Information Technology


15 May 2023 13:09 PM | UPDATED 1 year ago


1st Attempt2nd Attempt3rd Attempt
Activity 1: Discussion of the project brief, scope and site access
Activity 2: Consult with key stakeholders
(Completed on Canvas)
Activity 3: Assessing business problems
Activity 4: Determine hardware, software and network requirements
Activity 5: Select required software solutions
Activity 6: Develop preliminary physical network diagrams
Activity 7: Produce a document on the possible impact of the network design
Activity 8: Predict forecast traffic demands and impact on network design
Activity 9: Benchmark design
Activity 10: Review the likely performance profile of the design
Activity 11: Determine costs involved with a range of supplier
Activity 12: Produce an evaluation report
Activity 13: Review benchmarks, requirements, and final design
Activity 14: Determine support and training requirements
Activity 15: Obtain the latest technical specifications and pricing
Activity 16: Document network design and present documentation for approval
Activity 17: Obtain sign off on the final business solution
OUTCOME☐Satisfactory ☐Not Satisfactory☐Satisfactory ☐Not Satisfactory☐Satisfactory ☐Not Satisfactory
DATE      /     / 20      /     / 20      /     / 20

Assessment Task 2: Project

Assessment task instructions:
This is the second (2) assessment task you must successfully complete to be deemed competent in this unit of competency. This assessment task requires you to complete a project.This assessment task is a Skills Test. This assessment task consists of seventeen (17) practical demonstration activities.You are required to complete the activities based on the given scenario in this assessment task.All tasks are untimed and are conducted as open book assessment (this means you can refer to your textbook during the test).You must complete the task independently.You must respond to all questions and submit them to your Trainer/Assessor via Canvas.You must answer all questions to the required level, e.g. provide an answer within the required word limit, to be deemed satisfactory in this taskIf you are deemed not satisfactory after the first attempt, a maximum of two resubmission attempts will be allowed.

This assessment task requires you to:

  • Produce at least two information communications technology (ICT) network architecture designs.
  • Adapt technologies to specified technical solutions.
  • Use site design software and hardware.
  • Evaluate client specifications against accepted industry practices.
  • Produce technical designs from business specifications.
  • Analyse feedback from the client and adjust proposals.
  • Apply design concepts to business solutions.
  • Produce technical reports.
  • Make recommendations and offer optimum design solutions.

To do so, you must complete the following activities:

  • Activity 1: Obtain work details, specifications and scope from the relevant personnel and arrange for site access in compliance with required security arrangements, legislation, codes, regulations and standards.
  • Activity 2: Consult with key stakeholders to identify their requirements for the scoped network architecture design.
  • Activity 3: Assess business problems, opportunities and objectives, and confirm details with relevant personnel.


Company profile:

ICT Networks is a leading Australian Cloud and Technology company with capabilities in full end-to-end enterprise ICT solutions, including public, private and hybrid cloud, global security fabric, networking and data centre. We remove the complexity of managing and integrating IT & telco by becoming your end-to-end ICT provider.

The objective of the company is to provide IT Support Services, Managed IT Services, IT Networks and Security Services.

Managing your Servers, networks, Personal Computers, and Mobile Devices is an integral part of any business, and we understand that this can be time-consuming and expensive.

New Project along with requirements:

The Company has approached your training organisation to produce at least two information communications technology (ICT) network architecture designs. One is for the computer Lab where the network is connected as LAN, and another is for the second computer lab where the network is connected to WAN. The training organisation has assigned this project to you.

You are the ICT network analyst in your company. The management of the organisation wants you to adapt technologies to specified technical solutions, use site design software and hardware, evaluate client specifications against accepted industry practices, produce technical designs from business specifications, analyse feedback from the client and adjust proposals, apply design concepts to business solutions, produce technical reports, make recommendations and offer optimum design solutions. This includes:

