
SITHCCC018 Prepare food to meet special dietary requirements

02 July 2023 06:02 AM | UPDATED 1 year ago

SITHCCC018 Prepare food to meet special dietary requirements :

SITHCCC018 Prepare food to meet special dietary requirements
SITHCCC018 Prepare food to meet special dietary requirements

Research report

Culinary characteristics and ingredients of special, cultural and religious diets

Complete the following table by providing a brief description of each diet or regime, the health or other implication of failing to address the special requirement, and one suitable adjustment, replacement or substitute ingredient.

Diet/regimeDescriptionHealth/other implications of failing to address special requirementsAdjustment/replacement/substitute ingredient
Elimination diet   
Macrobiotic diet   
Fat-free/low fat   
Fluids only   
Gluten free   
High carbohydrate/ low carbohydrate   
High or low energy (high or low kilojoule)   
High or low protein   
High fibre   
Lacto ovo   
Low cholesterol   
Low gluten   
Modified sodium or potassium   
Modified texture   
Diabetic (type 1 and type 2)/ low sugar/sugar free   

Drug-food interactions, food allergies, food intolerances and cultural and religious dietary sanctions

Complete the following table by providing a brief definition of each of the following terms and providing two examples of each.

TermDefinition  Examples  
Drug-food interaction 1.   2.
Food allergy 1.   2.
Food intolerance 1.   2.
Cultural and religious dietary sanctions 1.   2.

Key health and legal consequences of failing to address special requirements

Complete the following table by providing at least one health and one legal consequence of the following scenarios.

Scenario typeScenario  Possible consequences  
Allergic reaction A customer orders coffee and cake in a bistro during a busy weekend lunch service. At the time of ordering, they clearly state that they have an allergy to eggs and egg products and check that the cake they are ordering is egg-free as advertised on the menu. The waiter assures the customer that it is. When the waiter takes the order through to the kitchen, they are careful to communicate to the kitchen staff that the customer has an egg allergy and they write the allergy carefully on the docket. However, when the cake is served, a sauce containing egg protein is added to the plate and it is served to the customer. The customer suffers an allergic reaction requiring hospitalisation.Health consequences     Legal consequences  
AnaphylaxisA resident in an aged care facility has a known allergy to tree nuts causing anaphylaxis. The allergy is clearly recorded in the resident’s medical records, in meal plans and as required by all the legislation. However, there is a change to an ingredient in one of the sauces used in a standard recipe which is not picked up when stock is delivered. The resident unfortunately consumes a tiny amount of the sauce, suffers an anaphylactic reaction and passes away as a result.Health consequences   Legal consequences  
Food intoleranceA person with a food intolerance to lactose is eating at a new restaurant. They forget to advise the staff about their dietary issue and, when the meal is brought to the table, they notice that it has been topped with cheese. The addition of cheese wasn’t described on the menu. They then advise the staff they have a lactose intolerance and ask them to return the dish to the kitchen and prepare a new one. When the dish comes back to the table, the waiter assumes that it is safe for them to eat. The next day, they suffer dietary symptoms similar to having eaten lactose and the only thing that they can put it down to is the meal that they had in the new restaurant. When they contact the restaurant, they discover that the cheese was removed from the top of the dish and the same dish was re-served. The restaurant advises the customer that there may have been some cheese throughout the dish as well.Health consequences     Legal consequences  


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