Information Technology

ICTICT517 Match ICT needs with the strategic direction of the organisation

26 May 2023 15:00 PM | UPDATED 1 year ago

ICTICT517 Match ICT needs with the strategic direction of the organisation :

ICTICT517 Match ICT needs with the strategic direction of the organisation
ICTICT517 Match ICT needs with the strategic direction of the organisation

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IT Works is a series of training and ICTICT517 Match ICT needs with the strategic direction of the organisation assessment resources developed for qualifications within the Information and Communications Technology Training Package.


Section 1: ICT system and products upgrade. 5

Section 2: Action Plan. 7

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Business this ICTICT517 Match ICT needs with the strategic direction of the organisation assessment is based on: 
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ICTICT517 Match ICT needs with the strategic direction of the organisation

ICTICT517 Matching ICT needs with the strategic direction of the organisation

Section 1: ICT system and products upgrade

About the business Provide an overview of the business and its operations and objectives as well as the industry within which it operates.King Edward VII College is an educational institution based in Melbourne CBD, offering a range of courses in management, marketing, human resources, and international business. Established in 2010, the college has gained popularity due to its competitive pricing structure, innovative teaching methods, and state-of-the-art facilities. Currently, the college has approximately 500 students enrolled in its courses. In line with its success and growing demand, King Edward VII College has ambitious plans for expansion. Within the next six months, the college intends to establish two additional campuses, one in Brisbane and another in Sydney. This expansion reflects the college’s goal of reaching a wider student base and extending its presence in key locations across Australia. As an educational institution, King Edward VII College operates within the broader industry of higher education and vocational training. The industry is characterized by intense competition, with numerous colleges and universities offering similar courses and programs. To maintain its competitive edge, the college focuses on delivering high-quality education at affordable prices, leveraging innovative teaching methods, and providing state-of-the-art facilities to attract and retain students. The primary objective of King Edward VII College is to provide quality education and training to its students, equipping them with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in their chosen fields. The college aims to offer a comprehensive learning experience that combines theoretical knowledge with practical application, preparing students for the challenges of the professional world. The college’s strategic and operational plan serves as a roadmap for its future direction. It outlines the goals, objectives, and strategies that will guide the college’s activities over the next three years. As the newly employed IT Manager, your role is to review the plan and identify any ICT gaps and improvements that align with the college’s strategic direction. This involves assessing the current ICT infrastructure, addressing technological shortcomings, and ensuring that the college’s IT systems support its expansion plans and evolving needs.
Current ICT systems and practices Provide an outline of current ICT systems and practices as per the scenario information.Here is an outline of the current ICTICT517 Matching ICT needs with the strategic direction of the organisation and practices at King Edward VII College:   1. Hardware: Server: The college has one server from HP/Dell with 16 GB RAM, 2.5 TB storage space, and 2.5 TB backup capacity.Computers: There are 24 PCs running Windows 7 Pro, which are used by staff members.Computer Monitors: There are 24 computer monitors available for staff use.Router: The college has one router for network connectivity.Switch: There is one switch in place for network management.Cables: The college has cable bundles for network connectivity.Wi-Fi Modems: Two Wi-Fi modems are present for wireless internet access.   2. Software: Server Software: The server runs Windows Server 2008 R2 as its operating system.Workstation Software: All workstations have Windows 7 Pro installed.Office Software: The workstations have Microsoft Office 2010 Pro installed for productivity tasks.   3. Data Accessibility: Data Access: Currently, staff can only access data at work through their computers. There is no mention of remote or cloud-based access.   4. Network Infrastructure: Wi-Fi Issues: Students frequently complain about slow or dropping Wi-Fi connectivity, indicating network infrastructure issues.   5. IT Staff: IT Manager: The college has recently employed an IT Manager (you) to review the ICT systems and practices.IT Staff Size: The exact size of the IT staff is not mentioned   It is evident that the current ICT systems and practices at King Edward VII College have some gaps and areas for improvement. These include outdated server and workstation operating systems, lack of a cloud system for data access and remote work, network infrastructure issues affecting Wi-Fi connectivity, and the need for enhanced IT support and staff training.
ICT gaps Based on a comparison of strategic plan objectives versus the current state of ICT systems and practices, determine ICT gaps, improvement opportunities and recommended changes.The following ICTICT517 Matching ICT needs with the strategic direction of the organisation ,improvement opportunities, and recommended changes can be identified: Outdated Server and Operating System: ICT Gap: The server is running an outdated operating system (Windows Server 2008 R2).Improvement Opportunity: Upgrade the server to a newer version (e.g., Windows Server 2019) to ensure better performance, security, and compatibility.Recommended Change: Invest in upgrading the server operating system to a more recent and supported version. Aging Workstations and Operating System: ICT Gap: The workstations are using an outdated operating system (Windows 7 Pro).Improvement Opportunity: Upgrade all workstations to a newer operating system (e.g., Windows 10) for enhanced security, performance, and compatibility.Recommended Change: Replace or upgrade the existing workstations with ones running a supported and modern operating system. Office