
SITXFSA006 Safe Food Handling Practices

03 May 2023 11:16 AM | UPDATED 1 year ago

SITXFSA006 Safe Food Handling Practices :

SITXFSA006 Safe Food Handling Practices
SITXFSA006 Safe Food Handling Practices

First published 2022

Version 1.0

RTO Works

[email protected]

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Hospitality Works is a series of training and assessment resources developed for qualifications within the Tourism, Travel and Hospitality Training Package.


Introduction  4

Assessment for this unit 4

Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions  5

Information for students  5

Questions  6

Assessment Task 1: Checklist 17

Assessment Task 2: Safe food handling observations  19

Information for students  19

Activities  20

Assessment Task 2: Checklist 25

Final results record  29



Welcome to the Student Assessment Tasks for SITXFSA006 Participate in safe food handling practices. These tasks have been designed to help you demonstrate the skills and knowledge that you have learnt during your course.

Please ensure that you read the instructions provided with these tasks carefully. You should also follow the advice provided in the Hospitality Works Student User Guide. The Student User Guide provides important information for you relating to completing assessment successfully.

Assessment for this unit

For you to be assessed as competent, you must successfully complete two assessment tasks:

Chef HatKitchen time required
You will require time in the kitchen to complete Assessment Task 2. You will find more information about the requirements for training/commercial kitchens in the Hospitality Works Student User Guide.

Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions

Information for students

Knowledge questions are designed to help you demonstrate the knowledge which you have acquired during the learning phase of this unit. Ensure that you:

  • review the advice to students regarding answering knowledge questions in the Hospitality Works Student User Guide
  • comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide
  • adhere with your RTO’s submission guidelines
  • answer all questions completely and correctly
  • submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced
  • submit a completed cover sheet with your work
  • avoid sharing your answers with other students.
Speech Bubble: Rectangle: iAssessment information
Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in Appendix A of the Hospitality Works Student User Guide.Refer to the appendix for information on: where this task should be completedthe maximum time allowed for completing this assessment taskwhether or not this task is open-book. Note: You must complete and submit an assessment cover sheet with your work. A template is provided in Appendix B of the Student User Guide. However, if your RTO has provided you with an assessment cover sheet, please ensure that you use that.


Provide answers to all of the questions below.

  1. Explain the purpose of the Food Standards Code and a sentence or two about what it includes.
  • Summarise the requirements of the Food Safety Standards.
  • List two reasons for having a food safety program.
  • List the six key areas of a food safety program.
  • Explain the role a local council has in enforcing food safety.
  • List three consequences of failing to follow food safety policies and procedures.
  • Explain the terms:
  • contaminant
  • contamination
  • potentially hazardous foods.
  • Complete the table giving two examples of control methods that can be used for each critical control point. Ensure that you refer to relevant time and temperature controls.
Critical control pointControl method examples
  • Complete the table by filling in the three main types of food contaminants and how they occur.
Type of contaminantHow can it occur?
  1. Describe two conditions which can mean microbiological contamination occurs.
  1. List two conditions that should be in place for storage to ensure that there is no cross contamination of food allergens.
  1. List two conditions that should be in place for the storage of dry foods.
  1. Explain the temperature danger zone.
  1. Explain what the two-hour and four-hour storage rule means.
  1. Explain what the two-hour and four-hour cooling rule means.
  1. Answer the following questions about food safety monitoring techniques:
  2. How is a bacterial swab and count used to monitor food safety?
  • What is a chemical test and when might it be used in the food business industry?
  1. List two ways that a thermometer can be used to monitor and record food temperatures.
  1. What temperature should dry goods be stored at?
  1. What temperature should chilled goods be stored at?
  • Why is it important to examine frozen goods before they go into the freezer?
  • List one way you can make sure food is displayed/served in a safe way.
  • Complete the table by giving an appropriate packaging type for each food item.
Food itemPackaging
  • Explain why it is important to check for packaging damage.
  • List a method for protecting displayed food.
  • Explain how potentially hazardous food should be displayed to ensure food safety.
  • Explain why a customer should not be allowed to access food displays.
  • Explain two ways to control utensils so they are hygienic. 
  • Complete the table by giving an example of a safe food practice for each food type.
Food typeSafe food handling practice
  • Answer the following questions in relation to thermometers:
  • Briefly explain one way to calibrate a temperature probe.
  • Explain how to look after and clean a temperature probe.
  • How should a thermometer be used correctly when cooking meat?
  • How do you know if the thermometer is not working correctly or has a fault?
  • Complete the table by providing the cleaning material or equipment and an action that you would take to clean the item listed.
ItemCleaning material or equipmentAction
  • Complete the table by providing an action that you would take to sanitise the item listed.
  • Complete the table below about maintenance and recalibrating measurement and temperature controls and minor faults.
Maintenance itemAction
  • Review the table below. Which groups are at higher risk of safe food handling practices?
Customer groupAt higher risk. Indicate yes or no.
Children or babies 
Pregnant women 
People with immune deficiencies or allergies 
Unwell persons. 
The elderly 
African people 

