
HLTWHS002 Safe Work Practices For Direct Client

10 May 2023 11:55 AM | UPDATED 1 year ago

HLTWHS002 Safe Work Practices For Direct Client :

HLTWHS002 Safe Work Practices For Direct Client
HLTWHS002 Safe Work Practices For Direct Client

HLTWHS002 Follow safe work practices for direct client care
Student Assessment HLTWHS002
Version: 3.0
Responsibility: Director of Studies
Page 1/16
Implemented: 30 June 2016
Last Updated: 30 June 2016
Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
(This sheet is in the Student Assessment pack)
This form is to be completed by the assessor and used a final record of student competency. All student submissions
including any associated checklists (outlined below) are to be attached to this cover sheet before placing on the students
file. Student results are not to be entered onto the Student Management System unless all relevant paperwork is
completed and attached to this form.
Student Name: Click or tap here to enter text.
Student ID No: Click or tap here to enter text. Folder no.Click or tap here to enter text.
Final Completion Date:
Assessor Name: Rakesh Gudideveni
Unit Code/ Title HLTWHS002 Follow safe work practices for direct client care
Please attach the following documentation to this form Result
Assessment Task 1-
Observation & Logbook
 Observation Checklist in the Work Placement
Record Book (1 assessor observation)
 Work Placement Record Book attached (2
workplace supervisor observations)
Assessment Task 2-
Written Test  Written Test attached S / NYS
S = Satisfactory; NYS = Not Yet Satisfactory
Final Assessment Result for this unit C / NYC
C = Competent; NYC = Not Yet Competent
Assessor: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid,
reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I
have provided appropriate feedback.
Signature: ________________
Date: //
Student Declaration: I declare that I have been assessed
in this unit, and I have been advised of my result. I also am
aware of my appeal rights. I also declare that the work
submitted is my own, and has not been copied or
plagiarised from any person or source.
Signature: ____________________

Date: //
Administrative use only
Entered onto Student Management System  ________

Date Initials
HLTWHS002 Follow safe work practices for direct client care
Student Assessment HLTWHS002
Version: 3.0
Responsibility: Director of Studies
Page 2/16
Implemented: 30 June 2016
Last Updated: 30 June 2016
Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
This information which is in the Student Assessment pack is to be handed to each student to outline the assessment
Student Instructions
This assessment is to be undertaken in a fully equipped aged care facility.
For this assessment, you are to be observed on 3 separate occasions (2 observations by your
workplace supervisor and 1 observation by your assessor). For this assessment, you will need
to follow safe work practices for direct client care.
You will need to perform the following at your workplace:

