
SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes

14 May 2023 11:31 AM | UPDATED 1 year ago

SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes :

SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes
SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes

Table of Contents

Assessment Pack (UAP) – Cover Sheet. 3

Student and Trainer/Assessor Details. 3

Course and Unit Details. 3

Assessment Submission Method. 3

Student Declaration. 3

Assessment Plan. 4

Unit information pack. 4

UAT 1 – Unit Knowledge Test (UKT). 5

Pre-assessment checklist. 5

Purpose. 5

Information for students. 5

Reasonable adjustments. 5

Student declaration. 5

Assessment task instructions. 6

Unit Assessment Result Sheet (UARS). 42

UAT 2 – Practical Demonstration. 44

Pre-assessment checklist. 44

Purpose. 44

Information for students. 44

Reasonable adjustments. 44

Student declaration. 44

Assessment task instructions. 45

Unit Assessment Result Sheet (UARS). 215

Purpose of unit Assessment Pack  This document is for the student and provides all the assessment tasks which need to be completed to be deemed competent in this unit. The document also provides instructions and information to assist the student to complete each assessment task. Students must respond to all questions and submit the assessment to their Assessor.
Copyright This document was developed by VET Resources © 2021. No part of this resources may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying or recording or by any information retrieval system without written permission from VET Resources. Legal action may be taken against any person who infringes their copyright through unauthorised copying. 

Assessment Pack (UAP) – Cover Sheet

Student and Trainer/Assessor Details

Student ID 
Student name 
Trainer/Assessor name 

Course and Unit Details

Course code 
Course name 
Unit codeSITHCCC037
Unit namePrepare Seafood Dishes

Assessment Submission Method

☐      By hand to trainer/assessor  ☐ By email to trainer/assessor  ☐ Online submission via Learning Management System (LMS)
☐      By Australia Post to RTO☐ Any other method _________________________________________________                                        (Please mention here)  

Student Declaration

I certify that the work submitted for this assessment pack is my own. I have clearly referenced any sources used in my submission. I understand that a false declaration is a form of malpractice. I have kept a copy of this assessment pack and all relevant notes, attachments, and reference material that I used in the production of the assessment pack;For the purposes of assessment, I give the Trainer/Assessor of this assessment the permission to: Reproduce this assessment and provide a copy to another member of staff; and Take steps to authenticate the assessment, including communicating a copy of this assessment to a checking service (which may retain a copy of the assessment on its database for future plagiarism checking).   Student signature   Date  

Assessment Plan

To demonstrate competence in this unit, the student must be assessed as satisfactory in each of the following assessment tasks.

Evidence recordedEvidence Type/ Method of assessmentSufficient evidence recorded/Outcome
Unit Assessment Task 1Unit Knowledge Test (UKT)S / NS (First Attempt) S / NS (Second Attempt)
Unit Assessment Task 2Practical demonstrationS / NS (First Attempt) S / NS (Second Attempt)
Final result C ☐ NYC ☐Date assessed  
Trainer/Assessor Signature 

Unit information pack

The student and Trainer/Assessor must read and understand all the information in the unit information pack before completing the unit assessment pack.

UAT 1 – Unit Knowledge Test (UKT)

Pre-assessment checklist


The pre-assessment checklist helps students determine if they are ready for assessment. The Trainer/Assessor must review the checklist with the student before the student attempts the assessment task. If any items of the checklist are incomplete or not clear to the student, the Trainer/Assessor must provide relevant information to the student to ensure they understand the requirements of the assessment task. The student must ensure they are ready for the assessment task before undertaking it.

Information for students

  • Please make sure you have completed the necessary prior learning before attempting this assessment.
  • Please make sure your Trainer/Assessor has clearly explained the assessment process and tasks to be completed.
  • Please make sure you understand what evidence is required to be collected and how.
  • Please make sure you know your rights and the complaints and appeal process.
  • Please make sure you discuss any special needs or reasonable adjustments to be considered during the assessment (refer to the Reasonable Adjustments Strategy Matrix and negotiate these with your Trainer/Assessor).
  • Please make sure that you have access to a computer and the internet (if you prefer to type the answers).
  • Please ensure that you have all the required resources needed to complete this Unit Assessment Task (UAT).
  • Due date of this assessment task is according to your timetable.
  • In exceptional (compelling and compassionate) circumstances, an extension to submit an assessment can be granted by the Trainer/Assessor. 
  • Evidence of the compelling and compassionate circumstances must be provided together with your request for an extension to submit your assessment work.
  • Request for an extension to submit your assessment work must be made before the due date of this assessment task.

Reasonable adjustments 

  • If student has requested a reasonable adjustment, then complete the reasonable adjustment form included in the unit information pack.

Student declaration

  • I confirm that Trainer/Assessor has provided all the information related to the assessment task as included in the information for student section and I am ready for the assessment.
Student signature Date 

  Assessment task instructions

Assessment type:

  • Written Questions

 Instructions provided to the student:

SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes Assessment task description:     

  • This is the first (1) unit of assessment task that the student must successfully complete to be deemed competent in this unit of competency.
  • The Unit Knowledge Test is comprised of nineteen (19) written questions.
  • Student must respond to all the questions and submit them to the Trainer/Assessor.
  • Student must answer all questions to the required level, e.g. provide the number of points, to be deemed satisfactory in this task.
  • Trainer/Assessor is required to provide feedback within two weeks and notify students when results are available.

 Applicable conditions:   

  • This knowledge test is untimed and is conducted as an open book test (this means student can refer to textbooks during the test).
  • Student must read and respond to all questions.
  • Student may handwrite/use computers to answer the questions.
  • Student must complete the task independently.
  • No marks or grades are allocated for this assessment task. The outcome of the task will be Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory.
  • Trainer /Assessor must assess student’s written skills and knowledge as he/she completes this assessment task.
  • The Trainer/Assessor may ask the student relevant questions on this assessment task to ensure that this is his/her own work.

Resubmissions and reattempts: 

  • Where a student’s answers are deemed not satisfactory after the first attempt, a resubmission attempt will be allowed.
  • Student may speak to their Trainer/Assessor if the student has any difficulty in completing this task and requires a reasonable adjustment (e.g., can be given as an oral assessment).
  • For more information, please refer to the RTO Student Handbook.


  • This assessment task may be completed in (tick the relevant box):
☐ Learning Management System☐ Classroom
☐ Simulated learning environment☐ Workplace
Other: ____________________________________
  • Trainer/Assessor will provide the student with further information regarding the location for completing this assessment task.

 Purpose of the Seafood Dishes assessment

The purpose of the assessment is to check knowledge relevant to the unit.

Instructions for answering written questions:

  • Students must complete a written assessment consisting of a series of questions.
  • It is expected from students to correctly answer all the questions.
  • Answers must demonstrate an understanding and application of relevant concepts, critical thinking, and good writing skills.
  • Students must respond to all questions for this assessment in a concise manner, providing only information that is relevant.
  • Student must use non-discriminatory language. The language should not devalue, demean, or exclude individuals or groups on the basis of such attributes including gender, disability, culture, race, religion, sexual preference, age and/or any other basis. Gender inclusive language should be used.
  • Assessors must not accept responses/answers that have been copied directly from other sources materials.
  Resources required to complete the assessment task:
  • Computer
  • Internet
  • MS Word
  • Printer or e-printer
  • Unit Assessment Task
  • Access to learner guide and other learning materials.

Question 1. List 2 classical and 2 contemporary seafood dishes along with the type of fish and the style of cooking used for each dish.Satisfactory response
Yes ☐No ☐
SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes

NameType of fishDescription / Style of cooking used
NameType of fishDescription / Style of cooking used
SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes

Question 2.  Explain the following styles of cooking and give examples of corresponding dishes and seafood that may be used. (30-50 words each)Satisfactory response
Yes ☐No ☐
Style of cookingProcessesMenu examples and accompaniments
Poaching (Deep and shallow)  
Whole baked  
Shallow frying   
Sous Vide   
SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes

Question 3:  Provide 1-2 example/s for the following categories of seafood:Satisfactory response
Yes ☐No ☐
Classification Examples
Flat and Round fish. 
Oily and white fish. 
Freshwater and Saltwater fish. 
SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes

Question 4: Below are examples of a few commonly used food labels in the hospitality industry. Please explain below what the labels tell you. (30 to 50 words) a. Best before: b. Use by: c. Use first: d. What is ‘FIFO’, and why do we use stock rotation in the Food Service industry? (30 to 50 words)Satisfactory response
a. Yes ☐ b. Yes ☐ c. Yes ☐ d. Yes ☐No ☐ No ☐ No ☐ No ☐
SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes

SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes

Question 5. Briefly explain quality indicators for the following parts of fish.Satisfactory response
Yes ☐No ☐
SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes

Quality IndicatorsExplanation
1. Flesh: 
2. Gut: 
3. Gills: 
4. Eye: 
5. Odour: 
SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes

Question 6. Explain the following characteristics of seafood in 1-2 lines.Satisfactory response
Yes ☐No ☐
SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes

1. Overall Appearance, (balance, colour, contrast)   
2. Texture 
3. Examples of unique flavors of any two types of seafood  
SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes

Question 7. What are the requirements for the correct handling, storage, and killing of live seafood in a humane manner? (50-100 words each)Satisfactory response
Yes ☐No ☐
SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes

Humane killing procedures
Humane killing of live seafood involves minimizing animal    
SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes

Question 8: What main factors need to be considered when presenting seafood dishes to achieve practicability of service? (50-100 words)Satisfactory response
Yes ☐No ☐
SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes

SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes

Question 9: Briefly describe uses for seafood by-products and offcuts in the kitchen to eliminate wastage. (50-100 words)Satisfactory response
Yes ☐No ☐
SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes

SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes

Question 10. What safety procedures should you follow if using knives to fillet fish, split lobsters or to shuck oysters or scallops?Satisfactory response
Yes ☐No ☐
SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes

SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes

Question 11. You have the following seafood preparation tasks to complete. What is the appropriate piece of equipment for each of these tasks?Satisfactory response
Yes ☐No ☐
SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes

Shucking oysters
Storing freshly cooked lobster in ice in the refrigerator
When filleting fish, removing pin bones
Poaching fish in a liquid
Pan-frying a whole fish
Filleting a whole fish
SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes

Question 12: List all the steps for safe operational and assembling practices of kitchen equipment and explain them briefly (30 to 50 words each).Satisfactory response
Yes ☐No ☐
SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes

SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes

Question 13: Answer the following questions a) You have been delivered a whole fish in the restaurant, and your chef has asked you to fabricate the whole fish into 150 gm portions for tonight’s dinner service. List the steps involved in the process. (200-250 Words) Your answer should include the following preparation techniques: b) How do you shell seafood such as prawns? (30-50 words)Satisfactory response
a) Yes ☐ b) Yes ☐No ☐ No ☐
SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes

SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes

Question 14: a) What is ‘Mise en place’? (50 to 100 words) b) What are the benefits of using Mise En Place while preparing, cooking and presenting seafood? List any 3. (80 to 100 words)Satisfactory response
a) Yes ☐ b) Yes ☐No ☐ No ☐
SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes

SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes

Question 15: Outline any two points for the appropriate environmental conditions to optimise the shelf life of seafood.Satisfactory response
Yes ☐No ☐
SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes

Question 16:  How should you hygienically and safely store pre-prepared cold seafood canapés within right timeframes and temperatures? (50-100 words)Satisfactory response
Yes ☐No ☐
SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes

SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes

Question 17: How do you thaw seafood safely? Mention any two strategies.Satisfactory response
Yes ☐No ☐
SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes

SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes

Question 18: Describe the following common seafood garnishes and/or accompaniments in 1-2 lines.Satisfactory response
Yes ☐No ☐
SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes

À l’Anglaise
À la Colbert
À l’Orly
À la meunière
SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes

Question 19: The following ingredients are commonly used in producing different fish and shellfish dishes. Identify them and complete the table below.Satisfactory response
Yes ☐No ☐
SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes

Ingredient Name Classification                                            
SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes

Unit Assessment Result Sheet (UARS) 
 Outcome of Unit Assessment Task (UAT)First attempt:   Outcome (please make sure to tick the correct checkbox):  Satisfactory (S) ☐ or Not Satisfactory (NS) ☐   Date: _______(day)/ _______(month)/ ____________(year) Second attempt:   Outcome (please make sure to tick the correct checkbox):  Satisfactory (S) ☐ or Not Satisfactory (NS) ☐ Date: _______(day)/ _______(month)/ ____________(year)
 Feedback to Student             
 Student Declarationdeclare that the answers I have provided are my own work.  Where I have accessed information from other sources, I have provided references and or links to my sources. have kept a copy of all relevant notes and reference material that I used as part of my submission. have provided references for all sources where the information is not my own. I understand the consequences of falsifying documentation and plagiarism. I understand how the assessment is structured. I accept that all work I submit must be verifiable as my own. understand that if I disagree with the assessment outcome, I can appeal the assessment process, and either re-submit additional evidence undertake gap training and or have my submission re-assessed.
 Student Signature 
 Trainer/Assessor Name  
 Trainer/Assessor DeclarationI hold: þ Vocational competencies at least to the level being delivered þ Current relevant industry skills þ Current knowledge and skills in VET, and undertake þ Ongoing professional development in VET I declare that I have conducted an assessment of this candidate’s submission. The assessment tasks were deemed current, sufficient, valid, and reliable. I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable, and flexible assessment.  I have provided feedback to the above-named candidate.
 Trainer/Assessor Signature 
 Office Use OnlyOutcome of Assessment has been entered onto the Student Management System on _________________ (insert date) by (insert Name) __________________________________
SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes

UAT 2 – Practical Demonstration
SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes

Pre-assessment checklist


The pre-assessment checklist helps students determine if they are ready for assessment. The Trainer/Assessor must review the checklist with the student before the student attempts the assessment task. If any items of the checklist are incomplete or not clear to the student, the Trainer/Assessor must provide relevant information to the student to ensure they understand the requirements of the assessment task. The student must ensure they are ready for the assessment task before undertaking it.

Information for students

  • Please make sure you have completed the necessary prior learning before attempting this assessment.
  • Please make sure your Trainer/Assessor has clearly explained the assessment process and tasks to be completed.
  • Please make sure you understand what evidence is required to be collected and how.
  • Please make sure you know your rights and the complaints and appeal process.
  • Please make sure you discuss any special needs or reasonable adjustments to be considered during the assessment (refer to the Reasonable Adjustments Strategy Matrix and negotiate these with your Trainer/Assessor).
  • Please make sure that you have access to a computer and the internet (if you prefer to type the answers).
  • Please ensure that you have all the required resources needed to complete this Unit Assessment Task (UAT).
  • Due date of this assessment task is according to your timetable.
  • In exceptional (compelling and compassionate) circumstances, an extension to submit an assessment can be granted by the Trainer/Assessor. 
  • Evidence of the compelling and compassionate circumstances must be provided together with your request for an extension to submit your assessment work.
  • Request for an extension to submit your assessment work must be made before the due date of this assessment task.

Reasonable adjustments 

  • If a student requires a reasonable adjustment, then complete the reasonable adjustment form included in the unit information pack.

Student declaration

  • I confirm that the Trainer/Assessor has provided all the information related to the assessment task as included in the information for student section and I am ready for the assessment.
Student signature Date 
SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes

  Assessment task instructions
SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes

Assessment type:

  • Practical Demonstration

Instructions provided to the student:

Assessment task description:    

  • when handling and storing different food types.

Applicable conditions:   

Resubmissions and reattempts:

  • Where a student’s performance is deemed not satisfactory after the first attempt, a resubmission attempt will be allowed. Assessor must note any such submissions.
  • Student may speak to their Trainer/Assessor if the student has any difficulty in completing this task and requires a reasonable adjustment (e.g., can be given as an oral assessment).
  • For more information, please refer to the RTO Student Handbook.


  • This assessment task may be completed in (tick the relevant box):
☐ Learning Management System☐ Classroom
☐ Simulated learning environment☐ Workplace
Other: ____________________________________
SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes

Purpose of the assessment:

  • Purpose of this Practical Demonstration is to check skills and knowledge related to performance criteria and performance evidence of the unit.

