
SITXHRM010 Recruit select and induct staff

26 April 2024 11:02 AM | UPDATED 6 months ago

SITXHRM010 Recruit select and induct staff:

SITXHRM010 Recruit select and induct staff
QualificationSIT40521- Cert IV in Kitchen Management
Unit Code/NameSITXHRM010 Recruit select and induct staff
Re-Assessment☐ Yes   ☐ No
Student ID 
Student Name 
Student Email Address               
Trainer/Assessor Name 

Assessment Task 3: Staff Selection Project

  • I declare that this is my own original work and I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student(s).
  • I understand that if I am found to have plagiarised, cheated or colluded, action will be taken against me according to the process explained to me.
  • I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks as required.
  • I hold a copy of this assignment and can produce a copy if requested
  • I permit a copy of this marked assignment to be retained or reproduced by the College for benchmarking, course review and accreditation purposes.
  • I am aware of the re-assessment policy and any assessment deemed unsatisfactory will require me to do a re-assessment.
  • I am aware I have the right to appeal an assessment outcome if I disagree with the outcome. I am aware that I have to follow the complaint and appeal process to request a review of the assessment outcome. 
Student signature:__________________________Date_____/_____/_________

Information for students

In this task, you are required to participate in three interviews for the new positions at the Blue Healer Spa.

You will need access to:

  • your learning resources and other information for reference
  • your Recruitment, Selection and Induction Policy and Procedures
  • roleplay participants.
  • Ensure that you:
  • comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide
  • adhere with your RTO’s submission guidelines
  • answer all questions completely and correctly
  • submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced
  • Do not share your answers with other students.
Speech Bubble: Rectangle: iAssessment information
Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in your Assessment Instruction in Moodle: Check your submission and cut-off in Moodle Assessment task page Write your answer in the text below or attach additional pages as necessary and requestedThis task is open book.


  1. Complete the following activities. Interview applicants
Person eatingYou are required to conduct fair and equitable selection interviews for each of the advertised positions. For the purposes of this assessment, you will interview one applicant for each of the three advertised positions. Note that you will be required to adapt your interview technique to reflect the interviewee’s social and cultural background. You are required to evaluate each applicant for their customer service attitude and experience to ensure that they would fit well into the position. They should also display an attitude and aptitude that would fit well into the existing organisational culture in general and the team in particular. During the interviews, you are required to demonstrate effective communication skills including: Speaking clearly and concisely Using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding Asking questions to identify required information Responding to questions as required Using active listening techniques to confirm understanding
Date and Time of the 3 interviews: 
Name of interviewees:Qualified cook – Rachael AsifRoom cleaner – Mary LeeTour Volunteer – Raul singh
  • Select successful applicants.
DocumentDuring and immediately following the interviews, you and the rest of the interview panel completed a report on the candidates. Use the Interview Report Template and your own experiences from the interviews to select the successful candidate for each position. You will need to describe how your selections: Are based on the selection criteria Are merit-based Adherence to equal employment opportunity principles and lawWere for applicants who displayed appropriate customer service attitudes and have enough experience to fit into the position.Whether their attitude and aptitude would fit well into the existing organisational culture and will complement existing workers. Use the Interview Report Template below to guide your work. When completed, submit below your Interview Report to the Management Team (your assessor) and ask them for their feedback. 
Blue Healer Spa Interview Report   Qualified cook Applicant name General impression from interview Erin Rand High communication skills. Would be prepared to move to the area around Katoomba but expects the resort to pay for the moving expenses. Amir Kahn Has a lot of restaurant experience, both serving and cooking, but only has experience cooking Indian food. Rachael Asif   Successful candidate: Fulfils selection criteria: Merit: Equal employment opportunity principles: Customer service: Complement existing structure and workers:   Room cleaner Applicant name General impression from interview Rose Hart Lives in Leura. Has cleaned hotel rooms for many years in the Gold Coast. Came across as unfit physically to do the job. Maria Giacometti Recently moved to Katoomba. Cleaned rooms at the Apollo Hotel in Sydney for the last five years. Has very good references. Maria is friends with two of the current room cleaners. Maria is fit, and works out regularly. Mary Lee.   Successful candidate: Fulfils selection criteria: Merit: Equal employment opportunity principles: Customer service: Complement existing structure and workers:   Tour volunteer Applicant name General impression from interview Agnes Brown   Rodney Paul Lives in Wentworth Falls. Very communicative, perhaps even over-communicative. Tended to go off on tangents. Spoke mostly about bushwalking tours of the Blue Mountains he used to go on when younger. Raul Singh Lives in Katoomba. Was rather aggressive. Claims that, because he will soon be the president of the Blue Mountains Historical Society, he should be given the position. Successful candidate: Fulfils selection criteria: Merit: Equal employment opportunity principles: Customer service: Complement existing structure and workers:       
  • Send an email to the unsuccessful applicants
Open envelopeInform the unsuccessful applicants of your decision and provide other appropriate recruitment information to them. For the purposes of this assessment, you are only required to contact one of the unsuccessful applicant for the Room cleaner position. Ensure that this email is sent within the timeframe set out in the Recruitment, Selection and Induction Policy and Procedures.
This email should include a date appropriate to the timeframes set out in the Recruitment, Selection and Induction policy and procedures. It should thank them for the application and provide information for future advertised recruitment possibilities.
Content of email:          
SITXHRM010 Recruit select and induct staff