Assessment Task 1: Checklist

Student’s name: 
Did the student provide a sufficient and clear answer that addresses the suggested answer for the following?Completed successfully?Comments
Question 1   
Question 2   
Question 3   
Question 4   
Question 5   
Question 6   
Question 7   
Question 8   
Question 9   
Question 10   
Question 11   
Question 12   
Question 13   
Question 14   
Question 15   
Question 16a   
Question 16b   
Question 17   
Question 18   
Question 19   
Question 20   
Question 21   
Question 22   
Question 23   
Question 24   
Question 25   
Question 26   
Question 27   
Question 28   
Question 29a   
Question 29b   
Question 29c   
Question 29d   
Question 30   
Question 31   
Question 32   
Question 33   
Task outcome:SatisfactoryNot satisfactory
Assessor signature: 
Assessor name: 

Assessment Task 2: Safe food handling observations

Information for students

Tasks required for this unit This unit of competency requires that you:
Instructions for how you will complete these requirements are included below.


Complete the following activities.

  1. Carefully read the following information.
AtomPrior to commencing these three observations, review the kitchen’s food safety program. You will be required to follow these procedures throughout the entire task and you will be assessed on this. This task is to be completed in the kitchen environment. Your assessor will ensure you have access to all the relevant equipment and resources. Completion of this assessment will ensure that you demonstrate safe handling food procedures and practices and follow the kitchen’s policies and procedures and their food safety program. You will demonstrate this on three different occasions: Occasion 1: receiving and storing food and calibrating temperature probeOccasion 2: preparing/processing, displaying, serving, packaging and transporting foodOccasion 3: cleaning up and disposing of food. These tasks may be assessed in conjunction with one or more of the practical units you are completing and your assessor will advise you of this if this will be the case. What do I need to demonstrate? During your practical assessments you will be required to demonstrate a range of the skills and knowledge that you have developed during your course. These include: access and use organisational information from the organisations food safety programfollow policies and procedures in food safety programcontrol food hazards at the critical control pointsmonitor food safety processescomplete required documentationidentify and report unsafe practices or incidents of food contaminationtake actions to fix incidents when within job rolestore food safetystore food in appropriate conditions that protect against contamination and maximise freshness, quality and appearanceprotect supplies from damage of cross-contamination and pestsuse cooling and heating processes that support safety of foodmonitor food temperature during preparation using required temperature measuring deviceensure safety of food prepared, served and sold to customersprepare food to meet customer requirements, including actions to address allergen requests by customersstore, display and provide single use items so they are protected from damage and contaminationfollow instructions for items intended for single useclean and sanitise equipment, surfaces and utensilsuse appropriate storage containersdo not let garbage build up and recycled where requiredidentify and report cleaning, sanitising and maintenance requirementsdispose of, or report damaged or unsafe utensilsensure food handling areas are free from animals and pests and report incidents of animal or pest infestationmark and separate from other foodstuffs any food identified for disposalfollow procedures and dispose of food promptly to avoid cross-contaminationuse appropriate documentation to record disposed food itemsfollow procedures to calibrate temperature probes to make sure it is accurateuse appropriate forms to report food hazards How will I provide evidence? Your assessor will observe you as you handle food safely during the storage, preparation, display, service and disposal of food and complete the required forms from the food safety program.

