
SITHKOP013 Plan cooking operations

23 April 2024 12:14 PM | UPDATED 6 months ago

SITHKOP013 Plan cooking operations:

SITHKOP013 Plan cooking operations

  Assessment Manual

SITHKOP013 Plan cooking operations.

Objective of assessments

We are committed to your learning by providing a training and SITHKOP013 Plan cooking operations assessment framework that ensures the knowledge gained through training is translated into practice in your work in the workplace with consistent and competent work performance. The purpose of the assessment process is to assess your ability:

  • to apply skills and knowledge using written and demonstration activities that apply to tasks and activities of a workplace.
  • to translate your learning into your work performance in a workplace through demonstration.
  • to apply skills and knowledge actively, correctly, and consistently for work in a workplace.

Assessment process

The SITHKOP013 Plan cooking operations assessment process is known as competency-based assessment. This means that evidence of your current skills and knowledge will be measured against national standards. Some of the assessment will be concerned with how you apply your skills and knowledge in a workplace, and some in the training room as required by each unit. The assessment tasks have been designed to enable you to demonstrate skills and knowledge application and produce the critical evidence to successfully demonstrate competency at the required standard.

Your assessor will ensure that you are ready for assessment and will explain the assessment process. Your assessment tasks will outline the evidence to be collected and how it will be collected, for example, a written activity, case study, or demonstration and observation. The assessor will also have determined if you have any special needs to be considered during SITHKOP013 Plan cooking operations assessment. Changes can be made to the way SITHKOP013 Plan cooking operations assessment is undertaken to account for special needs and this is called making Reasonable Adjustment provided to you in the assessment guide separately.

Assessment TaskAssessment MethodEvidence Gathering Techniques (Document and observation used to assess you)Where? (Assessment location)When? (Due date)
Assessment Task 1Written Task (Questioning)Written answers of consistent application of knowledgeTraining RoomRefer to timetable
Assessment Task 2Case study and role-playWritten Solutions Observation of your consistent application of skills and knowledge in performance and demonstrationTraining Room (Simulated workplace environment)Refer to timetable  
SITHKOP013 Plan cooking operations

Assessment guide

Your assessment guide that is provided to you will explain the following. Please refer to assessment guide for the following information before commencing your written work and demonstration:

  1. Your responsibilities during the assessment.
  2. Assessor responsibilities during the conduct of assessment.
  3. Your rights to appeal if the SITHKOP013 Plan cooking operations assessment outcome appears as “Not Yet Competent” for one or more assessment tasks.
  4. The process to apply if you already possess the knowledge and skills to be able to demonstrate competence in this unit.
  5. The formats and structure of the written assessment work for submission.
  6. The length, breath and the quantity of your written work, plagiarism, collusion, cheating and how to use references for sources of information.
  7. How to achieve a satisfactory outcome against the criteria for each type of assessment task.
  8. Application of reasonable adjustments where necessary.
  9. Requirements for demonstration, performance for practical assessment tasks and activities.
  10. Your assessment performance with commitment, consistency, clarity, capacity, capability, correctness, and completeness.


  1. Each assessment task provides you with SITHKOP013 Plan cooking operations assessment information that includes answers to what, why, how, when, in what condition, what materials, resources and equipment to use and evidence requirements.
  2. Read the applicable information and if unsure seek clarification from your assessor.
  3. Before and during assessment demonstration and interacting with others, ensure you follow simulated workplace policies and procedures.
  4. Ensure you follow hygiene procedures, social distancing rules and ethics before, during and after assessment tasks and activities.
  5. Undertake your preparation activities and demonstration activities as specified and directed by your assessor.
  6. In any situation during the assessment, if you find that you are unable to perform due to any condition (health or safety), stop your work and inform the assessor of the condition.
  7. Ensure you are obligated with your rights as a candidate and respects the rights of your assessor during the assessment performance.
  8. For interactive and role-play activities, organise role-play settings and individuals for role-play in collaboration with assessor and trainee mates.
  9. Submit your written work when it becomes due and avoid the requirements of extensions.
  10. Use provided self-assessment checklists by checking as you progress in assessment to ensure you do not miss anything that may lead to unsatisfactory outcomes.

Submission specifications

  1. Fill your submission details in the front page of SITHKOP013 Plan cooking operations assessment template separately provided to you and attach any additional documents and any other evidence as specified and required by your assessor.
  2. Follow the institution submission requirements of assessment. I.e., electronic submission (LMS) or hard copy submission or as specified by your assessor for differing assessment situations.

Assessment Location

  • All assessments will be conducted at.

Assessment Preparation

  • Please read through this SITHKOP013 Plan cooking operations assessment thoroughly before beginning any tasks. Ask your assessor for clarification if you have any questions at all.
  • When you have read and understood this unit’s assessment tasks, print out the Candidate Assessment Agreement. Fill it out, sign it, and hand it to your assessor, who will countersign it and then keep it on file.
  • Keep a copy of all of your work, as the work submitted to your assessor will not be returned to you. On rare occasions, in case assignments are lost in the system you may be asked to provide a copy of your work.

Re-assessment/Re-submission opportunities

  • Candidates will be provided feedback on their performance by their Assessor. The feedback will indicate if you have satisfactorily addressed the requirements of each part of this task.
  • If any parts of the task are not satisfactorily completed your assessor will explain why and provide you written feedback along with guidance on what you must undertake to demonstrate satisfactory performance. Re-assessment attempt/ s will be arranged at a later time and date.
  • Candidates have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if they feel they have been dealt with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal.
  • Candidates are encouraged to consult with their assessor prior to attempting this task if they do not understand any part of this task or if they have any learning issues or needs that may hinder them when attempting any part of the SITHKOP013 Plan cooking operations assessment.
  • Overall, you will have only three re-assessment opportunities including re-submission according to our re-assessment policy and procedures. If you failed to gain competency within these three re-assessments opportunities, it will result is re-enrolment for the unit of competency.


Plagiarism is the presentation by a candidate of an assignment that has been copied in whole or in party from another candidate’s work, or from any other source (e.g., Published books or periodicals or internet sites) without due acknowledgement in the text. Candidate should familiarise themselves with the Institution’s policy and procedure (refer to international candidate handbook).

Note: Submitting someone else’s work or ideas as your own is strictly prohibited and any similar online content in your answers will be marked as Not Yet Competent.


Collusion is the presentation by a candidate of an assignment as his/her own work which is in fact the result in whole or part of unauthorised collaboration with another person or persons.

Note: Working together or sharing work with others without authorisation is considered a violation of assessment integrity.


Cheating, or ‘ghost-writing’, is when a learner engages another person to complete work for them, and then submits the work as their own, regardless of money was paid or not. This is also called ‘contract cheating.’

Note: Using unauthorized materials, communication devices, or unfair means to gain an unfair advantage in assessments is strictly forbidden.

Special needs

Candidates with special needs should notify their assessor to request any required adjustments as soon as possible. This will enable the assessor to address the identified needs immediately.

Reasonable Adjustments.

Please refer to Reasonable Adjustments Policy and Procedure provided to you on assessment guide for this qualification.

Process for Implementing Reasonable Adjustments:

  • Disclosure: Learners should disclose their disabilities or specific learning needs to the relevant college staff, such as the disability support services or their trainers, in a confidential manner.
  • Assessment Needs Assessment: An assessment needs assessment will be conducted for learners who disclose disabilities or specific learning needs to identify appropriate reasonable adjustments. This assessment may involve reviewing documentation, consulting with relevant professionals, and considering the learner’s input.
  • Reasonable Adjustments: Based on the assessment needs assessment, appropriate reasonable adjustments will be determined, which may include but are not limited to: a. Adjusting assessment methods, such as providing additional time or allowing the use of assistive technologies. b. Modifying assessment conditions, such as providing a quiet and comfortable environment or allowing breaks during assessments. c. Providing alternative assessment formats or tasks that align with the learner’s abilities and learning needs.
  • Documentation and Communication: Reasonable adjustments, along with the rationale and agreed arrangements, will be documented in the learner’s individual learning plan or assessment plan. Clear communication of the adjustments will be provided to the learner, trainers, assessors, and relevant staff involved in the assessment process.
  • Review and Evaluation: The effectiveness of the reasonable adjustments will be regularly reviewed and evaluated to ensure their ongoing relevance and suitability. Adjustments may be modified or updated based on learner feedback, changes in the learner’s circumstances, or emerging needs.

Assessment ‘written work’ submission

Use assessment template provided to you for submission and attach any additional documents and any other evidence as specified and required by your assessor. If you fail to fill out your name, your student number and dates including assessment completion dates, your submission will be considered as not authentic and not current according to ‘rules of evidence’ requirement and your submission will not be marked and assessment outcome will be marked as ‘Not Satisfactory’ or ‘Not Yet Competent.’

Competency outcome

There are two outcomes of SITHKOP013 Plan cooking operations assessments: Satisfactory and Not Satisfactory (If not satisfactory, learner requires more training and learning). Once the candidate has completed all the tasks for the unit, the candidate will be awarded “Competent” (C). If you are deemed not satisfactory, your status will be marked as “Not yet Competent” (NYC) for the relevant unit of competency. If you are deemed “Not Yet Competent” you will be provided with feedback from your assessor and will be given another chance for reassessment or resubmit your assessment task(s). You will be provided with maximum three attempts for the unit of competency.

Assessment appeals

  • If you do not agree with an assessment decision, you can make an assessment appeal as per college assessment appeals process.
  • Candidates have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if they feel they have been dealt with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal.