General Instructions for attempting the Practical Demonstration:

  Resources required to complete the assessment task:
SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes
  • Computer
  • Internet
  • MS Word
Fixtures and large equipment:
small equipment:
food safe gloves
Cleaning materials and equipment:
Organisational specifications:  
diverse and comprehensive range of seafood as specified in the performance evidence.
SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes

Feast of Flavours story Feast of Flavours was begun when 3 school friends met for a drink, and the idea of opening a world-class restaurant was conceived with a little help from a bottle of Pinot Noir. After 3 years and innumerable ups and downs, Feast of Flavours was born. Objective The objective of a Feast of Flavours is to create a culinary experience that gives people the most delicious dining experience possible. At Feast of Flavours, customers will discover the flavours of the world and a variety of unique cultures. It is an amalgamation of cuisines from around the globe under one roof with an ambience designed to complement the culinary joy diners will feel. Feast of Flavours will delight patrons who enjoy exploring and experimenting with flavours. Menu options The Feast of Flavours menu ranges from a variety of local cuisines to ones from across the globe, carefully chosen to be a part of Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. The restaurant ambience is beautifully crafted with soft lighting, artistic decorations, and elegant design. The menu has been fashioned by a Michelin 3-star chef and their team, including world-class chefs from across the world. At Feast of Flavours, you can also find cocktails and beverages curated to give a unique experience with each slow slip. A complete list of the menu options can be located at the Feast of Flavours simulated website. Meetings & Events Feast of Flavours is acknowledged as an industry leader delivering the best food service to its customers. The restaurant is also equipped to handle private or corporate events including team outings, birthday parties, or special celebrations. Customers can choose from the below options to book for their upcoming event. The restaurant is determined to cater for any customer within 2 minutes of their arrival and serve delicious food and drinks within 15 minutes of the order. Feast of Flavours has 15 staff on Friday and Saturday, including 4 chefs, 3 Bar attendants, 3 support staff /kitchen hands, and 5 waitresses. With the arrival of the Footy season, the customer inflow has increased and created a busy environment. Assume that you are working as a chef in charge in Feast of Flavours. You are responsible for preparing, producing, decorating, and presenting poultry dishes as per the customer request and modifying the dishes where required. You are required to read and understand the given scenarios and policies and procedures to complete the activities below.
                               Simulated Business Website The assessment tasks provided below use a simulated business website named Feast of Flavours. To access the website, you need to log in by using the below-provided link:           Step 1: Navigate to the website and click “Login”.   Step 2: Enter the username and password provided by your trainer. Your trainer will also provide you with the simulated business website information document that will help you to navigate through the website. You need to refer to the following policies and procedures to complete the provided activities:
SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes

  Activity 1: Produce seafood dishes
SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes

Additional scenario You are working as a chef in charge at the Feast of Flavours restaurant on Friday evening, and two groups of five people come to the restaurant and place their orders with the wait staff. The wait staff has taken their order and has informed you one dish is with special customer requests. The order includes the following details: Group 1: Group 2: A customer has requested Dish 3 and asked to not add any mint leaves in the salad.
Your taskPurpose For this task, students are required to prepare, produce, decorate, and present seafood dishes. Students are to follow standard recipes for the dishes from the recipe booklet. Role and participants Chef Assume that you are the chef in charge of Feast of Flavours. You are responsible for preparing the dishes and meeting the special customer request as per the order taken by the wait staff (refer to the additional scenario). You must modify the standard recipe and prepare the dish per the customer’s dietary needs. Wait staff Your trainer will act as the wait staff and provide instructions for the customer order (refer to additional scenario). The wait staff will also mention the special customer details and provide complete details with the customer order (trainer may refer to the recipe book for the special customer request order). Note: This assessment will occur under workplace conditions or in a simulated workplace, whichever meets the RTO requirements Tasks to be performed Seafood dishes to be produced: Task 1 Task 2 While preparing the dishes student needs to make sure they use each of the following seafood classifications at least once (at least once across preparation of the ten dishes): Student needs to ensure to use the following seafood preparation techniques at least once when preparing the above dishes (at least once across the preparation of the ten dishes): Student must ensure they use each of the following cookery methods at least once when preparing the above dishes (at least once across preparation of the ten dishes): Throughout this task, the following techniques, and conditions for producing seafood dishes must be included:
You will be required to complete and/or attach.  You need to calculate the ingredients required for two portions from the recipe book and record your calculations in the provided template and submit the completed template to your trainer/assessor. Two portions of each recipe must be prepared, plated, and presented within commercial time constraints and deadlines. Two portion of recipe is to be prepared for special customer request as per the wait staff instructions. (Refer to the additional scenario) Once the dish is ready, you will present it to the trainer. The trainer may suggest some quality or presentation improvements. You must change the food quality and plate presentation per the trainers’ suggestions. The remaining portion is to then be stored in a manner that will preserve or extend its shelf life. Please take a photo of each of the finished dishes. When submitting the completed assessment, please submit a photo of each finished dish in the provided template to your trainer/assessor. Your trainer/assessor will observe your performance and complete the provided checklist
Timeframe Your Trainer will give you 4 hours (8 hours total) each to complete both tasks. You may ask for additional time if required.
SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes

Template: Table of ingredients for recipe adjusted(calculations)
1 Kg = 1000 grams 1 Litre = 1000 millilitres 1 Gram = 0.001 kg 1 ml = 0.001 L
IngredientUnitWeightPCSNew amount(ltr/kg)New amount (Ml/grams)
Recipe 1
Potatoes Salmon fillets Shrimp Cream Butter Flour Garlic Onions Thyme Salt Peppergram gram gram litre gram gram gram gram gram gram gram500 400 300 1 50 50 10 100 50 10 5         1L  500g 400g 300g 1000ml 50 grams 50 grams 10 grams 100 grams 50 grams 10 grams 5 grams
Recipe 2
Salmon fillets Soy sauce Honey Garlic Ginger Lemon juice  gram ml gram gram gram ml500 100 50 20 20 50   0.1L       0.05L500 grams 100 ml 50 grams 20 grams 20 grams 50 ml
Recipe 3
Octopus Lemon juice Olive oil Parsley Salt Pepper      gram ml ml gram gram gram          500 100 100 30 10 5   0.1L 0.1L500 grams 100 ml 100 ml 30 grams 10 grams 5 grams
Recipe 4
Fish Fillets Coconut milk Lemon grass Lime juice Ginger Garlic    gram Litre Gram ml gram gram            400 1 10 50 20 10     1L   0.05L400 grams 1000 ml 10 grams 50 ml 20 grams 10 grams
Recipe 5
Barramundi Beer Flour Eggs Horseradish Mayonnaise        Gram Litre Gram PCS Gram ml400 0.5 100 2 20 100        2  0.5L       0.1L400 grams 500 ml 100 grams   20 grams 100 ml
Recipe 6
Fish fillets Ginger Soy Sauce Sesame oil Scallions        gram gram ml ml gram400 20 100 50 30       0.1L 0.05L400 grams 20 grams 100 ml 50 ml 40 grams
Recipe 7
Fish fillets Soy sauce Honey Chilli paste Brown rice        gram ml gram gram gram  400 60 30 10 200               0.06L400 grams 60 ml 30 grams 10 grams 200 grams
Recipe 8
Fish fillets Red curry paste Kaffir lime leaves Thai basil Coriander Lemon grass Coconut milk      gram gram gram gram gram gram ml  300 20 5 10 10 10 200               0.2L300 grams 20 grams 5 grams 10 grams 10 grams 10 grams 200 ml
Recipe 9
Oyster Bacon Worcestershire sauce Tabasco sauce Brown sugar Sea salt        Pcs gram ml ml gram gram30 60 30 5 20 50  30      0.03L 0.005L  60 grams 30 ml 5 ml 20 grams 50 grams
Recipe 10
Scallops Pancetta Cauliflower Heavy Cream Garlic Olive oil Salt Black pepper        PCS gram gram ml gram ml gram gram60 60 400 200 10 40 10 560      0.2L   0.04L  60 grams 400 grams 200 ml 10 grams 40 ml 10 grams 5 grams
Template: Evidence of the finished dish
Recipe 1
Recipe 2
Recipe 3
Recipe 4
Recipe 5
Recipe 6
Recipe 7
Recipe 8
Recipe 9
Recipe 10
SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes

Performance criteria checklist for unit assessment task: 
 Trainer/ Assessor to complete
 Trainer name: Date:
 Does the candidate meet the following criteria?
 Recipe 1: Creamy Seafood ChowderSatisfactory / Not SatisfactoryTrainer/Assessor Comments
 1. Select ingredients1.1 Established food production requirements from standard recipes. 1.1.1 Student successfully located information in the standard recipe to determine food preparation requirements 1.1.2 Student read and understood assessment instruction 1.1.3 Student accessed recipe (instructions/task information/requirements) 1.1.4 Student read and understood the recipe.  
 1.2 Estimated ingredient quantities according to the standard recipe 1.2.1 Student identified the ingredients from the standard recipe required for their recipe 1.2.2 Student calculated the ingredient amounts required for 2 portions from the recipe book. 1.2.3 Student recorded the calculations in the provided template: Table of ingredients for recipe adjusted(calculations) 1.2.4 Student submitted their calculations to the trainer/assessor as per the task requirements  
 1.3 Recognised and chose ingredients from stores according to the recipe, quality, freshness, and stock rotation requirements. 1.3.1 Student correctly identified and collected ingredients from the store and cooler as per the recipe card. 1.3.2 Student checked and selected vegetables that were free of:   insects   bruises   damage   blemishes   excess dirt   Student successfully selected the seafood products as per the recipe card 1.3.3 Student successfully located and read food product date codes and rotation labels. 1.3.4 Student selected the older stock when selecting ingredients per the FIFO stock rotation system. 1.3.5 Student checked and selected ingredients within the use by and best before dates.  
 1.4 Student used the seafood  from the below provided classification when preparing the recipes. Trainer to tick: ☐flat and round fish ☐oily and white fish ☐ocean and freshwater fish ☐shellfish: crustaceans including green prawnsmolluscsoctopus and squid  
 2. Select, prepare and use equipment.2.1 Selected the type and size of equipment suitable to the requirements of the recipe: 2.1.1 Student selected the correct knives, chopping boards and other tools (as required by the recipe) to prepare sea food 2.1.2 Student selected correct food preparation equipment as per the standard recipe. 2.1.3 Student selected correct cooking equipment as per the standard recipe 
 2.2 Safely assembled and confirmed the cleanliness of equipment before use. 2.2.1 Student assembled equipment correctly according to the manufacturer’s instructions in the operating manual provided by the trainer 2.2.2 Student received and followed the training instructions provided for assembling of the equipment and the machine 2.2.3 Student thoroughly cleaned equipment before and after use. 2.2.4 Student visually inspected all machine parts to ensure cleanliness before assembly and use. 
 2.3 Followed manufacture instructions and used the equipment safely and hygienically: 2.3.1 Student read operating manual and operated equipment safely according to manufacturer’s instructions provided by the trainer. 2.3.2 Student received and followed the training instructions provided for operating the equipment 2.3.3 Student checked that all parts were working and placed equipment away from water or sink before use. 2.3.4 Student checked the equipment and power cord for damage before using the equipment. 2.3.5 Student used the equipment safely, never feeding it by hand and avoiding contact with moving parts. 2.3.6 Student safely used knives Secured the chopping boards using the damp cloth underneath to stop the board from slipping   Cleaned the knife before use and made sure it was free from oil and grease   Made sure to cut on the stable surface   Carried the knife with the blade pointing downwards   Secured knife after use in the scabbard or container   Used protective equipment as required such as protective gloves or apron  
 3. Portion and prepare ingredients.3.1 Organised and assembled ingredients according to food production sequencing. 3.1.1 Student sorted and assembled ingredients according to food preparation sequence as per standard recipe. 3.1.2 Student grouped and placed ingredients in sequence to ensure all recipe steps were included. 3.1.3 Student placed all ingredients into appropriately sized dishes, bowls, and containers and set them around the cooking station for easy accessibility.  
 3.2 Followed recipe and created portions by weighing and measuring ingredients correctly 3.2.1 Student used the calculations recorded in the provided template and measure and sorted ingredients as per the recipe requirements 3.2.2 Student weighed all dry ingredients using a weighing scale as per the standard recipe 3.2.3 Student weighed all wet ingredients using a measuring jug as per the standard recipe 3.2.4 Student weighed and measured ingredients to prepare two portions of the standard recipe.  
 3.3 Completed mise en place activities 3.3.1 Student followed seafood preparation techniques while preparing the seafood dishes(Trainer to tick):      ☐cleaning ☐scaling ☐pin-bone removal ☐filleting – flat and round fish ☐portioning ☐shelling ☐skinning  
 3.4 Diminished wastage to boost the profitability of food items prepared 3.4.1 Student ensured proper stock rotation by following FIFO for ingredients reducing food spoilage. 3.4.2 Student checked labels for ‘use by’ and ‘best before’ dates before using any ingredient, reducing food spoilage. 3.4.3 Student followed correct portion control as per standard recipe to reduce food waste. 3.4.4 Student correctly stored, handled, and prepared foodstuffs to reduce spoilage. 3.4.5 Student accurately measured and calculated all ingredients to reduce waste. 3.4.6 Student used resources efficiently in all food preparation areas, including only running appliances when necessary to reduce energy wastage.  
 4. Cook seafood dishes4.1 Followed standard recipes to select and use appropriate cookery methods: 4.1.1 Student successfully determined cooking times and temperatures as per the standard recipe 4.1.2 Student followed standard recipes to select and use the following cookery method (Trainer to tick): ☐ deep frying ☐shallow frying ☐grilling ☐poaching ☐sous vide ☐steaming  
 4.2 Selected and added accompaniments and sauces suited to the dish. 4.2.1 Student selected and added accompaniments and sauces to the dish as per the standard recipe. 4.2.2 Student selected the accompaniments that enhance the appeal of the dish 4.2.3 Student made sure that taste of the accompaniments complemented the taste of the main dish  
 4.3 Made food quality adjustments within the scope of responsibility before serving the dish. 4.3.1 Student checked the dish’s taste before serving for a balance of seasoning and other basic tastes bitter, sweet, and sour. 4.3.2 Student checked the dish’s texture before serving it as per the standard recipe. 4.3.3 Student checked the temperature of the dish before serving and ensured hot food was served hot above 60 C. 4.3.4 Student brought dish’s taste, texture or temperature discrepancy to the trainer’s attention and made food quality adjustments accordingly. 4.3.5 Student successfully prepared and served a good quality dish with good taste, texture, and correct temperature.  
 5. Present fish and shellfish5.1 Presented dishes attractively on appropriate service ware. 5.1.1 Student chose the correct and appropriate service ware for presenting the dish as per standard recipe. 5.1.2 Student portioned food correctly as per the standard recipe. 5.1.3 Student checked service ware for cracks and chips before using. 5.1.4 Student checked the temperature service ware before plating, ensuring hot food was served on hot plates. 5.1.5 Student presented dishes attractively on correct service ware as per the standard recipe.  
 5.2 Added sauces, and garnishes according to the standard recipe. 5.2.1  Student selected and added sauces, and garnishes to the dish as per the standard recipe. 5.2.2 Student selected edible garnishes for the dish 5.2.3 Student dispersed garnishes thoughtfully to add colour or texture 5.2.4 Student made sure the plate was not overcrowded 5.2.5 Student avoided using the following:   Large chunks of citrus   Dips, sauces or garnishes with strong odor  
 5.3 Visually assessed dish and adjusted presentation where required before serving. 5.3.1 Student checked the visual balance of the dish’s components for a well-balanced and harmonious look on the plate. 5.3.2 Student checked the dish’s visual appearance and eye appeal regarding the colour of food prepared and the service ware chosen before serving. 5.3.3 Student checked the dish for contrasting colours and textures per the standard recipe. 5.3.4 Student checked that service ware was clean and wiped the sides of the plate before serving. 5.3.5 Student brought any discrepancy in the dish’s presentation to the trainer’s attention and adjusted before serving. 5.3.6 Student prepared and served a well-presented dish that was attractive and had eye appeal.  
 5.4 Stored prepared food items in suitable environmental conditions. 5.4.1 Student stored prepared food in hot holding alto shams or bain-marie above 60 C till served to ensure food safety and optimise its shelf life. 5.4.2 Student stored cold food in refrigeration below 5 C ensuring food safety and optimising its shelf life. 5.4.3 Student covered all prepared food items while storing to avoid cross-contamination, ensuring food safety and optimising its shelf life.  
 5.5 Followed organisational procedures, environmental considerations, and cost-reduction initiatives and cleaned the work area and disposed or stored surplus and reusable by-products 5.5.1 Student checked the time for all perishable food items in the temperature danger zone (5C – 60C) and discarded food items that had been out for more than 4 hours after bringing them to the trainer’s notice. 5.5.2 Student checked the time for all perishable food items in the temperature danger zone and only stored food items that had been out for less than 2 hours. 5.5.3 Student chilled all leftover food for storing as per food safety guidelines, i.e., cooled it to less than 21C within the first 2 hours and then further cooled it to less than 5C in four hours or less. 5.5.4 Student discarded food that did not meet the temperature guidelines after bringing them to the trainer’s notice. 5.5.5 Student correctly covered and labelled all food before storing, removing cross-contamination possibilities. 5.5.6 Student successfully used the wash, rinse, and sanitise steps to clean all equipment, appliances, and tools after use. 5.5.7 Student successfully used the wash, rinse, and sanitise steps to clean stoves, grills, and bench tops thoroughly 5.5.8 Student successfully scraped, hand-washed, sanitised, and air-dried chopping boards after use. 5.5.9 Student successfully used the wash, rinse, and sanitise steps to clean and sanitise the workstation and all surfaces on which food was prepared. 5.5.10 Student worked with others to scrape, pre-rinsed, thoroughly wash, air-dry, and put away all soiled service ware using proper dishwashing and glass washing at the end of service. 5.5.11 Student worked with others to sweep, wash, and sanitise all floor areas at the end of service. 5.5.12 Student worked with others to empty, wash, sanitise, and air-dry all garbage bins at the end of service. 5.5.13 Student sorted garbage into correct bins while disposing of it.  
 6.Overall Performance6.1 Student efficiently sequenced the stages of food preparation and production to prepare plated and present two portions of the dish 6.1.1 Student successfully prepared, plated, and presented two portions of the dish within commercial time constraints and deadlines. 6.1.2 Student successfully prepared, plated, and presented two portions of the dish following portion control procedures per the standard recipe. 6.1.3 Student successfully prepared, plated, and presented two portions of the dish using food safety practices when handling and storing food. 6.1.4 Student successfully responded to 1 special customer request by modifying the standard recipe to prepare the dish as per the customer’s dietary needs.  
SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes

Performance criteria checklist for unit assessment task: 
 Trainer/ Assessor to complete
 Trainer name: Date:
 Does the candidate meet the following criteria?
 Recipe 2: Asian-marinated baked salmonSatisfactory / Not SatisfactoryTrainer/Assessor Comments
 1. Select ingredients1.1 Established food production requirements from standard recipes. 1.1.1 Student successfully located information in the standard recipe to determine food preparation requirements 1.1.2 Student read and understood assessment instruction 1.1.3 Student accessed recipe (instructions / task information / requirements) 1.1.4 Student read and understood the recipe.  
 1.2 Estimated ingredient quantities according to the standard recipe 1.2.1 Student identified the ingredients from the standard  recipe required for their recipe 1.2.2 Student calculated ingredient amounts required for 2 portions from the recipe book. 1.2.3 Student recorded the calculations in the provided template: Table of ingredients for recipe adjusted(calculations) 1.2.4 Student submitted their calculations to the trainer/assessor as per the task requirements  
 1.3 Recognised and chose ingredients from stores according to the recipe, quality, freshness, and stock rotation requirements. 1.3.1 Student correctly identified and collected ingredients from the store and cooler as per the recipe card. 1.3.2 Student checked and selected vegetables that were free of:   insects   bruises   damage   blemishes   excess dirt   Student successfully selected the seafood products as per the recipe card 1.3.3 Student successfully located and read food product date codes and rotation labels. 1.3.4 Student selected the older stock when selecting ingredients per the FIFO stock rotation system. 1.3.5 Student checked and selected ingredients within the use by and best before dates.  
 1.4 Student used the seafood  from the below provided classification when preparing the recipes. Trainer to tick: ☐flat and round fish ☐oily and white fish ☐ocean and freshwater fish ☐shellfish: crustaceans including green prawnsmolluscsoctopus and squid  
 2. Select, prepare and use equipment.2.1 Selected the type and size of equipment suitable to the requirements of the recipe: 2.1.1 Student selected the correct knives, chopping boards and other tools (as required by the recipe) to prepare sea food 2.1.2 Student selected correct food preparation equipment as per the standard recipe. 2.1.3 Student selected correct cooking equipment as per the standard recipe 
 2.2 Safely assembled and confirmed the cleanliess of equipment before use. 2.2.1 Student assembled equipment correctly according to the manufacturer’s instructions in the operating manual provided by the trainer 2.2.2 Student received and followed the training instructions provided for assembling of the equipment and the machine 2.2.3 Student thoroughly cleaned equipment before and after use. 2.2.4 Student visually inspected all machine parts to ensure cleanliness before assembly and use. 
 2.3 Followed manufacture instructions and used the equipment safely and hygienically: 2.3.1 Student read operating manual and operated equipment safely according to manufacturer’s instructions provided by the trainer. 2.3.2 Student received and followed the training instructions provided for operating the equipment 2.3.3 Student checked that all parts were working and placed equipment away from water or sink before use. 2.3.4 Student checked the equipment and power cord for damage before using the equipment. 2.3.5 Student used the equipment safely, never feeding it by hand and avoiding contact with moving parts. 2.3.6 Student safely used knives   Secured the chopping boards using the damp cloth underneath to stop the board from slipping   Cleaned the knife before use and made sure it is free from oil and grease   Made sure to cut on the stable surface   Carried the knife with the blade pointing downwards   Secured knife after use in the scabbard or container   Used protective equipment as required such as protective gloves or apron  
 3. Portion and prepare ingredients.3.1 Thaw frozen seafood according to food safety guidelines as required 3.1.1 Made sure the thawing food was under refrigeration and maintained at 5oc and below 3.1.2 Food was thawed by submerging under the cool running water 3.1.3 Made sure the juices resulting from the thawing did not contaminate other foods during the thawing process  
 3.2 Organised and assembled ingredients according to food production sequencing. 3.2.1 Student sorted and assembled ingredients according to food preparation sequence as per standard recipe. 3.2.2 Student grouped and placed ingredients in sequence to ensure all recipe steps were included. 3.2.3 Student placed all ingredients into appropriately sized dishes, bowls, and containers and set them around the cooking station for easy accessibility.  
 3.3 Followed recipe and created portions by weighing and measuring ingredients correctly 3.3.1 Student used the calculations recorded in the provided template and measure and sorted ingredients as per the recipe requirements 3.3.2 Student weighed all dry ingredients using a weighing scale as per the standard recipe 3.3.3 Student weighed all wet ingredients using a measuring jug as per the standard recipe 3.3.4 Student weighed and measured ingredients to prepare two portions of the standard recipe.  
 3.4 Completed mise en place activities 3.4.1 Student followed seafood preparation techniques while preparing the seafood dishes (Trainer to tick):      ☐cleaning ☐scaling ☐pin-bone removal ☐filleting – flat and round fish ☐portioning ☐shelling ☐skinning  
 3.5 Diminished wastage to boost the profitability of food items prepared 3.5.1 Student ensured proper stock rotation by following FIFO for ingredients reducing food spoilage. 3.5.2 Student checked labels for ‘use by’ and ‘best before’ dates before using any ingredient, reducing food spoilage. 3.5.3 Student followed correct portion control as per standard recipe to reduce food waste. 3.5.4 Student correctly stored, handled, and prepared foodstuffs to reduce spoilage. 3.5.5 Student accurately measured and calculated all ingredients to reduce waste. 3.5.6 Student used resources efficiently in all food preparation areas, including only running appliances when necessary to reduce energy wastage.  
 4. Cook seafood dishes4.1 Followed standard recipes to select and use appropriate cookery methods: 4.1.1 Student successfully determined cooking times and temperatures as per the standard recipe 4.1.2 Student followed standard recipes to select and use the following cookery method (Trainer to tick): ☐ deep frying ☐shallow frying ☐grilling ☐poaching ☐sous vide ☐steaming  
 4.2 Selected and added accompaniments and sauces suited to the dish. 4.2.1 Student selected and added accompaniments and sauces to the dish as per the standard recipe. 4.2.2 Student selected the accompaniments that enhance the appeal of the dish 4.2.3 Student made sure that taste of the accompaniments complemented the taste of the main dish  
 4.3 Made food quality adjustments within the scope of responsibility before serving the dish. 4.3.1 Student checked the dish’s taste before serving for a balance of seasoning and other basic tastes bitter, sweet, and sour. 4.3.2 Student checked the dish’s texture before serving it as per the standard recipe. 4.3.3 Student checked the temperature of the dish before serving and ensured hot food was served hot above 60 C. 4.3.4 Student brought dish’s taste, texture or temperature discrepancy to the trainer’s attention and made food quality adjustments accordingly. 4.3.5 Student successfully prepared and served a good quality dish with good taste, texture, and correct temperature.  
 5. Present fish and shellfish5.1 Presented dishes attractively on appropriate service ware. 5.1.1 Student chose the correct and appropriate service ware for presenting the dish as per standard recipe. 5.1.2 Student portioned food correctly as per the standard recipe. 5.1.3 Student checked service ware for cracks and chips before using. 5.1.4 Student checked the temperature service ware before plating, ensuring hot food was served on hot plates. 5.1.5 Student presented dishes attractively on correct service ware as per the standard recipe.  
 5.2 Added sauces, and garnishes according to the standard recipe. 5.2.1  Student selected and added sauces, and garnishes to the dish as per the standard recipe. 5.2.2 Student selected edible garnishes for the dish 5.2.3 Student dispersed garnishes thoughtfully to add colour or texture 5.2.4 Student made sure the plate was not overcrowded 5.2.5 Student avoided using the following:   Large chunks of citrus   Dips, sauces or garnishes with strong odor  
 5.3 Visually assessed dish and adjusted presentation where required before serving. 5.3.1 Student checked the visual balance of the dish’s components for a well-balanced and harmonious look on the plate. 5.3.2 Student checked the dish’s visual appearance and eye appeal regarding the colour of food prepared and the service ware chosen before serving. 5.3.3 Student checked the dish for contrasting colours and textures per the standard recipe. 5.3.4 Student checked that service ware was clean and wiped the sides of the plate before serving. 5.3.5 Student brought any discrepancy in the dish’s presentation to the trainer’s attention and adjusted before serving. 5.3.6 Student prepared and served a well-presented dish that was attractive and had eye appeal.  
 5.4 Stored prepared food items in suitable environmental conditions. 5.4.1 Student stored prepared food in hot holding alto shams or bain-marie above 60 C till served to ensure food safety and optimise its shelf life. 5.4.2 Student stored cold food in refrigeration below 5 C ensuring food safety and optimising its shelf life. 5.4.3 Student covered all prepared food items while storing to avoid cross-contamination, ensuring food safety and optimising its shelf life.  
 5.5 Followed organisational procedures, environmental considerations, and cost-reduction initiatives and cleaned the work area and disposed or stored surplus and reusable by-products 5.5.1 Student checked the time for all perishable food items in the temperature danger zone (5C – 60C) and discarded food items that had been out for more than 4 hours after bringing them to the trainer’s notice. 5.5.2 Student checked the time for all perishable food items in the temperature danger zone and only stored food items that had been out for less than 2 hours. 5.5.3 Student chilled all leftover food for storing as per food safety guidelines, i.e., cooled it to less than 21C within the first 2 hours and then further cooled it to less than 5C in four hours or less. 5.5.4 Student discarded food that did not meet the temperature guidelines after bringing them to the trainer’s notice. 5.5.5 Student correctly covered and labelled all food before storing, removing cross-contamination possibilities. 5.5.6 Student successfully used the wash, rinse, and sanitise steps to clean all equipment, appliances, and tools after use. 5.5.7 Student successfully used the wash, rinse, and sanitise steps to clean stoves, grills, and bench tops thoroughly 5.5.8 Student successfully scraped, hand-washed, sanitised, and air-dried chopping boards after use. 5.5.9 Student successfully used the wash, rinse, and sanitise steps to clean and sanitise the workstation and all surfaces on which food was prepared. 5.5.10    Student worked with others to scrape, pre-rinsed, thoroughly wash, air-dry, and put away all soiled service ware using proper dishwashing and glass washing at the end of service. 5.5.11 Student worked with others to sweep, wash, and sanitise all floor areas at the end of service. 5.5.12 Student worked with others to empty, wash, sanitise, and air-dry all garbage bins at the end of service. 5.5.13 Student sorted garbage into correct bins while disposing of it.  
 6.Overall Performance6.1 Student efficiently sequenced the stages of food preparation and production to prepare plated and present two portions of the dish 6.1.1 Student successfully prepared, plated and presented two portions of the dish within commercial time constraints and deadlines. 6.1.2 Student successfully prepared, plated and presented two portions of the dish following portion control procedures per the standard recipe. 6.1.3 Student successfully prepared, plated and presented two portions of the dish using food safety practices when handling and storing food. 6.1.4 Student successfully responded to 1 special customer request by modifying the standard recipe to prepare the dish as per the customer’s dietary needs.  
SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes

Performance criteria checklist for unit assessment task: 
 Trainer/ Assessor to complete
 Trainer name: Date:
 Does the candidate meet the following criteria?
 Recipe 3: Chargrilled octopus saladSatisfactory / Not SatisfactoryTrainer/Assessor Comments
 1. Select ingredients1.1 Established food production requirements from standard recipes. 1.1.1 Student successfully located information in the standard recipe to determine food preparation requirements 1.1.2 Student read and understood assessment instruction 1.1.3 Student accessed recipe (instructions / task information / requirements) 1.1.4 Student read and understood the recipe.  
 1.2 Estimated ingredient quantities according to the standard recipe 1.2.1 Student identified the ingredients from the standard  recipe required for their recipe 1.2.2 Student calculated ingredient amounts required for 2 portions from the recipe book. 1.2.3 Student recorded the calculations in the provided template: Table of ingredients for recipe adjusted(calculations) 1.2.4 Student submitted their calculations to the trainer/assessor as per the task requirements  
 1.3 Recognised and chose ingredients from stores according to the recipe, quality, freshness, and stock rotation requirements. 1.3.1 Student correctly identified and collected ingredients from the store and cooler as per the recipe card. 1.3.2 Student checked and selected vegetables that were free of:   insects   bruises   damage   blemishes   excess dirt   Student successfully selected the seafood products as per the recipe card 1.3.3 Student successfully located and read food product date codes and rotation labels. 1.3.4 Student selected the older stock when selecting ingredients per the FIFO stock rotation system. 1.3.5 Student checked and selected ingredients within the use by and best before dates.  
 1.4 Student used the seafood  from the below provided classification when preparing the recipes. Trainer to tick: ☐flat and round fish ☐oily and white fish ☐ocean and freshwater fish ☐shellfish: crustaceans including green prawnsmolluscsoctopus and squid  
 2. Select, prepare and use equipment.2.1 Selected the type and size of equipment suitable to the requirements of the recipe: 2.1.1 Student selected the correct knives, chopping boards and other tools (as required by the recipe) to prepare sea food 2.1.2 Student selected correct food preparation equipment as per the standard recipe. 2.1.3 Student selected correct cooking equipment as per the standard recipe 
 2.2 Safely assembled and confirmed the cleanliness of equipment before use. 2.2.1 Student assembled equipment correctly according to the manufacturer’s instructions in the operating manual provided by the trainer 2.2.2 Student received and followed the training instructions provided for assembling of the equipment and the machine 2.2.3 Student thoroughly cleaned equipment before and after use. 2.2.4 Student visually inspected all machine parts to ensure cleanliness before assembly and use. 
 2.3 Followed manufacture instructions and used the equipment safely and hygienically: 2.3.1 Student read operating manual and operated equipment safely according to manufacturer’s instructions provided by the trainer. 2.3.2 Student received and followed the training instructions provided for operating the equipment 2.3.3 Student checked that all parts were working and placed equipment away from water or sink before use. 2.3.4 Student checked the equipment and power cord for damage before using the equipment. 2.3.5 Student used the equipment safely, never feeding it by hand and avoiding contact with moving parts. 2.3.6 Student safely used knives   Secured the chopping boards using the damp cloth underneath to stop the board from slipping   Cleaned the knife before use and made sure it is free from oil and grease   Made sure to cut on the stable surface   Carried the knife with the blade pointing downwards   Secured knife after use in the scabbard or container   Used protective equipment as required such as protective gloves or apron  
 3. Portion and prepare ingredients.3.1 Thaw frozen seafood according to food safety guidelines as required 3.1.1 Made sure the thawing food was under refrigeration and maintained at 5oc and below 3.1.2 Food was thawed by submerging under the cool running water 3.1.3 Made sure the juices resulting from the thawing did not contaminate other foods during the thawing process  
 3.2 Organised and assembled ingredients according to food production sequencing. 3.2.1 Student sorted and assembled ingredients according to food preparation sequence as per standard recipe. 3.2.2 Student grouped and placed ingredients in sequence to ensure all recipe steps were included. 3.2.3 Student placed all ingredients into appropriately sized dishes, bowls, and containers and set them around the cooking station for easy accessibility.  
 3.3 Followed recipe and created portions by weighing and measuring ingredients correctly 3.3.1 Student used the calculations recorded in the provided template and measure and sorted ingredients as per the recipe requirements 3.3.2 Student weighed all dry ingredients using a weighing scale as per the standard recipe 3.3.3 Student weighed all wet ingredients using a measuring jug as per the standard recipe 3.3.4 Student weighed and measured ingredients to prepare two portions of the standard recipe.  
 3.4 Completed mise en place activities 3.4.1 Student followed seafood preparation techniques while preparing the seafood dishes (Trainer to tick):      ☐cleaning ☐scaling ☐pin-bone removal ☐filleting – flat and round fish ☐portioning ☐shelling ☐skinning  
 3.5 Diminished wastage to boost the profitability of food items prepared 3.5.1 Student ensured proper stock rotation by following FIFO for ingredients reducing food spoilage. 3.5.2 Student checked labels for ‘use by’ and ‘best before’ dates before using any ingredient, reducing food spoilage. 3.5.3 Student followed correct portion control as per standard recipe to reduce food waste. 3.5.4 Student correctly stored, handled, and prepared foodstuffs to reduce spoilage. 3.5.5 Student accurately measured and calculated all ingredients to reduce waste. 3.5.6 Student used resources efficiently in all food preparation areas, including only running appliances when necessary to reduce energy wastage.  
 4. Cook seafood dishes4.1 Followed standard recipes to select and use appropriate cookery methods: 4.1.1 Student successfully determined cooking times and temperatures as per the standard recipe 4.1.2 Student followed standard recipes to select and use the following cookery method (Trainer to tick): ☐ deep frying ☐shallow frying ☐grilling ☐poaching ☐sous vide ☐steaming  
 4.2 Selected and added accompaniments and sauces suited to the dish. 4.2.1 Student selected and added accompaniments and sauces to the dish as per the standard recipe. 4.2.2 Student selected the accompaniments that enhance the appeal of the dish 4.2.3 Student made sure that taste of the accompaniments complemented the taste of the main dish  
 4.3 Made food quality adjustments within the scope of responsibility before serving the dish. 4.3.1 Student checked the dish’s taste before serving for a balance of seasoning and other basic tastes bitter, sweet, and sour. 4.3.2 Student checked the dish’s texture before serving it as per the standard recipe. 4.3.3 Student checked the temperature of the dish before serving and ensured hot food was served hot above 60 C. 4.3.4 Student brought dish’s taste, texture or temperature discrepancy to the trainer’s attention and made food quality adjustments accordingly. 4.3.5 Student successfully prepared and served a good quality dish with good taste, texture, and correct temperature.  
 5. Present fish and shellfish5.1 Presented dishes attractively on appropriate service ware. 5.1.1 Student chose the correct and appropriate service ware for presenting the dish as per standard recipe. 5.1.2 Student portioned food correctly as per the standard recipe. 5.1.3 Student checked service ware for cracks and chips before using. 5.1.4 Student checked the temperature service ware before plating, ensuring hot food was served on hot plates. 5.1.5 Student presented dishes attractively on correct service ware as per the standard recipe.  
 5.2 Added sauces, and garnishes according to the standard recipe. 5.2.1  Student selected and added sauces, and garnishes to the dish as per the standard recipe. 5.2.2 Student selected edible garnishes for the dish 5.2.3 Student dispersed garnishes thoughtfully to add colour or texture 5.2.4 Student made sure the plate was not overcrowded 5.2.5 Student avoided using the following:   Large chunks of citrus   Dips, sauces or garnishes with strong odor  
 5.3 Visually assessed dish and adjusted presentation where required before serving. 5.3.1 Student checked the visual balance of the dish’s components for a well-balanced and harmonious look on the plate. 5.3.2 Student checked the dish’s visual appearance and eye appeal regarding the colour of food prepared and the service ware chosen before serving. 5.3.3 Student checked the dish for contrasting colours and textures per the standard recipe. 5.3.4 Student checked that service ware was clean and wiped the sides of the plate before serving. 5.3.5 Student brought any discrepancy in the dish’s presentation to the trainer’s attention and adjusted before serving. 5.3.6 Student prepared and served a well-presented dish that was attractive and had eye appeal.  
 5.4 Stored prepared food items in suitable environmental conditions. 5.4.1 Student stored prepared food in hot holding alto shams or bain-marie above 60 C till served to ensure food safety and optimise its shelf life. 5.4.2 Student stored cold food in refrigeration below 5 C ensuring food safety and optimising its shelf life. 5.4.3 Student covered all prepared food items while storing to avoid cross-contamination, ensuring food safety and optimising its shelf life.  
 5.5 Followed organisational procedures, environmental considerations, and cost-reduction initiatives and cleaned the work area and disposed or stored surplus and reusable by-products 5.5.1 Student checked the time for all perishable food items in the temperature danger zone (5C – 60C) and discarded food items that had been out for more than 4 hours after bringing them to the trainer’s notice. 5.5.2 Student checked the time for all perishable food items in the temperature danger zone and only stored food items that had been out for less than 2 hours. 5.5.3 Student chilled all leftover food for storing as per food safety guidelines, i.e., cooled it to less than 21C within the first 2 hours and then further cooled it to less than 5C in four hours or less. 5.5.4 Student discarded food that did not meet the temperature guidelines after bringing them to the trainer’s notice. 5.5.5 Student correctly covered and labelled all food before storing, removing cross-contamination possibilities. 5.5.6 Student successfully used the wash, rinse, and sanitise steps to clean all equipment, appliances, and tools after use. 5.5.7 Student successfully used the wash, rinse, and sanitise steps to clean stoves, grills, and bench tops thoroughly 5.5.8 Student successfully scraped, hand-washed, sanitised, and air-dried chopping boards after use. 5.5.9 Student successfully used the wash, rinse, and sanitise steps to clean and sanitise the workstation and all surfaces on which food was prepared. 5.5.10    Student worked with others to scrape, pre-rinsed, thoroughly wash, air-dry, and put away all soiled service ware using proper dishwashing and glass washing at the end of service. 5.5.11 Student worked with others to sweep, wash, and sanitise all floor areas at the end of service. 5.5.12 Student worked with others to empty, wash, sanitise, and air-dry all garbage bins at the end of service. 5.5.13 Student sorted garbage into correct bins while disposing of it.  
 6.Overall Performance6.1 Student efficiently sequenced the stages of food preparation and production to prepare plated and present two portions of the dish 6.1.1 Student successfully prepared, plated and presented two portions of the dish within commercial time constraints and deadlines. 6.1.2 Student successfully prepared, plated and presented two portions of the dish following portion control procedures per the standard recipe. 6.1.3 Student successfully prepared, plated and presented two portions of the dish using food safety practices when handling and storing food. 6.1.4 Student successfully responded to 1 special customer request by modifying the standard recipe to prepare the dish as per the customer’s dietary needs.  
SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes

Performance criteria checklist for unit assessment task: 
 Trainer/ Assessor to complete
 Trainer name: Date:
 Does the candidate meet the following criteria?
 Recipe 4: Coconut poached fishSatisfactory / Not SatisfactoryTrainer/Assessor Comments
 1. Select ingredients1.1 Established food production requirements from standard recipes. 1.1.1 Student successfully located information in the standard recipe to determine food preparation requirements 1.1.2 Student read and understood assessment instruction 1.1.3 Student accessed recipe (instructions / task information / requirements) 1.1.4 Student read and understood the recipe.  
 1.2 Estimated ingredient quantities according to the standard recipe 1.2.1 Student identified the ingredients from the standard  recipe required for their recipe 1.2.2 Student calculated ingredient amounts required for 2 portions from the recipe book. 1.2.3 Student recorded the calculations in the provided template: Table of ingredients for recipe adjusted(calculations) 1.2.4 Student submitted their calculations to the trainer/assessor as per the task requirements  
 1.3 Recognised and chose ingredients from stores according to the recipe, quality, freshness, and stock rotation requirements. 1.3.1 Student correctly identified and collected ingredients from the store and cooler as per the recipe card. 1.3.2 Student checked and selected vegetables that were free of:   insects   bruises   damage   blemishes   excess dirt   Student successfully selected the seafood products as per the recipe card 1.3.3 Student successfully located and read food product date codes and rotation labels. 1.3.4      Student selected the older stock when selecting ingredients per the FIFO stock rotation system. 1.3.5      Student checked and selected ingredients within the use by and best before dates.  
 1.4 Student used the seafood  from the below provided classification when preparing the recipes. Trainer to tick: ☐flat and round fish ☐oily and white fish ☐ocean and freshwater fish ☐shellfish: crustaceans including green prawnsmolluscsoctopus and squid  
 2. Select, prepare and use equipment.2.1 Selected the type and size of equipment suitable to the requirements of the recipe: 2.1.1 Student selected the correct knives, chopping boards and other tools (as required by the recipe) to prepare sea food 2.1.2 Student selected correct food preparation equipment as per the standard recipe. 2.1.3 Student selected correct cooking equipment as per the standard recipe 
 2.2 Safely assembled and confirmed the cleanliness of equipment before use. 2.2.1 Student assembled equipment correctly according to the manufacturer’s instructions in the operating manual provided by the trainer 2.2.2 Student received and followed the training instructions provided for assembling of the equipment and the machine 2.2.3 Student thoroughly cleaned equipment before and after use. 2.2.4 Student visually inspected all machine parts to ensure cleanliness before assembly and use. 
 2.3 Followed manufacture instructions and used the equipment safely and hygienically: 2.3.1 Student read operating manual and operated equipment safely according to manufacturer’s instructions provided by the trainer. 2.3.2 Student received and followed the training instructions provided for operating the equipment 2.3.3 Student checked that all parts were working and placed equipment away from water or sink before use. 2.3.4 Student checked the equipment and power cord for damage before using the equipment. 2.3.5 Student used the equipment safely, never feeding it by hand and avoiding contact with moving parts. 2.3.6 Student safely used knives   Secured the chopping boards using the damp cloth underneath to stop the board from slipping   Cleaned the knife before use and made sure it is free from oil and grease   Made sure to cut on the stable surface   Carried the knife with the blade pointing downwards   Secured knife after use in the scabbard or container   Used protective equipment as required such as protective gloves or apron  
 3. Portion and prepare ingredients.3.1 Thaw frozen seafood according to food safety guidelines as required 3.1.1 Made sure the thawing food was under refrigeration and maintained at 5oc and below 3.1.2 Food was thawed by submerging under the cool running water 3.1.3 Made sure the juices resulting from the thawing did not contaminate other foods during the thawing process  
 3.2 Organised and assembled ingredients according to food production sequencing. 3.2.1 Student sorted and assembled ingredients according to food preparation sequence as per standard recipe. 3.2.2 Student grouped and placed ingredients in sequence to ensure all recipe steps were included. 3.2.3 Student placed all ingredients into appropriately sized dishes, bowls, and containers and set them around the cooking station for easy accessibility.  
 3.3 Followed recipe and created portions by weighing and measuring ingredients correctly 3.3.1 Student used the calculations recorded in the provided template and measure and sorted ingredients as per the recipe requirements 3.3.2 Student weighed all dry ingredients using a weighing scale as per the standard recipe 3.3.3 Student weighed all wet ingredients using a measuring jug as per the standard recipe 3.3.4 Student weighed and measured ingredients to prepare two portions of the standard recipe.  
 3.4 Completed mise en place activities 3.4.1 Student followed seafood preparation techniques while preparing the seafood dishes (Trainer to tick):      ☐cleaning ☐scaling ☐pin-bone removal ☐filleting – flat and round fish ☐portioning ☐shelling ☐skinning  
 3.5 Diminished wastage to boost the profitability of food items prepared 3.5.1 Student ensured proper stock rotation by following FIFO for ingredients reducing food spoilage. 3.5.2 Student checked labels for ‘use by’ and ‘best before’ dates before using any ingredient, reducing food spoilage. 3.5.3 Student followed correct portion control as per standard recipe to reduce food waste. 3.5.4 Student correctly stored, handled, and prepared foodstuffs to reduce spoilage. 3.5.5 Student accurately measured and calculated all ingredients to reduce waste. 3.5.6 Student used resources efficiently in all food preparation areas, including only running appliances when necessary to reduce energy wastage.  
 4. Cook seafood dishes4.1 Followed standard recipes to select and use appropriate cookery methods: 4.1.1 Student successfully determined cooking times and temperatures as per the standard recipe 4.1.2 Student followed standard recipes to select and use the following cookery method (Trainer to tick): ☐ deep frying ☐shallow frying ☐grilling ☐poaching ☐sous vide ☐steaming  
 4.2 Selected and added accompaniments and sauces suited to the dish. 4.2.1 Student selected and added accompaniments and sauces to the dish as per the standard recipe. 4.2.2 Student selected the accompaniments that enhance the appeal of the dish 4.2.3 Student made sure that taste of the accompaniments complemented the taste of the main dish  
 4.3 Made food quality adjustments within the scope of responsibility before serving the dish. 4.3.1 Student checked the dish’s taste before serving for a balance of seasoning and other basic tastes bitter, sweet, and sour. 4.3.2 Student checked the dish’s texture before serving it as per the standard recipe. 4.3.3 Student checked the temperature of the dish before serving and ensured hot food was served hot above 60 C. 4.3.4 Student brought dish’s taste, texture or temperature discrepancy to the trainer’s attention and made food quality adjustments accordingly. 4.3.5 Student successfully prepared and served a good quality dish with good taste, texture, and correct temperature.  
 5. Present fish and shellfish5.1 Presented dishes attractively on appropriate service ware. 5.1.1 Student chose the correct and appropriate service ware for presenting the dish as per standard recipe. 5.1.2 Student portioned food correctly as per the standard recipe. 5.1.3 Student checked service ware for cracks and chips before using. 5.1.4 Student checked the temperature service ware before plating, ensuring hot food was served on hot plates. 5.1.5 Student presented dishes attractively on correct service ware as per the standard recipe.  
 5.2 Added sauces, and garnishes according to the standard recipe. 5.2.1  Student selected and added sauces, and garnishes to the dish as per the standard recipe. 5.2.2 Student selected edible garnishes for the dish 5.2.3 Student dispersed garnishes thoughtfully to add colour or texture 5.2.4 Student made sure the plate was not overcrowded 5.2.5 Student avoided using the following:   Large chunks of citrus   Dips, sauces or garnishes with strong odor  
 5.3 Visually assessed dish and adjusted presentation where required before serving. 5.3.1 Student checked the visual balance of the dish’s components for a well-balanced and harmonious look on the plate. 5.3.2 Student checked the dish’s visual appearance and eye appeal regarding the colour of food prepared and the service ware chosen before serving. 5.3.3 Student checked the dish for contrasting colours and textures per the standard recipe. 5.3.4 Student checked that service ware was clean and wiped the sides of the plate before serving. 5.3.5 Student brought any discrepancy in the dish’s presentation to the trainer’s attention and adjusted before serving. 5.3.6 Student prepared and served a well-presented dish that was attractive and had eye appeal.  
 5.4 Stored prepared food items in suitable environmental conditions. 5.4.1 Student stored prepared food in hot holding alto shams or bain-marie above 60 C till served to ensure food safety and optimise its shelf life. 5.4.2 Student stored cold food in refrigeration below 5 C ensuring food safety and optimising its shelf life. 5.4.3 Student covered all prepared food items while storing to avoid cross-contamination, ensuring food safety and optimising its shelf life.  
 5.5 Followed organisational procedures, environmental considerations, and cost-reduction initiatives and cleaned the work area and disposed or stored surplus and reusable by-products 5.5.1 Student checked the time for all perishable food items in the temperature danger zone (5C – 60C) and discarded food items that had been out for more than 4 hours after bringing them to the trainer’s notice. 5.5.2 Student checked the time for all perishable food items in the temperature danger zone and only stored food items that had been out for less than 2 hours. 5.5.3 Student chilled all leftover food for storing as per food safety guidelines, i.e., cooled it to less than 21C within the first 2 hours and then further cooled it to less than 5C in four hours or less. 5.5.4 Student discarded food that did not meet the temperature guidelines after bringing them to the trainer’s notice. 5.5.5 Student correctly covered and labelled all food before storing, removing cross-contamination possibilities. 5.5.6 Student successfully used the wash, rinse, and sanitise steps to clean all equipment, appliances, and tools after use. 5.5.7 Student successfully used the wash, rinse, and sanitise steps to clean stoves, grills, and bench tops thoroughly 5.5.8 Student successfully scraped, hand-washed, sanitised, and air-dried chopping boards after use. 5.5.9 Student successfully used the wash, rinse, and sanitise steps to clean and sanitise the workstation and all surfaces on which food was prepared. 5.5.10    Student worked with others to scrape, pre-rinsed, thoroughly wash, air-dry, and put away all soiled service ware using proper dishwashing and glass washing at the end of service. 5.5.11 Student worked with others to sweep, wash, and sanitise all floor areas at the end of service. 5.5.12 Student worked with others to empty, wash, sanitise, and air-dry all garbage bins at the end of service. 5.5.13 Student sorted garbage into correct bins while disposing of it.  
 6.Overall Performance6.1 Student efficiently sequenced the stages of food preparation and production to prepare plated and present two portions of the dish 6.1.1 Student successfully prepared, plated and presented two portions of the dish within commercial time constraints and deadlines. 6.1.2 Student successfully prepared, plated and presented two portions of the dish following portion control procedures per the standard recipe. 6.1.3 Student successfully prepared, plated and presented two portions of the dish using food safety practices when handling and storing food. 6.1.4 Student successfully responded to 1 special customer request by modifying the standard recipe to prepare the dish as per the customer’s dietary needs.  
SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes

