Information Technology

Develop Website Information Architecture

04 July 2023 05:27 AM | UPDATED 1 year ago

Develop Website Information Architecture :

Develop Website Information Architecture
Develop Website Information Architecture





P r e p a r e d f o r t h e c o u r s e t e a m b y

Mr. Den n i s Sen Mr. Im t i az A l i

Mr. Sha n j e Sus h i l Mr. Mu n i l Goundar

Unit 1 Concept Map

D e v e l o p W e b s i t e I n f o r m a t i o n A r c h i t e c t u r e

Unit 1: Develop Website Information Architecture                                                                                                    1.2

Study organiser

Before you begin this unit, please check through your study organiser below. It shows the topics that we’ll be covering, the skills you need to acquire (the learning

outcomes) and the activities you’ll do to help you acquire these skills.

T o p i cL e a r n i n g O u t c o m e sA c t i v i t i e s
Unit 1: Develop Website Information ArchitectureAt the end of this unit, you should be able to: 
1.1 Identify content needsExplain what is e-business and its goals.Describe the importance on website accessibility.Explain the importance of business and client liaison.Identify different types of technologies that contribute towards connectivity.Activity 1.1   Activity 1.2   Activity 1.3   Activity 1.4   Activity 1.5
1.2 Plan the content StructurePlan a website.Describe the phases involved in planning a website.Create sitemaps.Activity 1.6
1.3 Develop navigation systemDefine website navigation system.Describe the different types of website navigation.Create a simple webpage.Activity 1.7
1.4 Testing the websiteTest and sign off.Describe what is a website prototype.Understand how client expectations are measured.Explain the process of website testing.Explain the process of contract signing for a website development.Activity 1.8

1.0           Introduction

This unit focuses on the basics of website development. Website development is not just a process of writing a set of codes and testing results. In fact, the very first step in website development starts with user consultation and then matching the needs of the user to create and develop a prototype. This would simply mean that before a website is made using a web development language, it needs to be planned well. Planning at the initial stage allows less errors and corrections at later stages.

1.1                    Identify Content Needs

1.1.1     1 E- Business ( Electronic Business)

E-business (electronic-business) is the process of conducting of business processes over the internet. Electronic business involves the buying and selling of products and services, processing payments, collaborating with business partners, sharing information, running automated services and many more.

Another term that is often coined with e-business is e-commerce (electronic commerce). Electronic commerce is the process of buying and selling of products and services online.

Then what is the difference between e-business and e-commerce?

E-commerce is generally restricted to online buying and selling by making commercial transactions whereas e-business is more than online buying and selling. It includes both transactional and non-transactional services.


eBay is a good example of an electronic commerce website while on the other hand, is a good example of an e-business.

  1. Give examples of E-business and E-commerce websites. With these examples, state features which contribute it to being e-business or e-commerce websites.
  • List at least 2 local websites and compare it with the likes of some top branded websites. Which one is better? Which features make it seem better or more interactive?

1.1.2     Importance of Website Accessibility

Website accessibility is the process of providing means that people with disabilities can use the web. To make website accessible would mean people with disabilities can perceive, understand, navigate and interact with the web. There are many forms of disabilities that affect people from using the web. As website become more accessible, people with disabilities are able to use and contribute to the web more effectively.

Website accessibility not only benefits people with disabilities, but people without disabilities as well. For example, accessible websites are made very flexible so that it meets different user needs, preferences and situations. With this people with slow internet connection, people with temporary disabilities (broken arm or aging) and injury can also benefit.

Over the years, the web has proven to an important resource. Let it be in terms of education, employment, education, government, commerce, health care, recreation and many more. Therefore, it is essential for the web to be accessible enough to provide equal access and equal opportunity to people with disabilities. This enables people with disabilities to be more participative in the communities and societies. Moreover, accessibility, barriers to print, audio, and visual media can be much more easily overcome through web technologies.

  1. Define website accessibility.
  • What are the benefits of website accessibility?
  • Research on some features in website development that contribute to website accessibility.

1.1.3     Client and Business L i a i son

A website development is a process that is no less managing a project, therefore, client liaison and business liaison is a very important aspect.

Whether a website be small or big, it is very important to understand the concept, client requirement, business structure and get it all approved via a contract.

For a small business website, details could be discussed by an individual who is well versed with the business procedures. This is normally done in a small office or out on a cup of coffee. Upon understanding the details, the website developer puts out all information in form of a prototype and presents it for approval. Only upon approval, the process of website development further starts.