DefineLength approximately 4 typed lines = 50 words.
IdentifyWrite dot points of the number of items to identify according to the question.
OutlineSummarise in a line or set of lines the required number of items or develop appropriate meaningful answers according to the question but not in detail.
Identify and briefly describeIdentify in dot points and provide a description of each with a minimum of 4 typed lines = 50 words.
DescribeProvide a description with minimum 8 typed lines = 100 – 150 words or appropriately described to provide a meaningful answer with consistent knowledge application in length according to the question.
ExplainExplain the procedure with minimum 8 typed lines = 100 – 150 words or appropriately explain to provide a meaningful answer with consistent knowledge application in length according to the question.
Distinguish / differentiateDistinguish means recognise or treat (someone or something) as different. To differentiate is to show or find the difference between things which are compared. It simply means that they are not the same but does not qualify them as being unique and possibly not related.  Length approximately 4 – 8 typed lines = 50 – 100 words for each question.
What?This is to assess your knowledge of something related to the subject area asking you to specify one or more things related to what is being asked in the question. This is generally asking for a short answer for which you need to provide a short description answering the question where the reader understands the answer to the question. Approx. 4 – 8 lines = 100 – 150 words.
How?This method of question is to assess your ability to explain or describe the ways, methods, manner, procedure, or process of something related to the question being asked. You need to provide sufficient description of how (ways, methods, manner, procedure, or process) it can be performed for the reader to understand the ways or procedure. Approx. 4 – 8 lines = 100 – 150 words.
Why?This question is to assess your knowledge of something and the purpose of it. You need to provide sufficient description of why (the purpose/objective or aim) it is used for the reader to understand the reason or purpose of it. Approx. 4 – 8 lines = 100 – 150 words.
SITHKOP013 Plan cooking operations


Written Task – Questioning

You are required to read the following assessment information, requirements, and instructions before commencing. Ensure you follow the terms and conditions applied in undertaking written task during the assessment as specified and facilitated by your assessor.

Assessment InformationDescription
1Assessment methodWritten questioning
2Assessment typeSummative
3Assessment description (What?)This SITHKOP013 Plan cooking operations assessment task is a written task for which you are required to provide written answer solutions to the questions demonstrating your knowledge application to plan the production of food in commercial kitchens. Read the following information related to your assessment to prepare and perform to provide evidence of your knowledge.  
4Purpose (objective) of the assessment (Why?)To gather evidence of your ability to apply knowledge consistently to plan the production of food in commercial kitchens.  
5Assessment Instructions (How?)  Read the theoretical component of the learner workbook.Conduct research and review literature relevant to the unit. Provide answer solutions to each question using your own words. Note: do not just copy past the answers from other materials. You may refer to learning materials and other sources of information as agreed by your assessor.You may word-process your answers using MS Word /Mac document.The assessment is due for completion on the date/s and time/s. specified by your assessor. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.Submit your work with any required evidence attached. See the specifications below for details of submission requirements. Read the following requirements for this assessment completion:  
6Assessment date/s and timing/s (When?)This SITHKOP013 Plan cooking operations assessment will be conducted according to the training delivery session plan. Assessor will specify the timings of assessment and submission of evidence. Time allowed for the assessment is 3 hours within 20 hours of training delivery of week 2.
7Specifications (What structure, format, and demonstration)    Write answer solutions to all the questions using word-processed documents. Provide specified length and numbers mentioned in each question.Use the assessment template provided to you and submit the answers with your name, student ID, unit name/code, date of submission and assessor name on the front page of assessment submission template.If a separate word-process document is attached for your additional responses, include header (unit name/code) and footer (page no. student name and ID).
8Assessment context (Where and in what condition)  SITHKOP013 Plan cooking operations Assessment is conducted in the training room and safe environment where you are required to provide answer solutions to the questions using the assessment template in a word-processed document with evidence that demonstrates consistent knowledge application.
9Required resources (What resources, equipment, tools, and materials)Assessment task with instruction and assessment informationLearner workbook and other training handouts if or as allowed by your assessor.Computer with Internet access. Word-process software (MS Word/Mac).Workspace, table, chair, and stationery.
10Evidence requirements/ (What assessor is looking for)To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, you must prove application of knowledge consistently relevant to vocational contexts and: Provide answers to all the questions using the assessment template provided to you for submission.Answers must be with appropriate and sufficient length by following SITHKOP013 Plan cooking operations assessment guidelines for written tasks above.Answers must be relevant to the question and its sub parts.Your assessor may verbally assess to confirm your knowledge application in case your answer is not sufficient or partly incorrect or not clear to one or more questions.  
SITHKOP013 Plan cooking operations

Your Task – Write answers (Knowledge Application)

The following is a set of knowledge-based questions. Read the text section ‘introduction’ in the learner workbook, refer to training undertaken and provide your answer solutions to the following questions using your own words to demonstrate your consistent knowledge application.

Ensure you answer all the following questions using the length guidelines above and quantity requirements applicable for the following relevant questions using the SITHKOP013 Plan cooking operations assessment template provided to you for submission.

Note: Some questions will ask you to answer to more than one specific area. Read the question carefully and understand what exactly the question is about. When you understand the question clearly, you are already there with the right answer. Do not copy paste text from online sources or any other sources for which your answers will be marked as ‘not satisfactory’, and assessor will provide you negative feedback.


  1. Briefly describe the following contents of food production plans:
  1. Mise en place lists.
    1. Equipment lists.
    1. Purchase order.
    1. Staff allocations.
SITHKOP013 Plan cooking operations
  1. Receiving,
    1. Mise en place,
    1. Preparing,
    1. Cooking.
    1. Food storage.
    1. Reconstitution.
    1. Re-thermalisation.
    1. Serving.
SITHKOP013 Plan cooking operations
SITHKOP013 Plan cooking operations
  1. À la carte.
    1. Buffet.
    1. Set menu or table d’hôte.
    1. Bulk cooking operations.
    1. Functions or events.
SITHKOP013 Plan cooking operations
  1. Meal quantities required.
    1. Menu items.
    1. Organisational standards.
    1. Portion control.
    1. Special dietary requirements.
    1. Special customer requests.
    1. Standard recipes.
    1. Timeframe.
SITHKOP013 Plan cooking operations
  1. Ordering direct from suppliers.
    1. Ordering through a central stock ordering system.
Top of Form  
References Provide references to education materials of other authors, sources, and writers you have used to develop your answers. A reference list lists only the sources you refer to in your writing. The purpose of the reference list is to allow your sources to be found by your reader (assessor). It also gives credit to authors you have consulted for their ideas. It helps you to avoid plagiarism by making it clear which ideas are your own and which are someone else’s, shows your understanding of the topic, gives supporting evidence for your ideas, arguments, and opinions. allows others to identify the sources you have used.
SITHKOP013 Plan cooking operations

Assessment Task 2 – Case Study

                                                             (Includes role-plays)                                   

Develop a food production plan.

You are required to read the following assessment information, requirements, and instructions before commencing. This task has simulated workplace reference. Ensure you access the simulated workplace resources (planning documents, policies, and procedures etc.), equipment, applicable legislation, regulation, standards, and code of conduct during the assessment as specified and facilitated by your assessor.

Assessment InformationDescription
1Assessment MethodCase study (simulated workplace)
2Assessment TypeSummative
3Assessment Description (What?)This SITHKOP013 Plan cooking operations assessment task is a case study for you to perform in vocational context to plan the production of food in commercial kitchens. You are required to analyse the case scenario and provide written solutions to task activities by demonstrating applicable foundation skills and knowledge application in a vocational environment. You must also provide performance solutions by demonstrating application of skills to specific activities and role-play activities relevant to case study in role-plays as agreed by your assessor. You must read the following information related to your SITHKOP013 Plan cooking operations assessment to prepare and perform in order to consistently provide evidence of your skills and knowledge application related to the unit of competency.
4Purpose (objective) of the Assessment (Why?)To gather evidence of your ability to apply skills and knowledge consistently to plan the production of food in commercial kitchens.
5Assessment Instructions (How?)    Review the skills application section/s of the learner workbook.Read the task performance requirements and foundation skills application for each task activity.Conduct research and review literature relevant to the unit. Provide solutions to each written and performance activity using skills and knowledge and demonstrating your foundation skills. Note: Use word-process document for written activities to provide written evidence as specified in the task. you may use MS Word /Mac documents for your written evidence. This task requires you to play roles. As specified and agreed by your assessor, role-play the relevant activities demonstrating relevant skills.The assessment is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.Submit your work with any required evidence attached. See the specifications below for details of submission requirements. Continue to read the following assessment requirements:
6Assessment Date/s and Timing/s (When?)This SITHKOP013 Plan cooking operations assessment will be conducted according to the training delivery session plan. Assessor will specify the timings for assessment and evidence submission date/s and timing/s. Time allowed for the assessment completion is 4 hours within 20 hours of training delivery of the week according to assessment plan.
7Specifications (What structure, format, and demonstration)Provide written solutions to all the case study activities and questions using assessment submission template provided to you along with the assessment manual. You may use MS Word /Mac document (Word-processed documents) for solutions. Provide specified length and numbers mentioned in each written activity.For role-play activities, play the role as specified by your assessor demonstrating foundation skills and knowledge application while being observed by your assessor.Submit the written activities with your name, student ID, unit name unit code, date of submission and assessor name on the cover page of assessment template. Ensure unit name/code and footer (page number, student name and student ID number) are included.
8Assessment Context (Where and in what condition)  SITHKOP013 Plan cooking operations Assessment is conducted in the training room simulated and safe environment that reflects a real workplace where you must perform consistently applying skills and knowledge. You must also provide written solutions to the activities in the assessment template (Word-processed document) with evidence that demonstrates consistent skills and knowledge application in various conditions specified in the assessment task. Assessed in a simulated off-the-job situation that reflects the real workplace.
9Required Resources (What resources, equipment, tools, and materials)SITHKOP013 Plan cooking operations Assessment task with instruction and assessment informationLearner workbook and other training handouts.Access to simulated workplace business equipment and resources.Access to simulated workplace policies and procedures.Computer with Internet access word-process software (MS Word/Mac).Workspace, table/s, chair/s, and stationery as required.Case study and/or real workplace scenarioAccess to relevant legislation, regulations, standards, and code of practiceSpecified timing for assessment. Additional task specific resources described in the task.
10Evidence Requirements (What assessor is looking for)To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, you must demonstrate consistent performance and provide evidence of your ability to provide leadership for a program of work. During above, you must: Provide written solutions to all the case study activities reflecting vocational application,Demonstrate performance and role-play activities consistently applying foundation skills and,Demonstrate consultation and communication effectively with relevant stakeholders (assessor and fellow trainees in role-plays).
SITHKOP013 Plan cooking operations

Case Study (Skills and Knowledge Application)

Using the simulated workplace and the scenario in the appendix, provide solutions to plan the production of food in the commercial kitchen and organise required food supplies for food production and supervise food production processes.

