Information Technology

CSC8510 Student Assessment 3

06 July 2023 06:08 AM | UPDATED 1 year ago

CSC8510 Student Assessment 3 :

CSC8510 Student Assessment 3
CSC8510 Student Assessment 3

Write a network design proposal for FunElectronics (FE)

This is an introductory networking course. We expect you to demonstrate the skill and knowledge you have learnt in this course rather than the skill and knowledge you may have acquired elsewhere.

Please raise queries about this report in the Assessment 3 (Report) Forum to share the queries and the answers. Do not sent personal email to the lecturer.

Part A (85 marks) About FunElectronics:

  • FunElectronics (FE) has two offices, one in Toowoomba and one in Brisbane.
  • There are four teams of employees:
    • Design – 100 employees, working in Toowoomba office
    • Finance – 40 employees, working in Toowoomba office
    • Management – 10 employees, working in Brisbane office
    • Sales – 200 employees, working in Brisbane office
  • All 4 teams will be accessing 20 servers located in the Brisbane office.
  • No wireless connection is required in both offices.
  • For simplicity, consider the gateways of the two offices are linked directly without involving any extra intermediate / external device.
  • Internet connection is not expected for both offices for this proposal. However, the FE network will eventually connect to the Internet.

Basic requirements of your design:

  • Design an address scheme for FE:
    • Consider the use of private and global IPv4 addresses.
    • State the use of which address(es) you have to pay for.
    • List the (range of) addresses used by the four teams, the servers and the gateway(s)
    • Keep in mind that the network will eventually connect to the Internet.
  • Use static routes between the gateways.
  • State how PCs in Toowoomba can connect to servers in Brisbane.
    • List the devices a packet traverses from Toowoomba to a server in Brisbane.
    • List the source and destination IP addresses, Mac addresses of a packet travelling from a PC in Toowoomba office to a server in Brisbane office and back to the source PC.
      • Assume that the packet can travel directly between the gateways in Toowoomba and Brisbane without going through any intermediate device.
      • Assign a MAC address to the source PC, the destination server, and each of the intermediate device traversed.
  • List the source and destination IP addresses, source and destination Mac addresses when a packet travels from a PC in Toowoomba to a server in Brisbane and back to the source PC.
  • Your design (PDF file) submitted should be less than 10 pages (Font size at least 10).
  • Provide a report on your design less than 10 pages, in pdf format and including at least:
    • The requirements of the network
    • Details of your design for the FE network
    • List your design considerations, your reasonings and your conclusions and how your design can match each of the requirements
      • What are the alternatives?
      • Which one is your preferred choice and why?
      • Example:
        • router 1 G0/0 using IPv4 connects to router 2 G0/0 using IPv4
        • IPv4 and are globally routable (ITN Module11 slide 13)
        • /30 reduce the IP address wastage as it allows 2 hosts only. (ITN Module11 slide 25)
  • Provide a Packet Tracer file to demonstrate your design:
    • You must use Packet Tracer version 8.0.1. Other versions may not be compatible, and we may not be able to open your file(s).
    • Use 2 PCs to represent a network / subnet etc.
    • Connect PCs to switch(es) using UTP cables
    • Connect switch(es) to router(s) using UTP cables
    • Connect gateway to gateway (such as routers between Toowoomba and Brisbane) using Serial (WAN) cables

Submit your work as <StudentID>PartA.pdf e.g. U123456PartA.pdf and

<StudentID>PartA.pkt e.g. U123456PartA.pkt

Part B (15 marks)

To enhance the working experience, FE decided to implement wireless connections in its offices. The map for Toowoomba office is shown below:

FE Toowoomba Office Floor Plan

FE considered wireless Access Point from JUNKY is the best. The AP has a range of 20m.

Determine how many APs would be needed and show how the APs can cover the office. Show your working, reasoning and how the APs can provide the required wireless coverage for the campus.

Submit your work as <StudentID>PartB.pdf.