  • Send an email to the successful applicants
Open envelope Inform the successful applicants of your decision and congratulate them on being accepted for the position. For the purposes of this assessment, you are only required to contact the successful applicant for the Qualified Cook position. Complete the Offer of Employment Template below and pretend to attach that to the email. The position will start in two weeks from the date of the interview, when they will attend the induction session.
The email should congratulate the successful applicant and ask them to complete the offer of employment by pretending to attach it to the email. The offer of employment template is actually below the email. From: To: Subject: Content of email:    
Blue Healer Spa Offer of Employment   Private and confidential   <Applicant name>   Date       Re: Offer of Employment     Dear <Applicant name>   We are pleased to offer you the position of <position name> with us here at the Blue Healer Spa, where we hope you will enjoy your role and make a significant contribution to the success of the business.   Commencement Date Your employment will commence on <date>     Location You will be based in the kitchen.   Position <position name> – reporting to the <area> Manager   Term This is a <full-time, part-time or casual>   Probationary Period A three-month Probationary Period will apply to this role. During this time, you will receive advice, training and guidance to help you become familiar with, and competent in, performing the work you have been appointed to do. The appointment is subject to the satisfactory completion of the Probationary Period, which itself is subject to termination during any stage, by either party, upon one week’s notice in writing, or by payment in lieu of notice.
    Terms of Employment   Remuneration Your salary is <award salary>   Payment Your salary will be paid weekly on a Thursday.   Superannuation Superannuation payments will be made on your behalf in accordance with the Superannuation Guarantee into a Superannuation fund of your choice. If you do not choose a fund, your contributions will be placed into the default fund.   Salary Review Your remuneration package will be reviewed annually on or about the anniversary of your employment or in accordance with workplace laws.   Leave Entitlements Annual Leave You are entitled to 20 days’ (4 weeks’) annual leave per year of service (different accrual rates apply to 24 hour/7 day operations shift workers).  Leave is accrued in accordance with the Fair Work Act 2009 and should be taken within one year of falling due, on occasions negotiated with your manager.    Personal leave You are entitled to 10 days paid personal/carer’s leave in accordance with the Fair Work Act 2009. You are entitled to a period of two days unpaid carer’s leave per occasion in accordance with the Fair Work Act 2009. You are entitled to a period of two days paid compassionate leave per occasion in accordance with the Fair Work Act 2009. (Insert if employee is a casual) You are entitled to a period of two days unpaid carer’s or unpaid compassionate leave per occasion in accordance with the Fair Work Act 2009.   Long Service Leave You will be entitled to long service leave in line with the provisions of (insert award or enterprise agreement title, or if there are no long service leave provisions in a relevant award or enterprise agreement, the Long Service Leave Act 1992).   Parental Leave You may be entitled to parental leave in line with the provisions of the Fair Work Act 2009.
    Termination The minimum period of notice required to be given to the employer by the employee is either: That prescribed by the relevant employment agreement or other contract of employment.If no period of notice is prescribed as above, a period of notice equal to the employee’s usual pay period.The Blue Healer Spa may terminate your employment by giving the following period of notice (or payment in lieu) depending on service:   Period of continuous service Notice period Not more than 1 year 1 week More than 1 year, but not more than 3 years 2 weeks More than 3 years, but not more than 5 years 3 weeks More than 5 years 4 weeks   If you are over 45 with more than two years’ continuous service, you will receive an additional week’s notice (or payment in lieu).   The company may terminate your employment at any time without notice if: you are guilty of serious misconduct oryou are in material breach of a provision of this contract, including confidentiality undertakings.   Following the termination of your employment you will be required to return all company property.    Hours of Work The Blue Healer Spa’s general hours of business are between 8 am and 9pm. It is expected that you will work an average of (38) hours per week during general business hours. From time to time you will be required to work reasonable additional hours or after hours when necessary to perform your duties. You will receive time in lieu for this work.
  Privacy You are required to observe and uphold all of the Company’s privacy policies and procedures as implemented or varied from time to time. Collection, storage, access to and dissemination of employee personal information will be in accordance with privacy legislation.   Company Policy The Blue Healer Spa has in place a number of company policies and procedures. You are required to comply with company policy. A failure to comply with these policies may result in disciplinary action being taken against you. These policies are found on our Intranet. These policies do not form part of this contract of employment.   Confidentiality of Information During your employment, you may become aware of information relating to the business of the Blue Healer Spa, including but not limited to client lists, trade secrets, and client details and pricing structures. Confidential information, including client lists, trade secrets, pricing structures and any and all documents created by you in the course of your employment remain the sole property of the Blue Healer Spa. You shall not, either during or after your employment, without the prior consent of the Blue Healer Spa, directly or indirectly divulge to any person or use the confidential information for your own or another’s benefit.   Jurisdiction This contract is made in the State of New South Wales.   Welcome and Acceptance (Candidate’s name), we would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the Blue Healer Spa and wish you a long and rewarding career with us.   Yours sincerely,   Human Resources Manager     I, <Applicant’s name> accept the terms and conditions of this contract.   Signed: ______________________________________________   Dated:  ________________________________________   A copy is provided for your records.
SITXHRM010 Recruit select and induct staff