Software: ICT Gap: The workstations have Microsoft Office 2010 Pro installed.Improvement Opportunity: Upgrade to a more recent version of Office software (e.g., Office 365 or Microsoft Office 2023) to access the latest features and tools for productivity and collaboration.Recommended Change: Update the office software on all workstations to a newer version. Lack of Cloud System and Remote Access: ICT Gap: There is no cloud system in place, and staff can only access data at work through their computers.Improvement Opportunity: Implement a cloud-based system to enable remote access to data and resources, especially for staff members working in multiple locations.Recommended Change: Adopt a suitable cloud solution (e.g., Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, or Amazon Web Services) to facilitate remote access and data sharing. Network Infrastructure and Wi-Fi Connectivity: ICT Gap: Students frequently complain about slow or dropping Wi-Fi connectivity.Improvement Opportunity: Upgrade the network infrastructure to address Wi-Fi issues and provide a reliable and fast internet connection throughout the campus.Recommended Change: Invest in enterprise-grade networking equipment, such as routers, switches, and access points, to improve Wi-Fi coverage, speed, and stability. IT Support and Staff Training: ICT Gap: The scenario does not provide details about the IT support system or staff training.Improvement Opportunity: Establish a dedicated IT support system and provide training to staff members on new technologies, software, and systems.Recommended Change: Set up an IT support helpdesk or ticketing system to address technical issues promptly, and organize training sessions to educate staff on ICT-related topics and tools.
ICT improvement opportunities and recommended changes Based on the ICT gaps, document the improvement opportunities and recommended changes. Include costings for your recommended changes. Provide evidence to support costings, for example, quotes or screenshots of websites with are the improvement opportunities and recommended changes for King Edward VII College, along with estimated costings: Improvement Opportunity: Upgrade the server to a newer version (e.g., Windows Server 2022) for improved performance and security.Recommended Change: Purchase a new server with Windows Server 2022 Standard Edition.
Estimated Costing:     Improvement Opportunity: Upgrade workstations to a newer operating system (e.g., Windows 11) for enhanced security and compatibility.Recommended Change: Replace existing workstations with new ones running Windows 11 Pro.Estimated Costing:                      
Upgrade to a more recent version of Office software (e.g., Office 365 or Microsoft Office 2023) for the latest features and tools.Recommended Change: Purchase licenses for the desired Office software version based on the number of workstations.Estimated Costing:                  
  Improvement Opportunity: Implement a cloud-based system for data access and remote work capabilities.Recommended Change: Choose a suitable cloud service provider (e.g., Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, or Amazon Web Services) and select the appropriate subscription plan based on storage and user requirements.
Estimated CostingImprovement Opportunity: Upgrade networking equipment to improve Wi-Fi coverage, speed, and stability.Recommended Change: Purchase enterprise-grade routers, switches, and access points.Estimated Costing:    
Improvement Opportunity: Establish an IT support system and provide training to staff members.Recommended Change: Invest in helpdesk or ticketing software for IT support, and allocate resources for organizing training sessions.
Estimated Costing :  
Impact of changes Evaluate and report on the impact of proposed changesThe evaluation of the potential impact of ICTICT517 Matching ICT needs with the strategic direction of the organisation the recommended changes: 1. Upgrade Server and Operating System: Impact: Upgrading the server to a newer version (e.g., Windows Server 2019) will improve performance, security, and compatibility. It will provide a more stable and reliable foundation for hosting critical applications and data.Benefits: Enhanced server capabilities will result in faster data processing, improved system reliability, reduced downtime, and better support for future software and technology requirements. It will also strengthen data security measures and ensure compliance with updated standards.Impact on Strategic Objectives: The upgraded server will support the college’s strategic objective of maintaining efficient and reliable IT infrastructure, which is essential for delivering high-quality education and services to students and staff. 2. Upgrade Workstations and Operating System: Impact: Upgrading workstations to a newer operating system (e.g., Windows 10) will enhance security, performance, and compatibility with modern software applications.Benefits: Newer workstations will provide a more efficient and user-friendly computing experience for staff, enabling them to work more productively. It will also ensure compatibility with the latest software updates and technologies, promoting seamless collaboration and communication.Impact on Strategic Objectives: Improved workstations align with the college’s strategic objective of leveraging technology to enhance teaching, learning, and administrative processes, leading to an overall improvement in operational efficiency and staff satisfaction. 3. Update Office Software: Impact: Updating the office software to a more recent version (e.g., Office 365 or Microsoft Office 2023) will provide access to the latest features, tools, and security patches.Benefits: Upgraded office software will enhance productivity, enable efficient document collaboration, and improve compatibility with file formats commonly used in professional environments. It will also ensure compliance with licensing requirements and support ongoing software updates and support.Impact on Strategic Objectives: Updated office software aligns with the college’s strategic objective of delivering innovative and contemporary teaching practices, fostering a technologically advanced learning environment, and preparing students for the demands of the modern workforce. 