrating this, candidate
Describes the unsafe food handling practice observed This refers to a detailed narration of how the unsafe food handling practices was observed. This must correspond to the identified unsafe food handling practices☐ YES   ☐ NO          
Identifies involved personnel This refers to the personnel who performed the unsafe food handling practice☐ YES   ☐ NO          
During the reporting of hygiene hazards candidate: YES/NODate ObservedAssessor’s comments
Identifies at least two food hazards that affects health and safety within the food service area Food hazards refer to potential contaminants to food caused by unhygienic practices when handling food that may lead to food-borne illnesses if food is consumed. For example, a food hazard identified can be using spoiled meat in dishes prepared and served. At least two food hazards must be identified for each of the following personnel
Customers These are people who will receive food
Check the box to identify the first food hazard for customers the candidate identifies. ☐ Spoiled/rotten ingredients in prepared dishes ☐ Candidate’s personal health issues. ☐ Not cooking food thoroughly☐ YES   ☐ NO          
Check the box to identify the second food hazard for customers the candidate identifies. ☐ Spoiled/rotten ingredients in prepared dishes ☐ Candidate’s personal health issues. ☐ Not cooking food thoroughly☐ YES   ☐ NO          
During the reporting of hygiene hazards candidate: YES/NODate ObservedAssessor’s comments
Colleagues These are employees in the workplace that may potentially have direct contact with food
Check the box to identify the first food hazard for colleagues the candidate identifies. ☐ Unclean utensils/equipment ☐ Candidate’s personal health issues. ☐ Not wearing personal protective equipment☐ YES   ☐ NO          
Check the box to identify the second food hazard for colleagues the candidate identifies. ☐ Unclean utensils/equipment ☐ Candidate’s personal health issues. ☐ Not wearing personal protective equipment☐ YES   ☐ NO          
The candidate
Check the box to identify the first food hazard for self the candidate identifies. ☐ Unclean utensils/equipment ☐ Candidate’s personal health issues. ☐ Not wearing personal protective equipment☐ YES   ☐ NO          
Check the box to identify the second food hazard for self the candidate identifies. ☐ Unclean utensils/equipment ☐ Candidate’s personal health issues. ☐ Not wearing personal protective equipment☐ YES   ☐ NO          
During the reporting of hygiene hazards candidate: YES/NODate ObservedAssessor’s comments
Removes or minimises the each identified food hazard. In demonstrating this, candidate
Performs at least one action to remove or minimise each identified food hazard For example, if identified food hazard that affects health is spoiled meat, action item can be to dispose meat and replace with fresh meat. At a minimum, action items performed must be for all of the following
At least two food hazards affecting customers Assessor must write each action taken by the candidate. Action for first food hazard       Action for second food hazard      ☐ YES   ☐ NO          
At least two food hazards affecting colleagues Assessor must write each action taken by the candidate. Action for first food hazard       Action for second food hazard      ☐ YES   ☐ NO          
At least two food hazards affecting candidate Assessor must write each action taken by the candidate. Action for first food hazard       Action for second food hazard      ☐ YES   ☐ NO          
Informs relevant personnel of each completed action This refers to updating the relevant personnel that the each identified food hazard was removed or minimised to prevent further hygiene risks or risks of food-borne illnesses caused by contamination This must correspond to each action item identified. In demonstrating this, candidate
Describes each action taken to remove or minimise each food hazard. This must correspond each action to remove or minimise food hazards.☐ YES   ☐ NO          
Asks relevant personnel if additional action is needed. This refers to additional steps to take to completely remove each food hazard within the food service area.☐ YES   ☐ NO          
Completes additional action, if required.☐ YES   ☐ NO ☐ NA          
During the reporting of hygiene hazards candidate: YES/NODate ObservedAssessor’s comments
Reports each identified food hazard to at least one relevant personnel Relevant personnel reported to must correspond to the organisational policies and procedures relevant to reporting food hazards accessed and reviewed in this task. In demonstrating this, candidate.