Submission Check list:

  • <StudentID>PartA.pdf e.g. U123456PartA.pdf
  • <StudentID>PartA.pkt e.g. U123456PartA.pkt
  • <StudentID>PartB.pdf e.g. U123456PartB.pdf

**** End ****

Marking Rubrics
Part A
Address scheme (20%)20 – 15%14 – 10 %9 – 5%4 – 1%0%
Proper class of address used.Each employee is assigned an appropriate IPv4 address.Each gateway is assigned an appropriate IPv4 address.Proper class of address used.Each employee is assigned an appropriate IPv4 address.Each gateway is assigned an appropriate IPv4 address.Proper class of address used.Each employee is assigned an appropriate IPv4 address.Each gateway is assigned an appropriate IPv4 address.Proper class of address used.Each employee is assigned an appropriate IPv4 address.Each gateway is assigned an appropriate IPv4 address.No address scheme.
 Each server is assigned an appropriate IPv4 address.Addresses assigned should follow the common practice.Measures taken to enhance network performance and maintenance, better privacy, and security.Each server is assigned an appropriate IPv4 address.Measures taken to enhance network performance and maintenance, better privacy, and security.4. Each server is assigned an appropriate IPv4 address.  
Routes (6%)6 – 5%4 – 3 %2 – 1%0%
Correct static routes usedNot all static routes are correctCorrect routing.Incorrect routing
Connecting Toowoomba and Brisbane (3%)3%2%1%0%
Devices in Brisbane are connected to devices in Toowoomba.Most devices in Brisbane are connected to devices in Toowoomba.Few devices in Brisbane are connected to devices in Toowoomba.No device in Brisbane is connected to devices in Toowoomba.
Report (32%)25 – 18%17 – 10 %9 – 4%5 – 3%2 – 0%
Less than 10 pages, font size 10 or larger, and in pdf format.Listed all the requirements, design details, design considerations, reasonings for the network.Show how your design matches the requirements.Talk about possible alternatives, your choice and why.Systematic and userLess than 10 pages, font size 10 or larger, and in pdf format.Show how your design matches the requirements.Talk about possible alternatives, your choice and why.Systematic and user friendly presentation. In simple English and easily understood.Less than 10 pages, font size 10 or larger, and in pdf format.Show how your design matches the requirements.Systematic and user friendly presentation. In simple English and easily understood.Less than 10 pages, font size 10 or larger, and in pdf format.Show how your design matches the requirements.In simple English and easily understood.More than 10 pages.
CSC8510 Student Assessment 3

 friendly presentation. In simple English and easily understood.    
Packet Tracer file (25%)25 – 18%17 – 11%10 – 4%3 – 1%0 %
Use of Packet Tracer version 8.0.1.Two PCs are used to represent a network / subnet.Proper use of UTP and WAN cables. All PCs can reach each other and servers.Proper IPv4 address information assigned to devices.PCs can talk to each other and the servers in Brisbane.Use of Packet Tracer version 8.0.1.Proper use of UTP and WAN cables. All PCs can reach each other and servers.Proper IPv4 address information assigned to devices.PCs can talk to each other and the servers in Brisbane.Use of Packet Tracer version 8.0.1.Proper IPv4 address information assigned to devices. 5. PCs can talk to each other and the servers in Brisbane.Use of Packet Tracer version 8.0.1.Proper IPv4 address information assigned to devices.PCs cannot talk to each other and the servers in Brisbane.Not using Packet Tracer version 8.0.1.
Part B
Applying APs (15%)15 – 10%9 – 5%4 – 3%2 – 0%
APs required is appropriate.How APs can cover the office is shown.Reasoning for the design is provided.APs required is appropriate.How APs can cover the office is shown.Reasoning is mostly correct.APs required is appropriate.How APs can cover the office is not shown.Reasoning is mostly not correct.APs required is not appropriate.How APs can cover the office is not shown.
CSC8510 Student Assessment 3


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