Task conditions

Work details, specifications and scope of the two-network architecture design
LANWork Details: Specifications: Scope: LAN architecture design must connect the computer hardware in a localised area, as such connected resources and peripherals can be shared to each user easily. A wired connection, must be used to link the computers to each other and to a variety of peripheral devices such as printers. Network Layout:  
WANWork Details: Specifications: Scope: The main objective of the company to use WAN are for electronic mail and file transfer, but it also should permit users at remote sites to access and enter data on a central site’s database, such as instantaneously updating accounting records. WAN architecture design should be designed in such way that it gives remotes the company’s departments access to a central office’s other data communications services, including the Internet.   Network Layout:  
Security arrangements
Network SecurityNetwork security is a technique that enables organisations to secure computer networks from intruders, targeted attackers, and opportunistic malware. As the Internet has an assortment of networks associated with various websites, it is often observed that the organisations become targeted with unauthorised intrusion, with malicious intent.
Cloud SecurityMost organisations are now inclined towards utilising artificial intelligence to improve their businesses, enhance customer experience, and for efficient operations. With the plethora of data available at each step of organisational set-up, it becomes difficult for organisations to store these data in physical form.
Internet of Things SecurityThe Internet of things is being observed to be the next tool for the technological revolution. With the help of its security network, IoT provides the user with a variety of critical and non-critical appliances such as appliances, sensors, printers, and wifi-routers amongst routers.
Application SecurityThe users get infatuated with different applications, which include hardware, software, and devices. But an application becomes equally prone to cyber-attack or malware like the networks.
Organisational Guidelines, Legislation, Standards and regulations
Data Protection and the APPs The Privacy Act APPs comprise legally binding obligations for APP entities for: Standards Data Protection Standards Organisations should have regard to their obligations under the Privacy Act, Archives Act 1983 (Archives Act) and TIA Act when creating standards for the collection, use and storage of particular information. The OAIC’s Privacy Framework, detailed at 3.2 Consensus or Commonly Applied Framework, may be considered a de facto standard for data protection. Cybersecurity Standards In July 2019, APRA issued CPS 234 on Information Security. This regulation requires APRA-regulated financial, insurance and superannuation entities to comply with legally binding minimum standards of information security, including by: APRA-regulated entities are required to externally audit their organisation’s compliance with CPS 234 and report to APRA in 2021. If organisations are non-compliant, they may be required to issue breach notices and create rectification plans. If organisations are unable to comply with the standards following this process, APRA may undertake a more formal enforcement process which may include enforceable undertakings or court proceedings.   Regulations Data protection standards Requirements ISO/IEC 27001 is an international standard on the management of information security. While the Australian government recommends that organisations comply with this standard, it is not mandatory. ASIC’s “Cyber reliance good practices” guide Australian corporations on information security. The guide includes recommendations for periodic review of cyber company strategies, using cyber-resilience as a management tool, engaging in responsive cybersecurity governance, collaboration and information sharing, third-party risk management, and implementing continuous monitoring systems. The Australian Government Information Security Manual (ISM) outlines a voluntary cybersecurity framework for organisations based on ACSC advice and includes security protection principles for designing, implementing and reviewing appropriate security systems, policies and practices. Data Protection The Privacy Act APPs provide a legally binding framework for APP entities to the collection, processing, use, storage and dissemination personal information. APP entities are obliged to take “reasonable steps” to implement policies, practices and systems to ensure compliance with APPs. The “Privacy Management Framework”, developed by the OAIC, provides governance steps that APP entities should undertake to meet their privacy compliance obligations, including by embedding a privacy-compliant culture and by establishing and evaluating privacy practices and systems. Data Protection The Privacy Act regulates the handling of personal information federally.  “Personal information” under the Privacy Act is defined broadly as information or an opinion about an identified or reasonably identifiable individual. Personal information also includes “sensitive information”, which includes information or opinions on an individual’s race, ethnicity, politics, religion, sexual orientation, health, trade associations and criminal records. Sensitive information is often afforded a higher level of protection than other personal information. The Privacy Act applies to “APP entities” which, subject to some exceptions, including federal government agencies, private sector organisations with an annual turnover of over AUD3 million and smaller entities with data-intensive business practices (including private health providers, businesses that sell or purchase personal information and service providers to the federal government).  In February 2018, the Privacy Act was amended to include the NDB scheme, which requires APP entities to notify affected individuals and the OAIC where there are reasonable grounds to believe that an “eligible data breach” has occurred. Entities dealing with personal information in Australia should also be aware of their obligations for:  privacy legislation enacted at the state and territory level, which is largely similar to the Privacy Act; the My Health Records Act, which imposes specific obligations for health information collected and stored in Australia’s national online health database; state and territory health records legislation enacted in New South Wales (NSW), Victoria (Vic) and the Australian Capital Territory (ACT); and federal, state and territory surveillance legislation, which regulate video surveillance, computer and data monitoring, GPS tracking and the use of listening devices on individuals Organisational Guidelines: 1. Integrate security early on There is a reason the idea of “shifting security left” has become so popular in the DevOps world: it works. By making security a priority from the beginning of the project, you’re less likely to have gaps in your security posture. You’re also more likely to improve your overall network performance because security won’t be inefficiently shoehorned in after most decisions have been made. Treat security requirements with just as much priority as performance requirements and spec them into a project early on. Ideally, we should all have a “security is everyone’s responsibility” mindset, but in practice, that isn’t always the case. It’s usually a great idea to have a security-focused stakeholder(s) involved in the project end-to-end. 2. Know when to use top-down vs bottom-up In most cases where you’re starting from scratch, top-down design is the “better” choice. By designing top-down, you focus on the business requirements and maximise your chances of getting it right. However, there are many network design projects where the resource and time investment in going top-down just doesn’t make sense. For example, if you’re already familiar with an organisation’s overall business requirements and simply need to expand a network or increase bandwidth, bottom-up can be much more efficient. 