
SITXINV007 Purchase Goods

01 May 2023 12:23 PM | UPDATED 2 years ago

SITXINV007 Purchase Goods :

SITXINV007 Purchase Goods
SITXINV007 Purchase Goods

Assessment Tasks and Instructions

Student Name 
Student Number 
Course and Code 
Unit(s) of Competency and Code(s)SITXINV007 Purchase goods
Assessment for this Unit of Competency/ClusterDetails
Assessment 1Project   
Assessment 2 
Assessment 3 
Assessment conducted in this instance: Assessment 1      2      3 
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Assessment Guidelines

What will be assessed
The purpose of this assessment is to assess you underpinning knowledge to complete the tasks outlined in the elements and performance criteria for this unit of competency and relating to the following aspects:   Performance Evidence   determine and confirm purchasing requirements for at least six of the goods listed in the knowledge evidencemake purchase arrangements for the goods to meet different:end product requirementscustomer specifications:numbersspecial requestsassess supplier capacity to meet price, quality and delivery expectations for each of the above goodscomplete above purchasing activities following organisational requirements for stock ordering, including procedures and documentation.       Knowledge Evidence   specific industry sector and organisation:features of products sold and the expected level of qualityformats for and contents of workplace documents that describe supply requirementsforecasting methods for calculating required quantity of goodsformats for and inclusions of job costings that describe purchase price limitationssources of product and supplier informationsources of information on negotiated cost of supply, contractual arrangements and preferred supplier arrangementsformats for and inclusions of supplier specifications for the purchase of goodsfull content of stock ordering procedures and documentsindividual stock ordering responsibilitiessources of information to determine purchase requirements:buffet designscatering orderscustomer specifications:numbersspecial requestsevent ordersevent running sheetsfunction ordersmenusoperational itineraries for crewpassenger itinerariespassenger listsrecipesreservation profilesrooming listsstandard yieldsgoods that need to be purchased by a business:alcoholic or non-alcoholic beveragescleaning agents and chemicalscustomer travel products:luggage labelstravel bagstravel walletsticketsvouchersevent suppliesfood:dairy productsdry goodsfresh goodsfrozen goodsfruit or vegetablesmeat, poultry or seafoodfuel:aircraftcoacheshire carsvesselsgeneral storeshousekeeping supplieslinenmerchandiseuniformsconsiderations in determining quality and suitability of stock on hand:ability to meet customer requirements:numbersspecial dietary requirementsspecial requestsability to meet requirements of:eventmenurecipetouring itineraryfor food:currency of best by or use by datesfreshnesssizeweightnumbers of goods on handorganisational procedures for the supply of goods:completing purchase ordersgaining authority to purchaselimitations on which suppliers can be usedwho is authorised to negotiate and purchaseassessment of supplier capacity to meet price, quality and delivery expectations:comparing price with previous supply costsvisual assessmenttaste test for foodvisual assessmenttaste test for foodchecking on others’ satisfaction with the supplierdeterminants of the quality of goods:ability to meet:customer specificationsorganisational quality specificationsportion requirementscurrency of best by or use by datesfreshnesssizeweight.
Place/Location where assessment will be conducted
Resource Requirements
Computer, calculator, telephone, internet connection, Stock supplies for quality and suitability assessment, job costings, existing supplier contracts as these exist in the organisation or RTO, stock control procedures used in the organisation or RTO.      
Instructions for assessment including WHS requirements
You are required to determine and confirm purchasing requirements for 6 different goods categories listed in Question 3 of this project. You are required to address and answer all questions included in this project. Your trainer will be available to discuss your purchasing analysis and further actions and negotiations required on the following date and time: _______________________________________________________ .   You will be provided with feedback on your project following the submission of your work.
Statement of Authenticity
   I acknowledge that I understand the requirements to complete the assessment tasks
The assessment process including the provisions for re-submitting and academic appeals were explained to me and I understand these processes
  I understand the consequences of plagiarism and confirm that this is my own work and I have acknowledged or referenced all sources of information I have used for the purpose of this assessment
Student Signature:                                                                                                             Date:     /      /201
This assessment:First Attempt 2nd Attempt Extension   Date:     /    /   
RESULT OF ASSESSMENTSatisfactory               Not Yet Satisfactory
   Feedback to Student:          
Assessor(s) Signature(s): Date:   /    /     
Student Signature Date:   /    /     
SITXINV007 Purchase Goods

