
Report outlining the role of media in community development

22 June 2023 06:58 AM | UPDATED 1 year ago

Report outlining the role of media in community development :

Report outlining the role of media in community development
Report outlining the role of media in community development

Assessment 3

Assessment Type              Case Study Reports

Due Date             Monday, Week 11, by 5.00pm (AEST/AEDT)

Learning Outcome           a. Demonstrate advanced knowledge regarding the scope and functions of core institutional structures in Australian society including three levels of government, key government departments, legal institutions and legislative frameworks including international human rights obligations, anti-discrimination legislations and duty of care obligations that inform social work practice

b. Display and critique an advanced knowledge of the key social and economic indicators in Australia particularly relating to economic and social well-being, poverty, employment and unemployment.

c. Demonstrate high level specialist knowledge regarding the social demographic profiles of different social groups in the community including those that relate to individual and family profiles, gender and sexuality, ability and disability and different cultural and Indigenous groups.

d. Exhibit advance knowledge regarding different social and political stances in relation to key social issues, particularly relating to poverty, sexuality, family violence and drugs and alcohol.

Weighting           20%

Length   750 words per case study

Report outlining the role of media in community development Assessment Details and Instructions

Case study reports

You are to write 2 short case study reports, each 750 words outlining the role of the media in community development.

Resources Required

Online video-viewing access

Description of Task

Case Study One:

Choose from one of the following video case studies:

Inequality: 4 Corners (Growing Up Poor, 2012)


2. Aged Care: 4 Corners (Who Cares? Part 2, 2018)

After selecting a case study write a case study report (750 words) on the specific social issue that is depicted in the video that includes:

A short synopsis of the key ideas of the case study video.

A description of which key social and cultural factors contribute to how the people in this video see themselves. This may include factors relating to age, socio-economic status, employment or unemployment, sexuality, gender, ability or disability, cultural background or religious affiliation. In your response explain the relevant details relating to this factor or factors and note the ways in which it impacts on the people in the video.

A description of what social and governmental institutions the subjects of the video interact with, and how the people representing these institutions respond to them.

A description of what kinds of inequality, prejudice or bias the people in the video experience. Note whether this inequality, prejudice or bias potentially contravenes any legislative protections, or human rights as outlined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Using the example of at least two people in the video describe how, as a community or social worker you would support them, what adjustments you might make in your practices to respond to them appropriately and what social or cultural resources you might use to assist you.

Discuss how you identify socially and culturally compared to the people in the video. Describe how this might affect your interactions with some of these people. Note any ways the video challenged your preconceptions and how you have shifted your own perspective.

Case Study Two:

From the list of books below choose one chapter from one of the following books and write a case study report on this (750 words):

Clarke, M., Yussuf, A., & Magan, M. (Eds.) (2019). Growing up African in Australia. Black Inc.


2. Divaroren, D., & Pajalić, A. (Eds.) (2019) Growing up Muslim in Australia: Coming of age. Allen & Unwin.


3. Heiss, A., & Heiss, A. (Eds.) (2018) Growing up Aboriginal in Australia. Black Inc., an imprint of Schwartz Publishing Pty Ltd.


4. Pung, A. (Eds.) (2008) Growing up Asian in Australia. Black Inc.

In your case study report include the following:

Describe which key social, cultural and institutional factors contribute to how the people in this chapter see themselves, using academic references from this Unit to support this. This may include factors relating to age, socio-economic status, employment or unemployment, sexuality, gender, ability or disability, cultural background or religious affiliation. In your response explain the relevant details relating to this factor or factors and note the ways in which it impacts on the people in the film.

A description of which social and governmental institutions the subjects interact with, and how the people from these institutions respond to them.

A description of what kinds of inequality, prejudice or bias the people in the book describe experiencing. Note whether this inequality, prejudice or bias potentially contravenes any legislative protections, or human rights as outlined in the Universal Declaration Of Human Rights.

Using the example of at least two people in the story describe how, as a community or social worker you would support them, what adjustments you might make in your practices to respond to them appropriately and what social or cultural resources you might use to assist you.

Discuss how you identify socially and culturally compared to the people in the film. Describe how this might affect your interactions with some of these people. Note any ways the film challenged your preconceptions and how you have shifted your own perspective.

Marking Criteria


High Distinction

9-10 marks


8 marks


7 marks


5-6 marks


< 5 marks

Case study 1

Work describes and analyses all elements of the assessment task, critically engaging with the social and institutional structures that influence how the key case study subjects act, using at least 2 references to support this. Demonstrates a high level of reflection as to how own experience and social position influences their approach to human service work.

Work describes all elements of the assessment task. There is strong evidence of critical reflection of the case study including self-reflection on own experience and how this influences own approach to human services work. At least one academic reference is cited.

Work has been submitted within time boundaries and within prescribed parameters. Strong evidence of considered reflection of the case study. Answers the all questions. Demonstrates ability to reflect on own experience and knowledge.

Work has been submitted within time boundaries. Work deviates slightly from the required parameters. Demonstrates some evidence of the selected case study. Answers at least three of six questions adequately.

Work has been submitted late without deadline extension permission or entry deviates significantly from the required parameters specified in the assessment instructions. No evidence of viewing videos or reading or of reflective practice.

Marks assigned out of /10

Case study 2

Work describes and analyses all elements of the assessment task, critically engaging with the social and institutional structures that influence how the key case study subjects act. Demonstrates a high level of reflection as to how own experience and social position influences their approach to human services work.

Work describes all elements of the assessment task. There is strong evidence of critical reflection of the case study including self-reflection on own experience and how this influences own approach to human services work.

Work has been submitted within time boundaries and within prescribed parameters. Strong evidence of considered reflection of the case study. Answers the all questions. Demonstrates ability to reflect on own experience and knowledge.

Work has been submitted within time boundaries. Work deviates slightly from the required parameters. Demonstrates some evidence of the selected case study. Answers at least three of six questions adequately.

Work has been submitted late without deadline extension permission or entry deviates significantly from the required parameters specified in the assessment instructions. No evidence of viewing videos or reading or of reflective practice.

Marks assigned out of /10

Overall Mark Assessment 3: /20


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