
SITXFSA008 Develop and implement a food safety program

02 June 2023 11:57 AM | UPDATED 1 year ago

SITXFSA008 Develop and implement a food safety program :

SITXFSA008 Develop and implement a food safety program
SITXFSA008 Develop and implement a food safety program

Introduction  4

Assessment for this unit 4

Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions  5

Information for students  5

Questions  6

Assessment Task 1: Checklist 19

Assessment Task 2: Project Portfolio  21

Information for students  21

Activities  22

Assessment Task 2: Checklist 30

Final results record  32


Welcome to the Student Assessment Tasks for SITXFSA008 Develop and implement a food safety program. These tasks have been designed to help you demonstrate the skills and knowledge that you have learnt during your course.

Please ensure that you read the instructions provided with these tasks carefully. You should also follow the advice provided in the Hospitality Works Student User Guide. The Student User Guide provides important information for you relating to completing assessment successfully.

Assessment for this unit

For you to be assessed as competent, you must successfully complete two assessment tasks:

Kitchen time required
You will require time in the kitchen to complete Assessment Task 2. You will find more information about the requirements for training/commercial kitchens in the Hospitality Works Student User Guide.

Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions

Information for students

Knowledge questions are designed to help you demonstrate the knowledge which you have acquired during the learning phase of this unit. Ensure that you:

  • review the advice to students regarding answering knowledge questions in the Hospitality Works Student User Guide
  • comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide
  • adhere with your RTO’s submission guidelines
  • answer all questions completely and correctly
  • submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced
  • avoid sharing your answers with other students.
iAssessment information
Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in Appendix A of the Hospitality Works Student User Guide.Refer to the appendix for information on: where this task should be completedthe maximum time allowed for completing this assessment task


Provide answers to all of the questions below.

  1. When creating a food safety program what are the 12 steps? Make sure you include the 7 principles as part of your answer.
  • List six of the basic requirements that need to be included in a food safety plan.
  • It is important to consult and communicate with stakeholders when developing a food safety program. List four methods that can be used as part of consultation.
  • Write down which stakeholders are responsible for which activities during the development of a food safety plan.
  • Department heads
  • Food safety team
  • Procurement team
Department heads 
Food safety team 
Procurement team 
  • Briefly summarise the food safety codes that support regulatory requirements.
Food safety codeSummary
Purchasing and receiving food 
Food storage 
Food processing 
Serving and displaying food 
Packaging and transporting food 
Cleaning and sanitizing 
Recording temperatures 
Time control 
Pest control 
Waste disposal 
Personal hygiene 
Food recalls 
  • Briefly explain the food safety standard 3.2.2 and how it supports regulatory requirements.
  • List three procedures and three monitoring documents used to support a food safety program.
Monitoring documents 
  • Briefly explain the role of the local government in regard to food safety regulations and audit frequencies.
Who approves your food safety program? 
What is the role of an Environmental Health Officer (EHO)? 
How often are audits?.
What would happen if a customer reported a food safety breach? 
What can the EHO do if the business has breached food safety laws? 
  • Complete the following table as stated by the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code:
Meaning of contaminant 
Meaning of contamination 
Potentially hazardous foods 
  1. Explain how the following aspects contribute to the food safety program. Include information on policies and procedures that are related.
Cleaning and sanitation  
Contingency management  
Corrective actions  
Equipment maintenance  
Critical control points (CCPs)  
Hazards including: controls, corrective action, monitoring, and record keeping  
Personal considerations including: dress, hygiene, and PPE  
Pest control  
Record maintenance  
  1. Briefly explain how the following food safety monitoring techniques apply to the food safety program.
Bacterial swabs and counts
Checking and recording that food is stored in appropriate timeframes
Chemical tests
Monitoring and recording food temperatures using a temperature measuring device accurate to plus or minus one degree Celsius
Monitoring and recording temperature of cold and hot storage equipment
Visually examining food for quality review
  1. Briefly explain the following food safety management documents.
Audit reports 
Audit tables 
Customer complaint forms 
Food flow diagrams 
Food production records 
Hazard analysis table 
Incident reports where food hazards are found not to be under control 
Policies, procedures, and product specifications 
Records of the monitoring of hazard controls 
Records required by local legislation 
Illness register 
List of suppliers 
Temperature control data 
Training logs 
Verification records 
  1. Complete the following six main critical control points (CPPs) with one method of control within the food production process.
CCPMethod of control
Purchasing and receiving food 
Thawing frozen food 
Cooking food 
Cooling and freezing food 
Reheating prepared food 
Serving and displaying food 
Packaging and transporting food 
Purchasing and receiving food 
  1. The following questions relate to the HACCP food safety system principles, procedures and processes
  2. What are the appropriate temperature levels for each of the following processes?
Food storageDry store 
Cool room 
Food production 
Food display 
Thawing food 
Cooling processed food 
  • List three main types of hazards and contamination.
  • What are the ideal conditions for microbiological growth?
  • Briefly explain the temperature danger zone and the two-hour and four-hour rule.
  • Briefly explain the two-hour and four-hour cooling rule.
  1. List two things that affect which cleaning, sanitising and pest control equipment and materials are used as part of the food safety program.
  1. List the six high-risk customer groups that need to be considered when developing a food safety program.