3. Standardise everything If it can be Standardised, Standardise it. It will make troubleshooting, patching, maintenance, and asset management drastically easier in the long run. Here are some examples of things you can and should Standardise: 4. Plan for growth Network bandwidth consumption today isn’t going to be the same a year from now. You have to consider how much you expect bandwidth consumption to increase over the lifecycle of the network and design with that expectation in mind. One answer is obvious: just build in additional bandwidth based on your expectations. However, making sure the network is flexible and modular enough to easily accommodate expansion is arguably more important. After all, you can’t know for certain what your requirements will be in the future, but you can design with the idea you may need to extend the network in mind. 5. Create and maintain network documentation Missing, stale, or incomplete network documentation is a major source of tech debt, wasted time, and added frustration. Do your future self — or your friendly neighbourhood network administrator — a favour and make sure your network design and implementation deliverables include layer 1-3 network maps. Then, once they’re created, be sure to maintain them going forward.
Business problems
Poor network performanceThere’s no question that poor network performance is a top challenge for network engineers. There isn’t simply total traffic; there’s more traffic in all directions. Without the right equipment at endpoints and midpoints along the way, it’s impossible to provide the high-speed communication needed by today’s applications. Plus, performance isn’t just about speed; it’s about reliability, too. Network designs need to handle spikes in load and provide alternate routes to enable communication to continue even when a link fails. 24×7 online business requires 24×7 network availability.
SecuritySecurity is another top challenge. Because the perimeter of today’s network is unclear, blocking unauthorised outside traffic from the internal network isn’t adequate for protecting data. Many threats make it into the network when employees respond to a phishing email. Denial of service attacks only needs to attempt connections to succeed. Encryption helps protect traffic, but encryption can also make it harder to monitor network activity. Many tools can be used to improve network security, but ensuring they work together and provide a comprehensive solution is difficult. In addition, multiple tools require increased monitoring and management.
Configuration managementAs networks increase in size, overseeing the network configuration increases in difficulty. Devices can conflict with each other. It becomes challenging to keep the rules in firewalls up to date, and manually applying policies leads to errors and inconsistencies.
CostAvailable budget rarely meets the need for network services, especially when the network now needs to support not just traditional IT applications but also conventional business services like telephony (in the form of VoIP) and videoconferencing that require new levels of network quality.
GrowthAll the other challenges would be easier to address if the network would stay the same, but it doesn’t. There’s a constant increase in the number of devices attached to the network, with every additional connection an additional potential point of failure.
Vendor lock-inYesterday’s reasonable decision means today; your architecture is built around the assumptions and capabilities of yesterday’s vendor. Bringing in the best solutions from today’s vendors means figuring out how to interoperate, integrate, and support multiple solutions, or figuring out how to tear out all of the old equipment without tearing down the entire network at the same time.
Business opportunities
Business LeadsNetworking is a great way to acquire new business leads.  Using the contacts, you make when you meet people can open doors for business opportunities.
Identify Best PracticesNetworking is a great way to identify business best practices or industry benchmarks. Learning from what others do is a valuable strategy for all businesses.
New Business TrendsNetworking can help you stay on the cutting edge of technology and new business trends.  These types of relationships and “inside” information can give you an advantage over your competitors by implementing new and fresh ways of doing things.
Increased ConfidenceBy regularly networking and pushing yourself to talk to people you don’t know, you will get increased confidence the more you do this. This is important as a business owner because your business growth is very dependant on talking to people and making connections.
Business objectives
To provide Information sharingBecause most researchers in the field of hate crime are spread across a wide array of universities, public bodies and not-for-profit organisations – those who work in diverse disciplines as law, criminology, sociology, psychology and neuroscience – it is difficult for academics, public policy makers and members of the general public to keep up to date with the research that is being carried out globally.
To gain Public policy engagementThe growing field of hate studies has produced an abundance of knowledge about the causes and consequences of hate and hate crime. However, much of the knowledge produced remains locked into pay-for-view academic journals, which are viewed primarily by other academics.  A key aim of the Network is, therefore, to engage public policy makers in the study of hate by providing a one-stop-shop of information of research and theory as well as highlighting “current initiatives” being pursued across the globe. Engagement will additionally be pursued via key annual events, including conferences, workshops and seminars to make the debate ‘viewable’.
To start Collaboration in researchThe Network not only wishes to help disseminate the current body of research and knowledge about hate crime but has as its third key aim to develop collaborative research projects across the world. By bringing together top scholars and research bodies from different countries, the Network will facilitate high-quality collaborative research on the causes, consequences and responses to hate crime.
Client functional Requirements of the scoped network architecture design
