
SITXHRM008 Roster staff

26 April 2024 11:12 AM | UPDATED 5 months ago

SITXHRM008 Roster staff:

SITXHRM008 Roster staff

Assessment Task 2B: Project Roster changes

QualificationSIT40521- Certificate IV in Kitchen Management
Unit Code/NameSITXHRM008 – Roster staff
Re-Assessment☐ Yes    ☐ No
Student ID 
Student Name 
Student Email Address                      
Trainer/Assessor Name 
SITXHRM008 Rostering staff

Student Declaration

  • I declare that this is my own original work and I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student(s).
  • I understand that if I am found to have plagiarised, cheated or colluded, action will be taken against me according to the process explained to me.
  • I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks as required.
  • I hold a copy of this assignment and can produce a copy if requested
  • I permit a copy of this marked assignment to be retained or reproduced by the College for benchmarking, course review and accreditation purposes.
  • I am aware of the re-assessment policy and any assessment deemed unsatisfactory will require me to do a re-assessment.
  • I am aware I have the right to appeal an assessment outcome if I disagree with the outcome. I am aware that I have to follow the complaint and appeal process to request a review of the assessment outcome. 
Student signature:__________________________Date_____/_____/_________
SITXHRM008 Rostering staff

Signature is required for the paper-based submission only

Information for students

Knowledge questions are designed to help you demonstrate the knowledge which you have acquired during the learning phase of this unit. Ensure that you:

  • comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide
  • adhere with your RTO’s submission guidelines
  • answer all questions completely and correctly
  • submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced
  • Do not share your answers with other students.
iAssessment information
Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in your Assessment Instruction in Moodle: Check your submission and cut-off in Moodle Assessment task page Write your answer in the text belowThis task is open book.  
SITXHRM008 Rostering staff


Complete the following activities.

This task is a follow-up from Task 2 Part A and is class activity

  1. Roster changes – your attendance is requested for this class activity
The supervisor (your assessor), will provide you with the following messages from three members of staff:   One member of staff is sick. – One casual member of staff has requested extra hours.One member of staff has been called for jury duty. The assessor will let you know which students in your group represent each staff member and provide you with further information on the messages received. Change the roster using the staff requesting extra hours to cover for the two members of staff unavailable.  Ensure that it still meets the roster criteria and the requirements of the Operational policy. Activity to complete and submit: Please Highlight the changes in your roster document (you may use your work study template if you wish), so they are easy to find on the amended roster. Submit the amended Roster in Moodle or below (check with your assessor):Write an email to supervisor as per below instructions. Write an email to the supervisor explaining the changes and why they were made. Inform that you attach the amended roster asking for approval. From: To: Subject: Body:    
SITXHRM008 Rostering staff
  • Communicating the roster
The supervisor has approved the roster.[ST1]  Write an email to the members of staff rostered and cc to your supervisor. In the email you must clearly point out the changes made. From: To: Cc: Subject: Body:   .  
SITXHRM008 Rostering staff
  • Maintaining records
As part of your role you are to record time sheets completed by staff. Provide two members of staff (2 students in your role play group) with a timesheet that you have created. They must complete the timesheet for the first week based on their actual shifts and submit this back to you. Once you have received the timesheet, check the information received against the roster. Insert the 2 Timesheets below:     You are to then maintain the staff records by completing the Staff record template. Enter the required information indicated by the prompts. Ensure that you accurately record all the information to ensure that the member of staff is paid the right amount of money for the hours worked.   STAFF RECORD TEMPLATE Complete this template to record hours for members of staff, checked against the 2 recorded timesheets provided to the 2 team members   Name of staff     Position     Date Shift Hours worked Pay rate Total                                                   Overtime         Leave entitlement         Other         Total amount owed $     Name of staff     Position     Date Shift Hours worked Pay rate Total                               Overtime         Leave entitlement         Other         Total amount owed $
SITXHRM008 Rostering staff
  • Feedback and evaluation: this is a class activity
Meet with your group and discuss the effectiveness of the roster development process. Discuss what worked and what didn’t work. Take notes during the discussion and use these to write an evaluation of the roster development process, including any recommendations or actions required to improve the roster process used. Use the Evaluation report template to guide your response.   Evaluation Report You are to write an evaluation report, addressing all the points below.     Roster Software How well did the software work for your requirements?   What features or functions worked well and what could have been useful that was not available?   How easy was it to use?   Was it clear to staff?   What were the main benefits of using the software, what were the limitations?     Roster development process Provide an evaluation of how successful the roster development process was undertaken. Include any feedback provided during discussions with staff (your role play group).   What could you do to improve the process?   What action do you need to take?     Staffing requirements     How well did you consider the staffing requirements?   Were you able to roster the right amount of staff each shift?   Was there a good mix of skills and combination of staff?   Did you take into consideration social and cultural factors that affect staff rostering?   Was it easy to make the changes and incorporate the necessary skills whilst also meeting operational requirements?     Operational requirements Were you able to met operational requirements such as staffing skills, costs, the amount of staff needed for each shift?   Did you meet the required budget?   What improvements could you make?     Conclusions   What are your overall conclusions?     Do you have any recommendations or actions that you need to take in order to improve the roster development process?  
SITXHRM008 Roster staff

Assessment Task 2B Checklist

Student’s name:
Did the student:Completed successfully?Comments
Consult with colleagues when changing rosters?   
Consider social and cultural needs of staff when changing rosters?   
Listen to and understand messages relating to staff requesting changes for their staff roster?   
Amend staff roster’s due to illness, staff requests and personal commitments?   
Administer and maintain staff records?   
Monitor the effectiveness of rosters through consultation with staff?   
Identify improvements to the roster development process?   
Task outcome:SatisfactoryNot satisfactory
SITXHRM008 Roster staff


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