
SITHKOP004 Develop Menus For Dietary

09 May 2023 12:24 PM | UPDATED 1 year ago

SITHKOP004 Develop Menus For Dietary:

SITHKOP004 Develop Menus For Dietary
SITHKOP004 Develop Menus For Dietary

Instructions to the student:

  • Complete ALL questions of the written assessment as per instructed by your trainer/assessor.
  • Ensure you read the question carefully.  
  • If you have difficulty answering the question, you must at least make an attempt to answer it.


Identify dietary requirements

Q1. List four things that should be avoided by a person who is lactose intolerant:

Q2. What is insulin? What are the two main types of diabetes?

Q3. What is coeliac disease?

Q4. What diet should a Coeliac follow?

Identify cultural requirements

Q5. Identify the three strict Hindu diet rules:

The three strict Hindu diet rule are listed and explained briefly:

Q6. What does the term ‘Haram’ mean? What foods are classed as Haram? (List at least eight):

Q7. List four rules of a kosher diet:

Q8. People who follow what religion will also follow a kosher diet?

Define the terms

Q9. Define each of the following terms and explain them:

Food groups

Q10. For the following statements, tick True if you feel the statement is correct, or False if it is not:

Hospitality workers can make decisions for drug and food interactions  
Breads and cereals contain the nutrients carbohydrates, B group vitamins, fibre, minerals, proteins  
We do not obtain vitamins from the food we eat.  
A macrobiotic diet is based on whole grains as the main food item.  
Animal foods such as meat, fish, chicken, eggs and dairy products are said to be ‘incomplete’ as they do not contain all the 23 amino acids.  
There are only two types of fats  
Fibre is part of our food that cannot be digested in our gastrointestinal tract (our intestines and stomach).  
Minerals are substances in food that help the body perform functions such as maintaining strong bones, help pump the heart and keep the blood healthy.  
Carbohydrates, fibre and protein are common minerals  
The human body is made up of about two thirds (2/3) water.  
You do not have to follow the dietary guidelines however it is highly recommended  
There are no diseases related to diets  
There are many risks including a diet which can affect heart disease  
High blood pressure is one of the main risk factors in heart disease.  

Developing menus

Q11. When you’re developing an a la carte menu, you need to take into account special dietary and cultural needs to offer choice by keeping the different demographics of customers in mind. List six demographics you must keep in mind:

Q12. List three guidelines for a function menu:

Q13. Cyclic menus are used in institutional environments such as hospitals, nursing homes, prisons, aged care facilities, and child care facilities. Why are cyclic menus developed over an a la carte menu?

  1. Cost- Effective:
Written Assessment Record
SITHKOP004Develop menus for special dietary requirements
Student name:   
Element 1Identify menu requirements
Element 2Develop menus and meal plans for special diets
Element 3Cost and document special menus and meal plans
Element 4Monitor special menu performance
Has the student satisfactorily completed all areas of this assessment?            
Which areas of this assessment has the student NOT completed satisfactorily?           
Assessor’s comments:                      
Assessor’s name and signature:      


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