For large business websites, this may not be the case as small business websites. With large websites, there may be a lot of requirements and all these requirements may be disseminated by different individuals from the organization.

Often a lot of meetings would take place to get the requirements sorted. Upon getting all the requirements, the website designer would team up with the website developer to come up with a prototype. This is then handed over for approval. Getting an approval for the prototype within the first submission would be something that a website development team would always dream for. However, this generally never happens. This is due to the complexity of the business requirements and demand to get the website generate revenue as soon as possible. The client would often want to make the website as perfect as possible and rightly so. Therefore, the process of getting both parties agreeing the website design may take weeks and months.

What happens if you fail to listen to the client properly?
  1. Time wasted in getting a website developed which may not get approved by the client.
  • Cost incurred while making the website. This builds up to unnecessary expenses if the client is not happy with the website.
  • Unhealthy relationship between you and the client.
  1. When it comes to client and business liaison, are the processes different? If yes, how?
  • What may be some consequences if there is a communication lapse between the business and the client?

1.1.4     Technology and Connectivity

Technology is a common platform that provided businesses with a great number of ways to connect with customers, employees, stakeholders and other businesses. For large organizations, technology is the backbone for their business. Without technology, even a simple task of arranging a meeting would be impossible.

Businesses are forced to have a reliable network. A reliable network not only improves connectivity but also improves Return on Investment (ROI) and profit levels in a number of ways. These may include:

  • Increased productivity
  • Reduced operational and communication cost
  • Enhanced Security
  • Improved customer service
  • Round the clock support services

Common used Technologies

Let’s look at three common technologies used by business network.

1.        B a n d w i d t h

Bandwidth is very commonly used nowadays. However, people still fail to realize what is actually means. Upon asking a student recently, he replied “Sir, my internet bandwidth is 10GB per month”.  Is he correct or incorrect?

Let’s look at the actual definition of bandwidth. Bandwidth is a network’s capacity to handle and carry data. This would mean how much data a network can carry via a communication medium.

In relation to technology and connectivity, a business network must have an appropriate bandwidth to allow various users to connect and share data

simultaneously. The choice of a network’s bandwidth clearly depends on the volume and type of data used and shared by users. There are different types of business networks and each has its maximum bandwidth limit. These are:

  • DSL phone wire – 6 mbps
  • Ethernet(cable) – 10 mbps
  • Fiber-Optic – 18mbps
  • Cable internet – 50mbps
  • Fast Ethernet – 100mbps
  • Wireless network 802.11 – 150mbps
  • Gigabit Ethernet (cable) – 1000mbps

2.        R o u t e r s

Routers are devices that allows multiple users to connect to a network.

Let’s have a good look at an example.

Let’s say, in an office, there are 6 staffs. One staff has been allocated a desktop computer and laptops for others. When it comes to internet connectivity, the staff with a desktop computer will find it easier to have a cable connection since it cannot be moved around. But when it comes to others, they can move around with their laptops and having a cable connected might be troublesome. Therefore, the best solution for them would be to get a WI-FI configured. How this is performed? Yes, you guessed it right. Through a router. With such features, a router becomes one of the most important technologies when it comes to connectivity.

Figure 1 Example of a router

3.        S w i t c h e s

It serves as a bridge between the ports and digital devices used by people within the organization. A switch creates a network within a network.

Let’s have a look at an example.

In an office, there are a total 10 staffs with desktop computers. All the staffs are currently connected to the network via cable connection. Due to a sudden boom in business, the organization decided to hire 3 more staffs. Just like others, they are given desktop computers. Now, a question arises, how to connect these staff to a network. Upon looking at the current switch, there are no spare ports. What’s the next best option? A new switch can be connected to the existing switch, thus expanding the network.

Figure 2 Organisation Network Structure

  1. Explain the importance of technology and connectivity in today’s businesses.
  • Differentiate between bandwidth, router and switches.
  • Research Question: Get hold of an internet package from an Internet Service Provider (ISP). Find out what is the bandwidth of the internet package.

1.1.5     World Wide Web Consortium

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is the main international standards organization for the World Wide Web (WWW).

The organization was founded and is currently led by Tim Berners-Lee. The major purpose for the organization is to continuously work in the development of WWW standards. Moreover, it also engages in education and outreach, develops software and serves as an open forum for discussions about the web.