  1. Conduct a workplace WHS inspection/Hazard identification assessment
  2. Conduct a workplace risk assessment
  3. Follow workplace procedures for a simulated emergency situation (this will mean
    participating in a mock evacuation/emergency situation)
    You will also need to discuss and document ways in which you can demonstrate your ability to
    consistently apply workplace safety procedures in the following day-to-day workplace activities
    required in your job role including:
  4. Infection control
  5. Hazardous manual tasks
  6. Use of personal protective equipment
  7. Reporting incidents
    During your observation assessment you will need to discuss with your assessor how
    legislation affects the way you work including:
  8. How legislation guides infection control procedures
  9. Manual handling tasks
  10. Your rights and responsibilities as a worker
  11. Your duty of care to clients
    Please outline the legislation that guides each one.
    Your 3 observations will be observed as follows:
     2 observations by your host employer / workplace supervisor that will be verified by your
    assessor from your College
     1 observation by an Assessor from your College
    (These are to be recorded in your Work Placement Record Book that will be given to
    you by your assessor)
    To be assessed on: Work Placement
    HLTWHS002 Follow safe work practices for direct client care
    Student Assessment HLTWHS002
    Version: 3.0
    Responsibility: Director of Studies
    Page 3/16
    Implemented: 30 June 2016
    Last Updated: 30 June 2016
    Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
    This information which is in the Student Assessment pack is to be handed to each student to outline the assessment
    Student Instructions
    This is an open book written test. Therefore, you are allowed to bring books/ resources that
    can help you to answer the test.
    Your assessor will set a date and time for this open book written test.
    On the test date:
  12. Your assessor will set ground rules including no phones, talking, etc.
  13. Your assessor will pass a copy of the assessment to you.
  14. Your assessor will allow time for reading and questions before commencing assessment.
  15. You will have 1.5 hours for this assessment. Your are not to leave the classroom within
    15 minutes of commencement of the assessment.
  16. Once assessment has commenced, no communication between students is allowed.
  17. If you repeatedly talk, or are caught cheating, you will be removed from the classroom, and
    reported to student administration. Your assessment will be marked as “incomplete”
  18. Remember – assessments are a participatory process, so your assessor can help re-word
    questions, but cannot lead to answers.
  19. Once completed, your assessment will be marked accordingly.
  20. In the event that a question is not answered correctly, your assessor will discuss the
    response with you to determine if you did not know the answer, or did not understand the
    10.In order to achieve competency, all questions MUST be answered correctly.
    This assessment will be done on: 14.03.2022
    HLTWHS002 Follow safe work practices for direct client care
    Student Assessment HLTWHS002
    Version: 3.0
    Responsibility: Director of Studies
    Page 4/16
    Implemented: 30 June 2016
    Last Updated: 30 June 2016
    Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
    Please complete below
    Student Name: Click or tap here to enter text.
    Student ID No: Click or tap here to enter text. Date: Click or tap here to enter
    Please refer to the instructions below regarding completing this assessment
    This is an open book written test. In the time allocated, you are to answer all of the following questions. Make sure you:
     Print Clearly
     Answer all questions
     Use a pen. Assessments written in pencil will not be accepted.
     Ask your assessor if you do not understand a question. Whist your assessor cannot tell you the answer, he/she may be able to reword the question for you
     Do not talk to your classmates. If you are caught talking, you will be asked to leave and your assessment will not be marked.
     Do not cheat or plagiarise the work of others. Anyone caught cheating will automatically be marked Not Yet Competent for this unit.
    There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this rule.
  21. Think about a time you have followed safe work practices for direct client care. Describe
    the situation, discuss the safe work practices you followed throughout the job, discuss
    any hazards or risks you identified, the steps you took to remove or minimise the hazard
    and the reporting procedures you followed or would have followed to report hazards,
    incidents, injuries or client-related risk factors.
    Click or tap here to enter text.
    HLTWHS002 Follow safe work practices for direct client care
    Student Assessment HLTWHS002
    Version: 3.0
    Responsibility: Director of Studies
    Page 5/16
    Implemented: 30 June 2016
    Last Updated: 30 June 2016
    Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
  22. Write a procedure to outline safe work practices for manual handling, aimed at guiding
    healthcare employees in their work. Your procedure must cover types of hazards
    expected and control measures for the hazards.
    Click or tap here to enter text.
  23. Create a single page information flier to inform colleagues and clients about safe work
    practices for infection control. This flyer needs to incorporate standard and additional
    precautions and the risks of infection. Fliers should be professionally and attractively
  24. How do you stay up-to-date with safe work practices in regards to workplace systems,
    equipment and processes in your work?
    HLTWHS002 Follow safe work practices for direct client care
    Student Assessment HLTWHS002
    Version: 3.0
    Responsibility: Director of Studies
    Page 6/16
    Implemented: 30 June 2016
    Last Updated: 30 June 2016
    Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