Your role

Your role is the senior chef of MKKR (Simulated commercial kitchen) who operate independently or with limited guidance from others. You work with food production personnel that include other candidates in the kitchen including your assessor.

Your Task

Complete the following workplace activities demonstrating skills and knowledge to plan the production of food in commercial kitchens:

  1. Produce a food production plan for the following various food service styles for My Kind of Kitchen & Restaurant (MKKR) by taking responsibility for kitchen management and quality output.
    1. À la carte.
    1. Buffet.
    1. Set menu or table d’hôte.
    1. Bulk cooking operations.
    1. Functions or events.
  2. During the food production planning for above food service styles, perform and demonstrate the following task activities:
    1. Read the case study and determine the specific food production requirements for My Kind of Kitchen & Restaurant (MKKR).
    1. Select appropriate food production processes to uphold the nutritional value, quality, and structure of foods served at MKKR.
    1. Choose the most suitable in-house food production system that aligns with the food production requirements of MKKR food production policy and procedure.
    1. Compile a set of standard recipes for the use of food production personnel at MKKR.
    1. Develop comprehensive mise en place lists for food production at MKKR, considering the menu and food volume requirements.
    1. Calculate the necessary food supplies required for food production at MKKR.
    1. Prepare and complete purchase orders for stock as required by MKKR.
    1. Create a list of the essential equipment needed for food production at MKKR.
    1. Document the food production processes at MKKR to ensure adherence to food safety standards.
  3. Teamwork. Refer to teamwork brief below to undertake the following team tasks.
    1. Allocate job tasks and assign staff members in a manner that maximizes teamwork and efficiency at MKKR.
    1. Plan the production sequence of food items at MKKR to facilitate a smooth workflow, minimize delays, and ensure safe storage of food.
  4. Role—play task. Refer to role-play brief below for instructions. Meet with your assessor (Role-played as food production personnel) and present your food production plan for above food service style and:
    1. provide instructions according to your food production plan and how you sequence the stages of food preparation and production for a whole of kitchen operation.
    1. Seek feedback and respond to feedback from the assessor (food production personnel) by asking questions to clarify.

Teamwork Brief.


The objective of this teamwork activity is to allocate job tasks and assign staff members in a manner that maximizes teamwork and efficiency at My Kind of Kitchen & Restaurant (MKKR). Additionally, the activity aims to plan the production sequence of food items at MKKR to facilitate a smooth workflow, minimize delays, and ensure safe storage of food.


Allocate Job Tasks and Assign Staff Members:

  1. Review the current staff members’ skill sets, strengths, and availability.
    1. Consider the specific requirements of each job task, considering the individual capabilities and experience of the staff members.
    1. Allocate job tasks to staff members, ensuring a balanced distribution of responsibilities and considering workload distribution and efficiency.
    1. Communicate the assigned job tasks clearly to each staff member, outlining expectations and any necessary instructions or guidelines.
    1. Encourage open communication and collaboration among the team members, fostering a positive and supportive teamwork environment.
    1. Regularly monitor and assess the progress and performance of staff members, providing feedback, guidance, and support as needed.

Plan Production Sequence of Food Items:

  1. Analyse the menu and its components, considering the preparation time, cooking requirements, and assembly processes for each food item.
  2. Determine the optimal sequence for food preparation and production to minimize delays, ensure timely service, and maintain food quality.
  3. Consider any interdependencies between different food items or stations, ensuring a smooth workflow and coordination among the staff members.
  4. Take into account the available kitchen equipment, space, and resources when planning the production sequence.
  5. Communicate the production sequence to the kitchen staff, emphasizing the importance of following the established order for efficiency and teamwork.
  6. Continuously monitor the production process, addressing any bottlenecks or issues that may arise, and making necessary adjustments as required.
  7. Ensure that safe storage practices are followed, including proper labelling, storage temperature control, and rotation of perishable items.

Note: Throughout the teamwork activity, emphasize the importance of effective communication, collaboration, and mutual support among the staff members. Encourage a positive and respectful team environment that fosters innovation, problem-solving, and efficiency. Regularly evaluate the allocation of job tasks and the production sequence to identify opportunities for improvement and adapt to changing circumstances.

Role-play Brief

This part is a role-play where you must organise role-play settings as agreed and facilitated by your assessor for a consultation meeting including training room place, tables, chairs, a computer with Internet, papers, pens, and any other resources as required.

Details of the task being observedYou undertake the active part of the task participating and using oral communication skills in a consultation meeting with relevant managers.
Assumptions to be madeYour assessor plays the role of other food production personnel.
Persons involvedYou, assessor, and any other learner chosen by your assessor for a role of food production personnel.
Involvement and contribution from role-play participants.Respond to the role-player with responses according to case study information and the role-play brief. Assessor is to respond according to food production plan of the candidate and presentation of it.
Timing for the role-play:7 – 10 minutes per candidate plus your assessor will decide any additional time required based on your participation behaviour and ability to perform
Conditions under which the observation is conductedSkills in this assessment are demonstrated by the candidate and observed by assessor in a simulated environment where the conditions are typical of those in a working environment in this industry. This includes access to: Workplace or simulated workplace policies and proceduresrelevant legislation, regulations, standards, and codes workplace documentation and resources relevant to required performance evidence.
Observation to be conductedIn this role play you must portray an assigned role as a way of experiencing that role by performing the following assessment task activities. While you are portraying the assigned roles, assessor will observe and analyse application of skills and the performance behaviour and mark competency accordingly.
Foundation skills and observable application of skills.  Take the lead role and communicate effectively.Present your food production plan.Clearly explaining the stages of food preparation and production for the chosen food service style.Actively listen to the feedback provided by the food production personnel.Ask follow-up questions to ensure a clear understanding.Engage in a constructive discussion with the food production personnel.Summarize the key points discussed and acknowledge the feedback received.
SITHKOP013 Plan cooking operations

Role-Play Brief: Food Production Plan Presentation and Feedback Session


  • Food Production Personnel (Assessor)
  • My Kind of Kitchen & Restaurant (You)


The objective of this role-play activity is to present your food production plan for a specific food service style (e.g., à la carte, buffet, set menu) to the food production personnel (assessor) and seek feedback. The focus is on effectively communicating your plan, addressing any clarifications or concerns raised by the assessor, and incorporating feedback into the plan.


You have been tasked with presenting your food production plan for a specific food service style to the food production personnel. The plan should include instructions on the stages of food preparation and production for a whole kitchen operation. The assessor will play the role of the food production personnel, providing feedback and responding to any questions you may have.



  • Review the requirements and characteristics of the specific food service style (e.g., à la carte, buffet, set menu).
  • Develop a comprehensive food production plan that includes instructions for each stage of food preparation and production.
  • Anticipate potential questions or concerns that the food production personnel may have regarding the plan.

Role-Play Meeting:

  • Begin the meeting by greeting the food production personnel and expressing appreciation for their time.
  • Present your food production plan, clearly explaining the stages of food preparation and production for the chosen food service style.
  • Provide detailed instructions, including techniques, timings, and specific considerations for each stage.
  • Encourage the food production personnel to ask questions and seek clarification on any aspects of the plan.
  • Actively listen to the feedback provided by the food production personnel and respond with professionalism and openness.
  • Ask follow-up questions to ensure a clear understanding of the feedback and to address any areas that require further clarification.
  • Seek suggestions or recommendations from the food production personnel on potential improvements or adjustments to the plan.
  • Engage in a constructive discussion with the food production personnel, exploring potential solutions and incorporating their feedback into the plan where appropriate.
  • Summarize the key points discussed, acknowledging the feedback received and expressing gratitude for their input.


  • After the role-play activity, reflect on the meeting and the feedback received from the food production personnel.
  • Discuss the effectiveness of your presentation, the clarity of your instructions, and your ability to address the feedback provided.
  • Seek additional feedback from the assessor on your performance and areas for further improvement.

Note: During the role-play, focus on effective communication, active listening, and adaptability in response to feedback. Demonstrate a collaborative approach, seeking clarification and incorporating suggestions from the food production personnel to enhance the food production plan.