For information about W3C, you can visit

1. Research Question: Tim Berners-Lee is the creator of the WWW. You are to do a research on the history of the World Wide Web. List down each and every important progress.

1.2Plan the Content Structure

1.2.1 Website Architecture

Website architecture is the structure and organization of website information. It is generally used in creating a logical layout of the website bearing in mind the user and business requirements. In this phase, different elements and components that make up a website are defined.

F a c t o r s t h a t a r e p a r t o f w e b s i t e a r c h i t e c t u r e

  • Technical Constraints – This may include server, memory and communication interface
  • Functional Aspects – This includes types of services or processes the website will provide.
  • Visual Appearance – Includes, user interface, colors, buttons and other visual design elements.
  • Security Parameters – that is, how will the website ensure secure access control and transactions.

While getting a website architecture ready, we generally assume that users have four fundamental questions when they arrive at a website.

  1. Am I in the right place?
  • Do they have what I am looking for?
  • Do they have something better if I am not able to find the product I was looking for?
  • What do I do now?

As a website designer or developer, your responsibility will be to ensure that our answer all these questions at each and every page of your website. This would be that you will have to:

  • Assure that visitors are in the right place, that is, always make it clear where they are.
  • Make it easy for visitors to find what they are looking for. This may be in terms of clear navigation and search.
  • Ensure that visitors know what their options are. (For example, a hyperlink that says “see also” or “more”
  • Let them take various kinds of actions.

1.2.2 Website Development Process Design

When designing a website, below are the processes that should be involved:

1.  F i g u r e o u t w h a t t h e f o c u s o f t h e w e b s i t e w i l l be

This is definitely the very first thing that you should do while designing your website. It needs to be clearly defined before any other steps are taken in the website designing phase. Why? This is because the main motive or purpose of the website is determined. If not defined clearly, the foundation of the website may be very weak.

For example:
  • E-commerce website
  • Information dissemination website.

2.  W h a t s p e c i f i c f e a t u r e s d o y o u w a n t i n t h e w e b s i t e ?

This is a build off from the very first step. After the focus of the website is determined, you will now look for features that are to be implemented.

For example:
  • An e-commerce website will have a shopping cart
  • Information dissemination website will have a good navigation system.

3.  C r e a t e s e c t i o n s f o r y o u r w e b s i t e a n d g i v e t h e m a h i e r a r c h y o f i m p o r t a n c e

Upon determining the features, it will be much easier to determine the sections of the website. The most useful way to do this is to draw out quick diagrams of the website. The diagram will let you quickly identify the hierarchy of the sections and how various sections are related to one another.

4.        W r i t i n g a n d F i n a l i z i n g y o u r C o n t e n t

Most developers leave this part for the very end and later end up changing everything.

One must adhere to and realize that all websites are driven by content. The content of the website makes the website effective and successful.

5.        L o o k f o r a s t y l e / l o o k t h a t m e e t s y o u r w e b s i t e ’ s a n d y o u r i n d u s t r y ’ s r e q u i r e m e n t s

At this stage, you will have to start looking for the visual aspect of the site- that is, the website design. Assuming you have some graphic or designing experience, you can come up with a design of your own. Otherwise, a web designer or a graphic designer can be hired.

6.  B u i l d t h e w e b s i t e

With all the above steps completed, building a website would be very easy from here onwards. The foundation and structure has already been built, left is the actual coding part.

7.  W e b s i t e E v a l u a t i o n , C o n d u c t r e q u i r e d C h a n g e s / U p d a t e s

Upon the completion of the website, have a good look at the website for few days. Try to find errors or situations where you could improve. Another good idea is to show it to a friend, someone who has not worked on the website. He/she would be able to give in their opinions and if agreed, changes could be done.

Simple tips for website evaluation

  • Easy to update website structure
  • Good Usability
  • Fast Loading pages
  • Where website’s ability to convey message is not instant, try to make it quick.
  • Good navigation system

8. T i m e t o G O L I V E

Once you are done and dusted with steps 1 – 7, then you can confidently say that “It is time to show my website to the world”. To GO LIVE, one has to:

  • Register a domain
  • Find a hosting company
  • Upload the website files

Even though registering a domain is involved in the very last stage, it would be sensible to register your domain before designing the website. When developing the content of the website, domain name can be integrated in the content. This gives an additional boost when optimizing websites for search engines.