Check the box to identify at least one relevant personnel the candidate reports hygiene hazards to. ☐ Managers/Supervisors Indicate name of manager/supervisor here:       ☐ Colleagues Indicate name of colleague here      ☐ YES   ☐ NO          
Reports each identified food hazard promptly This refers to informing the relevant personnel as soon as food hazard is found in the workplace.☐ YES   ☐ NO          
Reports each identified food hazard accurately This refers to correctly informing relevant personnel the details of the identified unsafe food handling practice observed. In demonstrating this, candidate
Describes each food hazard identified. This must correspond to the identified food hazards☐ YES   ☐ NO          
Identifies involved personnel This refers to the candidate.☐ YES   ☐ NO          
During the reporting of hygiene hazards candidate: YES/NODate ObservedAssessor’s comments
Identifies at least two personal health issues that may cause hygiene risk during food handling activities This refers to infectious or airborne diseases of the candidate that may: Contaminate foodSpread in food and food contact surfaces if food handling activities are continued
Check the box to identify the first personal health issue the candidate identified. ☐ Cough ☐ Fever ☐ Colds☐ YES   ☐ NO          
Check the box to identify the second personal health issue the candidate identified. ☐ Cough ☐ Fever ☐ Colds☐ YES   ☐ NO          
Stops participation on ALL food handling activities due to personal health issue identified. This refers to immediately stopping participation in food handling activities until further notice. Candidate must leave the food service area to prevent risk of contamination due to personal health issue.
Check the box to identify at least one food handling activity the candidate stops participation based on first personal health issue identified. ☐ Cooking food ☐ Preparing food ☐ Cleaning food service area ☐ Serving food☐ YES   ☐ NO          
Check the box to identify at least food handling activity the candidate stops participation based on second personal health issue identified. ☐ Cooking food ☐ Preparing food ☐ Cleaning food service area ☐ Serving food☐ YES   ☐ NO          
During the reporting of hygiene hazards candidate: YES/NODate ObservedAssessor’s comments
Identifies at least two incidents of food contamination caused by the candidate’s personal health issue. Incidents refer to specific situations where candidate’s personal health issued caused health or safety risks to others due to continuation of food handling activities despite health issue Incidents identified can be caused by at least one of the personal health issues identified. Incidents identified must correspond to workplace documents containing information on food contamination due to personal health issues accessed and reviewed in this task.☐ YES   ☐ NO          
Check the box to identify the first incident of food contamination identified by candidate. ☐ Cross contamination on food served. ☐ Food poisoning of customers food was served. ☐ Infecting co-workers with personal health issue identified.☐ YES   ☐ NO          
Check the box to identify the second incident of food contamination identified by candidate. ☐ Cross contamination on food served. ☐ Food poisoning of customers food was served. ☐ Infecting co-workers with personal health issue identified.☐ YES   ☐ NO          
SITXFSA005 Use hygienic practices for food safety
During the reporting of hygiene hazards candidate: YES/NODate ObservedAssessor’s comments
Reports each identified personal health issues to at least one relevant personnel Relevant personnel reported to must correspond to the organisational policies and procedures relevant to reporting personal health issues accessed and reviewed in this task. In demonstrating this, candidate.
Check the box to identify at least one relevant personnel the candidate reports personal health issues to. ☐ Managers/Supervisors Indicate name of manager/supervisor here:       ☐ Colleagues Indicate name of colleague here:      ☐ YES   ☐ NO          
Reports each identified personal health issue promptly This refers to informing the relevant personnel as soon as shift starts.☐ YES   ☐ NO          
Reports each identified personal health issue accurately This refers to correctly informing relevant personnel the details of the identified personal health issue In demonstrating this, candidate
Describes each personal health issue This must correspond to the identified personal health issue☐ YES   ☐ NO          
Identifies each food handling activity to stop participation in due to each identified personal health issues.☐ YES   ☐ NO          
During the reporting of hygiene hazards candidate: YES/NODate ObservedAssessor’s comments
Reports each identified incident of food contamination due personal health issue accurately This refers to correctly informing relevant personnel the details of incidents of food contamination resulting from personal health issues identified Information on Incidents must correspond to workplace documents containing information on food contamination due to personal health issues accessed and reviewed in this task. In demonstrating this, candidate
Describes each incident This must correspond to the identified incidents of food contamination due to personal health issue identified☐ YES   ☐ NO          
Identifies when incidents occurred This must be within the candidate’s assessment period☐ YES   ☐ NO          

Assessor Declaration By signing here, I confirm that I have observed the candidate, whose name appears above, report each of the following hygiene hazards according to organisational policies and procedures promptly: Unsafe practices that breach organisational hygiene procedures. Food hazards within the food service area Personal health issues that cause hygiene risk in food safety Incidents of food contamination resulting from personal health issues identified. I confirm that the information recorded on this Observation Form is true and accurately reflects the candidate’s performance during their completion of the workplace task.
Assessor’s signature     
Assessor’s name     
Date signed     
SITXFSA005 Use hygienic practices for food safety



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