Chef    During this observation you need to:
Person eatingUsing the order form you have been provided with, check the food items to make sure all items ordered are included in the delivery. There will also be single use items included in the order. Follow all of the procedures as per the Food Safety Program. Complete the goods receiving form that is included with the food safety program taking action to control the hazards identified. The form must include details of the hazards you have identified and the action you take. After the goods have been received, you are required to store the ingredients received. You will be required to demonstrate that you can correctly store dry, chilled and frozen goods. Store all of the food items following your Food Safety Program. You are also required to use a digital thermometer and record the temperature for chilled goods. Write them down on the temperature log. Re-calibrate the digital thermometer to ensure it is working correctly using the ice point check. During the storage process you are required to explain to your assessor at least two food hazards that can occur during the storage process and demonstrate how you address each of these to ensure the food hazard is controlled.
DocumentSubmit the completed goods receiving form and temperature log to your assessor.

Receiving products and responding

Productchecks completedRecordAccepted/Rejected
Raw chickenKeep in the freezer.-1°CYes
MilkPut in the refrigerator5°CNo
CurdPut in the refrigerator7°CYes
EggPut in the refrigerator4°CYes
Cooking Flourarranged in the dry storage spaceaverage temperatureYes
TomatoPlace in the fridge5°CYes
Raw meatKeep in the freezer.1°CYes

Good packaging

Freshly prepared or received food

Storage itemPackagingLabellingStorage area
Raw meatPaper lined with plasticDate stampsFreezer
EggCartonDate stampsfridge
Yogurtpaperboard carton with laminationDate stampsfridge
Raw chickenPaper lined with plasticDate stampsfreezer
Cooking FlourBagDate stampsDry Place
Milkpaperboard carton with laminationDate stampsfridge
ChefDuring this observation you need to: As part of your preparation, carry out the activities that are required as part of preparing to make the dish.
   As you prepare your dish, explain to your assessor at least two food hazards that can occur during the preparation of food and demonstrate how you control them. You will also be required to explain, as well as demonstrate the cooling/heating processes you use to ensure food safety. Use a digital thermometer to measure the temperature throughout the preparation process and complete the temperature control log. Re-calibrate the digital thermometer to ensure it is working correctly using the boiling point check. You need to identify and report any faults. If the thermometer is working correctly, explain to your assessor the process as if the thermometer is not accurate
   Following the preparation of the food, you are required to serve and/or display the food you have made. As you serve and/or display the food you have made, explain to your assessor at least two food hazards that can occur during serving/displaying food and demonstrate how you control them. One of the dishes that you are making will involve the use of single use items. Show your assessor how to correctly use single use items. Part of the serving/displaying process involves the transportation of the food. Explain to your assessor at least two food hazards that can occur during transporting food and demonstrate how you control them. You will be required to transport at least one of the dishes you have prepared either using a trolley or tray as appropriate.
DocumentSubmit the completed temperature control log to your assessor.
SITXFSA006 Safe Food Handling Practices

Food Preparation

First Dish

Fruits & Vegetables Salad

•             The working environment is organized and immaculate.

• Equipment that has been disinfected.

• The trimmings, leftovers, and finished product are prepared for storage in containers.

• During processing, raw and cooked ingredients are separated.

• There is no cross-contamination of tools or equipment between activities.

• Always clean a cutting board before chopping vegetables on it.

• All veggies that have been prepared use WPRW.

•             Jobless, the work area and its parts are cleaned and disinfected.

• Food is prepared, and it only stays in the danger zone for a short time.

Second Dish

Fruit Custard

•             The working environment is organized and immaculate.

• Equipment that has been disinfected.

• The trimmings, leftovers, and finished product are prepared for storage in containers.

