
HLT140 Task 3 4R’s structured reflection framework

17 May 2023 13:03 PM | UPDATED 1 year ago

HLT140 Task 3 4R’s structured reflection framework :

HLT140 Task 3 4R's structured reflection framework
HLT140 Task 3 4R’s structured reflection framework

Task 3 Structured Reflection 


To demonstrate your cultural self-awareness and skills in reflection.


Format/ProductWritten piece
Word Count800 words +/- 10%.  The word count does not include the reference list or search strategy table.

Task Instructions

  • This is an individual, written task.
  • Read these instructions and watch the ‘ HLT140 Task 3 Presentation’ (below in Resources). The presentation provides in-depth detail on what is required for this task.
  • Review the ‘ HLT140 Task 3 Assessment Rubric’ for this task (located at the bottom of this page). The Assessment Rubric outlines the criteria that you will be graded on.
  • You are required to complete three (3) products for this task:
    • A cultural self-awareness mind map: this is the basis of your reflection and does not need to be submitted
    • The ‘HLT140 Task 3 4R’s structured reflection framework’: to be submitted via Canvas. 
    • ‘Research Skills Worksheet’: Completed with ‘Table 2. Record of Search Results’ provided after the reference list. The full worksheet is not submitted.

1. Cultural self-awareness mind map

    • Create a cultural self-awareness mind map
    • Place yourself at the centre of the mind map
    • Include an exploration of cultural / sub-cultural groups that you identify with and your interpretation of the group’s cultural expressions, beliefs, values, norms, ways of knowing and learning these and/or those expressions, beliefs, values, norms that you continue to uphold.
    • You are required to explore a minimum of two (2) cultural / sub-cultural groups that are relevant to you.
    • Draw from your understanding of the Week 9 learning materials (once completed) including the meaning of culture, cultural safety, and cultural self-awareness and your responses to the workshop activities – particularly the ‘Worksheet: Exploring your cultural self’. The worksheet will be below in Resources after the Week 9 workshop.
    • Review the ‘HLT140 Task 3 Cultural Self-Awareness Mind Map Cues’ (below in Resources) for prompts on how you could approach your mind map
    • The process of creating the mind map and the content you have included are to be used as the basis of your 4R’s structured reflection.
    • Your mind map is just for you. It does not need to be submitted. You can choose which cultural / sub-cultural group explorations you wish to summarise for your 4R’s structured reflection. You may keep some cultural / sub-cultural group explorations private if you wish to.

2. The 4R’s structured reflection:

  • Download the ‘HLT140 Task 3 4R’s structured reflection framework’ (below in Resources)
    • You are required to write a full response to each reflection component with reference to your cultural self-awareness mind map
    • Type your responses directly in to the ‘HLT140 Task 3 4R’s structured reflection framework’ document
    • Short paragraphs or bullet points are recommended
    • Each components’ response should have a minimum of 150 words. The total word count is 800 words +/- 10%. This means that some of the components will require more than 150 words and it will be your choice as to where you utilise the additional word count.
    • Provide a word count at the end of each reflection component
    • Provide a reference list at the end of the document
    • You are required to submit your completed template via Canvas
    • To submit, click on ‘Start Assignment’ at the top of this page.

3. Research Skills Worksheet:

  • You are required to source two (2) peer-reviewed journal articles or academic texts following the six (6) steps of the research process outlined in the UniSC Library Guide ‘Research skills tutorial’. A link to this is provided below in Resources.
    • Record your research process in the ‘Research Skills Worksheet’ provided in Resources 
    • You are sourcing peer-reviewed journal articles or academic texts to answer the final component in the ‘HLT140 Task 3 4R’s structured reflection framework’: Why is cultural self-awareness important for health professionals to practice?  
    • You will place your completed ‘Table 2. Record of Search Results from the ‘Research Skills Worksheet’ after your reference list (as noted in the ‘HLT140 Task 3 4R’s structured reflection framework’ document)
    • The full ‘Research Skills Worksheet’ will be requested by the Course Coordinator if needed (e.g. if more detail is required to grade your research process) but does not need to be submitted.


  • There is a minimum of two (2) credible references for this task. Please use UniSC Vancouver – JAMA style of referencing for your in-text referencing and reference lists. A link to the UniSC guide to Vancouver – JAMA style is below in Resources .


Please click on the link to access the resource.

  • HLT140 Task 3 4R’s structured reflection framework
  • HLT140 Task 3 Cultural Self-Awareness Mind Map Cues
  • HLT140 Exploring your cultural self worksheet: Link available after Week 9
  • HLT140 Research Skills Worksheet
  • UniSC Library Guide ‘Research skills tutorial’
  • UniSC Guide to Vancouver – JAMA style

Watch: HLT140 Task 3 Instructions Content Video (approx. 20 minutes)


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