
MKT202A Marketing and Audience Research

09 June 2023 08:32 AM | UPDATED 1 year ago

MKT202A Marketing and Audience Research :

MKT202A Marketing and Audience Research
MKT202A Marketing and Audience Research
Subject Code and TitleMKT202A Advertising and Audience Research
AssessmentAssessment 2: Research Project (Part 1) – The Proposal
Individual/GroupGroup – Groups are to be between 3-5 students
Length2000 words +/- 10% (excludes Reference List, in-text referencing and information presented in tables)
Learning OutcomesFormulate high-quality research problems definition.Compare and contrast the differences between qualitative and quantitative research techniquesApply theoretical marketing research knowledge to practical situations. (e) Demonstrate sound analytical, problem- solving and communication skills
SubmissionDue by 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of module 4.1 (Week 7)
Total Marks100 marks
MKT202A Marketing and Audience Research


The aim of this assessment is for students to demonstrate both their understanding of and ability to formulate, administer and report on a suitable marketing research project.

The research project is intended to give practical application to research theory, giving each student the opportunity to conduct a piece of marketing research and provide insight into the marketing research process.

  • Your assignment will be a group task.
  • Group size must be no larger than 3-5 persons per group.
  • Your group will be a market research agency, and your lecturer will be your client.
  • It is also suggested that you create a name for the group.

By week 2 of the trimester, the lecturer will provide a market research client brief. The client brief will provide background to a problem, marketing issue, research problem and objectives.

This project is in 2 parts:

Part 1 – Assessment 2 – The Proposal (This assessment, due now)

Part 2 – Assessment 4 – The Report (See Assessment 4 Brief for further information. Not due until later.)

For assessment two you will be required to submit two items:

  1. Proposal Submission, and
  2. Peer Evaluation Submission.

Proposal Submission

(Only one submission per group). Assessments are to be submitted via the Assessment link in the main navigation menu in MKT202A.

MKT202A Marketing and Audience Research Instructions

As a group, you are required to prepare a detailed Market Research Proposal that clearly outlines the marketing problem and research objectives and details a recommended research approach to meet these objectives.

A marketing research proposal can be defined as:

“A plan that offers recommendations for conducting research …details the who, the what, the where, the when and the how of research and the information associated with it”.

Before carrying out marketing research, the researcher is supposed to write a marketing research proposal. The main aim of this proposal is to provide the client with an overview of your recommended approach and obtain their approval.

Additional points for consideration:

  • The presentation, format and structure of the report forms part of the Assessment.
  • Your research approach must include a quantitative research component.
  • Assessment 2 forms the basis of Assessment 4.

Include (at a minimum) the following elements in your proposal:

This section sets the context of your investigation and overviews the marketing problem (the impact from both a qualitative and quantitative perspective) ascertaining the importance, magnitude and priority of the issue. Hence, why it is worth investigating and why it is imperative do so.

  1. Develop a Research Context

With respect to the marketing problem:

  1. Include only relevant historical information about the company and/or the market or industry. (No blanket or generic history, of the company)
    1. The circumstances which have led to the need to undertake research (i.e. How was the issue discovered?)
  • The impact and its magnitude to the company’s operations (How has this affected how the company operates? Is there a conflict with the company’s vision or strategy? Are there long-term or far-reaching implications?)
  • Present the major findings of Exploratory Research which has been conducted to better understand the background and clarify the marketing problem. The information presented in this section should form the basis of the recommendations made in the proposal. It should cover off at least 4 key areas relating to the issue and represent new relevant information that is considered imperative to facilitate effective decision making from the client. It is expected that at least 12 credible secondary sources of information will be investigated. This section should also include a brief introduction as to why it was felt that the information gathered was relevant and pertinent to the issue.
  • Identify the Research Problem, as the group now sees it, taking into consideration step (2). This represents the gaps in information that the group consider imperative for the client, but which may have not been identified in the secondary data investigation. Specifically addressing any deviations between the proposal and the client brief. For example, you may feel that the client has requested a descriptive approach in the brief but after your exploratory research, you consider that an exploratory approach is better suited to the research problem and the information that is needed to assist in resolving the marketing problem.
  • Outline the Research Objectives and any specific research questions that will be used.
  • Describe the Type of Research and Technique (i.e. Research Design) that you are going to undertake and give a description of each technique that you are going to do (i.e. Exploratory/Descriptive: Qualitative, Quantitative…etc.). Include in this section how the Data will be collected using (e.g. telephone, mail, internet etc.) and why you have chosen the particular Research Design. Please note that this outline must be consistent with the constraints of the project that have been provided in the Client Brief. If using an online survey generator/application students will need to explain why the particular survey generator/application was consider superior and how it meets the Project’s parameters.
  • Outline the Sampling Plan. This includes the number of interviews that you will conduct in the Quantitative Phase of your project, how you will recruit the respondents, and why you have chosen the Sampling Technique recommended.
  • Explain what information this research will provide and why it will better assist in solving the client’s marketing problem, in lieu of the original direction that may have been provided in the client brief. Hence, serving to demonstrate that you intend to collect only pertinent, relevant information that will maximise the required decision making. (the inclusion of a Sample Survey may assist in this process –mapping the questions back to the Research Objectives).
  • Identify any Project Constraints that are foreseen by the group and discuss the impact on the project’s outcomes and progress.
  • Include a Project Schedule. List each (and all) of the steps that will be undertaken, and the time taken for each to complete the project (including, submission and presentation deadlines).