4. Implement Cloud System and Remote Access: Impact: Implementing a cloud-based system for data access and remote work will enable staff to access data and resources from any location with internet connectivity.Benefits: Cloud-based systems provide flexibility, scalability, and increased data accessibility. Staff members will have the ability to work remotely, collaborate on projects in real-time, and access data securely from different devices. It will also facilitate efficient data backup and recovery processes.Impact on Strategic Objectives: The implementation of a cloud system aligns with the college’s strategic objective of supporting staff members working in multiple locations, fostering a culture of innovation and adaptability, and ensuring seamless access to resources for effective teaching and administrative operations. 5. Upgrade Network Infrastructure and Wi-Fi Connectivity: Impact: Upgrading the network infrastructure will improve Wi-Fi coverage, speed, and stability, addressing the complaints regarding slow or dropping Wi-Fi connectivity.Benefits: Enhanced network infrastructure will provide reliable and fast internet access throughout the campus, enabling smooth communication, access to online resources, and seamless connectivity for staff and students. It will contribute to a more productive and efficient learning and working environment.Impact on Strategic Objectives: Improved network infrastructure supports the college’s strategic objective of providing state-of-the-art facilities and technology-enabled learning environments, enhancing the overall student experience and attracting new enrollments. 6. Establish IT Support and Provide Staff Training: Impact: Establishing an IT support system and providing staff training will enhance IT service delivery, troubleshooting, and staff’s ability to utilize technology effectively.Benefits: A dedicated IT support system will ensure prompt resolution of technical issues, reducing downtime and improving staff productivity. Staff training sessions will enhance their technological skills and enable them to leverage ICT tools more effectively for their respective roles.Impact on Strategic Objectives: Enhanced IT support and staff training align with the college’s strategic objective of fostering a culture of continuous learning and professional development, promoting technological literacy, and optimizing the use of ICT resources to achieve organizational goals.
Difficulty of implementing changes Evaluate and report on the difficulty of implementing proposed changesImplementing the proposed changes at King Edward VII College may involve varying levels of difficulty depending on several factors. Here is an evaluation of the potential difficulty associated with each change: 1. Upgrade Server and Operating System:    Difficulty: Moderate to High     Upgrading the server and operating system involves technical expertise and careful planning. It requires migrating data, configuring new hardware and software, and ensuring compatibility with existing systems and applications. Additionally, downtime and potential disruptions to services need to be minimized during the transition. 2. Upgrade Workstations and Operating System:    Difficulty: Moderate     Upgrading workstations and operating systems typically involves replacing or upgrading hardware components and performing software installations and configurations. While this process can be relatively straightforward, it requires proper coordination and scheduling to minimize disruption to staff members’ work. 3. Update Office Software:    Difficulty: Low to Moderate     Updating office software involves procuring the appropriate licenses, deploying the new software, and managing the transition for users. While the process itself is relatively straightforward, proper communication, training, and support should be provided to ensure a smooth transition and minimize any potential user resistance. 4. Implement Cloud System and Remote Access:    Difficulty: Moderate to High    Implementing a cloud system involves careful planning, data migration, and integration with existing systems. Configuration of security settings, user access controls, and data backup processes must be properly implemented. Training staff on utilizing the cloud system effectively and ensuring data security in the cloud environment may also pose challenges. 5. Upgrade Network Infrastructure and Wi-Fi Connectivity:    Difficulty: Moderate to High    Upgrading network infrastructure involves assessing current network architecture, procuring and installing new networking equipment, and configuring the network for optimal performance and coverage. Proper planning, coordination with IT teams, and potential downtime for network upgrades need to be considered during implementation. 6. Establish IT Support and Provide Staff Training:    Difficulty: Low to Moderate    : Establishing an IT support system involves setting up a helpdesk or ticketing system, training support staff, and ensuring effective communication channels for users to report issues. Providing staff training requires organizing sessions, creating training materials, and ensuring staff availability for training. While these tasks require coordination and planning, they are generally manageable.  
Action plan (complete this section as part of developing your action plan in the next section) Describe how the actions included in your action plan are consistent with the organisation’s policy and procedure for implementing ICT changes. You should explain purchasing procedures relevant to your proposed costing.The actions included in the action plan align with the organization’s policy and procedure for implementing ICT changes by adhering to the following principles: Alignment with strategic objectives: The proposed actions are designed to address the identified ICT gaps and align with the organization’s strategic direction as outlined in the Strategic and Operational Plan.Proper planning and coordination: The action plan emphasizes the need for thorough planning, scheduling, and coordination to minimize disruptions and ensure a smooth transition during the implementation of ICT changes.Compliance with purchasing procedures: The action plan recognizes the importance of following the organization’s purchasing procedures. It involves obtaining quotes from vendors, conducting evaluations, and procuring necessary hardware, software, and services in line with the organization’s procurement policies.Training and support: The action plan emphasizes the provision of training and support to staff during the implementation of ICT changes. This aligns with the organization’s commitment to ensuring staff competency and effective utilization of ICT resources.
ICTICT517 Matching ICT needs with the strategic direction of the organisation