• During processing, raw and cooked ingredients are separated.

• There is no cross-contamination of tools or equipment between activities.

• Always clean a cutting board before chopping vegetables on it.

• All veggies that have been prepared use WPRW.

•             Jobless, the work area and its parts are cleaned and disinfected.

• Food is prepared, and it only stays in the danger zone for a short time.

Make, put together, and keep

• To reduce exposure, processing materials are handled sparingly.

• You are not allowed to taste food with your fingers; Tools are necessary.

• When cooling items that will be used in subsequent mise en place, the two-and-a-half-hour rule is followed.

• Sterilized containers are used to package the prepared items.

• Accurate information and labeling

• Food kept at temperatures above 65 °C

• The food’s temperature is monitored.


•    Food capacity holders are immaculate and sterile.

• Gloves are used whenever food preparation is necessary.

• Disinfected serving utensils are provided for each meal.

• Hot food must be served at or above 65°C, while cold food must be served at or below 4°C.

• Travelers keep track of their body temperature

• A data logger is being used.


• Hot food must be served at or above 65 degrees Celsius, while cold food must be served at or below 4 degrees Celsius.

• Foods with a single serving are presented in a clean manner.

• The temperature is measured and recorded.

• Each set of serving utensils is made for a particular dish.

• All display products have sneeze guards or other safety barriers installed.

• A student monitors client behavior to ensure compliance with food safety regulations.

• Food that is close to a risk location is carefully handled and monitored.


• Items that can be thrown away are labeled and separated.

•    The assembled things are fixed in packs prior to being disposed of.

• Wipe down and disinfect the area where food will be served.

• Hands are cleaned after handling food before they are thrown away.

• Hands are washed after tasks, trips to the bathroom, and other activities.

• Hands-free activities are not required for any tasks.

• No one uses the torchon, costume, or apron to clean their hands.

As they arise, issues or requirements for maintenance are identified and reported.

  • Observation 3: Clean up and disposal.
Chef  The final part of this task requires you to demonstrate safe working practices when cleaning up and disposing of items from the food preparation activity you completed prior to this. As a minimum you must: clean and sanitise all surfaces, equipment and utensils used in making the dishes you prepareduse the appropriate receptacles for food waste, rubbish and recyclingcheck the bins for overflow and action accordinglydispose of broken or cracked itemscheck for animal or pest infestation and record your findings in the pest logseparate the food items that cannot be immediately disposed of and label and storedispose of all food items promptly and correctlydispose of any food contamination following organisational procedurescomplete appropriate form for reporting hazards, including actions taken to resolvecomplete the cleaning log at the end of the process, ensuring you report any maintenance issues. Your assessor will set up some hazards for you to identify, report and act on. Your assessor will provide you with: a cleaning loga pest loga hazard report form. Your assessor will observe you completing these tasks and you will be required to complete the cleaning log, pest log, hazard report from.
DocumentSubmit the completed cleaning log, pest log, and hazard report from to your assessor.
SITXFSA006 Safe Food Handling Practices


• Arrange dishes and utensils so that anything used to prepare or eat raw foods is washed last and used first.

• Since you must thoroughly clean your dishes before putting them in the dishwasher, it would be more accurate to refer to them as dish sanitizers.

•             You’ll require warm gloves, splendid, clear water that is basically as hot as you can stand, or antibacterial cleaning answer for protect yourself.

• Allow products to air or steam dry.

• Never load the dishwasher with the same pair of gloves.

• Clean the products with gloves to avoid contamination by direct machine contact.

• After use, wash or soak all items as soon as possible.


• Before entering the kitchen, don gloves so you can handle trash that will be thrown away after it has been recycled.

• Clean and empty containers that have already been filled, either every day or at the end of each shift. Never let a trash can get too full to the point of being overflowing!

• Using bin liners that are strong and good for the environment and are simple to tie over the contents of each recycling and trash bin.

• Sorting your trash is a great way to put your knowledge of sustainability to use.