—End of Case Study Task Activities—

Appendix 1

Simulated Commercial Kitchen

My Kind of Kitchen & Restaurant (MKKR)

My Kind of Kitchen & Restaurant is a 60 seat fine-dining restaurant with a 20-seat lounge. We focus on our New Australian-Swedish menu with a touch of Asian influence. MKK is located in the booming, and rapidly expanding, borough of St Kilda, Melbourne ‘on the shore.’

The menu will be inspired from different countries’ specialties and appeal to a diverse clientele. You can get Swedish specialties like herring, gravlax, and meatballs, or you can go a little bit more International and choose a red curry chicken with basmati rice, or an Asian grilled shrimp with spinach, tofu, and black bean sauce. We will also have a special pasta dish entree every day plus the ‘all Australian meal’ such as barbecue beef ribs and baked beans. Adding value will be an interesting business lunch menu with specialties every day. The menu will change every 3-4 months but keep the favourites. Prices will be competitive with other upscale restaurants in the area. However, it is the strategy of My Kind of Kitchen & Restaurant to give a perception of higher value than its competitors, through its food, service, and entertainment.

Food Productions requirements at MKKR:

À la carte: Scenario: MKKR offers an à la carte menu with a variety of dishes.

  • Average daily customer count: 100.
  • Duration of service: 6 hours.
  • Key dishes: Grilled Salmon, Beef Tenderloin, Mushroom Risotto, Chocolate Lava Cake.
  • Ingredient quantities per dish (based on one serving):
    • Grilled Salmon: 150g salmon fillet, 100g mixed vegetables, 50g mashed potatoes.
    • Beef Tenderloin: 200g beef tenderloin, 100g roasted potatoes, 50g sautéed vegetables.
    • Mushroom Risotto: 150g Arborio rice, 100g mixed mushrooms, 50g Parmesan cheese.
    • Chocolate Lava Cake: 1 individual-sized cake, 30g vanilla ice cream, 20g raspberry coulis.


Scenario: MKKR hosts a buffet-style event with a variety of dishes.

  • Expected guest count: 150.
  • Duration of buffet service: 3 hours.
  • Key dishes: Herb-roasted Chicken, Roasted Vegetables, Pasta Alfredo, Fresh Salad.
  • Ingredient quantities per dish (based on average portion size):
    • Herb-roasted Chicken: 200g chicken per person, 100g mixed herbs for marinade
    • Roasted Vegetables: 150g mixed vegetables per person (carrots, bell peppers, zucchini, etc.), 50g olive oil, 20g seasoning.
    • Pasta Alfredo: 100g pasta per person, 50g cream sauce, 30g grated Parmesan cheese.
    • Fresh Salad: 100g mixed greens per person, 50g salad dressing, 20g assorted toppings (cherry tomatoes, cucumber, etc.).

Set Menu or Table d’hôte:

Scenario: MKKR offers a set menu for a special dining experience.

  • Number of guests: 50.
  • Duration of service: 4 hours.
  • Set Menu:
  • Appetizer: Caprese Salad (50 portions).
  • Main Course: Grilled Steak with Red Wine Sauce (50 portions).
  • Side Dish: Truffle Mashed Potatoes (50 portions).
  • Dessert: Crème Brulé (50 portions)
  • Ingredient quantities for the set menu (based on one serving):
    • Caprese Salad: 100g fresh mozzarella, 100g cherry tomatoes, 20g basil leaves
    • Grilled Steak: 200g beef steak, 50ml red wine sauce
    • Truffle Mashed Potatoes: 150g mashed potatoes, 10g truffle oil, 20g butter
    • Crème Brûlée: 1 individual-sized serving, 10g sugar for caramelizing

Bulk Cooking Operations:

Scenario: MKKR needs to prepare large quantities of a dish for catering orders.

  • Order quantity: 200 servings of Chicken Curry
  • Cooking method: Stovetop
  • Ingredient quantities per serving:
  • Chicken: 150g boneless chicken pieces
  • Curry Sauce: 200ml curry sauce, 50g onion, 20g garlic, 20g ginger, 10g spices (curry powder, turmeric, cumin, etc.)
  • Accompaniments: 100g cooked basmati rice per serving, 50g naan bread per serving

Functions or Events:

Scenario: MKKR is hosting a corporate event with a customized menu.

  • Number of attendees: 80
  • Duration of the event: 5 hours
  • Customized Menu:
  • Canapé: Smoked Salmon Canapé (80 pieces).
  • Main Course: Chicken Marsala (80 portions).
  • Side Dish: Roasted Vegetables (80 portions).
  • Dessert: Mini Fruit Tarts (80 pieces).
  • Ingredient quantities for the customized menu (based on one serving or piece):
    • Smoked Salmon Canapé: 1 canapé per person, 10g smoked salmon, 5g cream cheese, 5g dill.
    • Chicken Marsala: 200g chicken per portion, 50ml Marsala sauce.
    • Roasted Vegetables: 150g mixed vegetables per portion (carrots, bell peppers, zucchini, etc.), 30g olive oil, 15g seasoning.
    • Mini Fruit Tarts: 1 mini fruit tart per person, 10g pastry shell, 10g pastry cream, assorted fruits for topping.

Food Production Planning Policy and Procedure


The purpose of this Food Production Planning Policy and Procedure is to establish guidelines for efficient and effective food production planning at MKKR. It aims to ensure that all food items are prepared and produced in a timely manner, meet quality and safety standards, and align with customer expectations.


This policy and procedure apply to all staff members involved in food production planning at MKKR, including kitchen staff, chefs, and management. It encompasses the planning, preparation, cooking, assembly, and storage of food items served at MKKR.



  • Develop and maintain the Food Production Planning Policy and Procedure.
  • Communicate and enforce the policy and procedure to all staff members.
  • Provide necessary resources and training to support effective food production planning.
  • Monitor compliance with the policy and procedure and address any non-compliance issues.

Kitchen Staff and Chefs:

  • Adhere to the Food Production Planning Policy and Procedure in all food production activities.
  • Collaborate with management to develop accurate and realistic production plans.
  • Follow standard recipes, portion sizes, and cooking techniques specified in the procedure.
  • Monitor ingredient inventory and report any shortages or quality concerns promptly.
  • Maintain a clean and organized work area to ensure safe and efficient food production.


MKKR is committed to maintaining high standards of food production planning to deliver exceptional dining experiences to our customers. We prioritize efficiency, quality, and food safety in all stages of the production process. Our policy includes:

Menu Analysis and Planning:

  1. Regularly analyse and update the menu to meet customer preferences and market trends.
    1. Consider ingredient availability, seasonality, and cost-effectiveness when planning menu items.
    1. Collaborate with kitchen staff to ensure feasible and efficient production plans for each menu item.
  2. Standardized Recipes:
    1. Develop and maintain a library of standardized recipes for consistent food quality.
    1. Document accurate measurements, cooking techniques, and plating instructions in recipes.
    1. Review and update recipes as needed to reflect changes in ingredients or cooking methods.
  3. Inventory Management:
    1. Regularly monitor ingredient inventory levels and update procurement requirements.
    1. Minimize waste by using effective portion control and rotation techniques.
    1. Maintain relationships with reliable suppliers to ensure timely and quality ingredient deliveries.


Menu Planning:

  • Analyse market trends, customer preferences, and ingredient availability.
  • Collaborate with management and kitchen staff to design a diverse and appealing menu.
  • Consider food production capabilities, equipment availability, and staffing levels when finalizing the menu.

Production Planning:

  • Evaluate customer demand, forecast expected sales, and estimate required food quantities.
  • Determine production timelines, including pre-preparation, cooking, and assembly stages.
  • Allocate resources, such as staff, equipment, and ingredients, based on production requirements.

Recipe Standardization:

  • Document standardized recipes for all menu items, including ingredients, measurements, and methods.
  • Train kitchen staff on the correct execution of recipes and portion sizes.
  • Regularly review and update recipes to reflect changes in ingredients or techniques.

Inventory Control:

  • Conduct regular inventory checks to ensure sufficient stock levels and minimize wastage.
  • Establish clear procedures for ordering, receiving, and storing ingredients.
  • Follow proper storage and rotation practices to maintain ingredient freshness and quality.

Relevant Documents:

  • Menu Analysis and Planning Worksheets.
  • Standardized Recipe Manual.
  • Inventory Control Spreadsheet.
  • Purchase Order Forms.
  • Food Production Schedule Template.

Legislation/Food Standards:

MKKR complies with all relevant legislation and food standards in Australia, including but not limited to:

  • Food Act (2003) and its associated regulations.
  • Food Standards Code, including the Food Safety Standards and Food Standards for Labelling and Advertising.

Food Preparation Policy and Procedure


The purpose of this policy is to communicate the responsibilities and provide guidelines for food preparation processes, cooking processes, and managing food safety risks.


This policy applies to all employees specifically, those employed in kitchen and those engage in food preparation, cooking, storage, and food serving.


When you are preparing food, you need to consider two main food safety issues: keeping the food protected from contamination and, if the food is potentially hazardous, keeping it cold (5°C or colder) or hot (60°C or hotter). Food safety is a primary concern for our commercial kitchen. In order to minimize cross-contamination, mitigate incidents of food-borne illnesses and to ensure employee, guest and customer health and safety, the employer has established strict food safety policies and procedures to be adhered to by all kitchen and restaurant staff as well as individuals using the staff room and its refrigerators to store food for personal consumption. The adherence to proper food storage protocols is the responsibility of all employees, regardless of whether or not they are employed in the kitchen and/or restaurant areas, and food transporting and storing. Key requirements include:

  • Food must be safely prepared, stored, and displayed.
  • Food handlers must be aware of the temperature danger zone.
  • Cross-contamination can result in food poisoning and must be avoided.
  • Pre-prepared and ready-to-eat food must be labelled properly, so the food stays safe to eat.