  • Take a screen shot of your folder and files.
Person eatingYou are required to demonstrate that you can file all of your records in a logical structure. Ensure that you have an overall folder for your work, as well as sub folders if necessary. All of the documents you have submitted for this assessment task should be correctly named and filed. The screen shot should show all the folders and documents. Insert the screen shot in the table below.
SITXHRM010 Recruit select and induct staff

Assessment Task 3: Checklist

For Trainers Purpose Only
Student’s name:
Did the student:Completed successfully?Comments
Document and file recruitment records as set out in the Recruitment, Selection and Induction Policy and Procedures?   
Use the established selection criteria as the basis for the selection of new employees, ensuring that the selection is merit-based selection and conforms to equal employment opportunity legislation?   
Participate in the processes of selecting staff for three new positions at the Blue Healer Spa?   
Evaluate the applicants’ customer service attitude as well as their experience to ensure that they would fit to the position?   
Select applicants based on their attitude, aptitude and how well they would fit into the team?   
Communicate their applicant selection recommendations to the relevant colleagues?   
Make employment offers to the successful applicants as set out in the Recruitment, Selection and Induction Policy and Procedures?   
Advise the new employees about the details of their employment details as set out in the Recruitment, Selection and Induction Policy and Procedures?   
Maintain accurate and complete records of the selection process, filed as set out in the Recruitment, Selection and Induction Policy and Procedures?   
During the interviews, demonstrate effective communication skills including: Speaking clearly and concisely Using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding Asking questions to identify required information Responding to questions as required Using active listening techniques to confirm understanding   
Task outcome:SatisfactoryNot satisfactory
Assessor signature: 
Assessor name: 
SITXHRM010 Recruit select and induct staff


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