To Reduce CostOne of the biggest requirements of hiring a network design and integration services is reduced cost. Hiring a team of in-house network engineers will eat into your budget. The same services can be obtained through a network design consulting service. The saved money can be spent on other growth activities. The service is ideal for small and medium scale businesses with a limited budget. Hiring such a service would allow them to go ahead with their expansion plans.
To Improve PerformanceWith an outsourced network design and integration service, you would get improved performance. Most of the reputed service providers should have a team of engineers who is exceptionally good at providing such solutions. You would be getting top-notch services by hiring them. Hiring an in-house team of network engineers and training them on the latest technology may put stress on your IT budget, which is not good for a small organisation with limited resources.
To Customise SolutionsNetwork design and integration services of different organisations are different as one size don’t fit all. A network integration service with a team of engineers should provide you with quality solutions. A skilled team should have to design your network and integrate it as per your requirements. Such a service is flexible in approach with increased opportunity for customisation. A network customised to your needs will be efficient, safe, and secure that will lead to productivity.
To provide Better Business ContinuityBusiness continuity is a must-have service for businesses. The service helps you restore your operation after every disaster. As most of the disruptions take place due to network issues, having a good network design and integration service would help keep the disruptions to the minimum. The improved business continuity must lead to improved productivity. In this way, an efficient network service would also help towards business continuity.
To Enhance Network SecurityWe are living in times when threats to IT and networks are increasingly becoming common, and you need better security for your network. Here, the services of a good network design and integration company could be of great help. With a team of skilled professionals, experience of several years, and access to state-of-the-art technology, an experienced service provider must ensure security for your network.
Business Solutions
Team Communication It’s hard to keep track of conversations between employees, especially as your business grows. Using a platform like slack will make it easy for your teams to chat, share files, and more. Plus, Slack integrates with other apps to make for a smoother workflow. You can create a Slack channel specifically for water-cooler chat so that employees can have conversations off-topic like they would in a traditional office setting.  This helps remote companies with employee engagement and company culture. Slack is available for both desktop and mobile devices, so your team can communicate from wherever they are. “Good communication is vital to business success. Not only do team members need to be able to communicate amongst themselves, but they need to share information across other teams, as well. The right tool can make all the difference.” Email Marketing Email marketing remains one of the most effective and popular digital marketing tools out there. With a platform like GetResponse, MailChimp, or Constant Contact, it is easy to design, send, and review the results of your email campaigns. It’s possible to see who opened your email, the links that were clicked on, and who might be most interested in a follow-up offer or message. With segmentation, you can send personalised email offers to both new and repeat customers to ensure a unique customer experience for everyone. Social Media Management Long gone are the days where having a website alone was enough to effectively run a business online. Beyond the website itself, you need a presence on all social media platforms where your audience is active. This means you need to post content, engage with users, respond to questions and feedback, and remain active to show you are committed to the platforms. That said, it can be tempting to try to be on all the social media channels – Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat, LinkedIn… the list goes on. While social media management platforms do make it easier to maintain an active presence on multiple platforms in a fraction of the time, it’s better to focus only on a few platforms where you know your audience is active than it is to try to be everywhere. Picking a few core platforms and doing it well is better than being everywhere with a mediocre approach. Instead of spending all day focused on Facebook, Twitter, and other platforms where your audience is engaging with your company, you can use social media management tools such as HootSuite, Buffer, or Cinchshare (most useful for groups) to monitor feeds, schedule your post, engaging interact, and see data analytics at all from a central location. Human Resources Management Software When a small business is just getting started, it’s likely there won’t be a full human resources team. That’s where HR management software can help. It can do everything from scheduling employees shifts to sending out company announcements to collect bank information for direct deposit. There are a number of small details that new business owners could easily overlook that would expose the business to lawsuits and other issues. HR management platforms store employee personal information, manage time tracking, scheduling, and payroll, manage benefits administration, and manage an organisation’s legal employment and regulatory requirements. Some HR management platforms also include recruiting, applicant tracking, performance management, and accounting features. Many even make it possible for employees to take care of changes and updates themselves with a self-service option. Using digital technology to handle these tasks ensures any HR staff members will be able to spend more of their time on value-added tasks instead of manually addressing everything related to recruiting, hiring, and employment. Accounting Software For many small business owners, accounting is a daunting task that can easily be overlooked. Neglecting it too much, however, could easily mean acing an IRS audit or failing to account for your monthly payroll cost in your cash flow analysis. Using online accounting software like QuickBooks or Xero can take the place of an accountant and bookkeeper by tracking expenses, profit, reconciling your debts, sending invoices, creating expense reports, and doing nearly anything else that you should keep track of your tax returns. Procurement Software Of course, even if your business doesn’t manufacture its own goods, you’re paying for goods and services to keep things up and running. From subscription fees for digital software to office and break room supplies, you need a place to keep track of all your purchases, invoices, and payments. Bringing your procurement into the digital world is easy, too. PLANERGY integrates with Quickbooks Online and Xero to help make things easier for your accounting team. In a digital transformation, a key component is replacing legacy tools and infrastructure with modern technology. By moving to cloud-based options, you rely on provider data centres and managed services rather than your own IT equipment and staff – making it more cost-effective to operate your company.