How to submit:

You are required to present the assessment in report format.

An Executive Summary is NOT required. Although, students should include a title page, table of contents, and use suitable headings for the information presented.

  • Student Identifiers (Name and Number) of all members of the group should appear on each page of the document – ideally in either the header or footer.
  • All assessments are expected to be submitted in a form and format that would be acceptable in the business world:
    • All work must be word-processed, spell checked, grammatically acceptable, and professional in appearance. Note: US-based spelling and grammar not acceptable in the Australian Context;
    • Handwritten and/or electronic submissions sent directly to the lecturer will not be accepted;
    • The learning facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
  • Should not be written from a first-person context, but rather from the third-person perspective. That is, “I, we, my, our” are not acceptable;
  • The use of any combination of narrative, point form, diagrams, graphs or other visuals including presenting the information in table form is permitted – particularly, if these devices reduce the wordiness and increase the “readability” of the submission.
  • All claims and recommendations are to be supported by suitable and relevant research and/or theoretical principles; and
  • Includes a correctly constructed reference list and accompanying in-report citations, as per University guidelines (APA Referencing). Please see more information on referencing here:

Peer Evaluation Submission

(Individual submission) – to be submitted under separate advice/directly to the lecturer using My Class Message facility, available in the main navigation menu by the due date of the assessment – 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of module 4.1 (Week 7)

  • The Peer Evaluation Template is available to download, under Assessment Information
  • Each group member is required to complete a peer evaluation, as this forms part of the assessment criteria
  • Each student is to evaluate their group members using the following criteria:
5Has been one of the key members of the group, taking initiative and extensively contributing to the group assessment effort.
4Very valuable member of the team actively contributing to the team effort and the group assessment outcomes.
MKT202A Marketing and Audience Research

3Has been following instructions of one or more team members. Contributed to the team efforts as per agreed tasks, but did not go beyond that.
2Has fulfilled part of the agreed tasks and overlooked some. Has not been initiating much of the team group effort. More passive member of the group.
1Showed no real efforts and contribution to the team. Other team members had to contribute more and take on also the tasks agreed to be delivered by this member.
  • You do not need to include a peer evaluation on your own performance.
  • All rankings are to be accompanied by a detailed comment as to the basis of the ranking (i.e. elaborate on the descriptions provided) otherwise it will not be accepted.
  • All peer evaluations are confidential and individual rankings will not be released to other members of the group.
  • Each student is to provide their peer evaluation, using the grid, with the following naming convention: First Name_LastName_MKT202A_ A4_PeerEvaluation.docx
  • Failure to submit a peer review correctly, or at all, will result is zero grading for this assessment criteria.
  • Overall marks will be awarded for:
    • The variety of appropriate data sources accessed;
    • The depth of understanding of marketing research theories and strategies and their applications provided in the case study;
    • The relevance of the recommended proposal; and
    • The validity and potential usefulness of the final report presented.

