
Hospitality Principles and Practice

28 June 2023 07:02 AM | UPDATED 1 year ago

Hospitality Principles and Practice :

Hospitality Principles and Practice
Hospitality Principles and Practice


Programme TitleBA/FdA IHTM
Module TitleHospitality Principles and Practice
Module Code2126
ASSIGNMENT TITLEConcept Planning Proposal
LecturersShivaun Caffrey and Ros McAteer
W/C Hand Out Date10/10/2022
Due DateBy 17:00 on21/11/2022
Feedback Post Date16/12/2022
Essay/Report FormatShort Report
Assignment Word Count2,000 – 2,500
Submission Formate-SubmissionIndividual

Assignment Context:

‘Many would-be entrepreneurs are reluctant to enter into the hospitality industry when starting a new business. In fact, it’s common knowledge that hospitality is an especially tough industry to succeed in. Sixty per cent (60%) of these businesses do not make it past the first year, and 80% go under in five years – which is 10% above the normal business failure rate. There are myriad reasons for this, including having a lack of an original concept, a poor understanding of costings, bad quality food, or issues with customer service.’

Epos Now (2022)


You have been asked to propose a hospitality concept to an entrepreneur who intends to set up a restaurant within the Mailbox Birmingham – and They lack experience in the Food and Beverage sector and are looking to you for guidance.

You are required to prepare a report based on the following areas.

  1. Introduction – Create a scenario that describes your proposed hospitality concept for the Food and Beverage Operation (FBO).
  2. Industry Trends – with reference to current market and consumer trends, suggest THREE (3) suitable food menu items for the proposed FBO.
  3. Style of Food Service – propose and explain, using industry relevant terminology an appropriate style of food service for the FBO.
  4. Control System – apply each step of the Control Cycle Model (Week 4/Lecture 7), providing an example at each stage to ensure control of food stock.
  5. Food Safety System – explain what is meant by Due Diligence and provide FOUR (4) specific examples of how Due Diligence will be implemented within the FBO to ensure safety of customers health.
  6. Customer Experience – with reference to Customer Experience (CX) theory, (Week 5 Lectures 9 & 10). explain how management can ensure a positive customer meal experience. This should include examples of FOUR (4) quality measurement tools and/or methods to be put in place.


TASK 1: Introduction – Within your scenario you must clearly justify your choices with supporting industry-relevant references. This should include the type of operation, for example – fine dining; casual dining; take away; self-service; restaurant capacity/covers; type of cuisine; and ordering system.

TASK 2: Industry Trends – the THREE (3) food menu items for the proposed food and beverage operation could include Starter; Main; Side Dish; Dessert; Specials; Pick and Mix items (e.g. mezze or tapas). These choices should be supported with references from credible sources of information that highlight current food trends.

TASK 3: Style of Food Service – you must demonstrate an understanding of the proposed style of food service, supporting your explanation with relevant academic sources. You need to include the advantages of the proposed style of service and justify why you feel this is the most suitable style for your proposed FBO.

TASK 4: Control System – using the Control Cycle Model you need to provide ONE (1) example at EACH stage of the model, that demonstrates how you would ensure that food stock is being controlled – this may include purchasing; storage; preparation; selling etc.

TASK 5: Food Safety System – you need to explain clearly what is meant by Due Diligence; why it is important within an FBO and how it is linked to the Food Safety Act 1990. You need to provide FOUR (4) examples of control measures that could be implemented to demonstrate that Due Diligence has been considered in the FBO.

TASK 6: Customer Experience – this section needs to focus on the quality measures to be put in place to ensure that each customer has a positive experience at each stage of their interaction with the FBO. Areas to consider include the reservation process; personalisation; customer satisfaction; customer loyalty; customer feedback etc.

General Guidance:

  • Use the Concept Planning Proposal template provided (Week 2/Lecture 3), also available via the module site on Canvas, while also referring to the UCB Guide to Report Writing
  • Ensure you attempt all SIX (6) tasks within your report.
  • Refer to the Module Reading List (available via the module site on Canvas) and use the recommended journals, books, and articles as credible sources of information within your report.
  • For additional guidance on this assignment, please access the assignment recording available on under the Assignment tab on the Canvas module site.


While this assignment will be marked using reference to the Level 4 Generic Marking Criteria, the following marking scheme should also be considered.

TASK 1: Introduction (15%) –  the scenario clearly outlines your proposed hospitality concept detailing the type of operation; restaurant capacity/covers; type of cuisine; ordering system.

TASK 2: Industry Trends (15%)THREE (3) suitable food menu items have been proposed that are appropriate for the FBO. Suggestions have been justified and supported with references from credible sources of information that highlight current food trends.

TASK 3: Style of Food Service (15%) – an appropriate style of food service has been identified, explained and supported with relevant academic sources. The advantages and suitability of the proposed style of service have been clearly discussed.

TASK 4: Control System (15%) – the Control Cycle Model has been used and ONE (1) example has been provided for EACH stage of the model.

TASK 5: Food Safety System (15%) – a clear explanation of the importance of Due Diligence has been provided with reference to the Food Safety Act 1990 – this has been supported with credible and relevant sources of information. FOUR (4) examples of control measures that could be implemented to demonstrate Due Diligence have been provided.

TASK 6: Customer Experience (15%) – appropriate quality measurements tools and/or methods have been suggested and supported with references relating to Customer Experience (CX) theory.   

Report Structure, Presentation and Referencing (10%) – the report has been presented using the Concept Planning Proposal template provided. Academic guidelines in relation to structure, word-counts, referencing and layout have been adhered to. Appropriate industry-related has been used throughout.



2. Evaluate hospitality customers’ needs, wants and current trends

3. Propose processes to implement successful food and beverage management techniques

4. Identify relevant legislation and control processes for hygiene and safety


  • The skills outcomes to be developed by completing this assignment can be found here.


Teamwork and ITS AssessmentShould this assignment require you to work as part of a team, you will receive an individual grade based upon your performance as well as personalised feedback. The module leader will explain how your individual grade and feedback will be determined.
Importance of Word Count and Presentation TimingsAssignment word counts and presentation timings should always be observed. Ignoring a word count increases significantly the risk of your work losing marks because it lacked focus and clarity.  Students will be required to state their word count on all submissions. A 10% leeway will be allowed – so the maximum a student should submit will be the word count + 10%. The word count will exclude:   The title pageThe contents pageModels, graphs, data tables and other exhibited figures or images Lists of referencesAppendices (these should be kept to a minimum) In addition, timings must be observed for assessed presentations for the same reasons. 
Cut-off date for late work
Grading criteria
Extenuating Circumstances
UCB Referencing Guide
Access the Assignment Life Cycle
Hospitality Principles and Practice


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