Task Environment:

This assessment task will be completed in a simulated environment prepared by your training organisation.

The simulated environment will provide you with all the required resources (such as the equipment and participants, etc.) to complete the assessment task. The simulated environment is very much like a learning environment where a student can practice, use and operate appropriate industrial equipment, techniques, practices under realistic workplace conditions.

The roles and responsibilities of the ICT network analyst are:

  • To obtain work details, specifications and scope from relevant personnel and arrange for site access in compliance with required security arrangements, legislation, codes, regulations and standards.
  • To consult with key stakeholders to identify their requirements for the scoped network architecture design.
  • To assess business problems, opportunities and objectives, and confirm details with relevant personnel.
  • To determine hardware, software and network requirements according to manufacturer specifications.
  • To select required software solutions.
  • To develop preliminary physical network diagrams as a preface to architecture blueprint.
  • To produce a document on the possible impact of the network design on the business requirements.
  • To predict forecast traffic demands, and impact on network design, from current and future demand requirements.
  • To benchmark design using expected performance parameters.
  • To review the likely performance profile of the design.
  • To determine costs involved with a range of supplier products.
  • To produce an evaluation report on predicted performance and costs of the network architecture design, addressing business specifications and recommendations.
  • To review benchmarks, requirements and final design proposed.
  • To determine support and training requirements needed.
  • To obtain the latest technical specifications and pricing by contacting possible vendors.
  • To document network design and present documentation to the required person for approval.
  • To obtain sign off on the final business solution.

Roles and responsibilities of trainer/supervisor are:

  • To provide a site for design work.
  • To provide client functional requirements.
  • To provide business specifications.
  • To provide database software.
  • To provide simulation software.
  • To provide organisational guidelines.
  • To provide a network or computer layout.
  • To provide site design software and hardware.
  • To provide information on a range of ICT business solutions.

Activity 1: Obtain work details and scope from required personnel and arrange for site access in compliance with required security arrangements, legislation, codes, regulations and standards.

This part of the activity requires you to obtain work details and scope from required personnel and arrange for site access in compliance with required security arrangements, legislation, codes, regulations and standards.

To do so, you are required to:

Template 1: Obtain work details, specifications and scope from the relevant personnel and arrange for site access in compliance with required security arrangements, legislation, codes, regulations and standards.

Work details, specifications and scope of the two-network architecture design (150-200 words)
Security arrangements (150-200 words)
Network Security 
Cloud Security 
Internet of Things Security 
Application Security 
Organisational Guidelines, Legislation, Standards and regulations (200-300 words)

Activity 2: Consult with key stakeholders to identify their requirements for the scoped network architecture design.

This part of the activity requires you to consult with key stakeholders to identify their requirements of the scoped network architecture design.

Description of the activity

This activity is a continuation of Activity 1.

To do so, you are required to arrange a meeting with your supervisor.

The meeting’s purpose is to consult the supervisor regarding the requirements of the scoped network architecture design.

The meeting agenda must be prepared, considering the objectives of the meeting and using the template provided below. The meeting agenda must discuss the purpose of the meeting and provide details regarding the place, date, and time of the meeting.

Meeting Agenda Template

After preparing the meeting agenda, you are then required to draft an e-mail to the meeting participants to invite them to the meeting using the template provided below.

Guidelines for writing the e-mail:
To[email protected]
<<your message here>>         Attachments go here:    

After e-mailing the meeting agenda to the participants of the meeting, you are then required to conduct a meeting with them.

