
SITXHRM002 Roster Staff

09 May 2023 11:39 AM | UPDATED 1 year ago

SITXHRM002 Roster Staff :

SITXHRM002 Roster Staff
SITXHRM002 Roster Staff

Instructions to the student:

  • Complete ALL questions of the written assessment as per instructed by your trainer/assessor.
  • Ensure you read the question carefully.  
  • If you have difficulty answering the question, you must at least make an attempt to answer it.

Develop staff rosters

Q1. Most employees are employed in one of three types of employment-based upon when and how many hours they may work. What are the three types of employment?

Q2. Name seven public holidays: 

Q3. Are ‘Coffee breaks’ generally in paid time or unpaid time? 

Q4. Are ‘Meal breaks’ generally in paid time or unpaid time? 

Q5. In general, a full-time Australian worker is entitled to how many days of paid annual leave?

Develop staff rosters

Q6. A ‘Casual Worker’ is paid holiday pay in what way? 

Q7. What is an RDO?

Q8. A part-time worker works 21 hours per week. How many days of annual leave is that person entitled to? (Show your calculations)


A part-time worker works 15 hours per week. How many days of annual leave is that person entitled to? (Show your calculations) 

A part-time employee’s annual leave right would be determined by the company’s or jurisdiction’s rules. However, based on the number of hours worked, I can offer a basic calculation that can be used to determine the annual leave amount.

We have to first determine out how many hours the part-time employee laboured overall in a calendar year. Assuming the employee works 15 hours per week, the overall number of hours done per year can be determined as follows:

Q9. You are the manager of a reception centre in the city and have been very busy recently. For the last month, you have generated sales of over $222,000. After having checked your payroll for the last month you find you have spent $60,245 on full-time, part-time and casual staff members.

 Q10. Why is it important to combine duties where possible?

Q11. How can you consult with colleagues to ensure they have had input?

Present rosters

Q12. Name three ways a roster may be communicated to staff:

Q13. What type of format is a roster usually presented in?

Q14. What are the advantages of presenting a roster in a 24-hour format rather than a 12-hour format, while explaining the difference between a manual rostering system compared to a software program?

Q15. What details must be listed on a roster?

Maintain staff records

Q16. Why might the hours on a timesheet vary from the hours on a roster?

Q17. Name five types of ‘Leave’ which you would need to keep records of:  

Q18. What is a ‘Pay Slip’?

Q19. How is ‘Equal Employment Opportunity’ taken into account when roistering?

Evaluate roster

Q20. Explain two indications that a roster is a bad roster and a way it can be improved:

Q21. Explain two indications that a roster is a good roster:

Written Assessment Record
SITXHRM002Roster Staff
Student name:   
Element 1Develop staff rosters
Element 2Present and communicate rosters
Element 3Maintain rostering records
Element 4Evaluate rosters
Has the student satisfactorily completed all areas of this assessment?            
Which areas of this assessment has the student NOT completed satisfactorily?           
Assessor’s comments:                        
Assessor’s name and signature:      


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