Information Technology

MN601 Network Project Management

15 May 2023 12:04 PM | UPDATED 1 year ago

MN601 Network Project Management :

MN601 Network Project Management
MN601 Network Project Management


All MN601 laboratory reports should be submitted weekly at the end of each laboratory section as individual submissions via Moodle.

Organise and arrange your Moodle folder submission needly. You need to name your files using the weekly laboratory number, your names, and student ID, such as LabWeek10 YourName MITID.

The laboratory activities have two sections, Section A is about Microsoft Project and Section B has a few questions related to project management areas. Thus, it will provide you with a better understanding of the topics.

Do not retype or reuse laboratory questions to avoid high similarities, always aim for 0% similarities for all laboratory reports. For Microsoft Project Section A, when you submit screenshots, please take the whole screenshots of your screen. Ensure your report is different from that of other students and not plagiarised.

Late submissions will result in a loss of 10% marks for each day the report is late.

Section A: Microsoft Project – Budgeting Project

Learning Outcomes

  1. Budgeting (Bottom-up) Project Using MS Project 2021
    1. Enter cost to the project resources
    1. Activity costs and project total costs
  2. Save MyFirstProject file
  1. Budgeting Project
    1. Enter cost to project resources (i.e., activity/task, equipment, etc.)
  2. Open MyFirstProject.mpp
  3. On the View tab à Split View group, click Details
  4. In the upper pane, select an activity (e.g., 5), and in the lower pane click on a resource (such as John) under Resource Name, select Resource Form from the View tab à Split View group.
  5. In the Std rate field, enter $50 under resource (say John).
  6. Similarly, enter costs for other resources.

  • Activity costs and project total costs
  • Assign both Chris and Terri to work one day on activity 7, i.e., “Site Selection” and enter hourly rate $50 and $45 respectively.
  • On the Task tab à View group, click Task Usage
  • On the View tab à Split View group, click Details
  • On the View tab à Split View group, select Task Form (if not already displayed)
  • Right click in the form in the lower page and enter Work
  • `In the upper pane, select Start column and right click on Start column header to add “Cost” column, which shows the total project costs.
  • Save MyFirstProject.mpp file

Section B: Project Management Questions – Project Team and Project Progress

  1. Explain at least three characteristics of successful project teams?
  • Explain conflict resolution processes to manage project conflicts.
  • What is the main purpose of monitoring and controlling a project?
  • How can you use the Schedule Performance Index and Cost Performance Index to determine financial issues of a project.


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