• To prevent contamination and repel pests, bins should be kept away from the preparation and service areas whenever possible.

Assessment Task 2: Checklist

Has the following been completed?Completed successfully?Comments
Observation 1: Receive and store food
The student has satisfactorily accessed and used relevant information from food safety program.   
The student has satisfactorily followed policies and procedures in the food safety program.   
The student has satisfactorily controlled all food hazards at all of the critical control points.   
The student has satisfactorily monitored food safety and completed logs.   
The student has satisfactorily identified and reported food safety hazards.   
The student has satisfactorily taken corrective actions for incidents where food hazards are not controlled.   
The student has satisfactorily placed food items into the correct food storage area and checked conditions are correct.   
The student has satisfactorily stored food items in suitable environmental conditions to ensure food does not become contaminated and to maximise freshness, quality and appearance.   
The student has satisfactorily stored food at required temperatures.   
The student has satisfactorily checked that all chilled and frozen items from delivery are within correct temperatures.   
The student has satisfactorily stored single use items correctly.   
The student has satisfactorily calibrated temperature probe using ice point method correctly.   
The student has satisfactorily identified and corrected temperature probe faults (if required).   
Observation 2: Prepare and process food
The student has satisfactorily accessed and used relevant information from food safety program.   
The student has satisfactorily followed policies and procedures in the food safety program.   
The student has satisfactorily controlled all food hazards at all of the critical control points.   
The student has satisfactorily monitored food safety and completed logs.   
The student has satisfactorily identified and reported food safety hazards.   
The student has satisfactorily cleaned and sanitised equipment, surfaces and utensils as required prior to commencement of food preparation.   
The student has satisfactorily prepared food, monitoring the food temperature using a digital thermometer.   
The student has satisfactorily cooled food following procedures to ensure microbiological safety of food.   
The student has satisfactorily heated food following procedures to ensure microbiological safety of food.   
The student has satisfactorily followed food safety procedures for displaying and serving food items prepared.   
The student has satisfactorily followed instructions for single use items.   
The student has satisfactorily displayed and provided single use items correctly.   
The student has satisfactorily transported the food items safely.   
The student has satisfactorily calibrated temperature probe using boiling point method correctly.   
The student has satisfactorily identified and corrected temperature probe faults (if required).   
Observation 3: Clean up and disposal
The student has satisfactorily accessed and used relevant information from food safety program.   
The student has satisfactorily followed policies and procedures in the food safety program.   
The student has satisfactorily controlled all food hazards at all of the critical control points.   
The student has satisfactorily monitored food safety and completed logs.   
The student has satisfactorily identified report and acted on food safety hazards.   
The student has satisfactorily cleaned and sanitised equipment, surfaces and utensils.   
The student has satisfactorily used appropriate containers for food items, rubbish and recycling.   
The student has satisfactorily prevented accumulation of garbage and recycled matter.   
The student has satisfactorily identified and reported cleaning, sanitising and maintenance requirements.   
The student has satisfactorily identified and then disposed of chipped, broken or cracked eating, drinking or food handling utensils.   
The student has satisfactorily checked food handling areas for animals and pests and reported incidents of animal or pest infestation.   
The student has satisfactorily labelled food waste and separated from other foodstuffs until it can be disposed of.   
The student has satisfactorily disposed of food promptly to avoid cross-contamination.   
Task outcome:SatisfactoryNot satisfactory 
Assessor signature:  
Assessor name:  
SITXFSA006 Safe Food Handling Practices

Final results record

Student name: 
Assessor name: 
Unit name:SITXFSA006 Participate in safe food handling practices
Qualification name: 
SITXFSA006 Safe Food Handling Practices

Final assessment results

SatisfactoryUnsatisfactoryDid not submit
Assessment Task 1Knowledge QuestionsSUDNS
Assessment Task 2Safe Food Handling ObservationsSUDNS
Overall unit resultsCNYC 
SITXFSA006 Safe Food Handling Practices


Student signature: ___________________________________________   Date: _________________

Assessor signature:   _________________________________________   Date:  _________________


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