Information Technology

ICTSAD509 Produce ICT feasibility reports

14 May 2023 16:16 PM | UPDATED 1 year ago

ICTSAD509 Produce ICT feasibility reports :

ICTSAD509 Produce ICT feasibility reports
ICTSAD509 Produce ICT feasibility reports


PCT Logo for Print (1200dpi, 4CourseICT50220 Diploma of IT Advanced Networking

Name:                                                             Student ID:

Unit Name and Code: ICTSAD509 Produce ICT feasibility reports

Assessment Task Number and Title:  #3 Research

Date Submitted:                                              Trainer’s Name:         

  • All assessments must be in a neat and readable format.
  • Students are required to retain a duplicate of any assignment submitted, both written & disk copy.
  • Please refer to the Student Handbook for the Assessment Policy.
  • Plagiarism is an academic misconduct and is unacceptable to Pacific College of Technology. 
  • Font name, size and color of the assessment must be of Myriad Pro or Arial, 12 and dark black respectively.

I certify that the work submitted is my own. I have acknowledged material taken from websites, textbooks and articles.


Course                         :  ICT50220 Diploma in IT Networking

Unit Code and Name  : ICTSAD509 Produce a feasibility reports

Trainer/Assessor          :          

Assessment item         : #3 Research

Due date                     : Week 8 (Extension upon trainer’s approval only)

Context and Purpose of the assessment:

This assessment will assess your skills and knowledge in the area of ‘ICTSAD509 Produce a feasibility reports unit. This assessment activity deals with the following elements of performance and critical aspects of evidence:

QuestionElementPerformance Criteria
Activity 12-32.2, 2.3, 3.1, 3.2, 3.4
  • The assessment tasks for the unit assume that you will work in the Information Technology industry. Case studies/ exercises used in this assessment reflect a workplace scenario.
  • The student must have access to a Computer, Printer and Microsoft Office Suite Applications for doing the assessment for this unit.
  • If you are not sure about any aspect of this assessment, please ask for clarification from your assessor. If the assessment is not satisfactory, the trainer will allow one more attempt to the assessment item.
  • The responses to assessment questions should be in your own words and examples from workplace should be used wherever possible.


  1. Answer all questions
  2. Make sure that the work submitted is your own piece of work. Beware of plagiarism.
  3. Check the ‘Assessment Information to Student’ document about assessment date submission

Activity 1: Research

Research and describe following terms:

  • Feasibility Study
  • Framework of Feasibility Study
  • Feasibility Report
  • Feasibility Analysis
  • IT Feasibility Study
  • How to format and write Feasibility Plan?

—————————————–End of Case Study —————————————–


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