Learning Rubric:Marketing Research Assessment 2

Assessment AttributesFail (Unacceptable) 0-49%Pass (Functional) 50-64%Credit (Proficient) 65-74%Distinction (Advanced) 75 -84%High Distinction (Exceptional) 85-100%
  Marketing and Research Problem and Objectives Identification       30%The focus for the research question(s) or basis for the project is unclear.   The research context for the project, including scoping marketing problem is unclear, aims are poorly constructed.The focus for the research question(s) or basis for project is reasonably clear.   The research context for the project including scoping marketing problem is clear, aims are poorly constructed and expected outcomes are noted.The focus for the research question(s) or basis for project is clear.   The research context for the project including scoping marketing problem is clear, aims are adequately constructed and expected outcomes are discussed.The focus for the research question(s) or basis for project is very clear.   The research context for the project including scoping marketing problem is clear, aims are clear and concisely constructed and expected outcomes are discussed.The focus for the research question(s) or basis for project is exceptionally clear.   The research context for the project including scoping marketing problem is clear, aims are expertly constructed and expected outcomes are discussed beyond the immediate context.
Research Methodology Proposed   35%The rationale for the research methodology is inappropriate for the research question/project.   The selected Research Design was unclear.   Demonstrated poor understanding of Marketing Research theories and strategies that form the basis of the Research ProjectThe rationale for the research methodology is appropriate for the research question/project.   The selected Research Design was poorly stated, explained/justified.   Demonstrated limited understanding of Marketing Research theories and strategies that form the basis of the Research ProjectThe rationale for the research methodology is stated and appropriate for the research question/project.   The selected Research Design was adequately stated, explained/justified.   Demonstrated adequate understanding of Marketing Research theories and strategies that form the basis of the Research ProjectThe rationale for the research methodology is compared with alternatives and the chosen method is appropriate for the research question/project.   The selected Research Design was clearly stated, explained/justified, and appropriate for the Research Project.   Demonstrated a highly developed understanding of marketing research theoriesThe Rationale for the research methodology is compared and evaluated against alternatives and the chosen method is appropriate for the research question/project.   The selected Research Design was very clearly stated, explained/justified, and appropriate for the Research Project.   Demonstrated a sophisticated
MKT202A Marketing and Audience Research

    and strategies that form the basis of the Research Projectunderstanding of Marketing Research theories and strategies that form the basis of the Research Project
  Logical and Compelling Report Structure     25%Report structure/format was not consistent with Industry practices/standards   Marketing Research Proposal components were not adequately identified.   The paper was poorly organised   Developed ideas/recommendations with poor examples, data, and/or experiences   Poorly constructed Reference List and/or not meeting the APA guidelines for referencing.Report structure/format was professional and original and was adequately consistent with Industry practices/standards   Some Marketing Research Proposal components were identified.   The paper was sufficiently well organised   Developed ideas/recommendations with adequate examples, data, and/or experiences   Reference List provided and a variety of sources accessed in research (at a minimum 6 were sourced). Meeting APA guidelines for referencingReport structure/format was professional, original and consistent with Industry practices/standards   Marketing Research Proposal components were adequately identified   The paper was well organised from beginning to end   Developed specific ideas/recommendations with good supporting examples, data, and/or experiences   A correctly constructed Reference List provided and a variety of sources accessed in research (at a minimum 8 were sourced). Meeting APA guidelines for referencingReport structure/format was very professional, original and consistent with Industry practices/standards   All Marketing Research Proposal components were correctly identified   The paper was very well organised and orderly from beginning to end   Developed specific ideas/recommendations in depth with appropriate supporting examples, data, and/or experiences   A correctly constructed Reference List provided and in-report citations of sources provided and a variety of sources accessed in research (at a minimum 10 were sourced). Meeting APA guidelines for referencingReport structure/format was highly professional, original and consistent with Industry practices/standards   All Marketing Research Proposal components were clearly and correctly identified   The paper was expertly organised and orderly from beginning to end   Developed specific ideas/recommendations in depth with strong and appropriate supporting examples, data, and /or experiences   A well-constructed Reference List provided and in-report Citations of sources provided and a wide variety of sources accessed in research (at a minimum 12 were
MKT202A Marketing and Audience Research

     sourced). Meeting APA guidelines for referencing
Peer Evaluation   10%Unacceptable rating from other group members.Acceptable rating from other group members.Good rating from other group members.Very good rating from other group members.Excellent rating from other group members.
MKT202A Marketing and Audience Research


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