Legislation and regulations

  • Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code (FSANZ)
  • Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991
  • Food Standards Australia New Zealand Regulations 1994
  • Imported Food Control Act 1992.
  • VIC – Food Act 1984.


Safe food preparation

To safely prepare food, you should follow the following procedures:

  • keep raw foods and ready-to-eat foods separate to avoid cross-contamination
  • use separate, clean utensils and cutting boards for raw foods and ready-to-eat foods, or wash and sanitise utensils and cutting boards between uses
  • thoroughly clean, sanitise and dry cutting boards, knives, pans, plates, containers, and other utensils after using them
  • thoroughly rinse all fruit and vegetables in clean water to remove soil, bacteria, insects, and chemicals
  • make sure food is thoroughly cooked and the centre of the cooked food has reached 75 °C
  • avoid leaving recently cooked food out to cool for more than 1 hour; as soon as food has cooled, place it in the refrigerator
  • know about and avoid the temperature danger zone – Bacteria grow quickly in high-risk foods that are kept at temperatures between 5 °C and 60 °C.
  • thaw frozen food on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator to keep it out of the temperature danger zone
  • take extra care when preparing foods that contain raw eggs – such as egg nog, homemade mayonnaise, and aioli – because bacteria on the eggshells can contaminate the food
  • be trained in safe food handling and preparation.

Safe food storage and display

To safely store and display food, you should follow the following procedures:

  • keep raw foods and ready-to-eat foods separate, to avoid cross-contamination
  • store food in clean, food-grade storage containers
  • don’t store food in opened cans
  • make sure food storage containers have not been used to store things other than food, and wash and sanitise them before use
  • don’t reuse containers that are only meant to be used once
  • if a reusable container is in poor condition, throw it out
  • cover food with tight-fitting lids, foil, or plastic film, to protect the food from dust, insects, and cross-contamination.
  • wash and rinse any garnishes used on food
  • store food in areas specially designed for food storage, such as refrigerators, cool rooms, pantries, and food storerooms.
  • never store food on the floor or on pallets, or in areas containing chemicals, cleaning equipment, clothing, or personal belongings
  • remove and avoid using foods that are past their use-by dates, spoilt, or are in damaged containers or packaging
  • know about and avoid the temperature danger zone – Bacteria grow quickly in high-risk foods that are kept at temperatures between 5 °C and 60 °C.
  • be trained in safe food handling and preparation.


  • Raw food must be kept separate from cooked and ready-to-eat food. Raw food may contain bacteria, which causes food poisoning.
  • Cross-contamination happens when cooked or ready-to-eat food contacts raw food. Raw food should always be stored below ready-to-eat or cooked food in refrigerators and display cabinets. This way, juices from the raw food cannot drip onto cooked food.
  • Cross-contamination can also happen if you use dirty knives, chopping boards or other equipment. If possible, don’t use the same equipment when preparing raw food, and cooked and ready-to-eat food. Thoroughly clean and sanitise equipment after each use.
  • Bacteria can be transferred to food from your hands. Thoroughly wash and dry your hands before handling food, and between handling raw food and cooked or ready-to-eat food. Also use clean, sanitised utensils (tongs, spoons, spatulas) to handle cooked or ready-to-eat food.


Disposable gloves can help prevent cross-contamination. The same precautions should be taken when handling raw food and cooked or ready-to-eat foods. Wash and dry your hands thoroughly before putting on gloves, and always use fresh gloves.

Change your gloves:

  • at least once every hour
  • if they become contaminated
  • if they tear
  • when switching between handling raw and ready-to-eat foods
  • when changing tasks
  • after taking the rubbish out
  • after sweeping, mopping, and cleaning.

Temperature danger zone

The temperature danger zone is between 5 °C and 60 °C. Bacteria grow quickly in high-risk foods that are kept in this temperature range. If food is kept within the temperature danger zone for 4 hours or more, throw it out.

Cold food storage

You need to keep cold foods at 5 °C or colder and keep frozen foods frozen solid during storage at –15 °C or colder. Cool rooms, refrigerators and freezers must have proper thermometers, and temperatures should be checked regularly.

Hot food preparation and display

  • Hot food must be kept at 60 °C or hotter. Bains-marie and other hot food holders are designed to keep food at this temperature.
  • Do not use bains-marie and similar equipment to heat food. If this equipment is used for heating food, the food will spend too long in the temperature danger zone.
  • Before placing food in the bain-marie, make sure the food is thoroughly cooked. Ensure that the centre of the cooked food has reached 75 °C. Most bacteria are killed when food is cooked properly.

Some tips for safely using bains-marie include:

  • preheat bains-marie before use and operate them on the highest temperature setting
  • make sure the temperature of the food does not fall below 60 °C
  • use a clean thermometer to check the temperature of the food
  • do not overfill bain-marie trays, because the temperature of the food could fall below 60 °C.

Cooling food

  • Food that has been cooked should not be left out to cool for more than 1 hour. As soon as food has cooled, place it in the refrigerator or freezer.
  • Note that large portions of food cool faster if divided into smaller portions.

Thawing frozen food

  • Be sure to keep frozen food frozen solid while it is in the freezer.
  • Thaw food thoroughly before cooking. Bacteria can grow in frozen food while it is thawing, so keep frozen food out of the temperature danger zone. To do this, thaw frozen food on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator (so the juices do not drip onto other foods) and keep it in the fridge until it is ready to be cooked.
  • If using a microwave oven to thaw food, cook it immediately after defrosting.
  • If you have to cook food that is still frozen, make sure that the food is cooked right through, and that its core temperature reaches 75 °C.
  • Do not refreeze food that has been frozen and thawed already. Freezing does not kill bacteria, and live bacteria are still in food when it is thawed again.

Food serving and labelling

  • Store food in clean, food-grade storage containers that are strong enough for the food they contain. If containers are reusable, wash and sanitise them before using them. Do not reuse containers that are only meant to be used once.
  • Food labels or tags can carry bacteria. For cooked and ready-to-eat food, use tags or labels on the trays or containers, and not on the food itself. Be sure not to pierce cooked or ready-to-eat food with tags or labels.
  • When serving food, make sure that all cutlery and crockery is clean and undamaged.

Source: adapted from:

Food Safety and Hygiene Policy and procedure


The purpose of this document is to provide a framework which ensures that all food served within commercial kitchen is as safe as possible and that we use processes which support this and enable us to be compliant with the law. This policy will provide guidelines for: effective food safety practices at Barwon Child, Youth & Family that comply with legislative requirements and meet best practice standards minimising the risk to


 This policy applies to all individuals involved in handling, preparing, storing, and serving food for consumption at our commercial kitchen

Aim of the Policy

This policy is intended to:

  • ensure that service users benefit from having food provided for them that is of high quality, well presented and prepared and is nutritionally sound
  • ensure that those with special dietary needs are supported
  • protect staff and service users from food-related illness.

Policy statement

All employees in NHS Lothian that are involved in food handling at any stage of the process need to be aware of good food hygiene practices and the need to handle food in a safe, clean environment.


Our commercial kitchen is committed to:

  • ensuring the safety of all attending the service
  • taking all reasonable precautions to reduce potential hazards and harm to all attending the service
  • ensuring adequate health and hygiene procedures are implemented at the service, including safe practices for handling, preparing, storing, and serving food
  • promoting safe practices in relation to the handling of hot drinks at the service
  • educating all service users in the prevention of scalds and burns that can result from handling hot drinks
  • complying with all relevant legislation and standards, including the Food Act 1984 and the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code.


It is the responsibility of the manager to ensure that all members of staff are fully trained in Food Hygiene and that all members of staff understand and implement the policy.

It is the responsibility of all members of staff to ensure that safe practices are maintained in the preparation and storage of food and that all food hygiene practices comply with relevant legislation, training, and policy.


Protecting food from contamination

All employees are responsible to protect food from contamination by keeping it covered at all times. You can achieve this:

  • by using containers with lids or by applying plastic film over containers.
  • Materials used to cover food should be suitable for food contact, to ensure that they do not contain any chemicals that could leach into the food.
  • Aluminium foil, plastic film and clean paper may be used, and food should be completely covered.
  • Packaged products should not need additional covering.
  • Previously used materials and newspaper may contaminate food and should not be used.

Temperature control

Temperature Control for Food

Temperature control regulations apply to all types of food, which without control might support the growth of harmful (pathogenic) micro-organisms, or the formation of poisons (toxins). To ensure that food is safe it must be maintained at a safe temperature: hot food at or above 63°C and cold food at or below 5°C.

 Foods that can be kept at room temperature throughout their shelf life without causing any health risk. This includes items such as confectionery and unopened UHT milk.

Bacteria that commonly cause food poisoning grow quickly in temperatures between 5˚C and 60˚C commonly known as the temperature danger zone. It is very important:

  • to limit the time high-risk foods, spend in the danger zone.
  • High-risk foods have common features that most bacteria need to grow.
  • Such foods contain protein and are usually moist or wet, for example meat, poultry, dairy products, eggs, smallgoods, seafood, cooked rice, cooked pasta, prepared salads, coleslaw, pasta salads and fruit salads.

There are a number of precautions that can be taken to decrease the risk of food poisoning.