Performance criteria checklist for unit assessment task: 
 Trainer/ Assessor to complete
 Trainer name: Date:
 Does the candidate meet the following criteria?
 Recipe 5: Beer battered barramundi with horseradish mayoSatisfactory / Not SatisfactoryTrainer/Assessor Comments
 1. Select ingredients1.1 Established food production requirements from standard recipes. 1.1.1 Student successfully located information in the standard recipe to determine food preparation requirements 1.1.2 Student read and understood assessment instruction 1.1.3 Student accessed recipe (instructions / task information / requirements) 1.1.4 Student read and understood the recipe.  
 1.2 Estimated ingredient quantities according to the standard recipe 1.2.1 Student identified the ingredients from the standard  recipe required for their recipe 1.2.2 Student calculated ingredient amounts required for 2 portions from the recipe book. 1.2.3 Student recorded the calculations in the provided template: Table of ingredients for recipe adjusted(calculations) 1.2.4 Student submitted their calculations to the trainer/assessor as per the task requirements  
 1.3 Recognised and chose ingredients from stores according to the recipe, quality, freshness, and stock rotation requirements. 1.3.1 Student correctly identified and collected ingredients from the store and cooler as per the recipe card. 1.3.2 Student checked and selected vegetables that were free of:   insects   bruises   damage   blemishes   excess dirt   Student successfully selected the seafood products as per the recipe card 1.3.3 Student successfully located and read food product date codes and rotation labels. 1.3.4 Student selected the older stock when selecting ingredients per the FIFO stock rotation system. 1.3.5 Student checked and selected ingredients within the use by and best before dates.  
 1.4 Student used the seafood  from the below provided classification when preparing the recipes. Trainer to tick: ☐flat and round fish ☐oily and white fish ☐ocean and freshwater fish ☐shellfish: crustaceans including green prawnsmolluscsoctopus and squid  
 2. Select, prepare and use equipment.2.1 Selected the type and size of equipment suitable to the requirements of the recipe: 2.1.1 Student selected the correct knives, chopping boards and other tools (as required by the recipe) to prepare sea food 2.1.2 Student selected correct food preparation equipment as per the standard recipe. 2.1.3 Student selected correct cooking equipment as per the standard recipe 
 2.2 Safely assembled and confirmed the cleanliness of equipment before use. 2.2.1 Student assembled equipment correctly according to the manufacturer’s instructions in the operating manual provided by the trainer 2.2.2 Student received and followed the training instructions provided for assembling of the equipment and the machine 2.2.3 Student thoroughly cleaned equipment before and after use. 2.2.4 Student visually inspected all machine parts to ensure cleanliness before assembly and use. 
 2.3 Followed manufacture instructions and used the equipment safely and hygienically: 2.3.1 Student read operating manual and operated equipment safely according to manufacturer’s instructions provided by the trainer. 2.3.2 Student received and followed the training instructions provided for operating the equipment 2.3.3 Student checked that all parts were working and placed equipment away from water or sink before use. 2.3.4 Student checked the equipment and power cord for damage before using the equipment. 2.3.5 Student used the equipment safely, never feeding it by hand and avoiding contact with moving parts. 2.3.6 Student safely used knives   Secured the chopping boards using the damp cloth underneath to stop the board from slipping   Cleaned the knife before use and made sure it is free from oil and grease   Made sure to cut on the stable surface   Carried the knife with the blade pointing downwards   Secured knife after use in the scabbard or container   Used protective equipment as required such as protective gloves or apron  
 3. Portion and prepare ingredients.3.1 Thaw frozen seafood according to food safety guidelines as required 3.1.1 Made sure the thawing food was under refrigeration and maintained at 5oc and below 3.1.2 Food was thawed by submerging under the cool running water 3.1.3 Made sure the juices resulting from the thawing did not contaminate other foods during the thawing process  
 3.2 Organised and assembled ingredients according to food production sequencing. 3.2.1 Student sorted and assembled ingredients according to food preparation sequence as per standard recipe. 3.2.2 Student grouped and placed ingredients in sequence to ensure all recipe steps were included. 3.2.3 Student placed all ingredients into appropriately sized dishes, bowls, and containers and set them around the cooking station for easy accessibility.  
 3.3 Followed recipe and created portions by weighing and measuring ingredients correctly 3.3.1 Student used the calculations recorded in the provided template and measure and sorted ingredients as per the recipe requirements 3.3.2 Student weighed all dry ingredients using a weighing scale as per the standard recipe 3.3.3 Student weighed all wet ingredients using a measuring jug as per the standard recipe 3.3.4 Student weighed and measured ingredients to prepare two portions of the standard recipe.  
 3.4 Completed mise en place activities 3.4.1 Student followed seafood preparation techniques while preparing the seafood dishes (Trainer to tick):      ☐cleaning ☐scaling ☐pin-bone removal ☐filleting – flat and round fish ☐portioning ☐shelling ☐skinning  
 3.5 Diminished wastage to boost the profitability of food items prepared 3.5.1 Student ensured proper stock rotation by following FIFO for ingredients reducing food spoilage. 3.5.2 Student checked labels for ‘use by’ and ‘best before’ dates before using any ingredient, reducing food spoilage. 3.5.3 Student followed correct portion control as per standard recipe to reduce food waste. 3.5.4 Student correctly stored, handled, and prepared foodstuffs to reduce spoilage. 3.5.5 Student accurately measured and calculated all ingredients to reduce waste. 3.5.6 Student used resources efficiently in all food preparation areas, including only running appliances when necessary to reduce energy wastage.  
 4. Cook seafood dishes4.1 Followed standard recipes to select and use appropriate cookery methods: 4.1.1 Student successfully determined cooking times and temperatures as per the standard recipe 4.1.2 Student followed standard recipes to select and use the following cookery method (Trainer to tick): ☐ deep frying ☐shallow frying ☐grilling ☐poaching ☐sous vide ☐steaming  
 4.2 Selected and added accompaniments and sauces suited to the dish. 4.2.1 Student selected and added accompaniments and sauces to the dish as per the standard recipe. 4.2.2 Student selected the accompaniments that enhance the appeal of the dish 4.2.3 Student made sure that taste of the accompaniments complemented the taste of the main dish  
 4.3 Made food quality adjustments within the scope of responsibility before serving the dish. 4.3.1 Student checked the dish’s taste before serving for a balance of seasoning and other basic tastes bitter, sweet, and sour. 4.3.2 Student checked the dish’s texture before serving it as per the standard recipe. 4.3.3 Student checked the temperature of the dish before serving and ensured hot food was served hot above 60 C. 4.3.4 Student brought dish’s taste, texture or temperature discrepancy to the trainer’s attention and made food quality adjustments accordingly. 4.3.5 Student successfully prepared and served a good quality dish with good taste, texture, and correct temperature.  
 5. Present fish and shellfish5.1 Presented dishes attractively on appropriate service ware. 5.1.1 Student chose the correct and appropriate service ware for presenting the dish as per standard recipe. 5.1.2 Student portioned food correctly as per the standard recipe. 5.1.3 Student checked service ware for cracks and chips before using. 5.1.4 Student checked the temperature service ware before plating, ensuring hot food was served on hot plates. 5.1.5 Student presented dishes attractively on correct service ware as per the standard recipe.  
 5.2 Added sauces, and garnishes according to the standard recipe. 5.2.1  Student selected and added sauces, and garnishes to the dish as per the standard recipe. 5.2.2 Student selected edible garnishes for the dish 5.2.3 Student dispersed garnishes thoughtfully to add colour or texture 5.2.4 Student made sure the plate was not overcrowded 5.2.5 Student avoided using the following:   Large chunks of citrus   Dips, sauces or garnishes with strong odor  
 5.3 Visually assessed dish and adjusted presentation where required before serving. 5.3.1 Student checked the visual balance of the dish’s components for a well-balanced and harmonious look on the plate. 5.3.2 Student checked the dish’s visual appearance and eye appeal regarding the colour of food prepared and the service ware chosen before serving. 5.3.3 Student checked the dish for contrasting colours and textures per the standard recipe. 5.3.4 Student checked that service ware was clean and wiped the sides of the plate before serving. 5.3.5 Student brought any discrepancy in the dish’s presentation to the trainer’s attention and adjusted before serving. 5.3.6 Student prepared and served a well-presented dish that was attractive and had eye appeal.  
 5.4 Stored prepared food items in suitable environmental conditions. 5.4.1 Student stored prepared food in hot holding alto shams or bain-marie above 60 C till served to ensure food safety and optimise its shelf life. 5.4.2 Student stored cold food in refrigeration below 5 C ensuring food safety and optimising its shelf life. 5.4.3 Student covered all prepared food items while storing to avoid cross-contamination, ensuring food safety and optimising its shelf life.  
 5.5 Followed organisational procedures, environmental considerations, and cost-reduction initiatives and cleaned the work area and disposed or stored surplus and reusable by-products 5.5.1 Student checked the time for all perishable food items in the temperature danger zone (5C – 60C) and discarded food items that had been out for more than 4 hours after bringing them to the trainer’s notice. 5.5.2 Student checked the time for all perishable food items in the temperature danger zone and only stored food items that had been out for less than 2 hours. 5.5.3 Student chilled all leftover food for storing as per food safety guidelines, i.e., cooled it to less than 21C within the first 2 hours and then further cooled it to less than 5C in four hours or less. 5.5.4 Student discarded food that did not meet the temperature guidelines after bringing them to the trainer’s notice. 5.5.5 Student correctly covered and labelled all food before storing, removing cross-contamination possibilities. 5.5.6 Student successfully used the wash, rinse, and sanitise steps to clean all equipment, appliances, and tools after use. 5.5.7 Student successfully used the wash, rinse, and sanitise steps to clean stoves, grills, and bench tops thoroughly 5.5.8 Student successfully scraped, hand-washed, sanitised, and air-dried chopping boards after use. 5.5.9 Student successfully used the wash, rinse, and sanitise steps to clean and sanitise the workstation and all surfaces on which food was prepared. 5.5.10    Student worked with others to scrape, pre-rinsed, thoroughly wash, air-dry, and put away all soiled service ware using proper dishwashing and glass washing at the end of service. 5.5.11 Student worked with others to sweep, wash, and sanitise all floor areas at the end of service. 5.5.12 Student worked with others to empty, wash, sanitise, and air-dry all garbage bins at the end of service. 5.5.13 Student sorted garbage into correct bins while disposing of it.  
 6.Overall Performance6.1 Student efficiently sequenced the stages of food preparation and production to prepare plated and present two portions of the dish 6.1.1 Student successfully prepared, plated and presented two portions of the dish within commercial time constraints and deadlines. 6.1.2 Student successfully prepared, plated and presented two portions of the dish following portion control procedures per the standard recipe. 6.1.3 Student successfully prepared, plated and presented two portions of the dish using food safety practices when handling and storing food. 6.1.4 Student successfully responded to 1 special customer request by modifying the standard recipe to prepare the dish as per the customer’s dietary needs.  
SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes

Performance criteria checklist for unit assessment task: 
 Trainer/ Assessor to complete
 Trainer name: Date:
 Does the candidate meet the following criteria?
 Recipe 6: Chinese steamed fish with gingerSatisfactory / Not SatisfactoryTrainer/Assessor Comments
 1. Select ingredients1.1 Established food production requirements from standard recipes. 1.1.1 Student successfully located information in the standard recipe to determine food preparation requirements 1.1.2 Student read and understood assessment instruction 1.1.3 Student accessed recipe (instructions / task information / requirements) 1.1.4 Student read and understood the recipe.  
 1.2 Estimated ingredient quantities according to the standard recipe 1.2.1 Student identified the ingredients from the standard  recipe required for their recipe 1.2.2 Student calculated ingredient amounts required for 2 portions from the recipe book. 1.2.3 Student recorded the calculations in the provided template: Table of ingredients for recipe adjusted(calculations) 1.2.4 Student submitted their calculations to the trainer/assessor as per the task requirements  
 1.3 Recognised and chose ingredients from stores according to the recipe, quality, freshness, and stock rotation requirements. 1.3.1 Student correctly identified and collected ingredients from the store and cooler as per the recipe card. 1.3.2 Student checked and selected vegetables that were free of:   insects   bruises   damage   blemishes   excess dirt   Student successfully selected the seafood products as per the recipe card 1.3.3 Student successfully located and read food product date codes and rotation labels. 1.3.4 Student selected the older stock when selecting ingredients per the FIFO stock rotation system. 1.3.5 Student checked and selected ingredients within the use by and best before dates.  
 1.4 Student used the seafood  from the below provided classification when preparing the recipes. Trainer to tick: ☐flat and round fish ☐oily and white fish ☐ocean and freshwater fish ☐shellfish: crustaceans including green prawnsmolluscsoctopus and squid  
 2. Select, prepare and use equipment.2.1 Selected the type and size of equipment suitable to the requirements of the recipe: 2.1.1 Student selected the correct knives, chopping boards and other tools (as required by the recipe) to prepare sea food 2.1.2 Student selected correct food preparation equipment as per the standard recipe. 2.1.3 Student selected correct cooking equipment as per the standard recipe 
 2.2 Safely assembled and confirmed the cleanliness of equipment before use. 2.2.1 Student assembled equipment correctly according to the manufacturer’s instructions in the operating manual provided by the trainer 2.2.2 Student received and followed the training instructions provided for assembling of the equipment and the machine 2.2.3 Student thoroughly cleaned equipment before and after use. 2.2.4 Student visually inspected all machine parts to ensure cleanliness before assembly and use. 
 2.3 Followed manufacture instructions and used the equipment safely and hygienically: 2.3.1 Student read operating manual and operated equipment safely according to manufacturer’s instructions provided by the trainer. 2.3.2 Student received and followed the training instructions provided for operating the equipment 2.3.3 Student checked that all parts were working and placed equipment away from water or sink before use. 2.3.4 Student checked the equipment and power cord for damage before using the equipment. 2.3.5 Student used the equipment safely, never feeding it by hand and avoiding contact with moving parts. 2.3.6 Student safely used knives   Secured the chopping boards using the damp cloth underneath to stop the board from slipping   Cleaned the knife before use and made sure it is free from oil and grease   Made sure to cut on the stable surface   Carried the knife with the blade pointing downwards   Secured knife after use in the scabbard or container   Used protective equipment as required such as protective gloves or apron  
 3. Portion and prepare ingredients.3.1 Thaw frozen seafood according to food safety guidelines as required 3.1.1 Made sure the thawing food was under refrigeration and maintained at 5oc and below 3.1.2 Food was thawed by submerging under the cool running water 3.1.3 Made sure the juices resulting from the thawing did not contaminate other foods during the thawing process  
 3.2 Organised and assembled ingredients according to food production sequencing. 3.2.1 Student sorted and assembled ingredients according to food preparation sequence as per standard recipe. 3.2.2 Student grouped and placed ingredients in sequence to ensure all recipe steps were included. 3.2.3 Student placed all ingredients into appropriately sized dishes, bowls, and containers and set them around the cooking station for easy accessibility.  
 3.3 Followed recipe and created portions by weighing and measuring ingredients correctly 3.3.1 Student used the calculations recorded in the provided template and measure and sorted ingredients as per the recipe requirements 3.3.2 Student weighed all dry ingredients using a weighing scale as per the standard recipe 3.3.3 Student weighed all wet ingredients using a measuring jug as per the standard recipe 3.3.4 Student weighed and measured ingredients to prepare two portions of the standard recipe.  
 3.4 Completed mise en place activities 3.4.1 Student followed seafood preparation techniques while preparing the seafood dishes (Trainer to tick):      ☐cleaning ☐scaling ☐pin-bone removal ☐filleting – flat and round fish ☐portioning ☐shelling ☐skinning  
 3.5 Diminished wastage to boost the profitability of food items prepared 3.5.1 Student ensured proper stock rotation by following FIFO for ingredients reducing food spoilage. 3.5.2 Student checked labels for ‘use by’ and ‘best before’ dates before using any ingredient, reducing food spoilage. 3.5.3 Student followed correct portion control as per standard recipe to reduce food waste. 3.5.4 Student correctly stored, handled, and prepared foodstuffs to reduce spoilage. 3.5.5 Student accurately measured and calculated all ingredients to reduce waste. 3.5.6 Student used resources efficiently in all food preparation areas, including only running appliances when necessary to reduce energy wastage.  
 4. Cook seafood dishes4.1 Followed standard recipes to select and use appropriate cookery methods: 4.1.1 Student successfully determined cooking times and temperatures as per the standard recipe 4.1.2 Student followed standard recipes to select and use the following cookery method (Trainer to tick): ☐ deep frying ☐shallow frying ☐grilling ☐poaching ☐sous vide ☐steaming  
 4.2 Selected and added accompaniments and sauces suited to the dish. 4.2.1 Student selected and added accompaniments and sauces to the dish as per the standard recipe. 4.2.2 Student selected the accompaniments that enhance the appeal of the dish 4.2.3 Student made sure that taste of the accompaniments complemented the taste of the main dish  
 4.3 Made food quality adjustments within the scope of responsibility before serving the dish. 4.3.1 Student checked the dish’s taste before serving for a balance of seasoning and other basic tastes bitter, sweet, and sour. 4.3.2 Student checked the dish’s texture before serving it as per the standard recipe. 4.3.3 Student checked the temperature of the dish before serving and ensured hot food was served hot above 60 C. 4.3.4 Student brought dish’s taste, texture or temperature discrepancy to the trainer’s attention and made food quality adjustments accordingly. 4.3.5 Student successfully prepared and served a good quality dish with good taste, texture, and correct temperature.  
 5. Present fish and shellfish5.1 Presented dishes attractively on appropriate service ware. 5.1.1 Student chose the correct and appropriate service ware for presenting the dish as per standard recipe. 5.1.2 Student portioned food correctly as per the standard recipe. 5.1.3 Student checked service ware for cracks and chips before using. 5.1.4 Student checked the temperature service ware before plating, ensuring hot food was served on hot plates. 5.1.5 Student presented dishes attractively on correct service ware as per the standard recipe.  
 5.2 Added sauces, and garnishes according to the standard recipe. 5.2.1  Student selected and added sauces, and garnishes to the dish as per the standard recipe. 5.2.2 Student selected edible garnishes for the dish 5.2.3 Student dispersed garnishes thoughtfully to add colour or texture 5.2.4 Student made sure the plate was not overcrowded 5.2.5 Student avoided using the following:   Large chunks of citrus   Dips, sauces or garnishes with strong odor  
 5.3 Visually assessed dish and adjusted presentation where required before serving. 5.3.1 Student checked the visual balance of the dish’s components for a well-balanced and harmonious look on the plate. 5.3.2 Student checked the dish’s visual appearance and eye appeal regarding the colour of food prepared and the service ware chosen before serving. 5.3.3 Student checked the dish for contrasting colours and textures per the standard recipe. 5.3.4 Student checked that service ware was clean and wiped the sides of the plate before serving. 5.3.5 Student brought any discrepancy in the dish’s presentation to the trainer’s attention and adjusted before serving. 5.3.6 Student prepared and served a well-presented dish that was attractive and had eye appeal.  
 5.4 Stored prepared food items in suitable environmental conditions. 5.4.1 Student stored prepared food in hot holding alto shams or bain-marie above 60 C till served to ensure food safety and optimise its shelf life. 5.4.2 Student stored cold food in refrigeration below 5 C ensuring food safety and optimising its shelf life. 5.4.3 Student covered all prepared food items while storing to avoid cross-contamination, ensuring food safety and optimising its shelf life.  
 5.5 Followed organisational procedures, environmental considerations, and cost-reduction initiatives and cleaned the work area and disposed or stored surplus and reusable by-products 5.5.1 Student checked the time for all perishable food items in the temperature danger zone (5C – 60C) and discarded food items that had been out for more than 4 hours after bringing them to the trainer’s notice. 5.5.2 Student checked the time for all perishable food items in the temperature danger zone and only stored food items that had been out for less than 2 hours. 5.5.3 Student chilled all leftover food for storing as per food safety guidelines, i.e., cooled it to less than 21C within the first 2 hours and then further cooled it to less than 5C in four hours or less. 5.5.4 Student discarded food that did not meet the temperature guidelines after bringing them to the trainer’s notice. 5.5.5 Student correctly covered and labelled all food before storing, removing cross-contamination possibilities. 5.5.6 Student successfully used the wash, rinse, and sanitise steps to clean all equipment, appliances, and tools after use. 5.5.7 Student successfully used the wash, rinse, and sanitise steps to clean stoves, grills, and bench tops thoroughly 5.5.8 Student successfully scraped, hand-washed, sanitised, and air-dried chopping boards after use. 5.5.9 Student successfully used the wash, rinse, and sanitise steps to clean and sanitise the workstation and all surfaces on which food was prepared. 5.5.10    Student worked with others to scrape, pre-rinsed, thoroughly wash, air-dry, and put away all soiled service ware using proper dishwashing and glass washing at the end of service. 5.5.11 Student worked with others to sweep, wash, and sanitise all floor areas at the end of service. 5.5.12 Student worked with others to empty, wash, sanitise, and air-dry all garbage bins at the end of service. 5.5.13 Student sorted garbage into correct bins while disposing of it.  
 6.Overall Performance6.1 Student efficiently sequenced the stages of food preparation and production to prepare plated and present two portions of the dish 6.1.1 Student successfully prepared, plated and presented two portions of the dish within commercial time constraints and deadlines. 6.1.2 Student successfully prepared, plated and presented two portions of the dish following portion control procedures per the standard recipe. 6.1.3 Student successfully prepared, plated and presented two portions of the dish using food safety practices when handling and storing food. 6.1.4 Student successfully responded to 1 special customer request by modifying the standard recipe to prepare the dish as per the customer’s dietary needs.  
SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes

Performance criteria checklist for unit assessment task: 
 Trainer/ Assessor to complete
 Trainer name: Date:
 Does the candidate meet the following criteria?
 Recipe 7: Chilli, honey and soy fish kebabs with brown riceSatisfactory / Not SatisfactoryTrainer/Assessor Comments
 1. Select ingredients1.1 Established food production requirements from standard recipes. 1.1.1 Student successfully located information in the standard recipe to determine food preparation requirements 1.1.2 Student read and understood assessment instruction 1.1.3 Student accessed recipe (instructions / task information / requirements) 1.1.4 Student read and understood the recipe.  
 1.2 Estimated ingredient quantities according to the standard recipe 1.2.1 Student identified the ingredients from the standard  recipe required for their recipe 1.2.2 Student calculated ingredient amounts required for 2 portions from the recipe book. 1.2.3 Student recorded the calculations in the provided template: Table of ingredients for recipe adjusted(calculations) 1.2.4 Student submitted their calculations to the trainer/assessor as per the task requirements  
 1.3 Recognised and chose ingredients from stores according to the recipe, quality, freshness, and stock rotation requirements. 1.3.1 Student correctly identified and collected ingredients from the store and cooler as per the recipe card. 1.3.2 Student checked and selected vegetables that were free of:   insects   bruises   damage   blemishes   excess dirt   Student successfully selected the seafood products as per the recipe card 1.3.3 Student successfully located and read food product date codes and rotation labels. 1.3.4 Student selected the older stock when selecting ingredients per the FIFO stock rotation system. 1.3.5 Student checked and selected ingredients within the use by and best before dates.  
 1.4 Student used the seafood  from the below provided classification when preparing the recipes. Trainer to tick: ☐flat and round fish ☐oily and white fish ☐ocean and freshwater fish ☐shellfish: crustaceans including green prawnsmolluscsoctopus and squid  
 2. Select, prepare and use equipment.2.1 Selected the type and size of equipment suitable to the requirements of the recipe: 2.1.1 Student selected the correct knives, chopping boards and other tools (as required by the recipe) to prepare sea food 2.1.2 Student selected correct food preparation equipment as per the standard recipe. 2.1.3 Student selected correct cooking equipment as per the standard recipe 
 2.2 Safely assembled and confirmed the cleanliness of equipment before use. 2.2.1 Student assembled equipment correctly according to the manufacturer’s instructions in the operating manual provided by the trainer 2.2.2 Student received and followed the training instructions provided for assembling of the equipment and the machine 2.2.3 Student thoroughly cleaned equipment before and after use. 2.2.4 Student visually inspected all machine parts to ensure cleanliness before assembly and use. 
 2.3 Followed manufacture instructions and used the equipment safely and hygienically: 2.3.1 Student read operating manual and operated equipment safely according to manufacturer’s instructions provided by the trainer. 2.3.2 Student received and followed the training instructions provided for operating the equipment 2.3.3 Student checked that all parts were working and placed equipment away from water or sink before use. 2.3.4 Student checked the equipment and power cord for damage before using the equipment. 2.3.5 Student used the equipment safely, never feeding it by hand and avoiding contact with moving parts. 2.3.6 Student safely used knives   Secured the chopping boards using the damp cloth underneath to stop the board from slipping   Cleaned the knife before use and made sure it is free from oil and grease   Made sure to cut on the stable surface   Carried the knife with the blade pointing downwards   Secured knife after use in the scabbard or container   Used protective equipment as required such as protective gloves or apron  
 3. Portion and prepare ingredients.3.1 Thaw frozen seafood according to food safety guidelines as required 3.1.1 Made sure the thawing food was under refrigeration and maintained at 5oc and below 3.1.2 Food was thawed by submerging under the cool running water 3.1.3 Made sure the juices resulting from the thawing did not contaminate other foods during the thawing process  
 3.2 Organised and assembled ingredients according to food production sequencing. 3.2.1 Student sorted and assembled ingredients according to food preparation sequence as per standard recipe. 3.2.2 Student grouped and placed ingredients in sequence to ensure all recipe steps were included. 3.2.3 Student placed all ingredients into appropriately sized dishes, bowls, and containers and set them around the cooking station for easy accessibility.  
 3.3 Followed recipe and created portions by weighing and measuring ingredients correctly 3.3.1 Student used the calculations recorded in the provided template and measure and sorted ingredients as per the recipe requirements 3.3.2 Student weighed all dry ingredients using a weighing scale as per the standard recipe 3.3.3 Student weighed all wet ingredients using a measuring jug as per the standard recipe 3.3.4 Student weighed and measured ingredients to prepare two portions of the standard recipe.  
 3.4 Completed mise en place activities 3.4.1 Student followed seafood preparation techniques while preparing the seafood dishes (Trainer to tick):      ☐cleaning ☐scaling ☐pin-bone removal ☐filleting – flat and round fish ☐portioning ☐shelling ☐skinning  
 3.5 Diminished wastage to boost the profitability of food items prepared 3.5.1 Student ensured proper stock rotation by following FIFO for ingredients reducing food spoilage. 3.5.2 Student checked labels for ‘use by’ and ‘best before’ dates before using any ingredient, reducing food spoilage. 3.5.3 Student followed correct portion control as per standard recipe to reduce food waste. 3.5.4 Student correctly stored, handled, and prepared foodstuffs to reduce spoilage. 3.5.5 Student accurately measured and calculated all ingredients to reduce waste. 3.5.6 Student used resources efficiently in all food preparation areas, including only running appliances when necessary to reduce energy wastage.  
 4. Cook seafood dishes4.1 Followed standard recipes to select and use appropriate cookery methods: 4.1.1 Student successfully determined cooking times and temperatures as per the standard recipe 4.1.2 Student followed standard recipes to select and use the following cookery method (Trainer to tick): ☐ deep frying ☐shallow frying ☐grilling ☐poaching ☐sous vide ☐steaming  
 4.2 Selected and added accompaniments and sauces suited to the dish. 4.2.1 Student selected and added accompaniments and sauces to the dish as per the standard recipe. 4.2.2 Student selected the accompaniments that enhance the appeal of the dish 4.2.3 Student made sure that taste of the accompaniments complemented the taste of the main dish  
 4.3 Made food quality adjustments within the scope of responsibility before serving the dish. 4.3.1 Student checked the dish’s taste before serving for a balance of seasoning and other basic tastes bitter, sweet, and sour. 4.3.2 Student checked the dish’s texture before serving it as per the standard recipe. 4.3.3 Student checked the temperature of the dish before serving and ensured hot food was served hot above 60 C. 4.3.4 Student brought dish’s taste, texture or temperature discrepancy to the trainer’s attention and made food quality adjustments accordingly. 4.3.5 Student successfully prepared and served a good quality dish with good taste, texture, and correct temperature.  
 5. Present fish and shellfish5.1 Presented dishes attractively on appropriate service ware. 5.1.1 Student chose the correct and appropriate service ware for presenting the dish as per standard recipe. 5.1.2 Student portioned food correctly as per the standard recipe. 5.1.3 Student checked service ware for cracks and chips before using. 5.1.4 Student checked the temperature service ware before plating, ensuring hot food was served on hot plates. 5.1.5 Student presented dishes attractively on correct service ware as per the standard recipe.  
 5.2 Added sauces, and garnishes according to the standard recipe. 5.2.1  Student selected and added sauces, and garnishes to the dish as per the standard recipe. 5.2.2 Student selected edible garnishes for the dish 5.2.3 Student dispersed garnishes thoughtfully to add colour or texture 5.2.4 Student made sure the plate was not overcrowded 5.2.5 Student avoided using the following:   Large chunks of citrus   Dips, sauces or garnishes with strong odor  
 5.3 Visually assessed dish and adjusted presentation where required before serving. 5.3.1 Student checked the visual balance of the dish’s components for a well-balanced and harmonious look on the plate. 5.3.2 Student checked the dish’s visual appearance and eye appeal regarding the colour of food prepared and the service ware chosen before serving. 5.3.3 Student checked the dish for contrasting colours and textures per the standard recipe. 5.3.4 Student checked that service ware was clean and wiped the sides of the plate before serving. 5.3.5 Student brought any discrepancy in the dish’s presentation to the trainer’s attention and adjusted before serving. 5.3.6 Student prepared and served a well-presented dish that was attractive and had eye appeal.  
 5.4 Stored prepared food items in suitable environmental conditions. 5.4.1 Student stored prepared food in hot holding alto shams or bain-marie above 60 C till served to ensure food safety and optimise its shelf life. 5.4.2 Student stored cold food in refrigeration below 5 C ensuring food safety and optimising its shelf life. 5.4.3 Student covered all prepared food items while storing to avoid cross-contamination, ensuring food safety and optimising its shelf life.  
 5.5 Followed organisational procedures, environmental considerations, and cost-reduction initiatives and cleaned the work area and disposed or stored surplus and reusable by-products 5.5.1 Student checked the time for all perishable food items in the temperature danger zone (5C – 60C) and discarded food items that had been out for more than 4 hours after bringing them to the trainer’s notice. 5.5.2 Student checked the time for all perishable food items in the temperature danger zone and only stored food items that had been out for less than 2 hours. 5.5.3 Student chilled all leftover food for storing as per food safety guidelines, i.e., cooled it to less than 21C within the first 2 hours and then further cooled it to less than 5C in four hours or less. 5.5.4 Student discarded food that did not meet the temperature guidelines after bringing them to the trainer’s notice. 5.5.5 Student correctly covered and labelled all food before storing, removing cross-contamination possibilities. 5.5.6 Student successfully used the wash, rinse, and sanitise steps to clean all equipment, appliances, and tools after use. 5.5.7 Student successfully used the wash, rinse, and sanitise steps to clean stoves, grills, and bench tops thoroughly 5.5.8 Student successfully scraped, hand-washed, sanitised, and air-dried chopping boards after use. 5.5.9 Student successfully used the wash, rinse, and sanitise steps to clean and sanitise the workstation and all surfaces on which food was prepared. 5.5.10    Student worked with others to scrape, pre-rinsed, thoroughly wash, air-dry, and put away all soiled service ware using proper dishwashing and glass washing at the end of service. 5.5.11 Student worked with others to sweep, wash, and sanitise all floor areas at the end of service. 5.5.12 Student worked with others to empty, wash, sanitise, and air-dry all garbage bins at the end of service. 5.5.13 Student sorted garbage into correct bins while disposing of it.  
 6.Overall Performance6.1 Student efficiently sequenced the stages of food preparation and production to prepare plated and present two portions of the dish 6.1.1 Student successfully prepared, plated and presented two portions of the dish within commercial time constraints and deadlines. 6.1.2 Student successfully prepared, plated and presented two portions of the dish following portion control procedures per the standard recipe. 6.1.3 Student successfully prepared, plated and presented two portions of the dish using food safety practices when handling and storing food. 6.1.4 Student successfully responded to 1 special customer request by modifying the standard recipe to prepare the dish as per the customer’s dietary needs.  
SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes

Performance criteria checklist for unit assessment task: 
 Trainer/ Assessor to complete
 Trainer name: Date:
 Does the candidate meet the following criteria?
 Recipe 8: Thai fish cakesSatisfactory / Not SatisfactoryTrainer/Assessor Comments
 1. Select ingredients1.1 Established food production requirements from standard recipes. 1.1.1 Student successfully located information in the standard recipe to determine food preparation requirements 1.1.2 Student read and understood assessment instruction 1.1.3 Student accessed recipe (instructions / task information / requirements) 1.1.4 Student read and understood the recipe.  
 1.2 Estimated ingredient quantities according to the standard recipe 1.2.1 Student identified the ingredients from the standard  recipe required for their recipe 1.2.2 Student calculated ingredient amounts required for 2 portions from the recipe book. 1.2.3 Student recorded the calculations in the provided template: Table of ingredients for recipe adjusted(calculations) 1.2.4 Student submitted their calculations to the trainer/assessor as per the task requirements  
 1.3 Recognised and chose ingredients from stores according to the recipe, quality, freshness, and stock rotation requirements. 1.3.1 Student correctly identified and collected ingredients from the store and cooler as per the recipe card. 1.3.2 Student checked and selected vegetables that were free of:   insects   bruises   damage   blemishes   excess dirt   Student successfully selected the seafood products as per the recipe card 1.3.3 Student successfully located and read food product date codes and rotation labels. 1.3.4 Student selected the older stock when selecting ingredients per the FIFO stock rotation system. 1.3.5 Student checked and selected ingredients within the use by and best before dates.  
 1.4 Student used the seafood  from the below provided classification when preparing the recipes. Trainer to tick: ☐flat and round fish ☐oily and white fish ☐ocean and freshwater fish ☐shellfish: crustaceans including green prawnsmolluscsoctopus and squid  
 2. Select, prepare and use equipment.2.1 Selected the type and size of equipment suitable to the requirements of the recipe: 2.1.1 Student selected the correct knives, chopping boards and other tools (as required by the recipe) to prepare sea food 2.1.2 Student selected correct food preparation equipment as per the standard recipe. 2.1.3 Student selected correct cooking equipment as per the standard recipe 
 2.2 Safely assembled and confirmed the cleanliness of equipment before use. 2.2.1 Student assembled equipment correctly according to the manufacturer’s instructions in the operating manual provided by the trainer 2.2.2 Student received and followed the training instructions provided for assembling of the equipment and the machine 2.2.3 Student thoroughly cleaned equipment before and after use. 2.2.4 Student visually inspected all machine parts to ensure cleanliness before assembly and use. 
 2.3 Followed manufacture instructions and used the equipment safely and hygienically: 2.3.1 Student read operating manual and operated equipment safely according to manufacturer’s instructions provided by the trainer. 2.3.2 Student received and followed the training instructions provided for operating the equipment 2.3.3 Student checked that all parts were working and placed equipment away from water or sink before use. 2.3.4 Student checked the equipment and power cord for damage before using the equipment. 2.3.5 Student used the equipment safely, never feeding it by hand and avoiding contact with moving parts. 2.3.6 Student safely used knives   Secured the chopping boards using the damp cloth underneath to stop the board from slipping   Cleaned the knife before use and made sure it is free from oil and grease   Made sure to cut on the stable surface   Carried the knife with the blade pointing downwards   Secured knife after use in the scabbard or container   Used protective equipment as required such as protective gloves or apron  
 3. Portion and prepare ingredients.3.1 Thaw frozen seafood according to food safety guidelines as required 3.1.1 Made sure the thawing food was under refrigeration and maintained at 5oc and below 3.1.2 Food was thawed by submerging under the cool running water 3.1.3 Made sure the juices resulting from the thawing did not contaminate other foods during the thawing process  
 3.2 Organised and assembled ingredients according to food production sequencing. 3.2.1 Student sorted and assembled ingredients according to food preparation sequence as per standard recipe. 3.2.2 Student grouped and placed ingredients in sequence to ensure all recipe steps were included. 3.2.3 Student placed all ingredients into appropriately sized dishes, bowls, and containers and set them around the cooking station for easy accessibility.  
 3.3 Followed recipe and created portions by weighing and measuring ingredients correctly 3.3.1 Student used the calculations recorded in the provided template and measure and sorted ingredients as per the recipe requirements 3.3.2 Student weighed all dry ingredients using a weighing scale as per the standard recipe 3.3.3 Student weighed all wet ingredients using a measuring jug as per the standard recipe 3.3.4 Student weighed and measured ingredients to prepare two portions of the standard recipe.  
 3.4 Completed mise en place activities 3.4.1 Student followed seafood preparation techniques while preparing the seafood dishes (Trainer to tick):      ☐cleaning ☐scaling ☐pin-bone removal ☐filleting – flat and round fish ☐portioning ☐shelling ☐skinning  
 3.5 Diminished wastage to boost the profitability of food items prepared 3.5.1 Student ensured proper stock rotation by following FIFO for ingredients reducing food spoilage. 3.5.2 Student checked labels for ‘use by’ and ‘best before’ dates before using any ingredient, reducing food spoilage. 3.5.3 Student followed correct portion control as per standard recipe to reduce food waste. 3.5.4 Student correctly stored, handled, and prepared foodstuffs to reduce spoilage. 3.5.5 Student accurately measured and calculated all ingredients to reduce waste. 3.5.6 Student used resources efficiently in all food preparation areas, including only running appliances when necessary to reduce energy wastage.  
 4. Cook seafood dishes4.1 Followed standard recipes to select and use appropriate cookery methods: 4.1.1 Student successfully determined cooking times and temperatures as per the standard recipe 4.1.2 Student followed standard recipes to select and use the following cookery method (Trainer to tick): ☐ deep frying ☐shallow frying ☐grilling ☐poaching ☐sous vide ☐steaming  
 4.2 Selected and added accompaniments and sauces suited to the dish. 4.2.1 Student selected and added accompaniments and sauces to the dish as per the standard recipe. 4.2.2 Student selected the accompaniments that enhance the appeal of the dish 4.2.3 Student made sure that taste of the accompaniments complemented the taste of the main dish  
 4.3 Made food quality adjustments within the scope of responsibility before serving the dish. 4.3.1 Student checked the dish’s taste before serving for a balance of seasoning and other basic tastes bitter, sweet, and sour. 4.3.2 Student checked the dish’s texture before serving it as per the standard recipe. 4.3.3 Student checked the temperature of the dish before serving and ensured hot food was served hot above 60 C. 4.3.4 Student brought dish’s taste, texture or temperature discrepancy to the trainer’s attention and made food quality adjustments accordingly. 4.3.5 Student successfully prepared and served a good quality dish with good taste, texture, and correct temperature.  
 5. Present fish and shellfish5.1 Presented dishes attractively on appropriate service ware. 5.1.1 Student chose the correct and appropriate service ware for presenting the dish as per standard recipe. 5.1.2 Student portioned food correctly as per the standard recipe. 5.1.3 Student checked service ware for cracks and chips before using. 5.1.4 Student checked the temperature service ware before plating, ensuring hot food was served on hot plates. 5.1.5 Student presented dishes attractively on correct service ware as per the standard recipe.  
 5.2 Added sauces, and garnishes according to the standard recipe. 5.2.1  Student selected and added sauces, and garnishes to the dish as per the standard recipe. 5.2.2 Student selected edible garnishes for the dish 5.2.3 Student dispersed garnishes thoughtfully to add colour or texture 5.2.4 Student made sure the plate was not overcrowded 5.2.5 Student avoided using the following:   Large chunks of citrus   Dips, sauces or garnishes with strong odor  
 5.3 Visually assessed dish and adjusted presentation where required before serving. 5.3.1 Student checked the visual balance of the dish’s components for a well-balanced and harmonious look on the plate. 5.3.2 Student checked the dish’s visual appearance and eye appeal regarding the colour of food prepared and the service ware chosen before serving. 5.3.3 Student checked the dish for contrasting colours and textures per the standard recipe. 5.3.4 Student checked that service ware was clean and wiped the sides of the plate before serving. 5.3.5 Student brought any discrepancy in the dish’s presentation to the trainer’s attention and adjusted before serving. 5.3.6 Student prepared and served a well-presented dish that was attractive and had eye appeal.  
 5.4 Stored prepared food items in suitable environmental conditions. 5.4.1 Student stored prepared food in hot holding alto shams or bain-marie above 60 C till served to ensure food safety and optimise its shelf life. 5.4.2 Student stored cold food in refrigeration below 5 C ensuring food safety and optimising its shelf life. 5.4.3 Student covered all prepared food items while storing to avoid cross-contamination, ensuring food safety and optimising its shelf life.  
 5.5 Followed organisational procedures, environmental considerations, and cost-reduction initiatives and cleaned the work area and disposed or stored surplus and reusable by-products 5.5.1 Student checked the time for all perishable food items in the temperature danger zone (5C – 60C) and discarded food items that had been out for more than 4 hours after bringing them to the trainer’s notice. 5.5.2 Student checked the time for all perishable food items in the temperature danger zone and only stored food items that had been out for less than 2 hours. 5.5.3 Student chilled all leftover food for storing as per food safety guidelines, i.e., cooled it to less than 21C within the first 2 hours and then further cooled it to less than 5C in four hours or less. 5.5.4 Student discarded food that did not meet the temperature guidelines after bringing them to the trainer’s notice. 5.5.5 Student correctly covered and labelled all food before storing, removing cross-contamination possibilities. 5.5.6 Student successfully used the wash, rinse, and sanitise steps to clean all equipment, appliances, and tools after use. 5.5.7 Student successfully used the wash, rinse, and sanitise steps to clean stoves, grills, and bench tops thoroughly 5.5.8 Student successfully scraped, hand-washed, sanitised, and air-dried chopping boards after use. 5.5.9 Student successfully used the wash, rinse, and sanitise steps to clean and sanitise the workstation and all surfaces on which food was prepared. 5.5.10    Student worked with others to scrape, pre-rinsed, thoroughly wash, air-dry, and put away all soiled service ware using proper dishwashing and glass washing at the end of service. 5.5.11 Student worked with others to sweep, wash, and sanitise all floor areas at the end of service. 5.5.12 Student worked with others to empty, wash, sanitise, and air-dry all garbage bins at the end of service. 5.5.13 Student sorted garbage into correct bins while disposing of it.  
 6.Overall Performance6.1 Student efficiently sequenced the stages of food preparation and production to prepare plated and present two portions of the dish 6.1.1 Student successfully prepared, plated and presented two portions of the dish within commercial time constraints and deadlines. 6.1.2 Student successfully prepared, plated and presented two portions of the dish following portion control procedures per the standard recipe. 6.1.3 Student successfully prepared, plated and presented two portions of the dish using food safety practices when handling and storing food. 6.1.4 Student successfully responded to 1 special customer request by modifying the standard recipe to prepare the dish as per the customer’s dietary needs.  
SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes

Performance criteria checklist for unit assessment task: 
 Trainer/ Assessor to complete
 Trainer name: Date:
 Does the candidate meet the following criteria?
 Recipe 9: Oysters Kilpatrick on sea saltSatisfactory / Not SatisfactoryTrainer/Assessor Comments
 1. Select ingredients1.1 Established food production requirements from standard recipes. 1.1.1 Student successfully located information in the standard recipe to determine food preparation requirements 1.1.2 Student read and understood assessment instruction 1.1.3 Student accessed recipe (instructions / task information / requirements) 1.1.4 Student read and understood the recipe.  
 1.2 Estimated ingredient quantities according to the standard recipe 1.2.1 Student identified the ingredients from the standard  recipe required for their recipe 1.2.2 Student calculated ingredient amounts required for 2 portions from the recipe book. 1.2.3 Student recorded the calculations in the provided template: Table of ingredients for recipe adjusted(calculations) 1.2.4 Student submitted their calculations to the trainer/assessor as per the task requirements  
 1.3 Recognised and chose ingredients from stores according to the recipe, quality, freshness, and stock rotation requirements. 1.3.1 Student correctly identified and collected ingredients from the store and cooler as per the recipe card. 1.3.2 Student checked and selected vegetables that were free of:   insects   bruises   damage   blemishes   excess dirt   Student successfully selected the seafood products as per the recipe card 1.3.3 Student successfully located and read food product date codes and rotation labels. 1.3.4 Student selected the older stock when selecting ingredients per the FIFO stock rotation system. 1.3.5 Student checked and selected ingredients within the use by and best before dates.  
 1.4 Student used the seafood  from the below provided classification when preparing the recipes. Trainer to tick: ☐flat and round fish ☐oily and white fish ☐ocean and freshwater fish ☐shellfish: crustaceans including green prawnsmolluscsoctopus and squid  
 2. Select, prepare and use equipment.2.1 Selected the type and size of equipment suitable to the requirements of the recipe: 2.1.1 Student selected the correct knives, chopping boards and other tools (as required by the recipe) to prepare sea food 2.1.2 Student selected correct food preparation equipment as per the standard recipe. 2.1.3 Student selected correct cooking equipment as per the standard recipe 
 2.2 Safely assembled and confirmed the cleanliness of equipment before use. 2.2.1 Student assembled equipment correctly according to the manufacturer’s instructions in the operating manual provided by the trainer 2.2.2 Student received and followed the training instructions provided for assembling of the equipment and the machine 2.2.3 Student thoroughly cleaned equipment before and after use. 2.2.4 Student visually inspected all machine parts to ensure cleanliness before assembly and use. 
 2.3 Followed manufacture instructions and used the equipment safely and hygienically: 2.3.1 Student read operating manual and operated equipment safely according to manufacturer’s instructions provided by the trainer. 2.3.2 Student received and followed the training instructions provided for operating the equipment 2.3.3 Student checked that all parts were working and placed equipment away from water or sink before use. 2.3.4 Student checked the equipment and power cord for damage before using the equipment. 2.3.5 Student used the equipment safely, never feeding it by hand and avoiding contact with moving parts. 2.3.6 Student safely used knives   Secured the chopping boards using the damp cloth underneath to stop the board from slipping   Cleaned the knife before use and made sure it is free from oil and grease   Made sure to cut on the stable surface   Carried the knife with the blade pointing downwards   Secured knife after use in the scabbard or container   Used protective equipment as required such as protective gloves or apron  
 3. Portion and prepare ingredients.3.1 Thaw frozen seafood according to food safety guidelines as required 3.1.1 Made sure the thawing food was under refrigeration and maintained at 5oc and below 3.1.2 Food was thawed by submerging under the cool running water 3.1.3 Made sure the juices resulting from the thawing did not contaminate other foods during the thawing process  
 3.2 Organised and assembled ingredients according to food production sequencing. 3.2.1 Student sorted and assembled ingredients according to food preparation sequence as per standard recipe. 3.2.2 Student grouped and placed ingredients in sequence to ensure all recipe steps were included. 3.2.3 Student placed all ingredients into appropriately sized dishes, bowls, and containers and set them around the cooking station for easy accessibility.  
 3.3 Followed recipe and created portions by weighing and measuring ingredients correctly 3.3.1 Student used the calculations recorded in the provided template and measure and sorted ingredients as per the recipe requirements 3.3.2 Student weighed all dry ingredients using a weighing scale as per the standard recipe 3.3.3 Student weighed all wet ingredients using a measuring jug as per the standard recipe 3.3.4 Student weighed and measured ingredients to prepare two portions of the standard recipe.  
 3.4 Completed mise en place activities 3.4.1 Student followed seafood preparation techniques while preparing the seafood dishes (Trainer to tick):      ☐cleaning ☐scaling ☐pin-bone removal ☐filleting – flat and round fish ☐portioning ☐shelling ☐skinning  
 3.5 Diminished wastage to boost the profitability of food items prepared 3.5.1 Student ensured proper stock rotation by following FIFO for ingredients reducing food spoilage. 3.5.2 Student checked labels for ‘use by’ and ‘best before’ dates before using any ingredient, reducing food spoilage. 3.5.3 Student followed correct portion control as per standard recipe to reduce food waste. 3.5.4 Student correctly stored, handled, and prepared foodstuffs to reduce spoilage. 3.5.5 Student accurately measured and calculated all ingredients to reduce waste. 3.5.6 Student used resources efficiently in all food preparation areas, including only running appliances when necessary to reduce energy wastage.  
 4. Cook seafood dishes4.1 Followed standard recipes to select and use appropriate cookery methods: 4.1.1 Student successfully determined cooking times and temperatures as per the standard recipe 4.1.2 Student followed standard recipes to select and use the following cookery method (Trainer to tick): ☐ deep frying ☐shallow frying ☐grilling ☐poaching ☐sous vide ☐steaming  
 4.2 Selected and added accompaniments and sauces suited to the dish. 4.2.1 Student selected and added accompaniments and sauces to the dish as per the standard recipe. 4.2.2 Student selected the accompaniments that enhance the appeal of the dish 4.2.3 Student made sure that taste of the accompaniments complemented the taste of the main dish  
 4.3 Made food quality adjustments within the scope of responsibility before serving the dish. 4.3.1 Student checked the dish’s taste before serving for a balance of seasoning and other basic tastes bitter, sweet, and sour. 4.3.2 Student checked the dish’s texture before serving it as per the standard recipe. 4.3.3 Student checked the temperature of the dish before serving and ensured hot food was served hot above 60 C. 4.3.4 Student brought dish’s taste, texture or temperature discrepancy to the trainer’s attention and made food quality adjustments accordingly. 4.3.5 Student successfully prepared and served a good quality dish with good taste, texture, and correct temperature.  
 5. Present fish and shellfish5.1 Presented dishes attractively on appropriate service ware. 5.1.1 Student chose the correct and appropriate service ware for presenting the dish as per standard recipe. 5.1.2 Student portioned food correctly as per the standard recipe. 5.1.3 Student checked service ware for cracks and chips before using. 5.1.4 Student checked the temperature service ware before plating, ensuring hot food was served on hot plates. 5.1.5 Student presented dishes attractively on correct service ware as per the standard recipe.  
 5.2 Added sauces, and garnishes according to the standard recipe. 5.2.1  Student selected and added sauces, and garnishes to the dish as per the standard recipe. 5.2.2 Student selected edible garnishes for the dish 5.2.3 Student dispersed garnishes thoughtfully to add colour or texture 5.2.4 Student made sure the plate was not overcrowded 5.2.5 Student avoided using the following:   Large chunks of citrus   Dips, sauces or garnishes with strong odor  
 5.3 Visually assessed dish and adjusted presentation where required before serving. 5.3.1 Student checked the visual balance of the dish’s components for a well-balanced and harmonious look on the plate. 5.3.2 Student checked the dish’s visual appearance and eye appeal regarding the colour of food prepared and the service ware chosen before serving. 5.3.3 Student checked the dish for contrasting colours and textures per the standard recipe. 5.3.4 Student checked that service ware was clean and wiped the sides of the plate before serving. 5.3.5 Student brought any discrepancy in the dish’s presentation to the trainer’s attention and adjusted before serving. 5.3.6 Student prepared and served a well-presented dish that was attractive and had eye appeal.  
 5.4 Stored prepared food items in suitable environmental conditions. 5.4.1 Student stored prepared food in hot holding alto shams or bain-marie above 60 C till served to ensure food safety and optimise its shelf life. 5.4.2 Student stored cold food in refrigeration below 5 C ensuring food safety and optimising its shelf life. 5.4.3 Student covered all prepared food items while storing to avoid cross-contamination, ensuring food safety and optimising its shelf life.  
 5.5 Followed organisational procedures, environmental considerations, and cost-reduction initiatives and cleaned the work area and disposed or stored surplus and reusable by-products 5.5.1 Student checked the time for all perishable food items in the temperature danger zone (5C – 60C) and discarded food items that had been out for more than 4 hours after bringing them to the trainer’s notice. 5.5.2 Student checked the time for all perishable food items in the temperature danger zone and only stored food items that had been out for less than 2 hours. 5.5.3 Student chilled all leftover food for storing as per food safety guidelines, i.e., cooled it to less than 21C within the first 2 hours and then further cooled it to less than 5C in four hours or less. 5.5.4 Student discarded food that did not meet the temperature guidelines after bringing them to the trainer’s notice. 5.5.5 Student correctly covered and labelled all food before storing, removing cross-contamination possibilities. 5.5.6 Student successfully used the wash, rinse, and sanitise steps to clean all equipment, appliances, and tools after use. 5.5.7 Student successfully used the wash, rinse, and sanitise steps to clean stoves, grills, and bench tops thoroughly 5.5.8 Student successfully scraped, hand-washed, sanitised, and air-dried chopping boards after use. 5.5.9 Student successfully used the wash, rinse, and sanitise steps to clean and sanitise the workstation and all surfaces on which food was prepared. 5.5.10    Student worked with others to scrape, pre-rinsed, thoroughly wash, air-dry, and put away all soiled service ware using proper dishwashing and glass washing at the end of service. 5.5.11 Student worked with others to sweep, wash, and sanitise all floor areas at the end of service. 5.5.12 Student worked with others to empty, wash, sanitise, and air-dry all garbage bins at the end of service. 5.5.13 Student sorted garbage into correct bins while disposing of it.  
 6.Overall Performance6.1 Student efficiently sequenced the stages of food preparation and production to prepare plated and present two portions of the dish 6.1.1 Student successfully prepared, plated and presented two portions of the dish within commercial time constraints and deadlines. 6.1.2 Student successfully prepared, plated and presented two portions of the dish following portion control procedures per the standard recipe. 6.1.3 Student successfully prepared, plated and presented two portions of the dish using food safety practices when handling and storing food. 6.1.4 Student successfully responded to 1 special customer request by modifying the standard recipe to prepare the dish as per the customer’s dietary needs.  
SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes

Performance criteria checklist for unit assessment task: 
 Trainer/ Assessor to complete
 Trainer name: Date:
 Does the candidate meet the following criteria?
 Recipe 10: Seared Hervey Bay Scallops, Cauliflower Puree and PancettaSatisfactory / Not SatisfactoryTrainer/Assessor Comments
 1. Select ingredients1.1 Established food production requirements from standard recipes. 1.1.1 Student successfully located information in the standard recipe to determine food preparation requirements 1.1.2 Student read and understood assessment instruction 1.1.3 Student accessed recipe (instructions / task information / requirements) 1.1.4 Student read and understood the recipe.  
 1.2 Estimated ingredient quantities according to the standard recipe 1.2.1 Student identified the ingredients from the standard  recipe required for their recipe 1.2.2 Student calculated ingredient amounts required for 2 portions from the recipe book. 1.2.3 Student recorded the calculations in the provided template: Table of ingredients for recipe adjusted(calculations) 1.2.4 Student submitted their calculations to the trainer/assessor as per the task requirements  
 1.3 Recognised and chose ingredients from stores according to the recipe, quality, freshness, and stock rotation requirements. 1.3.1 Student correctly identified and collected ingredients from the store and cooler as per the recipe card. 1.3.2 Student checked and selected vegetables that were free of:   insects   bruises   damage   blemishes   excess dirt   Student successfully selected the seafood products as per the recipe card 1.3.3 Student successfully located and read food product date codes and rotation labels. 1.3.4 Student selected the older stock when selecting ingredients per the FIFO stock rotation system. 1.3.5 Student checked and selected ingredients within the use by and best before dates.  
 1.4 Student used the seafood  from the below provided classification when preparing the recipes. Trainer to tick: ☐flat and round fish ☐oily and white fish ☐ocean and freshwater fish ☐shellfish: crustaceans including green prawnsmolluscsoctopus and squid  
 2. Select, prepare and use equipment.2.1 Selected the type and size of equipment suitable to the requirements of the recipe: 2.1.1 Student selected the correct knives, chopping boards and other tools (as required by the recipe) to prepare sea food 2.1.2 Student selected correct food preparation equipment as per the standard recipe. 2.1.3 Student selected correct cooking equipment as per the standard recipe 
 2.2 Safely assembled and confirmed the cleanliness of equipment before use. 2.2.1 Student assembled equipment correctly according to the manufacturer’s instructions in the operating manual provided by the trainer 2.2.2 Student received and followed the training instructions provided for assembling of the equipment and the machine 2.2.3 Student thoroughly cleaned equipment before and after use. 2.2.4 Student visually inspected all machine parts to ensure cleanliness before assembly and use. 
 2.3 Followed manufacture instructions and used the equipment safely and hygienically: 2.3.1 Student read operating manual and operated equipment safely according to manufacturer’s instructions provided by the trainer. 2.3.2 Student received and followed the training instructions provided for operating the equipment 2.3.3 Student checked that all parts were working and placed equipment away from water or sink before use. 2.3.4 Student checked the equipment and power cord for damage before using the equipment. 2.3.5 Student used the equipment safely, never feeding it by hand and avoiding contact with moving parts. 2.3.6 Student safely used knives   Secured the chopping boards using the damp cloth underneath to stop the board from slipping   Cleaned the knife before use and made sure it is free from oil and grease   Made sure to cut on the stable surface   Carried the knife with the blade pointing downwards   Secured knife after use in the scabbard or container   Used protective equipment as required such as protective gloves or apron  
 3. Portion and prepare ingredients.3.1 Thaw frozen seafood according to food safety guidelines as required 3.1.1 Made sure the thawing food was under refrigeration and maintained at 5oc and below 3.1.2 Food was thawed by submerging under the cool running water 3.1.3 Made sure the juices resulting from the thawing did not contaminate other foods during the thawing process  
 3.2 Organised and assembled ingredients according to food production sequencing. 3.2.1 Student sorted and assembled ingredients according to food preparation sequence as per standard recipe. 3.2.2 Student grouped and placed ingredients in sequence to ensure all recipe steps were included. 3.2.3 Student placed all ingredients into appropriately sized dishes, bowls, and containers and set them around the cooking station for easy accessibility.  
 3.3 Followed recipe and created portions by weighing and measuring ingredients correctly 3.3.1 Student used the calculations recorded in the provided template and measure and sorted ingredients as per the recipe requirements 3.3.2 Student weighed all dry ingredients using a weighing scale as per the standard recipe 3.3.3 Student weighed all wet ingredients using a measuring jug as per the standard recipe 3.3.4 Student weighed and measured ingredients to prepare two portions of the standard recipe.  
 3.4 Completed mise en place activities 3.4.1 Student followed seafood preparation techniques while preparing the seafood dishes (Trainer to tick):      ☐cleaning ☐scaling ☐pin-bone removal ☐filleting – flat and round fish ☐portioning ☐shelling ☐skinning  
 3.5 Diminished wastage to boost the profitability of food items prepared 3.5.1 Student ensured proper stock rotation by following FIFO for ingredients reducing food spoilage. 3.5.2 Student checked labels for ‘use by’ and ‘best before’ dates before using any ingredient, reducing food spoilage. 3.5.3 Student followed correct portion control as per standard recipe to reduce food waste. 3.5.4 Student correctly stored, handled, and prepared foodstuffs to reduce spoilage. 3.5.5 Student accurately measured and calculated all ingredients to reduce waste. 3.5.6 Student used resources efficiently in all food preparation areas, including only running appliances when necessary to reduce energy wastage.  
 4. Cook seafood dishes4.1 Followed standard recipes to select and use appropriate cookery methods: 4.1.1 Student successfully determined cooking times and temperatures as per the standard recipe 4.1.2 Student followed standard recipes to select and use the following cookery method (Trainer to tick): ☐ deep frying ☐shallow frying ☐grilling ☐poaching ☐sous vide ☐steaming  
 4.2 Selected and added accompaniments and sauces suited to the dish. 4.2.1 Student selected and added accompaniments and sauces to the dish as per the standard recipe. 4.2.2 Student selected the accompaniments that enhance the appeal of the dish 4.2.3 Student made sure that taste of the accompaniments complemented the taste of the main dish  
 4.3 Made food quality adjustments within the scope of responsibility before serving the dish. 4.3.1 Student checked the dish’s taste before serving for a balance of seasoning and other basic tastes bitter, sweet, and sour. 4.3.2 Student checked the dish’s texture before serving it as per the standard recipe. 4.3.3 Student checked the temperature of the dish before serving and ensured hot food was served hot above 60 C. 4.3.4 Student brought dish’s taste, texture or temperature discrepancy to the trainer’s attention and made food quality adjustments accordingly. 4.3.5 Student successfully prepared and served a good quality dish with good taste, texture, and correct temperature.  
 5. Present fish and shellfish5.1 Presented dishes attractively on appropriate service ware. 5.1.1 Student chose the correct and appropriate service ware for presenting the dish as per standard recipe. 5.1.2 Student portioned food correctly as per the standard recipe. 5.1.3 Student checked service ware for cracks and chips before using. 5.1.4 Student checked the temperature service ware before plating, ensuring hot food was served on hot plates. 5.1.5 Student presented dishes attractively on correct service ware as per the standard recipe.  
 5.2 Added sauces, and garnishes according to the standard recipe. 5.2.1  Student selected and added sauces, and garnishes to the dish as per the standard recipe. 5.2.2 Student selected edible garnishes for the dish 5.2.3 Student dispersed garnishes thoughtfully to add colour or texture 5.2.4 Student made sure the plate was not overcrowded 5.2.5 Student avoided using the following:   Large chunks of citrus   Dips, sauces or garnishes with strong odor  
 5.3 Visually assessed dish and adjusted presentation where required before serving. 5.3.1 Student checked the visual balance of the dish’s components for a well-balanced and harmonious look on the plate. 5.3.2 Student checked the dish’s visual appearance and eye appeal regarding the colour of food prepared and the service ware chosen before serving. 5.3.3 Student checked the dish for contrasting colours and textures per the standard recipe. 5.3.4 Student checked that service ware was clean and wiped the sides of the plate before serving. 5.3.5 Student brought any discrepancy in the dish’s presentation to the trainer’s attention and adjusted before serving. 5.3.6 Student prepared and served a well-presented dish that was attractive and had eye appeal.  
 5.4 Stored prepared food items in suitable environmental conditions. 5.4.1 Student stored prepared food in hot holding alto shams or bain-marie above 60 C till served to ensure food safety and optimise its shelf life. 5.4.2 Student stored cold food in refrigeration below 5 C ensuring food safety and optimising its shelf life. 5.4.3 Student covered all prepared food items while storing to avoid cross-contamination, ensuring food safety and optimising its shelf life.  
 5.5 Followed organisational procedures, environmental considerations, and cost-reduction initiatives and cleaned the work area and disposed or stored surplus and reusable by-products 5.5.1 Student checked the time for all perishable food items in the temperature danger zone (5C – 60C) and discarded food items that had been out for more than 4 hours after bringing them to the trainer’s notice. 5.5.2 Student checked the time for all perishable food items in the temperature danger zone and only stored food items that had been out for less than 2 hours. 5.5.3 Student chilled all leftover food for storing as per food safety guidelines, i.e., cooled it to less than 21C within the first 2 hours and then further cooled it to less than 5C in four hours or less. 5.5.4 Student discarded food that did not meet the temperature guidelines after bringing them to the trainer’s notice. 5.5.5 Student correctly covered and labelled all food before storing, removing cross-contamination possibilities. 5.5.6 Student successfully used the wash, rinse, and sanitise steps to clean all equipment, appliances, and tools after use. 5.5.7 Student successfully used the wash, rinse, and sanitise steps to clean stoves, grills, and bench tops thoroughly 5.5.8 Student successfully scraped, hand-washed, sanitised, and air-dried chopping boards after use. 5.5.9 Student successfully used the wash, rinse, and sanitise steps to clean and sanitise the workstation and all surfaces on which food was prepared. 5.5.10    Student worked with others to scrape, pre-rinsed, thoroughly wash, air-dry, and put away all soiled service ware using proper dishwashing and glass washing at the end of service. 5.5.11 Student worked with others to sweep, wash, and sanitise all floor areas at the end of service. 5.5.12 Student worked with others to empty, wash, sanitise, and air-dry all garbage bins at the end of service. 5.5.13 Student sorted garbage into correct bins while disposing of it.  
 6.Overall Performance6.1 Student efficiently sequenced the stages of food preparation and production to prepare plated and present two portions of the dish 6.1.1 Student successfully prepared, plated and presented two portions of the dish within commercial time constraints and deadlines. 6.1.2 Student successfully prepared, plated and presented two portions of the dish following portion control procedures per the standard recipe. 6.1.3 Student successfully prepared, plated and presented two portions of the dish using food safety practices when handling and storing food. 6.1.4 Student successfully responded to 1 special customer request by modifying the standard recipe to prepare the dish as per the customer’s dietary needs.  
SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes

Unit Assessment Result Sheet (UARS) 
 Outcome of Unit Assessment Task (UAT)First attempt:   Outcome (please make sure to tick the correct checkbox):  Satisfactory (S) ☐ or Not Satisfactory (NS) ☐   Date: _______(day)/ _______(month)/ ____________(year) Second attempt:   Outcome (please make sure to tick the correct checkbox):  Satisfactory (S) ☐ or Not Satisfactory (NS) ☐ Date: _______(day)/ _______(month)/ ____________(year)
 Feedback to StudentFirst attempt:           Second attempt:          
 Student DeclarationI declare that the answers I have provided are my own work.  Where I have accessed information from other sources, I have provided references and or links to my sources. I have kept a copy of all relevant notes and reference material that I used as part of my submission. I have provided references for all sources where the information is not my own. I understand the consequences of falsifying documentation and plagiarism. I understand how the assessment is structured. I accept that all work I submit must be verifiable as my own. I understand that if I disagree with the assessment outcome, I can appeal the assessment process, and either re-submit additional evidence undertake gap training and or have my submission re-assessed. All appeal options have been explained to me.
 Student Signature 
 Trainer/Assessor Name  
 Trainer/Assessor DeclarationI hold: þ Vocational competencies at least to the level being delivered þ Current relevant industry skills þ Current knowledge and skills in VET, and undertake þ Ongoing professional development in VET I declare that I have conducted an assessment of this candidate’s submission. The assessment tasks were deemed current, sufficient, valid, and reliable. I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable, and flexible assessment.  I have provided feedback to the above-named candidate.
 Trainer/Assessor Signature 
 Office Use OnlyOutcome of Assessment has been entered onto the Student Management System on _________________ (insert date) by (insert Name) __________________________________
SITHCCC037 Prepare Seafood Dishes


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