

09 May 2023 11:14 AM | UPDATED 1 year ago



Notes to Lecturer

Because of the nature of these activities and assignments and the large variances of circumstances within the hospitality industry answers to the assignments and activities for this unit of competence may vary widely depending on the experience and perspective of the student.

Some answers will have an exact answer particularly those requiring mathematical calculations, while for other activities or assignment activities there may be many possible correct answers depending on the choice or scenario the student has chosen.

We have tried to get as many of the possible answers you will receive but it should be understood that these answers only form a guide to competence and it is up to the lecturer to make the judgement of student competence.

What is competency?
(Source SIT training package)

The broad concept of industry competency concerns the ability to perform particular tasks and duties to the standard of performance expected in the workplace. Competency requires the application of specified skills, knowledge and attitudes relevant to effective participation in an industry, industry sector or enterprise.

Competency covers all aspects of workplace performance and involves performing individual tasks; managing a range of different tasks; responding to contingencies or breakdowns; and dealing with the responsibilities of the workplace, including working with others. Workplace competency requires the ability to apply relevant skills, knowledge and attitudes consistently over time and in the required workplace situations and environments. In line with this concept of competency, Training Packages focus on what is expected of a competent individual in the workplace as an outcome of learning, rather than focussing on the learning process itself.

Competency standards in Training Packages are determined by industry to meet identified industry skill needs. Competency standards are made up of a number of units of competency each of which describes a key function or role in a particular job function or occupation. Each unit of competency within a Training Package is linked to one or more AQF qualifications.


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Activity 1

What are the four main types of stock? Give two hospitality examples of each one.

The four main types of stock are listed below with the two examples of each one listed below.

What is the objective of effective Stock Control?

What is ‘Buffer Stock’?

Why is stock management and control important to the profitability of your business?

Stock management and control are very important to the profitability of the business since it affects the cash flow, sales, and customer satisfaction. Some of the reasons are listed and described below.

  1. Reducing Stockouts:
  • Preventing Overstocking:
  • Effective use of Resources:

  • Accurate Forecasting:
  • Better Cash Flow Management:

Identify four advantages of good stock management

What could be the consequences of a business carrying too much stock?

What could be the consequences of a business carrying too little stock?

Carrying too little stock can also have consequences for the business.

How can effective stock management affect Gross Profit?

What is a Par Level?

Identify four stock control methods and briefly describe each one

  • Minimum stock level

Activity 2

Explain how a Requisition works


What is a Stock Transfer?

What document would you use to record and authorise a Stock Transfer?


FROM: __________________________      TO: ____________________________ DATE: ______________________

FOOD: ___________________________BEVERAGE:________________________

Issued By: ____________________________________ Docket No.____________________ Authorised By: __________________________________Received By: ___________________________________

What is a Purchase Order?

What information is required on a Purchase Order?

Why are Purchase Specifications used when ordering goods?

What is an Invoice?

What is a Credit Note?

What documentation is required to monitor and record the receival of goods?

Why is the receiving process one of the most important areas in a Stock Control system?

What is F.I.F.O?

What are the benefits of good stock rotation?


Activity 3

What are the three forms of stock loss? Give examples of each one

What strategies can be used to minimise stock losses?

How can incorrect storage conditions contribute to an increase in Food Wastage?

What strategies can you use to record and monitor food wastage or breakages?

There are several strategies that can be used for recording and monitoring food wastage or breakage.

  1. Regular inventory inspection:
  • Keeping the records:
  • Waste audit:
  • Providing training:
  • Use of technology:

How can accepting the delivery of poor-quality foodstuffs contribute to an increase in food wastage?



Activity 4

A carton of A4 paper is $22.30 per carton and contains 5 reams of paper with each ream containing 500 sheets of paper. A pallet contains 20 cartons.

What is the cost of 20 cartons?

How many sheets of paper in the whole pallet?

If the supplier offers a 3 % discount for payment made within 7 days, then what is the value of that potential discount?

Another supplier is offering a pallet of 25 boxes of the same paper for $540. Is this cheaper or more expensive that the price above?


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