Learner Observation Instructions.

Please log into canvas to access the observation checklist – OBC1 (AT2) Project meeting

Read the instructions provided.

Once you have read and understood the instructions, please write ” I understand and I am ready for assessment” click submit to continue.

The assessor will then set up a time to complete this observation and complete the checklist on Canvas.

When conducting the meeting, you must follow the meeting process and the script provided below:

Meeting process:

Before the meeting Confirm the meeting time and place with the trainer/assessor. Use the meeting agenda template provided to prepare the meeting agenda.
During the meeting
After the meeting   

Meeting script:

For ICT network analysts: The ICT network analyst will first identify requirements of the scoped network architecture design with the supervisor: The ICT network analyst will ask these questions after the supervisor has discussed the requirements.
Questions that the supervisor will discuss with the ICT network analyst

Activity 3: Assess business problems, opportunities and objectives, and confirm details with relevant personnel.

This part of the activity requires you to assess business problems, opportunities and objectives, and confirm details with relevant personnel and document the outcomes using ‘Template 2’.

Description of the activity

This activity is a continuation of Activity 2.

This activity requires you to assess business problems, opportunities and objectives, and confirm details with relevant personnel and document the outcomes.

To do so, you are required to:

Template 2: Assess business problems, opportunities and objectives, and confirm details with relevant personnel.

Business problems (350-400 words)
Poor network performance 
Configuration management 
Vendor lock-in 
Business opportunities (100-150 words)
To provide Information sharing 
To gain public policy engagement 
To start collaboration in research 
Business objectives (300-350 words)
Information sharing 
Public policy engagement 
Collaboration in research 
Understanding Hate 

Activity 4: Determine hardware, software and network requirements according to manufacturer specifications.

This part of the activity requires you to determine hardware, software and network requirements according to manufacturer specifications and document the outcomes using ‘Template 3’.

Description of the activity

This activity is a continuation of Activity 3.

This activity requires you to determine hardware, software and network requirements according to manufacturer specifications based on the information provided in the case study.

To do so, you need to:

Template 3: Determine hardware, software and network requirements according to manufacturer specifications.

Hardware requirements (100-150 words)
A network adapter card or PC card 
A network router or switch 
Software requirements (100-150 words)
Drivers for your network adapter card or PC card 
Network management software 
Network-ready applications 
Technical specifications (400-450 words)
Cisco C841M-4X/K9 ISRCisco C841M-8X/K9 ISR
Services and Slot Density
Power Specifications
Physical Specifications

Activity 5: Select required software solutions.

This part of the activity requires you to select required software solutions and document the outcomes using ‘Template 4’.

Description of the activity

This activity is a continuation of Activity 4.

This activity requires you to select required software solutions for LAN and WAN information communications technology (ICT) network architecture designs.

To do so, you need to:

  • and document using Template 4.

Template 4: Select required software solutions.

Software solutions for network design (100-150 words)
Ms Access 

Activity 6: Develop preliminary physical network diagrams as a preface to the architecture blueprint.

This part of the activity requires you to develop preliminary physical network diagrams as a preface to the architecture blueprint and document the outcomes using ‘Template 5’.

Description of the activity

This activity is a continuation of Activity 5.

This activity requires you to develop preliminary physical network diagrams as a preface to the architecture blueprint for LAN and WAN information communications technology (ICT) network architecture designs.

This activity requires you to use Lucidchart software.

To do so, you need to:

  • and document using Template 5.
  • and document using Template 5:
  • and document using Template 5:

Template 5: Develop preliminary physical network diagrams as a preface to the architecture blueprint.

Develop preliminary physical network diagrams as a preface to architecture blueprint (100-150 words)
Components in physical network diagram (100-150 words)
Diagram Legend 
Switch Stacks 
Symbols in physical network diagram (50-100 words)
Common symbols
Other popular-used symbols

Activity 7: Produce a document on the possible impact of the network design on the business requirements.

This part of the activity requires you to produce a document on the possible impact of the network design on the business requirements and document the outcomes using ‘Template 6’.

Description of the activity

This activity is a continuation of Activity 6.

This activity requires you to produce a document on the possible impact of the network design on the business requirements based on the information provided in the case study.

To do so, you need to:

Template 6: Produce a document on the possible impact of the network design on the business requirements.

Impacts of network design (200-250 words)
Cost-effective resource sharing 
Improving storage efficiency and volume 
Access flexibility 
Cut costs on software 

Activity 8: Predict forecast traffic demands and impact on network design from current and future demand requirements.

This part of the activity requires you to predict forecast traffic demands and impact on network design from current and future demand requirements and document the outcomes using ‘Template 7’.

