Finance and Management

STCW1 Identifying Business Opportunities

16 May 2023 12:04 PM | UPDATED 1 year ago

STCW1 Identifying Business Opportunities :

STCW1  Identifying Business Opportunities
STCW1 Identifying Business Opportunities


Programme TitleBA (Hons)/FdA Business Enterprise
Module TitleVenture 1: Idea Generation
Module Code2141
ASSIGNMENT TITLEIdentifying Business Opportunities
LecturersNethan Punj
W/C Hand Out Date17/02/2023
Due DateBy 17:00 on19/05/2023
Feedback Post Date20/06/2023
Essay/Report FormatFormal Report
Assignment Word Count 1,500-words
Submission Formate-SubmissionIndividual
STCW1 Identify Business Opportunities


As an individual entering into the business world, you are task with identifying a business opportunity in a market on your choice within the United Kingdom. You will provide context on the trends (past; present and future), the competitors within this market and the target market which you wish you offer a solution.


  1. Introduction

This should clearly show how you intend to address the question in the assignment. You should try and put the subject in context, so the reader knows how you intend to tackle the topic. You want to try to interest the reader so try to outline the main areas you will focus on or set the scene so that they want to read on.  

  • Idea generation techniques available to entrepreneurs

An identification of the different types of idea generation techniques which are available to entrepreneurs when identifying and developing a business opportunity, challenge, or gap. There should be a minimum of three techniques explored within this section.

  • Identification of three potential business opportunities, challenges, or gaps.

An identification of three problems, opportunities, or gaps within the market. This should focus on a painful problem or a burning opportunity that individuals can relate to. This should focus the same market to give an ample understanding of the different types of problems, opportunities, or gaps within this space.

  • Analysis on one of the business opportunities

Choose one of the problems, opportunities, or gaps which has been identified in the previous section. This should be contextualised with an analysis of: – market trends (past; present; and future); the competitors; and the target market which you which to offer the solution to.

  • Impact of entrepreneur of opportunity identification

An identification of the mindset and characteristics of an entrepreneur when identifying an opportunity, challenge, or gap in the market. There should also be an understanding of how does this impact on opportunity recognition for an entrepreneur.

  • Conclusion

This is a shorter version of the longer piece of writing. The conclusion captures all the most significant parts of the original text but expressed them in a shorter space. It is not enough to copy out specific parts of the original text, they should be formulated into your own works to emphasise their importance. 

This submission should also be evidence with in-text citations and a reference list.   

For additional guidance on this assignment, please access the assignment vodcast available on Canvas.


  • Idea generation techniques available to entrepreneurs                                                           (250-words)       10%
  • Identification of three potential business opportunities, challenges, or gaps.                 (300-words)       20%
  • Analysis on one of the business opportunities                                                                             (750-words)       40%
  • Impact of entrepreneur of opportunity identification                                                               (200-words)       20%
  • Report structure and overview                                                                                                                                          5% 
  • Depth of original research and refencing                                                                                                                        5% 


This STCW1 Identify Business Opportunities assignment will require you to submit your work by uploading a document in Word or PDF format to Canvas. Please follow this online guide on document submissions and contact the DICE team on [email protected] if you need any further support.


  1. To examine the concept of opportunity identification and recognition
  2. To appraise the mindset and characteristics of the entrepreneur in opportunity recognition
  3. To investigate the creativity techniques available to generate business ideas


Vocabulary knowledge

  • Can use vocabulary accurately and appropriately
  • Can use some subject-specific language and terminology accurately 

Use of sources

  • Can make some use of sources  
  • Can use reading lists to find key materials for assignments 
  • Can describe ideas from key texts in both written and spoken STCW1 Identify Business Opportunities assignments  
  • Can use sources, but tends towards using sources to make rather than support points – ideas not really integrated  
  • Can quote effectively following UCB standards
  • Can use some paraphrase, but with mixed success 

Critical writing skills

  • Can write in an appropriate academic style for level of study 
  • Can offer some basic comparison/ contrast of ideas used  
  • Quality of sources not always considered or expressed  

Critical reading skills

  • Can identify additional useful sources on top of the reading lists, although not always considering the suitability or quality of the sources  
  • Information chosen from the sources is not always relevant to the task being worked on  
  • Range of sources is a little limited – tends towards one main source type 


Teamwork and ITS AssessmentShould this assignment require you to work as part of a team, you will receive an individual grade based upon your performance as well as personalised feedback. The module leader will explain how your individual grade and feedback will be determined.
Importance of Word Count and Presentation TimingsAssignment word counts and presentation timings should always be observed. Ignoring a word count increases significantly the risk of your work losing marks because it lacked focus and clarity.  Students will be required to state their word count on all submissions. A 10% leeway will be allowed – so the maximum a student should submit will be the word count + 10%. The word count will exclude:   The title pageThe contents pageModels, graphs, data tables and other exhibited figures or images Lists of referencesAppendices (these should be kept to a minimum) In addition, timings must be observed for assessed presentations for the same reasons. 
Cut-off date for late work
Grading criteria
Extenuating Circumstances
UCB Referencing Guide
Access the Assignment Life Cycle
STCW1 Identifying Business Opportunities


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