1.2.33 Sitemap

The purpose of having a sitemap is for the planning of the website. A visual sitemap is a very helpful component in website planning. This is usually done by drawing a simple sketch of the site and its sections. An example of a sitemap is show below.

Figure 3 Sitemap

H o w t o d r a w a S i t e m a p ?

When drawing a sitemap, you can be as simple as possible without adding much complexity to it. It can be done quickly without a lot of conscious thought.

  1. Grab a piece of paper and a pen or pencil.
  • Draw a box near the top and label it “home page”.
  • Under the home page box create a box for every major section of your site, such as: about us, products, FAQ, search, and contact, or whatever you want.
  • Draw lines between them and the home page to indicate that they should be linked from the home page.
  • Then under each section, add boxes for additional pages you would like in that section and draw lines from those boxes to the section box.
  • Continue creating boxes to represent Web pages and drawing lines to connect them to the other pages until you have every page you want on your website listed.

S i t e m a p T o o l s

Some tools that you can use to draw sitemaps are:

  1. Pen and Paper
  • For digital versions, graphics application software such as Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator
  • For digital versions, flowchart software can also be used
  • Sitemap software such as
  1. Define the term website architecture.
  • List some factors that are part of website architecture.
  • Why is it so important to clearly define the focus of the website while planning a website design?
  • Getting a domain name registered maybe one of the phases of GO LIVE, however, it is always recommended to get a domain registered before planning the content. Why?
  • What is the purpose of sitemap in website development?
  • Create a sitemap for a simple website.

1.3 Develop Navigation System

1.3.1. 1 Website Navigation

When we talk about website navigation, it’s like we are talking about a road map. This map generally gives direction to a specific location. Very much similar is a website navigation system. It is like a roadmap to all different areas and information contained within the website.

Website navigation may be a very little thing compared to all the other components of a website. But this little thing makes a big difference to your website. The structure and labels of the navigation have a big impact on the search engine optimization.

T y p e s o f W e b s i t e N a v i g a t i o n

  • Hierarchical Website Navigation – This structure of the website navigation is built from general to specific. It provides a clear, simple path to all web pages from anywhere on the website.
  • Global Website Navigation – This type of website navigation shows top level sections/pages of the website. It is available on each page and lists the main content sections/pages of the website.
  • Local Website Navigation – Local navigation links with text of your web pages, linking to other pages within the website.

S t y l e s o f W e b s i t e N a v i g a t i o n

The styles of website navigation refer to how the navigation system is presented on a website. Some examples of styles are given below:

  • Text based links – These are words(texts) which are surrounded by the anchor set of tags to create text which may take the user to another webpage.
  • Breadcrumbs – Breadcrumb navigation shows the website visitor the current path they are on within the website.
  • Navigation bar – This is a collection of website navigation links all grouped together. A navigation bar can be horizontal or vertical.
  • Sitemap – A sitemap is page within the website that lists all the sections and webpages within a website.
  • Dropdown menu – It is a style of website navigation where upon placing mouse cursor over a menu item, another menu is revealed.

1.3.2 HTML

HTML is the standard Markup language for creating web pages. It stands for HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language.

What are markup languages?

It is a computer language that makes use to tags to define elements within a document. Markup languages are human-readable, meaning, that it contains standard words rather than typical programming syntax. This is what makes Markup languages very interesting and easy to grasp.

The content of each webpage is defined by HTML tags. All elements in HTML are represented by tags.

Basic web page tags include <HTML>, <head>, <body>. These tags define the sections of a webpage, while tags like <table>, <form>, <image> and <a> define elements within the page.

Most elements need a beginning and an end tag with the content placed in between the tags.

Browsers do not display HTML tags but uses it give the content of the page.

H T M L E x a m p l e

<p> tags are used for inserting paragraphs. Notice the beginning and end tag with the content placed between the tags.

<p> This is paragraph 1. </p>

A S i m p l e H T M L D o c u m e n t

<!DOCTYPE html>



<title>Page Title</title>



<h1>My First Heading</h1>

<p>My first paragraph.</p>



E x p l a n a t i o n

HTML TagExplanation
<!DOCTYPE html>A declaration that defines this document that is HTML 5
<html>Root element of an HTML page
<head>Contains meta information about the document
<title>Specifies a title for the document
<body>Contains the visible page content
<h1>Defines a large heading
<p>Defines a paragraph

W r i t i n g H T M L

Web pages can be created by using HTML editors. We shall use a notepad application to create a HTML page. Using simple text editors is a very good way to learn HTML.