Assessment Task 1: Checklist

Student’s name: 
Did the student provide a sufficient and clear answer that addresses the suggested answer for the following?Completed successfully?Comments
Question 1   
Question 2   
Question 3   
Question 4   
Question 5   
Question 6   
Question 7   
Question 8   
Question 9   
Question 10   
Question 11   
Question 12   
Question 13   
Question 14a   
Question 14b   
Question 14c   
Question 14d   
Question 14e   
Question 15   
Question 16   
Task outcome:SatisfactoryNot satisfactory
Assessor signature: 
Assessor name: 

Assessment Task 2: Project Portfolio

Information for students

Tasks required for this unit This unit of competency requires that you:


Complete the following activities.

  1. Carefully read the following information.
Successful completion of this unit requires that you complete the tasks listed above. It is important that you provide evidence that you have successfully completed each task. We have provided a Project Portfolio to help you. Below is a guide to the skills and knowledge you must demonstrate when you are completing each task. We have provided a number of documents to assist you and you will find these in your Project Portfolio. What do I need to demonstrate? During your assessments you will be required to demonstrate a range of the skills and knowledge that you have developed during your course. These include: communicate program, policies, procedures and practices to staffdisplay required signageorganise training and mentoringmonitor staff to ensure they are following processesmanage actions for incidents of uncontrolled food hazardsmake changes to correct food safety breachesmaintain documentationconduct internal auditing of food safety programassist external auditors when inspecting businessregularly review program, policies, procedures and monitoring systems in consultation with stakeholdersamend food safety program with changescommunicate changes to staffidentify and act on additional training needs based on changes to food safety practices. How will I provide evidence? In your Project Portfolio you will find some detailed information about providing evidence. You will complete a Project Portfolio and submit a number of attachments as part of your evidence. Tips for completing your Project Portfolio Read through this assessment and your Project Portfolio before you get started and make sure you understand what you need to do. If you are unsure, speak to your assessor and/or supervisor.Stay up to date! Providing organised, complete evidence forms part of your assessment.Stay in touch with your assessor. Ask questions, raise issues, check in, communicate. Most importantly, ask for help if you are having trouble!