Assessment 1


Your tasks:

  1. Choose an area of operations relevant to your job role which may include:

Food operations

Food and Beverage



Tourism outlet

Travel services

Event management

Operation/Department: ________________________________     Job role: ______________________________

  • Provide a brief overview of the operational area, the hierarchy of command and the basic procedures in place for sourcing new supplies and suppliers. If you are not working in industry, explain how this applies in your training environment/department.
  • Identify and list 6 different types of goods relevant for your area of operations which need to be purchased in the near future. The products must be selected from the following categories:
  • alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverages
  • cleaning agents and chemicals
  • customer travel products:
  • luggage labels
  • travel bags
  • travel wallets
  • tickets
  • vouchers
  • event supplies
  • food:
  • dairy products
  • dry goods
  • fresh goods
  • frozen goods
  • fruit or vegetables
  • meat, poultry or seafood
  • fuel:
  • aircraft
  • coaches
  • hire cars
  • vessels
  • general stores
  • housekeeping supplies
  • linen
  • merchandise
  • uniforms
  • List the specific requirements which require the purchase of these goods based on e.g. an upcoming function, banquet sheet, special customer requirements, an event, low stock, reservations or as applicable including the order of urgency for ordering these supplies. Provide details for how you have identified these requirements including consideration of any existing stock you have in storage.
  • Contact the relevant department heads/ supervisor or persons relevant for these product needs and clarify concise specifications and quantities required. Detail with whom you have communicated and what was determined.
  • Which forecasting methods form the basis for calculating the quantities required? How is the choice of forecasting method established?
  • Identify the stock on hand, list the quantities available and indicate whether these need to be considered in your purchasing order.
  • Determine the price limitations for 3 products you have listed on your purchase list using job costings from your organisation. How does this affect the maximum price you can pay for the purchase of the product? Why? Are there any processes for this in your workplace or in the RTO? What are these?
  • Write the purchasing list based on your requirements and the stock on hand.
  1. List the suppliers who are used by your establishment to source these products from.
  1. Identify the organisational purchasing procedures which form the basis for purchasing goods and sourcing suppliers in your establishment and provide the details for these.
  1. Source 2 suppliers (other than those you currently use) in your area or region and obtain information for prices and service provisions for the 6 products you have identified for purchasing in Question 3. (info may be entered in table) – You are required to list your sources of information
  1. Using the table below enter the details for product specifications and prices from your existing supplier and those from your 2 new sources.
    PriceConditions e.g. delivery time frames Availability Account Requirements Payment terms  
Item/ProductQty In StockPurchase QtySpecification Comparable size/Qty/QualityExist.XZExisting SupplierSupplier XSupplier Z
SITXINV007 Purchase Goods
  1. Analyse and compare the prices and conditions and provide an overview of your findings (given that you would have to make a decision based on the best deal and conditions for supply).

For example:

  1. Prices
  2. Prices based on quantities you would require overall (within the total order based on quantities required)
  3. Conditions like payment terms and conditions and requirements for purchasing e.g. cash sale or establishing an account etc.
  4. Availability of stock
  1. Conduct an assessment of the quality of goods for the suppliers of goods identified in Question 14. List the methods you will employ to do this to ensure you will get quality supplies. Your responses need to include reliable processes to ensure quality will be ensured.
  1. Take your findings to your trainer or Supervisor and discuss the options for further price negotiations. What has been discussed and determined, and how does this fit in with the requirements established in Question 11?
  1. Write the purchase order(s) following the analysis and discussion with your trainer and specify the order of priority according to the needs identified in Question 4.
  1. Draft emails for each supplier you have determined for sourcing your supplies and inform each supplier of the requirements and specifications you have determined. Ensure the details of your organisation and the supplier clearly feature in the email including contact details, salutation, dates/timelines, etc.

Attach the relevant purchase order(s) for each supplier as relevant.


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