Below are simple steps to create your very first web page with Notepad.

Step 1: Open Notepad Application (PC)

Open Start > Programs > Accessories > Notepad

Step 2: HTML Code

Type the following HTML code in Notepad:

<!DOCTYPE html>



<h1>My First Heading</h1>

<p>My first paragraph.</p>



Figure 4 Writing code in Notepad

Step 3: Save the HTML Page

Save the file on your computer. Select File > Save as in the Notepad menu.

Name your file “index.html” and set the encoding to UTF-8. UTF-8 is the preferred encoding for HTML files.

View in Browser

Figure 5 Saving a HTML file

You may use either .htm or .html as file extension. There is not any difference.

Step 4: View your HTML Page in Your Browser

Open the saved HTML file in your browser. Double click the HTML to open or right click and open with a web browser.

The output of the web browser is shown on the next page.

1.3.3     . 3 CSS

Figure 6 Code output in a web browser

Cascading Style Sheets(CSS) describes how HTML elements are to be displayed. It saves a lot of work as it can control the layout of multiple webpages all at once. Do not get confused with HTML and CSS. HTML is used to create the content of the page whereas CSS is responsible for the designing and styling of the website, which may include, layout, visual, effects and background color.

The style definitions are normally saved in external .css files.

With an external stylesheet file, you can change the look of an entire website by changing just one file!

C S S E x a m p l e s

body {

background-color: lightblue;


h1 {

color: white;

text-align: center;


p {

font-family: verdana; font-size: 20px;


  1. List some features of a good website navigation system.
  • What is the difference between HTML and CSS?
  • Write a simple HTML code that says “HELLO WORLD”.

1.4  Testing the Website

1.4.1  Website Prototype

A website prototype is a mock-up or a demo of what an actual website will look like when it is launched in the web. The prototype can be a paper sketch or a clickable HTML pages. In fact, when people talk about prototype they are generally referring to an interactive prototype which may allow viewers to navigate from page to page and experience some level of functionality of the website. It may sound too much work for a prototype but prototype can be made using simple application like PowerPoint, interactive PDF documents and even MS Word.

Figure 7 Prototype of a website

1.4.2     Managing Client Expectations

Meeting a client expectation for a website development is never easy, especially when the client has no or very little information about how websites work. Some clients would come to a developer and demand for a website within a few days and that too willing to pay a very little amount. A designer would always aim for a website that is created beautifully and is a very usable product but juggling it with client expectation may produce a contrary result. This happens almost every now and then in the world of website development. Website designing and development is rushed to the max and nobody is happy at the very end. The person who would be more upset about this is the developer.

Managing clients is very important. Upon doing this, only then a great website is produced. It becomes a grave responsibility of a developer to educate the client in the development process. A good explanation from steps A to B will ensure that the client is aware of development process and understand the level of work involved. Not only

the client is satisfied but it also defines the boundaries that guide the project through to completion.

Some approaches that you may take to manage your clients well are:

  • Agree on goals and milestones
  • Plan each and very approach properly
  • Constant communication
  • Regular updates and reports
  • Over deliver where within the constraints of time and budget

1.4.3     Testing

Website testing in simple terms is checking for potential errors or improvements before it’s made live. After the prototype is done, testing is the next step. During this stages potential areas where testing needs to done are; website security, functionality of the site, website accessibility, response time and traffic handling.

Website testing consists of following checklists:

  • Usability testing
  • Functionality testing
  • Compatibility test
  • Database testing
  • Security testing
  • Performance testing

1 . 4 . 3 . 1 Usability Testing

W h a t i s U s a b i l i t y T e s t i n g ?

Usability testing is nothing much that testing for the user-friendliness of the website. This is tested so that a new user can browse the website very easily.

P u r p o s e o r G o a l o f U s a b i l i t y t e s t i n g ?

A Usability test establishes the ease of use and effectiveness of a product using a standard Usability test practices.

1 . 4 . 3 . 2 F unctional Testing

W h a t i s F u n c t i o n a l T e s t i n g ?

Functional testing is the testing the features and operational behavior of a product to ensure they correspond to its specifications. It focuses solely on the outputs generated in response to selected inputs and execution conditions.

P u r p o s e o r G o a l o f Fu n c t i o n a l T e s t i n g ?

The goal of Functional testing is to verify whether your product meets the intended functional specifications as per client expectations and agreement.