Section 2: Action Plan

Include actions to do ICTICT517 Matching ICT needs with the strategic direction of the organisation assessment in order of priority.

  WhatHowWhoWhenResponsibilityKey Performance indicators
Actions for implementationHow each of the actions will be achievedResources and support requirementsTime frames/ deadlinesWho will undertake or be responsible for the processStandards/targets 
Upgrade Server and Operating SystemResearch and select a suitable server vendor and obtain quotes for hardware and software.Vendor catalogs, online research, procurement proceduresMonth 1IT ManagerQuotes obtained, vendor selected.
Upgrade Workstations and Operating SystemIdentify workstation specifications and obtain quotes from computer manufacturers.Vendor catalogs, online research, procurement proceduresMonth 2-3IT Manager, ProcurementQuotes obtained, replacement schedule developed.
Update Office SoftwareDetermine the appropriate Office software version and licensing requirements.Licensing information, software documentationMonth 3IT ManagerLicensing requirements determined, procurement procedures followed.
Implement Cloud System and Remote AccessEvaluate different cloud service providers and select the most suitable option.Vendor catalogs, online research, service level agreementsMonth 3-4IT Manager, Cloud Service ProviderCloud service provider selected, contract signed.
Upgrade Network Infrastructure and Wi-Fi ConnectivityAssess current network infrastructure and identify necessary upgrades.Network assessment tools, equipment catalogsMonth 4-5IT Manager, Network EngineerUpgrades identified, procurement procedures followed.
Establish IT Support and Provide Staff TrainingResearch and select a helpdesk or ticketing system for IT support.Helpdesk software options, vendor catalogsMonth 5-6IT ManagerHelpdesk system selected, training materials developed
ICTICT517 Match ICT needs with the strategic direction of the organisation

ICTICT517 Matching ICT needs with the strategic direction of the organisation


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