  25. Briefly discuss what each of the following symbols mean.
    a. Poisons
    Click or tap here to enter text.
    b. Emergency equipment
    Click or tap here to enter text.
    c. Personal Protective Equipment
    Click or tap here to enter text.
    HLTWHS002 Follow safe work practices for direct client care
    Student Assessment HLTWHS002
    Version: 3.0
    Responsibility: Director of Studies
    Page 7/16
    Implemented: 30 June 2016
    Last Updated: 30 June 2016
    Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
    d. Sharps
    Click or tap here to enter text.
    e. Radiation
    Click or tap here to enter text.
  26. What is the definition of a hazard?
    Click or tap here to enter text.
    HLTWHS002 Follow safe work practices for direct client care
    Student Assessment HLTWHS002
    Version: 3.0
    Responsibility: Director of Studies
    Page 8/16
    Implemented: 30 June 2016
    Last Updated: 30 June 2016
    Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
  27. What types of hazards would you find in a health setting? List 2 types.
  28. What strategies can you use to minimise the risk of the above hazards?
    Click or tap here to enter text.
  29. Locate a procedure for hazard identification and outline the steps involved.
    HLTWHS002 Follow safe work practices for direct client care
    Student Assessment HLTWHS002
    Version: 3.0
    Responsibility: Director of Studies
    Page 9/16
    Implemented: 30 June 2016
    Last Updated: 30 June 2016
    Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
    10.What safety considerations must you be aware of when working in a home-based care
    situation and what can you do to ensure your safety? List 2 safety considerations.
    11.What are two common sources of infection and how can you minimise the transfer of
    infectious diseases?
    HLTWHS002 Follow safe work practices for direct client care
    Student Assessment HLTWHS002
    Version: 3.0
    Responsibility: Director of Studies
    Page 10/16
    Implemented: 30 June 2016
    Last Updated: 30 June 2016
    Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
    12.What are the rights and responsibilities of both workers and employers? List 2 for
    workers and 2 for employers.
    Click or tap here to enter text.
    Briefly discuss the musculoskeletal areas of the body that can be injured through manual
    HLTWHS002 Follow safe work practices for direct client care
    Student Assessment HLTWHS002
    Version: 3.0
    Responsibility: Director of Studies
    Page 11/16
    Implemented: 30 June 2016
    Last Updated: 30 June 2016
    Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
    14.How can you follow safe work practices for direct client care?
    Click or tap here to enter text.
    15.What should you do if you identify any hazards, risks or client-related risk factors in the
    HLTWHS002 Follow safe work practices for direct client care
    Student Assessment HLTWHS002
    Version: 3.0
    Responsibility: Director of Studies
    Page 12/16
    Implemented: 30 June 2016
    Last Updated: 30 June 2016
    Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
    Click or tap here to enter text.
    16.List four ways you can minimise the risks of manual handling activity.
    17.What is the correct technique for lifting?
    18.Describe and discuss the hierarchy of control.
    Click or tap here to enter text.
    HLTWHS002 Follow safe work practices for direct client care
    Student Assessment HLTWHS002
    Version: 3.0
    Responsibility: Director of Studies
    Page 13/16
    Implemented: 30 June 2016
    Last Updated: 30 June 2016
    Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
    19.How can you follow safe work practices for infection control?
    Click or tap here to enter text.
    20.What is the procedure for “after exposure” to blood or other body substances?
    Click or tap here to enter text.
    21.What are the infection control standard precautions you should always follow?
    Click or tap here to enter text.
    22.How can you contribute to safe work practices in the workplace?
    HLTWHS002 Follow safe work practices for direct client care
    Student Assessment HLTWHS002
    Version: 3.0
    Responsibility: Director of Studies
    Page 14/16
    Implemented: 30 June 2016
    Last Updated: 30 June 2016
    Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
    23.How can you remain current with the information required for safety in the workplace?
    Click or tap here to enter text.
    24.Plan your own safe work practices then answer the following questions:
    a. How can you maintain your knowledge on current safe work practices?
    Click or tap here to enter text.
    b. What levels of stress can you have and what would you do to reduce these stress
    HLTWHS002 Follow safe work practices for direct client care
    Student Assessment HLTWHS002
    Version: 3.0
    Responsibility: Director of Studies
    Page 15/16
    Implemented: 30 June 2016
    Last Updated: 30 June 2016
    Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
    c. Who could you set up debriefing sessions with to address your needs?
    Before you hand in your written assessment, make sure that you:
  30. Re-check your answers and make sure you are happy with your responses
  31. Have written your Name, Student ID and Date
    Result: Satisfactory / Not Yet Satisfactory
    HLTWHS002 Follow safe work practices for direct client care
    Student Assessment HLTWHS002
    Version: 3.0
    Responsibility: Director of Studies
    Page 16/16
    Implemented: 30 June 2016
    Last Updated: 30 June 2016
    Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
    Assessor: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid,
    reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I
    have provided appropriate feedback.
    Signature: ________________
    Date: //
    Student Declaration: I declare that I have been assessed
    in this unit, and I have been advised of my result. I also am
    aware of my appeal rights.
    Signature: ____________________

    Date: //__


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