  • Make sure food is thoroughly cooked or reheated and that the centre has reached 75˚C – cooking food over 75˚C kills most of the bacteria.
  • Ensure that cold food is stored below 5˚C.
  • Ensure that frozen food is stored below minus 15˚C.
  • Ensure that hot food is maintained over 60˚C.
  • Minimise the time that food is kept in the temperature danger zone – between 5˚C and 60˚C.
  • Avoid leaving food that has just been cooked out on the bench to cool for more than one hour. Once it has cooled, immediately place it in the refrigerator. Food Safety Victoria recommends when cooling hot, high-risk foods that they are cooled from 60˚C to 21˚C within two hours and to 5˚C within a further four hours.

Insulated containers must be:

  • in good condition and kept clean at all times
  • used only for food
  • kept away from other items such as chemicals, pet food, fuel, and paint
  • be filled as quickly as possible and closed as soon as they have been filled; and 
  • kept closed until immediately before the food is needed or is placed in other temperature-controlled equipment.

Food handlers’ personal hygiene practices

Food handlers need to:

  • Follow the catering service’s hand washing procedures
  • Wear disposable gloves when preparing food, in direct contact with food and serving food.
  • Be free of illness
  • Cover sores and cuts with a band aide
  • Use serving utensils to serve all food
  • Wear an apron and tie hair back/wear a hair net if past the shoulders if serving food for an event such as a family BBQ.
  • Wear disposable gloves if handling food.

Cleaning procedures

  • Before cooking, wipe down benches and other equipment with hot soapy water and sanitise. Use a commercial sanitiser and follow the directions on the label carefully.
  • After cooking, wash the benches and other equipment in hot soapy water, sanitise and allow to air dry. If it is necessary for you to dry the equipment immediately, ensure that the cloth you use is clean.
  • Store saucepans and containers upside down.
  • Write procedures for the storage and disposal of garbage and the location of bins and make sure that all workers follow them.
  • Clean the floors and walls regularly.
  • Have a cleaning roster or routine, record chart and procedures displayed in the canteen to ensure that all duties are performed regularly.

Personal hygiene practices

Wash your hands with warm soapy water and dry thoroughly with paper towel:

  • before touching food
  • after visiting the toilet
  • after blowing your nose or sneezing into your hand
  • after touching your hair
  • after handling garbage
  • after touching animals
  • after smoking
  • after handling money.

Make sure you keep long hair tied back or covered so that it does not fall in the food and:

  • If you have a cut or sore on your hands, cover with a brightly coloured waterproof dressing and wear gloves before touching food.
  • If you have an infectious illness (for example flu or a gastric upset), you should not work with food as you may spread diseases to other people or contaminate food.
  • Wear a clean apron while preparing food.
  • Use a handkerchief or tissue when coughing or sneezing.
  • If possible, make handling the money and the cash register a separate responsibility, so the person handling money does not need to come into contact with the food.

Food handlers’ personal hygiene practices and cleanliness must minimise the risk of food contamination. The most important things food handlers need to know are that they must:

  • do whatever is reasonable to prevent their body, anything from their body or anything they are wearing, coming into contact with food or food contact surfaces
  • do whatever is reasonable to stop unnecessary contact with ready-to-eat food
  • wear clean outer clothing, depending on the type of work they do
  • make sure bandages or dressings on any exposed parts of the body are covered with a waterproof covering
  • do not eat over unprotected food or surfaces likely to come in contact with food
  • do not sneeze, blow, or cough over unprotected food or surfaces likely to come into contact with food
  • do not spit or smoke where food is handled and
  • do not urinate or defecate except in a toilet.

Hand washing

Food handlers are expected to wash their hands whenever their hands are likely to contaminate food. This includes washing their hands:

  • immediately before working with ready-to-eat food or after handling raw food
  • immediately after using the toilet
  • before they start handling, food or go back to handling food after other work
  • immediately after smoking, coughing, sneezing, using a handkerchief or disposable tissue, eating, drinking, or using tobacco or similar substances and
  • after touching their hair, scalp or a body opening.

How should food handlers wash their hands?

  1. Use the hand washing facilities provided by the business
  2. Clean hands thoroughly using soap
  3. Use warm running water and
  4. Dry hands thoroughly on a single use towel or in another way that is not likely to transfer disease-causing organisms onto the hands.

The food safety supervisor must also oversee personal hygiene requirements that aim to prevent contamination of the food resulting from the actions of a person handling food. Preventative measures include:

  • washing hands
  • wearing clean clothing
  • avoiding contact with food and
  • covering wounds

The health of food handlers It is very important that people who may be suffering from or carrying certain illnesses or suffering from some conditions do not handle food or food contact surfaces. This is particularly important if they are likely to contaminate food while they are working

If a food handler has….The food handler will….
One or any of the following symptoms of foodborne disease: diarrhoea vomiting sore throat with fever fever jaundiceImmediately inform the food safety supervisorCease handling food or any activity which may contaminate food Not return to work until they have been symptom free for 48 hours
Been diagnosed with any of the following foodborne diseases: Hepatitis A Norovirus Typhoid fever Shigellosis Staphylococcal or Streptococcal diseaseCease all contact with food and food contact surfaces Not return to food handling duties until medical clearance is provided
An exposed wound or cut or infected skin soreCover with a bandage and highly visible waterproof colouring
Any discharge from their ears, nose, or eyesTake medication to stop any nasal or other discharge that may contaminate food
SITHKOP013 Plan cooking operations

The business must not disclose any of the above medical information to anyone with the exception of an enforcement officer, without the consent of the food handler. The company will not use this information for any purpose other than to protect food from contamination.

Source: Queensland health, 

The kitchen or food preparation environment

  • Food is normally prepared in the kitchen areas. (Hygiene practices must be in place).  
  • The area where food is being prepared should be cleaned and disinfected prior to preparing food when cooking etc.
  • Appropriate coloured cutting/preparation boards are available.
  • Utensils used for eating drinking or serving must be washed in the dishwasher/sanitiser after use excepting items that do not fit in or are not suitable to be washed in a dishwasher.
  • Where an external group uses their own food and serving utensils, they follow the catering service procedures.
  • Items washed should be air dried on the mobile bench and covered if necessary 
  • There needs to be a clean small rubbish bin for food scraps under the sink area in kitchen.
  • The fridge in the kitchen needs to be cleaned regularly with a thorough clean at the end of every term as standard practice.
  • There must be an appropriate thermometer for testing and recording appropriate food temperatures after cooking food at the catering service or on external events.
  • Clean and disinfect benches and any other areas necessary at the end of every day the events and kitchen are used.
  • Change tea towels daily.
  • Sweep kitchen floor if necessary. The cleaner will clean the floor overnight on days the catering service is cleaned.
  • Attend to a slippery/hazardous floor immediately and put up the yellow signage.

Food storage and display

  • Check equipment temperatures regularly and report malfunctioning equipment immediately.
  • Pack foods carefully so as not to damage the packaging.
  • Do not use swollen cans or damaged food packets, as the food inside may be spoiled.
  • Use and store foods so that older products are used first. For example, do not empty a new bag of flour into a plastic bin on top of the old flour. Finish the old flour before refilling the bin.
  • Cover foods stored in the refrigerator with plastic wrap or foil to prevent food spilling over.
  • Do not overfill front-loading refrigeration display cabinets; otherwise, the cold air may be prevented from flowing around the foods inside.
  • Check that food looks and smells good before using it. Remember, if in doubt, throw it out!
  • Before using fruit and vegetables, wash carefully to remove dirt and germs.
  • Store chemicals, cleaning equipment and personal belongings away from food preparation and food storage areas.
  • Wrap or cover displayed food. Monitor use-by dates on food packaging.
  • Food should not be sold or eaten beyond its use-by date, as it may not be safe.

Storage/Serving of food

  • Food should be covered after preparation until serving if appropriate
  • All frozen food will be stored in the freezers.
  • Cold food will be stored in the fridge.
  • All hot cooked food /meals will be served at above 60 degrees Celsius unless they are part of a school or other event the catering service has no control over, but staff will monitor.
  • All meat is thawed inside the fridge over a period of time or within the microwave immediately before use.
  • Utensils will not be shared between different foods or people.

The following food storage guidelines must be adhered to by all kitchen and restaurant staff. While food service area equipment and specific processes may vary from one property to another, all staff will be required to adhere to the following: 

  • Upon receiving shipments, all food temperatures will be checked to ensure required temperatures have been maintained during transport preventing any spoilage.
  • All refrigerators and freezers will be equipped with thermometers that will be checked throughout the day to ensure appropriate food storage temperatures are consistently maintained. Thermometers will be accurate within 10c and will be checked regularly for proper functioning.
  • Each kitchen will be equipped with fridge and freezer equipment that is of sufficient capacity to properly store food without overcrowding and to facilitate proper air flow within the unit.
  • All food stocks will be rotated frequently to ensure the FIFO method (first in, first out) rule, is being adhered to.
  • All prepared, ready to eat foods and raw vegetables in refrigerated storage will not be permitted to be stored below raw meat and fish products.
  • Where food is stored in a container, the employer will ensure its kitchens utilize only food grade containers specifically intended for food storage.
  • Any refrigerated and ready to eat foods, prepared and held for more than 24 hours must be marked with the date the food was prepared as well as the “consume by” date.
  • All food items shall be stored separately from all non-food items.

The employer will ensure all food service area staff are properly trained and educated on the safety requirements and procedures concerning food storage. All food service area staff will ensure their Certified Food Handler Certification is current and up to date. Employees utilizing staff kitchens to store and prepare food are required to adhere to the following:

  • All perishable food must be stored appropriately either in the staff room fridge or freezer in order to mitigate incidents of rotting or spoiling that may cause offensive odours or contamination of other food.
  • Employees utilizing the staff room fridge or freezer are required to clearly mark their food items with their name to avoid confusion or accidental consumption by another employee.
  • Employees are required to be mindful of expiration and best before dates of any food they are storing in the staff kitchen. Staff kitchens are available to all employees, and therefore must be respected and maintained appropriately.
  • Staff provided fridges and freezers are not intended for long-term storage. Employees are requested to minimize use to one day at a time to mitigate overcrowding issues.
  • Please report any malfunctions of kitchen equipment to management for maintenance.

