Information Technology

CSC8520 Install and Configure Spam Assassin

22 June 2023 07:18 AM | UPDATED 1 year ago

CSC8520 Install and Configure Spam Assassin:

CSC8520 Install and Configure Spam Assassin
CSC8520 Install and Configure Spam Assassin


CSC8520 Assignment: 3 S1-2023

Question 1.

Install and Configure Spam Assassin:

It’s always good idea to update your machine before installing any new package. I have got error at first while installing the Spamassassin. I have used command:

echo “deb kali-rolling main non-free contrib” | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list
to change “sources.list” text file, which is located on etc/apt .Then updated the machine and tried to install Spamassassin again, which works.

Command used for update: sudo apt-get update

Figure 1 Install update

After that I have used.

command: sudo apt-get install spamassassin spamc

for installing Spamassassin .

Figure 2 Instaling Spamassassin

Now adding User to Spamassassin so as for system configuration.

Command: sudo adduser spamd –disabledlogin

Figure 3 Add user for Spamassassin

For configuration of Spamassassin  I have used following process:

  • At first, opening configuration file for Spam Assassin. In a terminal, run the following command:

sudo nano /etc/spamassassin/

Which opens file “” at etc/spamassassin

b) Now adding the blacklist for [email protected] and the whitelist for [email protected] to spam assassin:

First blacklisting, by adding these lines to

#Blacklist email from  [email protected]

blacklist_from  [email protected]

Figure 4 Adding blacklist rule

First whitelisting [email protected], by adding these lines to

# whitelist email from [email protected]:

whitelist_from [email protected]

Figure 5 Adding blacklist rule

Save file after editing:

Figure 6 Saving file “” after editing

c) Adding spam rule:

Figure 7 Adding spam rule

Save file after editing:

Figure 8 Saving file “” after editing

Now I have used following command to test Spamassassin:

Command: spamassassin -t < victim_email.txt

Figure 9 Testing Spamassassin

CSC8520 Installing and Configure Spam Assassin

Question 2.

  1. Adding rules to the firewall to enable nodes at A and H to communicate with port 80 on nodes Y


sudo iptables -A INPUT -s -d -p tcp –dport 80 -j ACCEPT                  

Adding rules to firewall for enable nodes at A and H to communicate with port 443 on nodes Z:


sudo iptables -A INPUT -s -d -p tcp –dport 443 -j ACCEPT

  • Adding new stream together with a test for demonstration of traffic between nodes in the intranet (Domain) and the Internet:


sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o eth1 -j DROP

  • Adding a rule to the firewall that permits communication between nodes in the intranet. As follow:


  • To block traffic from any port other than 80 or 443 from node Web (IP: to the destination network, I have added following rules:


sudo iptables -A FORWARD -s -d -p tcp –match multiport ! –dports 80,443 -j DROP

sudo iptables -A FORWARD -s -d -p tcp –match multiport ! –sports 80,443 -j DROP

CSC8520 Installing and Configure Spam Assassin

Question 3:


When approached by a company representative offering a free unit of equipment for personal use in exchange for a large company purchase, it is essential to consider ethical implications and act in the best interest of the organization. Accepting such an offer could be seen as using one’s position for personal gain, which goes against professional conduct. It is important to decline the offer and make purchasing decisions solely based on the company’s needs, value, and suitability of the equipment. Upholding professionalism, impartiality, and transparency in procurement practices is crucial for maintaining ethical standards in the workplace.


In an interview panel where one of the candidates is a relative, it is important to uphold integrity and fairness. Nepotism, favoring a family member, not only breaches ethical codes but also risks compromising the organization’s standards. It is necessary to treat all candidates equally, disregarding personal relationships. Ensuring a level playing field allows the company to select the most qualified candidate for the position, promoting meritocracy and maintaining a professional and unbiased hiring process.


Upon realizing that a router misconfiguration has caused a 12-hour server outage for the engineering section, it is crucial to act promptly and take responsibility for the mistake. First, communicate transparently with the affected staff, informing them about the cause of the outage and providing regular updates on the progress of resolving the issue. Work diligently to correct the misconfiguration and restore server functionality, seeking professional assistance if needed. After resolving the downtime, it is recommended to log all actions taken for future reference and conduct a thorough review of change management processes to prevent similar incidents in the future. Open communication, accountability, and continuous improvement are key in handling such situations professionally.

CSC8520 Installing and Configure Spam Assassin


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