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HCS101 – Introduction to Human and Community Services

28 June 2023 06:42 AM | UPDATED 1 year ago

HCS101 – Introduction to Human and Community Services :

HCS101 – Introduction to Human and Community Services
HCS101 – Introduction to Human and Community Services
AssessmentWhen assessedWeightingLearning Outcomes
    Assessment 3: DESCRIPTIVE ESSAY   You are required to complete a 2000-word descriptive essay outlining a specific community services theory and its use in building inclusive communities and cultures in an Australian community services environment. You will choose one community services theory we cover in the course and form the focus for your research and essay.   You will draw on evidence from your research to describe your theory and the context in the community services sector in a well-written and well-structured paper.A clear introduction stating the theory you will look at and the context it is used in.A clearly outlined description of the theory (its history, uses, critiques).How and when this theory is used in an Australian Community Services context.A minimum of 10 scholarly journal articles are required.Use APA 7 referencing style.Week 1140%a, b, c, d, e
HCS101 – Summary to Human and Community Services

For this assessment you are asked to select a community services theory that you are interested in such as those covered in class during weeks 3 and 4. You will research the selected theory/practice approach and its use in building inclusive communities and cultures in and Australian human and community environment. From this research you will need to formulate a 2000 word descriptive essay that explicitly describes your chosen community service theory and the context in the community services sector. Your essay should be well written and well-structured with a clear introduction stating the theory chosen the context that it is used in. Your discussion will include a clear description of the theory and how it is used in and Australian community services context. APA 7 bibliographic style and a minimum of 10 scholarly journal articles are required. You are required to submit your essay to Moodle by the end of week 11.

Criteria for 2000 word Descriptive EssayWeight: 100%
Structure and paragraphing20%
Quality of writing20%
Understanding of the theoretical foundations of community services work30%
HCS101 – Summary to Human and Community Services

Assessment 3: 2000 word Descriptive Essay Rubric

Marks CriteriaHigh Distinction 80%-100%Distinction 70%-79%Credit 60%-69%Pass 50%-59%Fail 0-49%
Introduction   /10Thoughts are expressed in a Introductory paragraph exceeds that of level expected.Mastery of structure of introductory paragraphs and thorough understanding of the purpose of an introduction evident   (8-10)Introductory paragraph demonstrates a clear and succinct description of chosen topic, research questions are well designed and a persuasive rationale.Key steps gives a clear overview of your argument   (7-7.9)Introductory paragraph includes the key elements (description, questions, rationale, steps)Some confusion evident within introductory paragraphs format         (6-6.9)Introductory paragraph misses one or more of the key elements (description, questions, rationale, steps) which demonstrates a lack of understanding of the purpose of an introduction       (5-5.9)No evidence of a clearly articulated introduction             (0-4.9)
Structure and Paragraphing /20Expectations exceeded e.g. demonstrated advanced understanding of paragraphs in building an argument. Ideas presented are exceptionally clear and well organsised creating flow to your writing     (16-20)Paragraphs started with a clear claim sentence that is directly related to chosen topic.Paragraphs are focused on making a clear case for the claim and each paragraph ended with a linking sentence.Order of points made is logical   (14-15.8)Paragraphs started with a clear claim sentence that is somewhat related to chosen topic.Paragraphs are focused on making a clear case for the claim and each paragraph ended with a linking sentence.     (12-13.8)Some either do not start with a clear claim or do not remain focused on making a case for their claims.Some muddle evident which impacted your ability to communicate your argument consistently.     (10-11.8)Some or all paragraphs either do not begin with a clear claim or do not stay focused on making a case for those claimsOR linking sentences were missingOR the order that the claims were introduced was not logical which impacted your ability to communicate your argument. (0-9.8)
Quality of writing   /20The writing is academically rigorous, succinct and engagingWritten in formal academic languageExceeds expectations with clear English and grammar usedEvidence of editing     (24-30)The writing is predominantly academically rigorous, succinct and engagingAppropriately written in formal academic languageClear English and grammar usedEvidence of editing     (21-23.7)The writing style is inconsistent, and sometimes lacks academic rigorLanguage is inconsistently formal for academic levelAcceptable English and grammarInadequate editing and proofreading   (18-20.7)The writing style often lacks academic rigorLanguage is informalFrequent grammatical or spelling errors       (15-17.7)The writing style lacks academic rigorLanguage is consistently informalRequired level of writing, proofreading and editing not met for academic level     (0-14.7)
Understanding of the theoretical foundations of community services work /30Demonstrated a deep understanding of the topic demonstrated in conclusions derived from in depth analysis and assessment.At least 16 scholarly journal articles used     (16-20)Demonstrated an excellent understanding of the topic showing conclusions derived from in depth analysis and assessment.At least 14 scholarly journal articles used     (14-15.8)Demonstrated a good understanding of the topic indicating conclusions derived from in depth analysis and assessment.At least 12 scholarly journal articles used     (12-13.8)Demonstrated a basic understanding of the topic in conclusions derived from in depth analysis and assessment.At least 10 scholarly journal articles used     (10-11.8)Demonstrated poor, insufficient understanding of the topicOR lacks depth analysis and assessment.Inadequate sources discussed or sources chosen are inappropriate for the topic     (0-9.8)
Referencing /20Excellent citations and references in APA 7 bibliographic style     (16-20)Very good citations and references in APA 7 bibliographic style however there were a few minor errors (14-15.8)Good citations and references however some minor formatting errors in APA 7 bibliographic style   (12-13.8)Adequate citations and references however APA 7 bibliographic style is inconsistent   (10-11.8)Citations and references are inadequate, incomplete or missing   (0-9.8)
HCS101 – Introduction to Human and Community Services

HCS101 – Summary to Human and Community Services


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