This activity is a continuation of Activity 7.

This activity requires you to predict forecast traffic demands and impact on network design from current and future demand requirements for LAN and WAN information communications technology (ICT) network architecture designs.

To do so, you need to:


Template 7: Predict forecast traffic demands and impact on network design from current and future demand requirements.

Predict forecast traffic demands using the below methods (100-130 words)
Last Value (LV) Predictor
Windowed Moving Average (MA)
Double Exponential Smoothing (DES)
Impact on network design
Addition of more systems into a network 
Creation of new routes through the network 
Current and future requirements (100-150 words)
File sharing 
Hardware sharing 
Application sharing 
User communication 
Network gaming 
Voice over IP (VoIP) 

Activity 9: Benchmark design using expected performance parameters.

This part of the activity requires you to benchmark design using expected performance parameters and document the outcomes using ‘Template 8’.

Description of the activity

This activity is a continuation of Activity 8.

This activity requires you to benchmark design using expected performance parameters for LAN and WAN information communications technology (ICT) network architecture designs.

To do so, you need to:

  • Benchmark the network design using the below performance parameters and document the outcomes using Template 8:
    • Latency
    • Jitter
    • Packet Loss
    • Packet Duplication

Template 8: Benchmark design using expected performance parameters.

Performance Parameters to benchmark network design (200-250 words)
Packet Loss 
Packet Duplication 

Activity 10: Review the likely performance profile of the design.

This part of the ICTTEN622 – PRODUCE ICT NETWORK ARCHITECTURE DESIGNS activity requires you to review the likely performance profile of the design and document the outcomes using ‘Template 9’.

Description of the activity

This activity is a continuation of Activity 9.

This activity requires you to review the likely performance profile of the design for LAN and WAN information communications technology (ICT) network architecture.

This activity requires you to use HP OpenView Network Node Manager version 6.1, HP OpenView NNM and Excel Spreadsheet

To do so, you need to:

  • Obtain the performance against the benchmarked performance parameters in Activity 9.
  • Review likely performance profile of the design using the below steps:
    • Establish a network performance baseline and document the steps implemented using Template 9.
      • Step 1: Compile a Hardware, Software, and Configuration Inventory
      • Step 2: Verify that the SNMP MIB is Supported in the Router
      • Step 3: Poll and Record Specific SNMP MIB Object from the Router
        • Use HP OpenView Network Node Manager version 6.1.
        • Go to select Options > Data Collection & Thresholds.
      • Step 4: Analyse Data to Determine Thresholds
        • Use Excel spreadsheet
        •  open Excel and select File > Open and select your data file
      • Step 5: Fix Identified Immediate Problems
      • Step 6: Test Threshold Monitoring
        • Implement a Threshold using SNMP
          • Use HP OpenView NNM
          • Select Options > Data Collection & Thresholds
          • Select Store, Check Thresholds
      • Step 7: Implement Threshold Monitoring using SNMP
    • Collect and monitor network performance data and document using Template 9.
    • Reporting and analysing network performance data and document using Template 9.

Template 9: Review the likely performance profile of the design.

Steps to review the performance of network design (1400-1450 words)
Establish a network performance baseline
Step 1: Compile a Hardware, Software, and Configuration Inventory Device Name Router Type Version Software Version                                        
Step 2: Verify that the SNMP MIB is Supported in the Router
Step 3: Poll and Record Specific SNMP MIB Object from the Router
Step 4: Analyse Data to Determine Thresholds
Step 5: Fix Identified Immediate Problems
Step 6: Test Threshold Monitoring
Step 7: Implement Threshold Monitoring using SNMP or RMON
Collect and monitor network performance data 
Reporting and analysing network performance data 

Activity 11: Determine costs involved with a range of supplier products.

This part of the activity requires you to determine costs involved with a range of supplier products and document the outcomes using ‘Template 10’.

Description of the activity

This activity is a continuation of Activity 10.

This activity requires you to determine the costs involved with a range of supplier products based on hardware, software and network requirements determined in Activity 4.

This activity requires you to online research by using web browser.

To do so, you need to:

  • Determine costs of the supplier products used in designing network architecture and document using Template 10.

Template 10: Determine costs involved with a range of supplier products.

Estimated cost for designing network architecture (100-150 words)

Activity 12: Produce an evaluation report on predicted performance and costs of the network architecture design, addressing business specifications and recommendations.

This part of the activity requires you to produce an evaluation report on predicted performance and costs of the network architecture design, addressing business specifications and recommendations and document the outcomes using ‘Template 11’.