  • Prepare to develop your Food Safety Program (FSP).
For this assessment, you are to assume that the training kitchen you have access to is preparing to develop a new food safety program. Consider the location of the business and download a Food Safety Program template for the relevant state or territory from the Internet, or from your assessor. Note, you will find that each state or territory government will provide a detailed template that food and catering businesses can use that is compliant and will fulfill the requirements of this unit including the regulatory requirements for your state or territory and food premises type. Your assessor needs to approve your template before you start working with it to ensure that these aspects are covered.  Your assessor will assist you to form a working group so that you can have team members to collaborate with and consult with when developing your food safety program. You will each develop your own program, but you will act as each other’s stakeholders and participate in training sessions for this assessment. Form your group (maximum 5 persons per group) and write down the names of your group members in your Project Portfolio in Section 1. Complete Section 1 of your Project Portfolio.
  • Develop your FSP.
Begin development of your food safety program. Start by reading through the template or tool you are using to create your program, and completing the following sections: Business details – in this section your will analyse and record the business’s regulatory requirements, type of business, name of licence, name of food safety supervisor, type of food establishment, number of meals served and whether there are any offsite arrangements or other organisations involved (for this assessment you can assume responsibility as the applicant or licencee required to make all declarations for purposes of assessment only). Identify and document your food handling activities – in this section you will systematically identify all the food handling activities that are undertaken in your premises. Your template should have an example flow chart, so you can either modify this one, create a new one that accurately reflects the processes involved in your particular case, or you can simply create a process flow using bullet points. Update your template or tool once you have identified the steps involved and document it in the relevant section.  Also complete the Food Handling Activities Checklist in your template and read and work through all of the activities related to food handling which include:Purchasing processes – read through the suggested policy and develop your list of approved food suppliers in the template record providedReceivingDry storageCold storageFrozen storage Thawing Preparation CookingCooling foodReheating and hot holding Serving, self-serve and displaying foodAllergens, food packaging and labellingTransporting food (if relevant, for example, food is not delivered to the premises, but someone goes to purchase and collect food and has to transport it back to the training kitchenOff-site events – if this is relevant to the business and sometimes events are catered for at other locations. Read through all of the suggested policies in the tool or template you are using to create your food safety program that deal with the sections above, highlight any modifications you make so the policies are more suited to your business (indicate changes made in a colour highlight so your assessor can easily locate them). Read through and modify all the support programs in the template (indicate changes made in a colour highlight so your assessor can easily locate them) which need to include: Food premises and equipmentCleaning and sanitisingPersonal hygiene and health of food handlersTemperature controlPest controlWaste managementProduct recall scheduleCustomer complaintsSkills and knowledge Staff training Customise any record templates that you will be implementing as part of the food safety program such as temperature control logs, the 2 hour/4 hour guide, cleaning schedules etc and make sure you have customised the full program so it’s ready to be implemented into the business. Note, when developing and customising the documentation, where there are suggested procedures, you can think about the actual procedure that is followed in the training kitchen and decide whether to amend it based on current practice or if the suggested procedure is better than the current practice you may decide to keep the suggestion. You will discuss changes to the program in a meeting in the next step so takes notes for a discussion with your working group when developing your documentation. Finalise your documentation and save as Food Safety Program Draft in preparation for your meeting with your working group and attach this to your Project Portfolio in Section 1.
Submit Section 1 of your Project Portfolio to your assessor prior to moving on to the next step.
  • Consult with stakeholders.
You will now be involved in a round table meeting with your working group you formed in activity step 2. Each group member will have 10 minutes to discuss their program and changes made and 5 mins for each group member to gather feedback or suggested changes from the other group members. You can spend more time at the end of the meeting discussing changes needed after each person has had their allocated 15 minutes and spend some time discussing training needs of the business. Take an electronic or hard copy of your draft FSP to share with your working group. The purpose of the meeting is to: discuss existing practices of the training kitchen / business and the suggested wording of policies and processes in the template you are using;decide which existing practices should be incorporated into the new food safety program, including monitoring arrangements and how this will be done; anddiscuss training needs and the best way to go about this. After the meeting, finalise any changes to your FSP, complete the Audit Checklist within the program to ensure that you are ready to finalise your document, and document the review activities and the date for the next review (your template should have a review section you can customise and complete. Save this as Food Safety Program V1.0 ready for implementation within the business. Also save it as an attachment to your Project Portfolio.
iThis meeting should take approximately 1 hour. Your assessor will directly observe it.
  • Comply with your local council accreditation steps.
Look up the steps in your local government area in relation to submission and accreditation of your FSP with your local council and simulate following these steps. For example, you will not actually submit anything to council, but you need to demonstrate that you can follow the process. Refer to your Project Portfolio in Section 2 and begin work on this section.
  • Develop and deliver training for staff.
Prepare training materials for staff based on the information in your FSP and based on your discussions with your work group in Activity Step 4. For example, create a fact sheet related to hygiene, print out the food handler skills and knowledge checklist that outlines their legal responsibilities or develop another training aid based on the needs discussed in your group meeting. This training aid must also be suitable for you to use as a visual display in the work area and you will need to submit this as a portfolio attachment. Arrange a training session with one of your group members – arrange this directly with them via email or calendar invite for either an in-person training session or online depending on what suits you both best and make sure your assessor can either observe this or prepare to record it for them. Provide evidence of arranging this in Section 2 of your Project Portfolio. Prepare and send an email to your work group to implement the new program with the details of when the new FSP is being implemented (this should be immediately) and how this will occur, for example, where the new FSP is located, and any other details they may need to be aware of such as major changes to a specific procedure.
Complete Section 2 of your Project Portfolio and submit to your assessor.
  • Monitor operational activities.
Assume that one week has passed by since the implementation of the new FSP. You need to complete a check on all the logs that have been completed for the past week to ensure that the program has been followed correctly. Your assessor will provide you with one week’s worth of logs for you to review – check them all against the procedures in the FSP to ensure that they have been followed correctly (in reality, you will be using logs that are working as part of the current food safety program, but you can check them against the new program that you have developed). Look through all of the logs that form part of the FSP for the past week. Work with one of the members from your working group for this step so that you work collaboratively for this scheduled review and make use of the food safety program review documentation and checklists that will be included in the back of the FSP documentation. Start working on Section 3 of your Project Portfolio and answer all the questions related to this step.
  • Respond to an incident and apply corrective action.
Assume that you have discovered that a new supplier has been found in breach for two items in a delivery last week. The two frozen items were not stored and transported correctly. Work through the steps involved, complete the associated corrective activities by recording this in the relevant records and draft an email to the supplier informing them of the action you are taking and communicate this to staff via email also. Continue working on Section 3 of your Project Portfolio to record this.
Submit Section 3 of your Project Portfolio to your assessor prior to moving on to the next step.
SITXFSA008 Develop and implement a food safety program