Food Preparing Environment

 It is essential that any premises where food is stored, prepared, or served be maintained in a serviceable, clean condition at all times with washable intact surfaces and without risk to patients, healthcare workers and members of the public. All broken surfaces must be reported to the Estates Department immediately for repair.


All healthcare workers must be vigilant and alert to signs of pest infestation which is a major food contamination risk. To reduce the risk of infestation it is important that good housekeeping is employed in particular the cleaning and removal of any crumbs or other food debris which will attract pests. Any sign of possible infestation must be reported to the appropriate service as soon as it is identified.

Signs of infestation

  • Droppings
  • Damage including gnawing marks in food, packaging, wires, etc.
  • Unusual smells.

Types of food pests:

  • Rodents
  • rats and mice
  • Insects
  • flies, wasps, cockroaches, ants, silver fish, etc.
  • Birds – sparrows.

Food Labelling

Legislation requires that all foods are correctly date labelled so as not to confuse the consumer.

  • Use by’ date for high-risk foods

The date and month are given, and this applies to highly perishable foods. Products with expired use by dates should be considered unfit and not consumed. High risk foods include those containing dairy, eggs, cooked meats & fish, and soft cheeses including in sandwiches.

  • Best before’ date for low-risk foods

The best before date applies to foods designed to be consumed within three months. It means there is likely to be a deterioration in quality after this date, but the food is not necessarily unsafe to consume. The instructions placed on the packaging by the manufacturer should be followed as accurately as possible, in particular the storage instructions.

Foods should be used within 24 hours of opening. If the food is for a specific patient, then their name should be clearly identified on the packaging. Food products that have exceeded their shelf life should be considered a risk to health and should be discarded and disposed of in the correct manner. It is not acceptable to store open cans of food in the refrigerator.

Cleaning regimes

Cleaning food surfaces is always your first priority. However, cleaning the equipment from the outside, and maintaining a hygienic environment, are also necessary to maintain sanitary conditions in our commercial kitchen. Having a cleaning schedule helps you know what to clean, when to clean, and how to clean. Items like dishes and cooking surfaces need to be cleaned very often. You can keep things clean with the help of a cleaning schedule. It tells the staff what their jobs are and who is in charge of using which cleaning product.

Bacterial detergent and cleaning

Only disposable green colour coded cloths to be used for cleaning. Within all kitchens the surfaces must be cleaned using a solution of the bactericidal detergent and hot water. The Domestic Services Cleaning Procedures Matrix and colour coding must be adhered to for all aspects of cleaning in kitchen areas.

Cleaning agents that must be used in the kitchen


The most secure cleaning specialist used in our commercial kitchen cleaning is detergent. They break down dirt and soil and make cleaning easy. Synthetic detergents are typically made from petroleum products in powder, liquid, gel, or crystal form. It is important to know that detergents are used for routine cleaning when removing stubborn dirt and do not require much effort. These high-quality cleaners are used for deep cleaning when necessary.

Why use detergents:

  • Detergents soften the water
  • They absorb the oil spills on the floor
  • Powdered detergents kill weeds and mosses
  • They work in acidic conditions.


Use degreasers, (Cleaning solvents) to remove grease from surfaces such as oven surfaces, countertops, and grill bags. Degreasers break down stubborn particles of oil, grease, and dirt. Commercial areas are relatively busy during the day, so they are exposed to dirt, dust, road dirt, and sludge during the winter. Detergents can remove the visible dirt, but harmful chemicals are removed more easily with degreasers.

Use degreasers to:

  • Clean floors
  • Clean metal surfaces (Solvent-based degreasers)
  • Remove grease from pots and pans
  • Clean smaller appliances
  • Clean on grills and barbeque racks.


Use abrasives to thoroughly clean oil stains on floors, pots, and pans. Abrasives are substances or chemicals that rely on friction or scratching to remove dirt from hard surfaces. Abrasives usually have a rough shape that can scratch different areas. Therefore, it should be used with caution on materials.

Use abrasive cleaners:

  • Whether it’s food from the stove or soapy water in the bathroom, clean stubborn dirt, and grease with abrasives.
  • Abrasive to remove dry stains from scratch-resistant surfaces
  • Use effectively on many types of surfaces but should be used with caution on surfaces that are prone to scratches
  • Remove a heavy amount of soil
  • Use in window cleaners and silver polishes


Acid detergents are the most powerful detergents and should be used with caution. If the cleaning agent is not diluted properly, it can be toxic and corrosive to both the cleaning agent and the equipment.

We often use acidic detergents such as hydrochloric acid to clean drains, toilets, baths, sinks, etc. in commercial buildings. It is also used to kill germs on commercial floors as there are some germs and bacteria that can withstand the strength of strong acids.

Use acids to:

  • remove mineral deposits like scale
  • dissolve hair and grease
  • clean tiles and carpets with a pH of 16 for
  • Settle discoloration of metals
  • Remove tarnish and hard water stains from surfaces.

Food contamination complaints

Any service user complaints must be recorded, and the catering manager contacted immediately to enable a timely investigation of all food related issues. If foreign bodies are found in the food a customer complaint record must be completed as soon as possible and the item retained for inspection sealed in a clear plastic bag if possible.

Work Health and Safety Policy and Procedure


Work Health and Safety Policy and Process is intended to build and maintain an efficient health and safety management system in the commercial kitchen. My Kind of Kitchen and Restaurant (MKKR) is devoted to developing a structured approach to health and safety in the workplace in order to achieve a consistently high level of safety performance. This will assist MKKR in meeting its responsibilities under the Work Health and Safety Act (Cth) 2011 (WHS Act). This policy applies to all MKKR employees and those who may be at risk due to the work performed in the kitchen and restaurant. Failure to comply with the plan’s requirements may result in disciplinary action.


This policy and procedures apply to all employees of MKKR including managers, supervisors, chefs, cooks, assistants, frontline workers, contractors, and visitors.


MKKR is committed to creating a safe environment in which all work activities can be performed. We shall take all means reasonably possible to minimise or reduce hazards to the health, safety, and welfare of our employees, contractors, visitors, and anyone else who may be affected by our operations. We are dedicated to adhering to the Work Health and Safety Act of 2011 (the Act). We will also comply with all other applicable laws, codes of conduct, and Australian standards to the greatest extent practicable. MKKR’s WHS Policies and Procedures outline the safety procedures and principles that must be implemented by MKKR and its employees to guarantee compliance with the WHS Act and to provide suitable mechanisms for the ongoing consultation and management of WHS concerns. Commitment and Policy Implementation serve as the guiding principle for MKKR’s pursuit of health and safety outcomes in the kitchen operation.


My Kind of Kitchen and Restaurant (MKKR):

Create and maintain a safe and healthy workplace by implementing safe work practises, safe work systems, and providing safe work equipment.

  • Guarantee that all workplaces under MKKR’s management are safe, without health risks, and have safe access and egress.
  • Routinely consult workers to maintain successful and cooperative relationships between MKKR and its workers, as well as with other responsibility holders, regarding health and safety in the workplace.
  • Evaluate the efficacy of the implemented safety measures through the relevant techniques.
  • Give all workers with accurate, up to date WHS information on topics such as workplace safety and their duties.
  • Offer support with WHS-related concerns as required.
  • Offer relevant instruction and/or training in work practises.
  • Design and implement methods that involve workplace assessment, hazard identification, and corrective measures to remove or control hazards.
  • Establish and maintain suitable information and reporting procedures.


MKKR (Employer)

As the duty holder, MKKR as the PCBU must:

  • Safeguard the health and safety of our employees and others on the job.
  • Guarantee that the health and safety of others is not jeopardised by the work performed as part of its operations.
  • Establish and maintain a work environment devoid of health and safety threats.
  • Provide and maintain safe structures and facilities.
  • Provide and maintain safe work environments.
  • Assure the safe use, storage, and handling of plants, structures, and substances.
  • Give workers with suitable amenities for their well-being.
  • Provide information, training, direction, and oversight.
  • Monitor the health of workers and the conditions of our workplaces.

Specific duties as a PCBU also include:

  • Record and report to Comcare any notifiable incidents arising from the conduct of the business or undertaking.
  • Consult with other PCBUs or persons who have a duty in relation to a work health and safety matter.
  • Consult with workers, their representatives, and Health and Safety Representatives on work health and safety matters.


Managers of MKKR are responsible for creating a safe and healthy workplace for employees and visitors, as far as is practically practicable, in areas under their control. This includes:

  • demonstrating health and safety leadership
  • demonstrating a commitment to good health and safety performance, which may include discussing safety at regular meetings; ensuring safe work procedures are followed; encouraging workers to report all incidents, hazards, and safety concerns promptly; and assessing task risk and not permitting an activity to continue until it can be controlled adequately; and
  • Promoting a strong culture of occupational health and safety in which employee participation is appreciated.
  • Promoting and enforcing MKKR’s WHS Policy and Procedures
  • Managing other responsibility holders (i.e., contractors) proactively as necessary.


