
SITXHRM010 Recruit select and induct staff

26 April 2024 10:51 AM | UPDATED 5 months ago

SITXHRM010 Recruit select and induct staff:

SITXHRM010 Recruit select and induct staff

Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions

QualificationSIT40521-Cert IV in Kitchen Management
Unit Code/NameSITXHRM010 Recruit, select and induct staff
Re-Assessment☐ Yes   ☐ No
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Student Name 
Student Email Address                      
Trainer/Assessor Name 
SITXHRM010 Recruiting choose and induct staff

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SITXHRM010 Recruiting choose and induct staff

Information for students

Knowledge questions are designed to help you demonstrate the knowledge which you have acquired during the learning phase of this unit. Ensure that you:

  • comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide
  • adhere with your RTO’s submission guidelines
  • answer all questions completely and correctly
  • submit work, which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced
  • Do not share your answers with other students.
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Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in your Assessment Instruction in Moodle: Check your submission and cut-off in Moodle Assessment task page Write your answer in the text belowThis task is open book.
SITXHRM010 Recruiting choose and induct staff


  1. Name five examples of recruitment practices in the tourism, travel, hospitality and event sectors.
SITXHRM010 Recruiting choose and induct staff

  • Name five examples of selection practices in the tourism, travel, hospitality and event sectors.
  • List three ways selection criteria for a nominated job vacancy can be differentiated.
  • Identify two formats for job advertisements.
  • List five examples of possible inclusions in selection criteria.
  • List five examples of possible inclusions in job vacancy advertisements.
SITXHRM010 Recruiting choose and induct staff

  • Identify two examples of effective advertising media when recruiting staff for the tourism, travel, hospitality and event sectors.
  • List three features of an effective recruitment advertisement.
SITXHRM010 Recruiting choose and induct staff

  • Outline the role of recruitment agencies in the recruitment process.
SITXHRM010 Recruiting choose and induct staff

  1. Explain the nature of the relationship between a job description and the selection criteria.
  1. Describe three ways to develop clear and concise selection criteria for a job vacancy.
  1. Explain how to link interview questions to selection criteria.
  1. Outline key elements of industrial awards.
SITXHRM010 Recruiting choose and induct staff

  1. Outline the nature and role of workplace induction programs.
  1. 15. List five examples of information that could be included in a workplace induction program.
SITXHRM010 Recruiting choose and induct staff

  1. Describe the roles of the following personnel in the recruitment and induction process.
a. Human Resources Manager  
b. New employee’s line Manager 
c. New employee’s colleagues 
SITXHRM010 Recruiting choose and induct staff

  1. Outline the key elements of equal employment opportunity (EEO) employment laws and how they must be implemented in recruitment and selection processes.
SITXHRM010 Recruiting choose and induct staff

  1. Explain why each of the following records is used as part of the recruitment and selection process.
Record typeReason they are used
Organisational procedures to be used within these processes 
Lists of who was interviewed and when they were interviewed. 
Details of the people who conducted the interviews. 
Formal rating sheets completed by interviewers during interviews of applicants.     
Notes taken by interviewers during interviews of applicants. 
SITXHRM010 Recruiting choose and induct staff

  1. Explain why the checks listed below should be conducted as part of the selection process.
CheckReason they are conducted
Police check. 
Reference check. 
Working with children check. 
Qualifications check. 
SITXHRM010 Recruiting choose and induct staff

  • Explain the practice of ‘evaluation of portfolios’ as part of the selection process.
SITXHRM010 Recruiting choose and induct staff

  • What types of written information might be exchanged during the selection process?
SITXHRM010 Recruiting choose and induct staff

  • Identify a situation in which the following types of interviews might be used as part of the selection process.
Interview typeSituation in which they are used
Interview by a selection committee, senior management or an external professional recruitment company. 
In-person, face-to-face interviews. 
Interviews conducted using teleconference facilities. 
Telephone interviews. 
Use of videoconference facilities. 
SITXHRM010 Recruiting choose and induct staff

  • Describe the following practices that may be employed by an organisation as part of their selection process.
Presentation to a selection committee. 
Skills tests. 
SITXHRM010 Recruiting choose and induct staff

  • Explain why the two listed special ‘access’ arrangements might be made by an organisation for an applicant who is attending a job interview.
Special access arrangementWhy they might be made
Parking for candidate’s car. 
Security clearance for the applicant. 
SITXHRM010 Recruiting choose and induct staff

  • Describe when the following special arrangements may need to be made when organising selection procedures for a job vacancy.
Type of Special ArrangementDescription of when it may be needed
Assistive technology. 
Electronic presentation media. 
Visual information and diagrams instead of written material.   
SITXHRM010 Recruiting choose and induct staff

  • Identify five possible special interview techniques for those with disabilities.
SITXHRM010 Recruiting choose and induct staff

  • Explain the reason for including the following in a workplace induction and orientation program for a new employee.
Topics coveredReason for including them
Conditions of employment. 
Contact details for key personnel in the business. 
Things the organisation is currently focussing its efforts on. 
Employee benefits. 
Employee responsibilities. 
Employee rights. 
Information on the culture of the workplace/organisation. 
Details of the goals and objectives of the business. 
Explanation of what the business sees as its corporate responsibilities. 
Vision Statement of the business. 
Organisational policies and standard operating procedures. 
The industrial relations (IR) arrangements the business has agreed to with its workers. 
Where departments are within the business and the location of equipment to be used. 
Where the staff room, lockers and other staff facilities are located. 
The location of other places of business other than the main workplace of the organisation. 
Tour of the entire organisation. 
Handout showing the structure of the business and the relative position of all positions within the organisation (‘organisational chart’). 
The employment instrument they are employed under and the rates of pay they will receive. 
Information relating to their superannuation entitlements. 
When and how wages are paid.           
Job-related work protocols and standard operating procedures. 
Workplace and job-specific safety information. 
SITXHRM010 Recruit select and induct staff


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