

10 May 2023 11:30 AM | UPDATED 1 year ago




Because of the nature of these activities and assignments and the large variances of circumstances within the hospitality industry answers to the assignments and activities for this unit of competence may vary widely depending on the experience and perspective of the student.

Some answers will have an exact answer particularly those requiring mathematical calculations, while for other activities or assignment activities there may be many possible correct answers depending on the choice or scenario the student has chosen.

We have tried to get as many of the possible answers you will receive but it should be understood that these answers only form a guide to competence and it is up to the lecturer to make the judgement of student competence.

What is competency?
(Source SIT training package)

The broad concept of industry competency concerns the ability to perform particular tasks and duties to the standard of performance expected in the workplace. Competency requires the application of specified skills, knowledge and attitudes relevant to effective participation in an industry, industry sector or enterprise.

Competency covers all aspects of workplace performance and involves performing individual tasks; managing a range of different tasks; responding to contingencies or breakdowns; and dealing with the responsibilities of the workplace, including working with others. Workplace competency requires the ability to apply relevant skills, knowledge and attitudes consistently over time and in the required workplace situations and environments. In line with this concept of competency, Training Packages focus on what is expected of a competent individual in the workplace as an outcome of learning, rather than focussing on the learning process itself.

Competency standards in Training Packages are determined by industry to meet identified industry skill needs. Competency standards are made up of a number of units of competency each of which describes a key function or role in a particular job function or occupation. Each unit of competency within a Training Package is linked to one or more AQF qualifications.


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Assignment Activity 1

Choose a department from the following list and develop simulated or real details about that department and the KPIs of that department.

Kitchen, Housekeeping, Bar, Front desk, Front of House, Tour desk.

Assignment Activity 2

From the information in Assignment 1, describe their problems that commonly occur and have an impact on those KPIs.

Assignment Activity 3

For your workplace or if you are not currently employed in a hospitality business, you will need to simulate a business.

Write a daily department report for a Tuesday and a Saturday. 

(Restaurant, kitchen, bar, outlet, housekeeping, tours etc.)

You may need to design a standard format for this report. This may be submitted in paper based format or an electronic format e.g. Excel spreadsheet.

See Sample below of WORK OPERATIONS

Bobs Restaurant          Daily Restaurant Report
Day  TuesdayDate   14/7/2020
Weather  Cold day with rain 13C
Gross takings   $3635Food Takings  $2739
Beverage takings $896  
Covers  Bfast 27Lunch 80Dinner 56
Kitchen staff  Bfast 2Lunch 3Dinner 3
Restaurant staffBfast 2Lunch 5Dinner 5
Comments All went smooth, 4 restaurant staff would have been enough for dinner instead of 5
Complaints or compliments New chicken risotto with pine nuts was very popular
Special Events None
Supervisor    Michael Jasper

Bobs Restaurant          Daily Restaurant Report
Day  SaturdayDate  18/7/2020
Weather  Clear no rain but still quite cold 15C
Gross takings $5442Food Takings  $4081
Beverage takings $1361  
Covers  Bfast 41Lunch 60Dinner 121
Kitchen staff  Bfast 2Lunch 3Dinner 4
Restaurant staffBfast 3Lunch 3Dinner 6
Comments Good day without any real problems staff was just right
Complaints or compliments 1 Steak ordered MR and was
Special Events None
Supervisor   Andrew Filler

Assignment Activity 4

Give a scenario where you as a department manager have developed a plan to improve the quality of one aspect of work and need to communicate that plan to the staff members or team within that department.

Explain how you would communicate that new plan and why you would choose those methods of communication.

Assignment Activity 5

Explain one aspect of financial sustainability for a hospitality or tourism business.

Assignment Activity 6

For the case study outlined on pages 39-42 of the student resource, decide if you are the Chef or Restaurant Manager and complete the plan for Mother’s Day.

You may need to design a standard format for this plan.

You may use the format from your workplace if this is relevant.

Assignment Activity 7

In your current workplace, or if you are not currently employed, you may use a five-star hotel as the subject of this activity. From your workplace experience, provide details of two different problems that you have experienced related to work performance and productivity and identify possible methods you could use to solve them.

Include in your report:

  • Details of any possible long-term impact your changes may have on staff and/or the operation.
  • What short term strategies could you use to solve the problems?
  • What consultation could you undertake, and with whom, to implement improvements.
  • Outlines of any documentation that resulted from the process.

Assignment Activity 8

Select three of the following problems that can cause a reduction in work outputs and explain the strategies or systems you would put in place to improve performance, improve productivity and reduce lost time.

  • Equipment breakdowns and technical failures.
  • Poor rostering procedures.
  • Inexperienced staff.
  • Failure to achieve tasks within nominated or suitable time frames.
  • Poor quality of service resulting in an increase in customer complaints.
  • Delays and time difficulties

Equipment breakdown and technical failures

Poor Rostering

Inexperienced staff

Failure to achieve tasks within nominated or suitable timeframes

Poor quality service resulting in an increase in customer complaints

Delay and time difficulties


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