

03 May 2023 14:43 PM | UPDATED 1 year ago




Section 1. Burns

Is vegetable oil used instead of animal fat (remains in liquid form when cool)?   
Are metal containers used to empty oil from deep fryers?   
Is a first-aid kit accessible?   
Are workers trained in safe work procedures (eg preventing burns in kitchens)?   
Is appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) available, such as aprons, closed shoes and heatproof gloves?   

Section 2. Chemicals

Are chemical containers appropriately labelled?   
Are chemicals stored in approved containers (not drink or food containers) and away from food preparation areas?   
Is a safety data sheet supplied for each hazardous chemical?   
Are workers trained to use chemicals safely?   
Are emergency contact numbers readily available (eg Poisons Information Centre)?   
Do workers wear appropriate protective clothing/equipment when handling chemicals (eg nitrile gloves, apron, goggles, and closed shoes)?   

Section 3. Electrical Equipment

Is faulty electrical equipment removed immediately from service?   
Are safety switches installed to guard against electric shock?   
Are safety switches tested on a regular basis by a competent person?   
Is a licensed electrical contractor hired to install and repair electrical equipment?   
Is electrical equipment regularly inspected, tested and maintained by a competent person?   
Are workers trained in working safely with electrical equipment?   

Section 4. Fire

Is fire-fighting equipment kept in a clear, unobstructed place?   
Does all gas equipment have a shut-off valve?   
Are exhaust fans and hoods cleaned regularly?   
Are flammable materials, clothes and paper stored away from ignition sources?   
Are sprinkler systems and fire extinguishers installed and regularly inspected and maintained?   
Are staff trained to use fire protection equipment?   
Are fire blankets available?   
Are fire evacuation and emergency procedures available?   

Section 5. Hot Conditions

Are air-conditioning and ventilation systems serviced on a regular basis?   
Is there a system in place to minimise heat stress?   

Section 6. Knives and Sharp Tools

Are knives sharp, maintained and in good working condition?   
Do slicing machines and butchers’ steels for knife sharpening have hand guards?   
Is a suitable cutting board available and used?   
Are knives stored safely when not in use (eg knife shelf, block, sheath or wall-mounted magnetic strip)?   
Are knives washed separately, not with other utensils or instruments?   
Are mesh gloves used when working with knives?   
Are dirty knives stored safely for washing?   
Do workers wear protective clothing, such as gloves and aprons, when handling sharp implements?   
Is there a procedure for using knives safely?   
Are workers trained?   

Section 7. Machinery and Equipment

Are sharp edges and moving parts appropriately guarded?   
Are interlock guards fitted to the front edge of all compactor units?   
Is an emergency button accessible on compactor units?   
Are coffee machines and other pressure vessels fitted with low-level cut-off devices?     
Do under-counter compactors have an interlock switch?   
Does the equipment have appropriate safety instructions and signs on display?   
Are workers trained to use machinery and equipment safely?   
Is there a system for reporting and fixing faulty equipment?   

Section 8. Manual Tasks


Is there adequate work space?   
Are foot rails provided for workers who stand for long periods?   
Are workbenches height-adjustable, to reduce the risks associated with bending forward or reaching?   
Is the bain-marie connected to the plumbing, to eliminate manually moving containers of water?   
Are large mixers positioned between knuckle and elbow height, to reduce bending at the waist?   
Is the storage area close to the working area, to reduce carrying distances?   
Are bulk goods delivered in small, easy-to-handle containers?   
Is the height and location of shelving appropriate?   
Are heavy items stored on shelves at waist height or lower?   


Are mechanical aids or pumps used to transport liquid waste, such as oil?   
Are there false bottoms in deep sinks, to reduce awkward bending at the waist?   
Are trolleys available to transport food or large quantities of dishes?   
Do utensils and knives have ergonomic handles that allow for power grips?   
Are large mixers positioned between knuckle and elbow height, to reduce bending at the waist?   
Are there machines and tools to reduce manual chopping of vegetables?   
Is long-handled cleaning equipment used?   

Section 8.3 NATURE OF LOAD

Is cooking oil purchased in containers that minimise force and awkward postures to handle?   
Is used oil cooled down and moved in small metal containers with a secure lid and sturdy handle?   
Are trolleys available to move heavy loads around the workplace?   
Is heavy equipment, such as chest freezers, on lockable castors, to make cleaning easier?   
Are there signs near bins, to remind staff not to overfill?   


Are goods delivered close to the storage area?   
Are workers given varied tasks, job rotation and frequent breaks?   
Is there a maintenance schedule for equipment, such as knives and trolleys?   
Is manual task training given to all staff?   

Section 9. Security

Section 9.1 VIOLENCE

Is there a zero tolerance policy for aggressive and abusive customers?   
Is security lighting or video surveillance installed?   
Are there locks on doors and windows?   
Are workers trained in the policy and procedures for managing aggressive and abusive customers?   
Are enough staff rostered to keep delays to a minimum, reducing the potential for customer aggression?   
Is there a procedure in place to support workers exposed to critical incidents?   


Is cash stored safely and counted in a secure room?   
Are cashless purchases (eg credit cards) encouraged?   
Are bank deposits made at random times?   
Is there a safe work procedure for handling and managing cash?   

Section 10. Slips, Trips and fall

Does drainage prevent pooling of water and grease?   
Is there a spill procedure that requires immediate clean-up of all spills?   
Is non-slip flooring installed?   
Are there appropriate ‘wet floor’ signs?   
Are appropriate floor-cleaning products used to clean floors?   
Are passageways, entrances and exits kept clear and easily accessible?   
Is lighting adequate?   
Are floor surfaces, stairs and ramps well maintained (both indoors and outdoors)?   
Is there a policy in place for closed, non-slip footwear?   

Section 11. Young Workers

Are young workers given induction training when they start?   
Are young workers trained in all safe work procedures?   
Are young workers given clear instructions about tasks to be performed?   
Are young workers given close and competent supervision?   
Is there a zero tolerance policy for harassment, skylarking, intimidation, offensive language and behaviour, initiations and practical jokes?   
Do young workers know how to report unsafe conditions?   
Is there a ‘buddy’ system in place to support new and young workers?   


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