
CHCEDU002 Plan health promotion and community intervention

01 June 2023 13:26 PM | UPDATED 1 year ago

CHCEDU002 Plan health promotion and community intervention :

CHCEDU002 Plan health promotion and community intervention
CHCEDU002 Plan health promotion and community intervention



CHCEDU002 Plan health promotion and community intervention Assessment AT2 -Research Work/Project Work

Instructions to the students  

Group Work Research health promotion and project 1

Students will be divided into 3 smaller groups. Each group will be given an identified barrier to current preventative health care and the uptake of delivered health promotion. Students are to undertake some research for this barrier or obstacle. Each group is to provide a 5-minute presentation back to the larger group on their findings so the group can complete the table below. (Min of 300 words for the table) Please record the names of the people in your group.

GROUP 1Age: Children; Adolescents (Youth); Adults; Older person
GROUP 2‘Speak the language’ of those you’re trying to communicate with and language other than English
GROUP 3Culture/Religion

GROUPBarrierResponses from research findings and ways to address the barrier
GROUP 1Age Children Adolescents (Youth) Adults Older person       
GROUP 2‘Speak the language’ of those you’re trying to communicate with and language other than English         
GROUP 3Culture/Religion           

List the names of the students in each group

Names of Group 1 members for Research project 1

Names of Group 2 members for Research project 1

Names of Group 3 members for Research project 1

Large Group work discussion in the classroom Research project 2:

The group is to review how information on health promotion work delivered in the community is disseminated to its target audience.

The group will reflect on current and historical approaches to preventative health care and make a list of all the various types of communication methods that can be used to dissemination information.

Health communicationThe study and use of communication strategies to inform and influence individual and community decisions that affect health. It links the fields of communication and health and is increasingly recognized as a necessary element of efforts to improve personal and public health.
DisseminationThe targeted distribution of information and intervention materials to a specific public health or clinical practice audience. The intent is to spread knowledge and the associated evidence-based interventions.

Source of information: Communication and Dissemination Strategies To Facilitate the Use of Health-Related Evidence | Effective Health Care Program (

The Group will now rate (using a scaling method) how effective each method will be for various target groups using a rating scale listed below.

1= Most effective

4 = moderately effective

8 = Least effective

 Communication methods that can be used to dissemination information.Rating ScaleEffectiveness for the following groups
Option 1   moderately effective  Visual aids (pictures, videos)   Social media platforms    Online forums and discussion boards   Online communities and support groups   Outreach programs and mobile units   Braille materials and audio recordings   Radio broadcasts and community meetings   Phone calls and telephone helplines4Children aged 5 – 12years
5Adolescents (13 – 18 years)
4Males (19 – 35 years)
5Females (19 – 35years)
4Disabled person
4Rural communities without internet
4Older person (70 – 90 years)
Option 2Storytelling and interactive activities   Mobile applications   Email newsletters   Webinars and online workshops Community bulletin boards Accessible websites and assistive technologies   Printed newsletters and mailings            5Children aged 5 – 12years
4Adolescents (13 – 18 years)
3Males (19 – 35 years)
4Females (19 – 35years)
5Disabled person
3Rural communities without internet
3Older person (70 – 90 years)
Option 3Animated educational videos   Podcasts and audio content   Online video tutorials and demonstrations Online courses and educational webinars Community radio stations Captioned videos and transcripts Community newsletters and pamphlets Senior centers and in-person workshops7Children aged 5 – 12years
6Adolescents (13 – 18 years)
8Males (19 – 35 years)
7Females (19 – 35years)
6Disabled person
7Rural communities without internet
7Older person (70 – 90 yehvtars)
Option 4Gamified learning apps Online interactive quizzes and surveys Peer-led discussions and support groups Social media influencers and testimonials Street outreach teams and one-on-one interactions Assistive communication devices Mobile information vans Easy-to-read printed materials6Children aged 5 – 12years
5Adolescents (13 – 18 years)
8Males (19 – 35 years)
7Females (19 – 35years)
4Disabled person
7Rural communities without internet
5Older person (70 – 90 years)
Option 5Educational apps and games Online discussion forums Web-based training courses Online health and wellness communities Text messaging services Video remote interpreting services Community radio broadcasts Printed large font materials6Children aged 5 – 12years
  7Adolescents (13 – 18 years)
7Males (19 – 35 years)
8Females (19 – 35years)
4Disabled person
8Rural communities without internet
7Older person (70 – 90 years)
Option 6Interactive online platforms Peer mentoring and support programs Podcasts and audio content Live streaming events and workshops Outreach through local shelters and community centers Virtual support groups and online counseling Mobile information kiosks Intergenerational programs and events5Children aged 5 – 12years
6Adolescents (13 – 18 years)
8Males (19 – 35 years)
7Females (19 – 35years)
3Disabled person
4Rural communities without internet
5Older person (70 – 90 years)
Option 7Online educational platforms with interactive features Live streaming educational sessions Webinars and virtual conferences Online mentorship programs Mobile text message alerts for available services Video conferencing for virtual consultations Community-based radio stations Senior-specific social media groups6Children aged 5 – 12years
7Adolescents (13 – 18 years)
5Males (19 – 35 years)
4Females (19 – 35years)
4Disabled person
6Rural communities without internet
5Older person (70 – 90 years)

CHCEDU002 AT2 Research Work/Project Checklist

CHCEDU002 Plan health promotion and community intervention
For this assessment, the student must complete the group and individual work presentation and written response to questions. The written activity is a stand-alone activity that will allow the student to display the required knowledge and skills that are essential when deciding overall competency.
Student’s name: 
Assessor’s name: 
Student to use research skills to research the following information. Use the questions below as a guide to your research:Response
Group work Research project 1 Students will be divided into 3 smaller groups. Each group will be given an identified barrier to current preventative health care and the uptake of delivered health promotion. Students are to undertake some research for this barrier or obstacle. Each group is to provide a 5-minute presentation back to the larger group on their findings so the group can complete the table below. (Min of 300 words for the table) Please record the names of the people in your group. GROUP 1 Age: Children; Adolescents (Youth); Adults; Older person GROUP 2 ‘Speak the language’ of those you’re trying to communicate with and language other than English GROUP 3 Culture/Religion
Assessor’s comments and feedback to student on response.              
Group work Research Project 2 The group is to review how information on health promotion work delivered in the community is disseminated to its target audience. The group will reflect on current and historical approaches to preventative health care and make a list of all the various types of communication methods that can be used to dissemination information. The Group will now rate (using a scaling method) how effective each method will be for various target groups using a rating scale listed below.
Assessor’s comments and feedback to student on response.              
If student was deemed Not yet satisfactory, assessor and student to agree to a new date for assessment.
Result                  ☐ Satisfactory                  ☐ Not Yet Satisfactory                 ☐Student provided with results
Assessor’s Signature:Date:
Student’s Signature:Date:


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