  • Arrange and participate in an independent food safety audit.
Assume that another three months have passed, and the business has decided to have an independent auditor audit the program and premises in readiness for its upcoming scheduled council audit in three months’ time. Conduct some research online about who you can appoint to do this and complete the activities in your Project Portfolio in Section 4. Please note, you will not actually contact the independent auditor or food safety consultant, but you will follow steps as part of the simulation including drafting an email to arrange the visit. Prepare for an upcoming audit by ensuring that three months’ worth of records and logs are obtained of the training kitchen for all records and support programs within the FSP and that the most current and up to date FSP document is printed or copied, and all files are ready for the auditor to review and that access to the training kitchen can be obtained for the auditor. Your assessor will act in the role of the independent auditor when it’s time to participate in the simulated audit. Refer to your Project Portfolio in Section 4 for more details and record your evidence and include all the necessary attachments as instructed. This simulated audit will take place on one of your scheduled classroom dates.

Participate in the food safety audit as a group with your assessor acting as auditor and your classmates as colleagues. This includes looking through the records together, noting down any discrepancies or issues and conducting a walkthrough of the premises to ensure that the FSP is relevant for the area and is being followed. Obtain and file the audit checklist/report from the auditor when the audit has been completed.
SITXFSA008 Develop and implement a food safety program

  1. Evaluate and revise your FSP.
Form back into your working groups after the audit and review the audit findings from the checklist/report completed by your assessor acting as auditor. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss: The food safety controls in place and how it can be ensured that the issues picked up can be resolved moving forward.A discussion of the associated policies, procedures, product specifications, monitoring systems and record keeping processes in place in the FSP and how it can be better controlled to ensure all logs and checks are completed in the way they have been designed.Updates to the documentation to ensure that monitoring processes are occurring the way they are intended.Training that needs to occur and how this can be provided. Continue working on Section 4 of your Project Portfolio to record this.
iThis meeting should take approximately 30 minutes. Your assessor will directly observe it.
After your discussion, make all the required amendments and updates to your FSP, follow version control procedures and review documentation within the program to show that changes have been applied and the information about what as changed and the dates it was completed. Draft communication to your team about the changes and why it’s been necessary to make these. Ensure you point out the issues that have been identified during the audit, but also make sure that you focus on the positive aspect of how the changes will ensure that issues like these don’t arise again and be inclusive in your language. Advise them of the upcoming training session that will be held as discussed at the meeting with your working group.
Submit Section 4 of your Project Portfolio to your assessor prior to moving on to the next step.
  1. Submit documents to your assessor.
Make sure you have completed all sections of your Project Portfolio, answered all questions, provided enough detail as indicated and proofread for spelling and grammar as necessary. Send or submit the completed Project Portfolio to your assessor.
SITXFSA008 Develop and implement a food safety program

Assessment Task 2: Checklist

Has the following been completed?Completed successfully?Comments
The student has satisfactorily evaluated organisational requirements and developed a draft FSP to control hazards that meets all regulatory requirements of a food safety program for their relevant state or territory.   
The student has satisfactorily consulted with stakeholders during the development of their FSP, made changes as necessary and finalised it ready for implementation.   
The student has satisfactorily complied with your local council accreditation steps.   
The student has satisfactorily developed and delivered training for staff which includes visual signage being displayed.   
The student has satisfactorily monitored operational activities and responded to an incident and applied the relevant corrective measures.   
The student has satisfactorily arranged and participated in an independent food safety audit.   
The student has satisfactorily evaluated and revised their FSP based on the audit and communicated changes and training needs with staff based on that review.   
SITXFSA008 Develop and implement a food safety program

Task outcome:
Assessor signature: 
Assessor name: 
SITXFSA008 Develop and implement a food safety program


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