Information Technology

ICT102 Design And Configure Network

10 May 2023 16:34 PM | UPDATED 1 year ago

ICT102 Design And Configure Network :

ICT102 Design And Configure Network
ICT102 Design And Configure Network

ICT102 Design And Configure NETWORKING

Assessment Brief
  Unit Code:  ICT102
    Unit Title:    Networking
  Type of Assessment:  Group Project
  Length/Duration:  N/A
  Unit Learning Outcomes addressed:  ULO 4
    Submission Date:    To be submitted on 27 January at 5 PM
    Assessment Task:The assessment evaluates a scenario involving the design of a switching and routing network and that the group is to propose a solution to this problem.
  Weighting:  40%


This Configure Network assessment is a group project.

This assignment is group-based. Each group will have 3-4 students. You can continue with the same group as for the previous assessment.

In this assignment you will be designing and configuring a network for a university environment, which has been allocated IP address space. There are two faculties namely Faculty of Arts and Faculty of Science. Each faculty has two subnets; staff subnet and student subnet.

Part 1

Divide the allocated address space between faculty subnets such that the staff subnet in each faculty gets 128 IP addresses and the student subnet in each faculty gets 256 IP addresses (inclusive of network and broadcast address). In other words, each faculty gets 128 + 256 = 384 IP addresses. Be sure to avoid addressing conflicts with other existing subnets such as subnet linking routers (Fig. 1)

Part 2

Construct the following network topology in GNS3 or Packet Tracer simulator. Ensure that all the hostnames and network addresses are well labelled. Use Cisco 3725 routers.

Fig. 1. Network design

Part 3

Configure all the routers using the assigned hostnames and IP address. Configure the routers to use RIP to automatically update the routing tables.

You should be able to ping the Default Gateway from Router02 and Router03. [Hint Use RIP version 2 with no auto-summary]

Part 4

Setup Virtual PC (VPC) in each of the four subnets as shown above. The virtual PC’s provide lightweight PC environment to execute tools such as ping, and trace route. Each VPC should be able to ping the others.

Part 5

The staff subnet in each faculty will be hosting services meant for access by university staff only. Configure the access control list (ACL) on Router02 and Router03 such that any traffic from the student subnets are blocked from entering the staff subnets. Traffic to and from other subnets should pass through.

Pinging FA1 (VPC in the Faculty of Arts staff subnet) from FAS1 (VPC in the Faculty of Arts student subnet) should fail. Likewise pinging FS1 (VPC in the Faculty of Science staff subnet) from FAS1 (VPC in the Faculty of Arts student subnet) should fail.

On the other hand, you should succeed in pinging the Default Gateway from any PC on any subnet.

Execute trace route (trace command on FA1 and FSS1. Paste the results next to the respective subnet on your network topology

Part 6 DHCP

Configure DHCP services on Router02 and Router03 such that all VPCs can get IP addresses dynamically assigned.

Part 7

Use the following checklist to ensure you network is configured correctly.

  Router02 can ping Router01 
  Router03 can ping Router01 
  Router02 can ping Default_Gateway 
  Router03 can ping Default_Gateway 
  FAS1 cannot ping FA1 
  FAS1 cannot ping FS1 
  FSS1 cannot ping FS1 
  FSS1 cannot ping FA1 
  FAS1 can ping FSS1 
  FSS1 can ping FAS1 
  FA1 can ping FS1 
  FS1 can ping FA1 
  FA1 can ping Default_Gateway 
  FAS1 can ping Default_Gateway 
  FS1 can ping Default_Gateway 
  FSS1 can ping Default_Gateway 

For each of your routers make sure to save your running configuration using the command write mem For the VPCs use the save filename command to save the configurations to a file.

Finally save the GNS3 (or Packet Tracer) project, i.e., the topology together with the startup configs.

Zip the GNS3 (or Packet Tracer) project folder and submit it on Moodle with your report. Make sure your submission is complete and has all the necessary files to run the simulation.


The assignment must be submitted online in Moodle. The submission must include a Zip file for the GNS3 (or Packet Tracer) project and an MS Word or PDF file for the report. Only one member of each team must submit the files.

The name of all team members and their contribution level (percentage) must be shown on the first page of the report.

The report must include annotated screenshots as evidence for completion of each part. You need to have a separate section for each part and briefly explain what you did for that part, and then insert screenshots for the steps taken to complete that part. Each screenshot must have a short annotation (one line or two). In all screenshots, the date and time of the computer must be clearly shown in the corner (look at the sample below). Make sure the date and time of your computer is correct.

Note: If you miss either the report or the GNS3 (or Packet Tracer) file, you won’t receive any mark. Upon request by the lecturer, students must present a demo of the project to their lecturer, otherwise, they will receive no mark for their submission.


Marking CriteriaLecturer ExpectationMarksMarks Obtained
Part 1All IP addresses have been allocated correctly (2 marks for each subnet)4 
  Part 2  Network Diagram appropriately satisfies the requirements  6 
Part 3    All four routers have been correctly configured using RIP. Enough evidence has been included to show the configuration of routers and successful pings. (3 marks for each router)12 
Part 4All virtual PCs have been correctly configured and tested using ping. Enough evidence has been included to show the configuration of PCs and successful pings. (2 marks for each PC)8 
Part 5    The access control list (ACL) has been appropriately configured on Router02 and Router03 to prevent traffic from the student subnets. Enough screenshots have been added to show successful and unsuccessful pings.  (2 marks for each router)4 
Part 6  DHCP has been appropriately configured on Router02 and Router03 to automatically allocate IP addresses to VPs. Enough screenshots have been added to show IP address allocation. (2 marks for each router)4 
Part 7The checklist has been completed and matches with screenshots.2 
Total 40 
ICT102 Design And Configure Network


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