Description of the activity

This activity is a continuation of Activity 11.

This activity requires you to produce an evaluation report on predicted performance and costs of the network architecture design, addressing business specifications and recommendations.

This activity requires you to use Ms Access database software.

To do so, you need to:

  • Produce evaluation report based on the metrics to analyse network performance and cost and document using Template 11:
    • Latency
    • Uptime and availability
    • Packet loss
    • Retransmits
  • Address business specifications and recommendations for network performance analysis using the below methods and document using Template 11:
    • Critical Path Method
    • Critical Chain Method
    • Program Evaluation and Review Technique
  • Store the evaluation report on predicted performance and cost using MS Access.
  • Submit the MS Access report to the trainer/assessor via e-mail.

Template 11: Produce an evaluation report on predicted performance and costs of the network architecture design, addressing business specifications and recommendations.

Metrics to analyse when evaluating network performance (250-300 words)
Uptime and availability 
Packet loss 
Business specifications and recommendations (150-200 words)
Critical Path Method 
Critical Chain Method 
Program Evaluation and Review Technique 

Activity 13: Review benchmarks, requirements and final design proposed.

This part of the activity requires you to review benchmarks, requirements, and final design proposed and documented the outcomes using ‘Template 12’.

Description of the activity

This activity is a continuation of Activity 12.

This activity requires you to review benchmarks, requirements and the final design proposed for LAN and WAN.

To do so, you need to:

  • Review benchmarks and confirm requirements are fulfilled of network design and document using Template 12:
    • Performance benchmarking
    • Practice benchmarking
    • Internal benchmarking
    • External benchmarking
  • Review final network design proposed and document using Template 12.

Template 12: Review benchmarks, requirements and final design proposed.

Review benchmarks and confirm requirements are fulfilled of network design (250-300 words)
Performance benchmarking 
Practice benchmarking 
Internal benchmarking 
External benchmarking 
Final proposed network design architecture (250-300 words)

Activity 14: Determine support and training requirements needed.

This part of the activity requires you to determine the support and training requirements needed and document the outcomes using ‘Template 13’.

Description of the activity

This activity is a continuation of Activity 13.

This activity requires you to determine the support and training requirements needed.

To do so, you need to:

  • Determine support and training requirements needed for designing network and document using Template 13:
    • Analytical skills
    • Computer skills
    • Communication skills
    • Problem-solving skills
    • Multitasking
    • Research skills
    • Organisational skills
    • Interpersonal skills

Template 13: Determine support and training requirements needed.

Support and training needed for networking (500-550 words)
Analytical skills 
Computer skills 
Communication skills 
Problem-solving skills 
Multi-tasking skills 
Research skills 
Interpersonal skills 

Activity 15: Obtain the latest technical specifications and pricing by contacting possible vendors.

This part of the activity requires you to obtain the latest technical specifications and pricing by contacting possible vendors and document the outcomes using ‘Template 14’.

Description of the activity

This activity is a continuation of Activity 14.

This activity requires you to obtain the latest technical specifications and pricing by contacting possible vendors.

To do so, you need to:

  • Research and document possible vendor as per requirements determined in activity 4 by using google or other similar search engines and document possible vendor identified using Template 14.
  • Contact vendor to obtain latest technical specifications and pricing and document the technical specifications using Template 14.

Template 14: Obtain the latest technical specifications and pricing by contacting possible vendors.

Research and document Vendor
Technical specifications (500-550 words)
Enterprise Security 
Cloud management 
Access control 

Activity 16: Document network design and present documentation to the required person for approval.

This part of the activity requires you to document network design and present documentation to the required person for approval and document the outcomes using ‘Template 15’.

Description of the activity

This activity is a continuation of Activity 15.

This activity requires you to document network design and present documentation to the required person for approval.

This activity requires you to use lucidchart software.

To do so, you need to:

  • Document network design using Lucidchart.
  • Take a screenshot of the design and document using Template 15.
  • Present the network design documentation to the Supervisor. Discuss the following:
    • Introduction to the network design
    • Key components
    • How the designed program addresses the organisational requirements?
Guidelines for writing the e-mail:
To[email protected]
<<your message here>>     Attachments go here:    

Template 15: Document network design and present documentation to the required person for approval.

Document network design (250-300 words)

Activity 17: Obtain sign off on final business solution.

This part of the activity requires you to obtain a sign off on the final business solution.

Description of the activity

This activity is a continuation of Activity 16.

This activity requires you to obtain a sign off on the final business solution.

To do so, you are required to draft an email to your Supervisor with the following information, using the template provided below:

Guidelines for writing the e-mail:
To[email protected]
<<your message here>>    


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