Information Technology

ICT101 Assessment 3 Discrete Mathematics

25 June 2023 06:38 AM | UPDATED 1 year ago

ICT101 Assessment 3 Discrete Mathematics :

ICT101 Assessment 3 Discrete Mathematics
ICT101 Assessment 3 Discrete Mathematics

Discrete Mathematics ICT101 Assessment 3 (25%) Instructions

Assessment Type: Group Assignment

Purpose of the ICT101 Assessment 3 Discrete Mathematics assessment: To develop a plan for a real-world example of an application in information technology from the one of the topics given below. This assessment contributes to the various learning outcomes of your Bachelor of IT degree.

Assessment Task: In the initial part of ICT101 Assignment 3 Discrete Mathematics assignment, the group of students’ will be tested on their skills on writing literature review of a topic you have learnt in the Discrete Mathematics (ICT101) course in the week 1 to 6. Students need to read at least 3 articles or books on this topic especially with application to Information Technology and give detail review of those. Student will also identify one application of information Technology related to the topic in which he/she is interested and write a complete account of that interest.

Student can use the following database to find article or books. o EBSCO Databases

  • Emerald Insight
  • IBISWorld
  • IGI Global
  • ProQuest eBooks
  • O’Reilly Learning

Student group will be exploring and analysis the application of information technology related to the topic which are identified by each group member, and they must recognise an application that can be programmed into computer. Each group must sketch a plane to draw a flow-chart and algorithm. Use some inputs to test the algorithm (Give different trace table for each input) and identify any problem in the algorithm. Suggest a plane to rectify or explain why it can’t be rectified. Each group must write one report on its findings.

ICT101 Assignment 3 Discrete Mathematics

Student should identify group members by his/her own but should be within his/her tutorial class.

Students can choose one from the following Topic. However, after deciding on the topic to work on, consult with your tutor.

The topic student group can choose from are:

·       Control Structure algorithm

  • Truth table

·       Quantifying a Predicate

  • One-to-one Function

·       Recursive formula

  • Two’s complement

The written Discrete Mathematics report must have the following sections:

  1. Introduction of ICT101 Assignment 3 Discrete Mathematics
    1. Proper reference of at least three articles or books
    1. Write detail review of those articles or books related to the topic student chooses
  • Identify one application in Information Technology in which student is interested. Write a complete account of that interest
    • Description of why students choose this application
    • Give a complete plane to implement the application into a computer program with use of flow-chart
    • Write an appropriate algorithm
    • Use at least two inputs to test the algorithm. Group need to give a trace table for each input.
    • Conclusion
    • Short statement about contributions/Reflections from each group member
    • References

Deadline to submit written ICT101 Assignment 3 Discrete Mathematics report: Week 11 Sunday (29th Jan 2023), 11.59pm via Moodle.

The ICT101 Assignment 3 Discrete Mathematics report must be:

  1. Word or pdf document (3 to 4 pages long)
  2. Size: A4
  3. Use Assignment Cover Page (download from Moodle) with your details and signature
  4. Single space
  5. Font: Calibri, 11pt

Deduction, Late Submission and Extension

Late submission penalty: – 5% of the total available marks per calendar day unless an extension is approved. For extension application procedure, please refer to Section 3.3 of the Subject Outline.


Please read Section 3.4 Plagiarism and Referencing, from the Subject Outline. Below is part of the statement:

“Students plagiarising run the risk of severe penalties ranging from a reduction through to 0 marks for

a first offence for a single assessment task, to exclusion from KOI in the most serious repeat cases.

Exclusion has serious visa implications.”

“Authorship is also an issue under Plagiarism – KOI expects students to submit their own original work in both assessment and exams, or the original work of their group in the case of a group project. All students agree to a statement of authorship when submitting assessments online via Moodle, stating that the work submitted is their own original work. The following are examples of academic misconduct and can attract severe penalties:

  • Handing in work created by someone else (without acknowledgement), whether copied from another student, written by someone else, or from any published or electronic source, is fraud, and falls under the general Plagiarism guidelines.
  • Students who willingly allow another student to copy their work in any assessment may be considered to assisting in copying/cheating, and similar penalties may be applied. ”

Marking Rubric for Assessment N. 03 (Group Assignment)   ;          Value 25%

  Criteria  Fail (0 – 49%)  Pass (50 – 64%)  Credit (65 – 74%)  Distinction (75 – 84%)  High Distinction (85 – 100%)
Understanding of the Topic 3 marksInaccurate mathematical description of the TopicBasic mathematical description of the TopicAccurate mathematical description of the TopicAccurate mathematical description of the Topic and some connections with Information TechnologyPolished mathematical description of the Topic and references to Information Technology
Evidence of depth of research with reference 3 marksLittle or no relevant reading and referencesSome relevant reading and referencesSome relevant reading and references with explanations of connections to the TopicRelevant reading and references and clear connections illuminating the TopicRelevant reading and references and polished connections illuminating the Topic
ICT101 Assignment 3 Discrete Mathematics

Identifying an application of Information Technology relevant to the topic 3 marksLittle or no connection between the topic and the applicationBasic connection between the topic and the applicationAccurate application of the topic to the information technologyAccurate and comprehensive application of the topic to the information technologyDetail and complete account of application of the topic to the information technology
Understanding of the Information technology application(s) 3 marksInaccurate description of application of information TechnologyBasic description of application of information TechnologyAccurate description of application of information TechnologyAccurate description of application of information Technology and some connections with relevant topicsPolished description of application of information Technology and references to relevant theories
Detail description of the choice of the application 3 marksLittle or no evidence is given for the choice and omit.Basic evidence is given for the choice.Accurate evidence is given for the choice.Accurate evidence is given for the choice and omit with relevant analysisAccurate evidence is given for the choice and omit with relevant analysis and complete detail
Design a plane for computer implementation 3 marksPlane is not designed in a proper mannerPlane is designed in a proper manner and no flow-chart is givenPlane is designed in a proper manner and flow-chart is also givenAccurate and comprehensive plane is given with a correct flow-chartAppropriate plane with correct flow- chart and complete detail is given.
Writing an algorithm 3 marksInaccurate algorithm or algorithm is given in an inappropriate mannerCorrect algorithm but written in an inappropriate mannerCorrect algorithm which is written in an appropriate mannerCorrect algorithm which is written in an inappropriateCorrect algorithm which is written in an inappropriate manner with
ICT101 Assignment 3 Discrete Mathematics

    manner with little discussioncomplete discussion
Conclusions 3 markLittle or no evidence of accuracy of the algorithmBasic evidence of accuracy of the algorithmAccurate evidence of accuracy of the algorithmAccurate evidence of accuracy of the algorithmComplete analysis and justification of accuracy of the algorithm
Documentation 1 markPoorly organised report with unclear structureWell organised report but with some errorsClearly organised report with few errorsClearly organised report and good use of tables and graphsPolished report and creative use of tables and graphs
Total Mark:     / 25       25%COMMENTS:
ICT101 Assignment 3 Discrete Mathematics


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