MKKR Employees are required to take reasonable precautions for their own health and safety while at work and to ensure that their actions or omissions do not negatively impact the health and safety of others. They must comply, to the extent that they are able, with all reasonable instructions from their management. In addition, they must comply with any reasonable MKKR policy or procedure pertaining to workplace health and safety. This includes:

  • Taking reasonable precautions to operate safely within the scope of their control over working circumstances and procedures.
  • Making proper use of all relevant safeguards, safety devices, and personal protective equipment
  • Adhering to safe working practises and guidelines on a daily basis
  • Immediately reporting any known dangers, accidents, and occurrences.

It is recognised that, in accordance with the WHS Act, a worker may cease or refuse to perform work if they have a reasonable fear that the work poses a significant risk to their health or safety. The WHS Act compels workers who terminate employment to notify their manager as soon as possible. Workers are obligated to be available to perform “appropriate alternative employment,” but they are not required to remain in any location that poses a substantial risk to their health or safety. If they are unable to return to work, employees and their managers must consult with People and Culture for advice on applicable leave entitlements.


Contractors, subcontractors, and self-employed individuals who perform work in any capacity for MKKR are considered “workers” under the WHS Act. They are expected to:

  • Comply with the WHS legislation’s standards.
  • Implement all occupational health and safety policies and programmes mandated by state or territorial safety laws.
  • Communicate with MKKR regarding safety concerns and adhere to MKKR’s policies. Whenever any MKKR employee suspects that a contractor is participating in an unsafe work activity, they must notify their boss immediately.


Visitors at MKKR are also responsible for adhering to our safety rules and procedures.

  • Taking reasonable precautions to ensure their own health and safety, as well as the health and safety of others
  • Complying, to the extent that they are reasonably able, with all reasonable safety instructions supplied by MKKR personnel
  • Reporting any safety-related occurrences to MKKR personnel.
  • Ensuring that any accompanying youngsters are adequately supervised
  • Not accessing any prohibited area without authorisation or escort
  • Not bringing or drinking alcohol or illegal drugs at MKKR businesses
  • Not wilfully or recklessly interfering with MKKR property.

Communication and Consultation Procedures

Communication Open communication between employees and supervisors is essential for a secure workplace. Thus, employees are advised to:

  • Communicate questions and concerns regarding WHS.
  • Provide recommendations and feedback on WHS-related matters.
  • Participate in the review of safety concerns.
  • Contribute to WHS problem-solving procedures.

It is important that workers help shape decisions about WHS particularly when:

  • Identifying hazards and assessing risks
  • Making decisions about ways to eliminate or minimise those hazards or risks.
  • Proposing business changes that may affect the health and safety of workers.
  • Purchasing of new equipment or substances
  • Developing or changing job tasks or safety procedures.

Every employee is a member of a work group and is urged to share any health and safety issues with their supervisor and/or Health and Safety Representative. Concerns may be raised in a formal or informal manner. If the highlighted issue is not remedied, the People and Culture team can be contacted directly.

Health and Safety Representatives (HSR)

HSRs are elected by members of a work group to represent the group’s health and safety interests. HSRs must complete approved training in order to exercise their authority and may:

  • Direct workers in their work group to cease work if they have a reasonable fear that performing the work would expose them to a significant risk to their health and safety from immediate or imminent exposure to a hazard;
  • Consult with employees frequently.
  • Participate in inspections of the workplace.
  • Engage in investigations of workplace accidents and incidents.
  • Contribute to debates regarding issues that may influence the health and safety of workers.
  • Advise managers on the wellness of employees within their work group.

The WHS Act prohibits HSRs from exercising their authority unless they have obtained the approved training. HSRs are not responsible for acts or omissions committed in good faith. HSRs are prohibited from accessing a worker’s personal or medical information without their express agreement or unless the information is non-identifying and broad in nature.

Safety and Health Committee

The Health and Safety Committee of MKKR provides a venue for the constructive debate of workplace health and safety measures. The Health and Safety Committee at MKKR meets quarterly to:

  • Promote cooperation between MKKR and workers in the introduction, development, and implementation of WHS policies and procedures.
  • Help in the creation of health and safety standards, rules, and procedures.
  • Talk with employees about their WHS-related issues.
  • Communicate with management with worker issues regarding WHS, particularly any changes that may affect WHS in a broader sense.
  • Oversee and evaluate the execution of routine workplace inspections.
  • Examine the Work Health and Safety Report quarterly.

This contains the minutes of the most recent Health and Safety Committee meeting, which are accessible to all MKKR employees. The Terms of Reference for the MKKR Health and Safety Committee provide additional information on the committee’s duties.


MKKR has established WHS training requirements based on a role-by-role analysis. The “WHS Training Register” details the training that will be provided for each position.

All employees receive an Induction Handbook with WHS information.

In addition, workers and their supervisors can identify further WHS training needs and address them using MKKR’s Performance Development Framework.

MKKR is committed to ensuring that staff are sufficiently trained for safety-critical duties and will organise training as necessary.

WHS Issue Resolution

WHS problems should be resolved wherever possible by consultation between workers, their representatives, and/or the manager. If the issue cannot be resolved in this manner, it may be forwarded to the People and Culture department for resolution. Unresolved WHS issues may ultimately be submitted to Senior Management Group. If the matter remains unresolved, the WHS Act 2011’s default approach for issue resolution must be followed.

If reasonable efforts to settle an issue have been made and the issue remains unresolved, any party to the issue may request that Comcare appoint an inspector to assist in resolving the issue.


In compliance with MKKR’s Records Management Policy and QMS Records Management, WHS Records are stored electronically in MKKR’s Electronic Document and Records Management System (EDRMS).

Emergency Procedures Emergency Procedures have been created for each MKKR office, and this plan, together with a current roster of MKKR Emergency Wardens, First Aid Officers, and Health and Safety Representatives, are posted onsite.

Process for Hazard/Incident Reporting

All personnel, including contractors, are obliged to submit an Accident and Incident Report Form or Hazard and Near-miss Report Form if a hazard/injury/incident occurs as a result of work performed for MKKR, on MKKR premises, during a work break or while travelling for work.

What needs to be reported?

  • All Injuries – occurrences that result in disease or injury necessitating medical intervention.
  • All Incidents – incidents that result in minor injuries requiring first assistance.
  • All Near-Miss incidents that did not result in injury but had the potential to do so.
  • All Risks = everything that has the potential to cause illness or injury.

Efforts to be made Workers at MKKR who suffer a hazard/injury/incident must take the following steps:

The internal reporting of incidents, hazards, and near-misses is separate.

WHS Training and Induction


MKKR is committed to providing workers with the essential skills and knowledge to fulfil their WHS obligations through the provision of suitable training. WHS training is essential for MKKR to achieve a safe work environment. The WHS training needs of thirteen MKKR employees will be established in conversation with managers and employees, as well as by analysing the WHS Risk Registry. The WHS Training Register will document WHS training. Individual employees or teams are able to identify and request WHS training. All training requests must be made using the Training Request Form to People and Culture. Also, the People and Culture team may identify and conduct training across the organisation. If People and Culture arranges for OHS Training to be provided onsite in MKKR offices, it will be announced on Reggie so that all workers may attend. Workers will be informed of whether training is mandatory or voluntary.

WHS training normally falls into three categories:

  1. General WHS Training – typically necessary skills and knowledge, such as induction training, WHS risk management training, ergonomics, and evacuation protocols. Periodically, generic WHS Training will be organised by the People and Culture team.
  2. Risk-Specific WHS Training – training required for those doing specialised activities or with unique health and safety risks, such as first aid training, advanced driver training, fire warden training, etc.
  3. Task-Specific WHS Training – necessary skills based on specific hazards and risks, such as Conflict Resolution.

WHS induction

As part of their overall induction at MKKR, all new managers and employees are expected to receive WHS information about the workplace. This is contained within the MKKR Induction Manual.

A thorough WHS induction procedure helps new employees feel welcome, integrate into the organisation, and ensure their safety on the job. Managers are responsible for ensuring that new employees have the time to read their Induction Handbook so that they are familiar with MKKR’s WHS systems, policies, and procedures.

WHS Training for Contractors and Visitors

All contractors and visitors should sign in and be given a copy of the MKKR Safety Briefing Handout.


  • Work Health and Safety Act (Cth) 2011
  • Work Health and Safety Regulations (Cth) 2011
  • Work Health and Safety Code of Practice.

Safe Food Australia – A guide to the Food Safety Standards 

SITHKOP013 Plan cooking operations

Last updated: December 2022

Safe Food Australia is a guide to the four mandatory food safety standards:

  • Standard 3.1.1 Interpretation and Application
  • Standard 3.2.2 Food Safety Practices and General Requirements
  • Standard 3.2.2A – Food Safety Management Tools​
  • Standard 3.2.3 Food Premises and Equipment.

The guide is for government agencies who are responsible for enforcing the standards. Food businesses may also find it offers helpful information about the standards and food safety issues.

Third Edition, November 2016

You can download the complete guide for free 

  • Status and context of the document 
  • Contents
  • Introduction 
  • Standard 3.1.1 Interpretation and Application 
  • Standard 3.2.2 Food Safety Practices and General Requirements
    Standard 3.2.3 Food Premises and Equipment 
  • Appendix 1 – Potentially hazardous foods 
  • Appendix 2 – The use of time as a control for potentially hazardous food 
  • Appendix 3 – Limits for food processes 
  • Appendix 4 – Foods requiring special care 
  • Appendix 5 – Cooling of meats after cooking 
  • Appendix 6 – Cleaning and sanitising surfaces and utensils 
  • Appendix 7 – Pest management 
  • Appendix 8 – Template examples 
  • Appendix 9 – Temporary and mobile food premises 
  • Appendix 10 – Home-based food businesses 
  • Resources and References 


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