1 . 4 . 3 . 3 Compatibility Testing

W h a t i s C o m p a t i b i l i t y T e s t i n g ?

Compatibility testing is used to determine if your software is compatible with other elements of a system with which it should operate, e.g. Browsers, Operating Systems, or hardware.

P u r p o s e o r G o a l o f C o m p a t i b i l i t y T e s t i n g ?

The purpose of Compatibility testing is to evaluate how well software performs in a particular browser, Operating Systems, hardware or software.

1 . 4 . 3 . 4 Database Testing

W h a t i s D a t a b a s e T e s t i n g ?

In Database testing backend records are tested which have been inserted through the web or desktop applications. The data which is displaying in the web application should match with the data stored in the Database.

1 . 4 . 3 . 5 Sec u r i t y T est i ng

W h a t i s S e c u r i t y T e s t i n g ?

Security Testing involves the test to identify any flaws and gaps from a security point of view.

1 . 4 . 3 . 6 Perfor mance Tes t i ng

W h a t i s P e r f o r m a n c e T e s t i n g ?

Performance testing is conducted to evaluate the compliance of a system or component with specified performance requirements.

1.4.4     . 4 Sign Off

For work to begin on the development and coding, the client and the developer needs to come to an agreement. This agreement is generally documented for the benefit of both the parties. This is what we call as a Contract. Some common clauses within this contract may include:

  • The website requirements
  • Cost of the website
  • Development schedule
  • Clauses for not meet the deliverables

Upon the agreement of these clauses, both parties sign off the contract.

  1. Explain the importance of prototypes.
  • Website development may be very much impossible without managing client expectations. How can this be done?
  • Elaborate on the importance on testing.


  • Electronic business is the process of conducting of businesses over the internet such as buying and selling of products and services over the internet, sharing information, running automated services, processing payments and many more.
  • Website accessibility is the processes involved in providing means that people with disabilities can use the web. These processes would allow individuals with disabilities to perceiver, understand, navigate and interact with the web.
  • Client and business liaison is a very important aspect of website development. Failure to have a good communication between either of the parties may lead to; time wastage, additional costs and unhealthy relationship between the parties.
  • Technology and connectivity are interrelated to one another. Technology provides a platform that provides organizations with great number of ways to connect with customers, employees, stakeholders and other businesses.
  • Coding is a website is vital part in website development, however, planning a website is considered to be more important than all the other phases of website development. Content planning is the foundation of website development.
  • Website navigation is the roadmap to all different areas and information contained within the website. There are three different types of website navigation: Hierarchical, Global and Local navigation.
  • Website testing is a process of checking for potential errors and improvements before it’s made live. A website is tested on the following: usability, functionality, compatibility, database, security and performance.
  • Sign off is the indicator for work to begin on the development. Upon signing off, the developer and the clients come to an agreement to begin work on development.


It’s important that you have a strong understanding of the key terms that will be used throughout this course. Start to develop your own glossary by completing the following table by providing definitions to the given terms and to new terms that you may come across in the unit.

T e r mD e f i n i t i o n
  HTML  Hyper Text Markup Language- is a set of markup codes and symbols inserted in a file to display in the web browser.
  CSS  Cascading Style Sheets is a language that describes the style of an HTML document.
  ISP  Internet Service Provider is an organization that provides internet services for a few.
  Markup Language 


  1. Wikipediaorg. (2017). Wikipediaorg. Retrieved 20 March, 2017, from

Feedback on Activities

Activity 1.1

1. Refer to page 1.4

Activity 1.2
  1. Refer to page 1.5
  2. Refer to page 1.5
  3. Research Work: Online search
Activity 1.3
  1. Refer to pages 1.6-17
  2. Refer to pages 1.6-1.7
Activity 1.4

1. Refer to pages 1.8-1.10 2.Refer to pages 1.9-1.10

3. Research Work: Online search or contact local ISP providers

Activity 1.5

1.Research Work: Online search

Activity 1.6

1.Refer to pages 1.12-1.13 2.Refer to page 1.12

  • Refer to pages 1.12-1.17
  • Refer to pages 1.15-1.17
  • Refer to pages 1.6-1.17
  • Refer to Figure 2: Sitemap
Activity 1.7

1. Refer to page 1.19 2.Refer to 1.20-1.123

3. Refer to pages to 1.20-1.23

Activity 1.8

1.Refer to page 1.25 2.Refer to pages 1.26-1.27

3. Refer to pages 1.27-1.29


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