Finance and Management

Assignment 3a – Project Management Plan

29 June 2023 06:09 AM | UPDATED 1 year ago

Assignment 3a – Project Management Plan :

Assignment 3a – Project Management Plan
Assignment 3a – Project Management Plan
DeliverablesProject plan including project definition
Due dateFriday, 28 April, 11:59pm. Week 7
Marking CriteriaDownload a copy from the Assignment 3a page in Learnline.
Task overviewAs a team, your task is to outline the plan for your team to develop an innovative and appropriate design addressing a chosen issue from the 2023 EWB Design Challenge and to produce a presentation and report of the final design. As part of this you need to assign team roles based on the guidelines in the Week 5 ‘Learning Materials’. You will also need to refer to Assignments 3b and 3c to enable planning. To complete this assignment, fill in the template below. Delete all instructions. Note that the text below is example text only and you should fill it out to make it tailored to your team and chosen design. Prior to submission the assignment should be checked by all team members. The assignment should be submitted via Learnline, by the Coordinator on behalf of the team. NB. The plan only gets submitted once, by the Coordinator.
Assignment 3a – Project Managing Plan

Project title

This should be a title that describes the specifics of your team’s proposed project. It should contain: the area context of the design, the issue being addressed, the design you are working on, and the scale of the project (e.g. household or community level).

Project aim/aims

Provide a statement/s of what the project aims to achieve.



Project Scope

The scope further defines the issue by stating what the Assignment 3a – Project Managing Plan project will and will not be expected to do. Explain the inclusions, exclusions, assumptions and constraints. Be as specific as possible! Conclude the section with a statement of the key deliverables your project will provide to the community. (150-200 words)

Design criteria

List the main criteria that your solution will need to meet. Eg ‘It must function in all weather’, ‘It must accommodate 35 students’, ‘It must provide 25kW of power’, and so on.


Design options

Provide a number of options that you have considered whilst brainstorming an appropriate solution, and the main advantages and disadvantages of each.


Decision matrix

Compare your design options against each other using a decision matrix. Note that the below table is set up as an Excel spreadsheet. Double click on the table to activate Excel. You will need to add Design Criteria, Weighting Factors, Alternatives and Ratings, and the totals will populate automatically.

Design overview, innovation and suitability

Provide a brief overview of your proposed design solution, and explain how this design will address your identified issue. Comment on what makes the chosen solution innovative, and why it is appropriate for the Yirrganydji community (150-200 words).

Design team

List the team members, along with who has what team roles and responsibilities. You may add to the ones we have listed below but please note these are based on how each role will be assessed, so don’t remove any. See Assignment 3a – Project Managing Plan Assignments 3b and 3c for further details of responsibilities.

  • For teams of three: take one role each.
  • For teams of two: share the coordinator role, one member takes researcher role and one takes designer role.
  • For designs undertaken individually: do all three roles

Note: Choose your roles based on your strengths and your personal style. See week 5 tasks to help you.

RoleResponsibilityTeam member/s
Coordinator/editor1. Coordinates and facilitates team activities/meetings 2. Edits oral presentation and final report 3. Introduction and conclusion 
Researcher1. Environmental details/Issues 2. Cultural details/Issues 3. Economic details/Issues 
Designer1. Design description 2. Drawings and/or model 3. Technical details/issues 
TeamProject definition (scope)Design idea and overall suitability, including evaluating alternatives 
Assignment 3a – Project Managing Plan

Design team commitments

As a team, identify the different aspects of teamwork that you need to commit to in order to function effectively as a team.  We have started you off, here, but you might like to add on to these.

Project facilitation meetings        
Producing assignments        
Assignment 3a – Project Managing Plan

Communication plan

Plan how you will communicate as a team (e.g. face to face meetings, video calls eg Skype, Teams, via email, text, and so on). Expected response time for attempts at contacting each other should be included for each medium.

Use the following template:

Team members  CoordinatorResearcherDesigner
Communication plan
Regular MeetingIn person or Skype/online – location and method? frequency? Which day/time suits?
Other communicationMethod? Example of situation? Expected response time?
Urgent communicationMethod? Example of situation? Expected response time?
Assignment 3a – Project Managing Plan

Design phase deliverables

List the key deliverables from your team (i.e. things that you must produce as part of your design, such as a presentation, a report, a model, and so on). See Assignments 3b and 3c to help you.


Design phase timeline

Start working out your time management with your team based on a timeline. Complete the chart below taking into account future assignment due dates and tasks required in preparation – expand the table as necessary.

DateMilestoneComment eg who is responsible
Assignment 3a – Project Managing Plan

Risk plan

Think of risks that your team may be subject to over the course of the project design. Use the template below. Make mention of some that are specific to your design area.

RiskLikelihood (low/medium/ high)Impact (low/medium/ high)Avoidance Strategy /Risk response
Schedule Slippage  Must discuss with team ASAP & propose solution & alternative schedule
Changes in Team Membership   
Problems with team participation/attendance   
Technical Problems   
Assignment 3a – Project Managing Plan

Design resources

List the resources that you require for the design phase of the project, including software for presentations and reports, access to university databases, and materials for building a model of your design etc.

Required resource/materialsSource/Supplier
Assignment 3a – Project Managing Plan

Agreement of project participants

Assignment 3a – Project Management Plan

Assignment 3a – Project Managing Plan


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