
BNU5.004 Interview Scenarios Consent Form

04 May 2023 13:08 PM | UPDATED 1 year ago

BNU5.004 Interview Scenarios Consent Form :

BNU5.004  Interview Scenarios Consent Form
BNU5.004 Interview Scenarios Consent Form

Please choose one scenario for this assessment:

  1. Student Nurse

You are a student nurse who is about to meet the client for the first time. The client was admitted a week ago following deterioration in their health and inability to look after their health needs since the loss of their partner six months ago.

Scenario: Actor

You were admitted to hospital last week following a deterioration in your health and an inability to care for yourself after losing your partner six months ago.

  • Your routines have been disrupted since you lost your partner.
  • You’ve been drinking more alcohol than usual.
  • You’re isolating yourself and grieving seems endless.
  • Partner was the social one. No one visits anymore
  • You’re very lonely, but you’re ashamed of this feeling.
  • You hardly ever cook anymore, relying heavily on takeaways.
  • Student nurse

You are a student nurse who is about to meet the client for the first time. The patient was admitted yesterday following a fall, but is not very accepting of the possibility of needing assistance.

Scenario: Actor

  • You were admitted yesterday for observation following a fall.
  • You’ve had several falls recently, but you don’t want the doctor to know this because you don’t want to be “shut away in the rest home”.
  • Your legs just seem to give way under you – you don’t know why.
  • You’re tired and feel very weak, but you don’t want to admit this.
  • Finding it difficult to concentrate.
  • Worried about the future and what all these falls may mean.
  • You’ve got several pets at home and you’re worried about who will take care of them while you’re in the hospital.
  • Student Nurse

You are a student nurse who is about to meet the client for the first time on a medical/surgical ward. The client is in hospital recovering from major heart surgery.

Scenario:  Actor

The client is in hospital recovering from major heart surgery.

  • You’re here after coronary bypass surgery.
  • You’re not sure how you will manage physical stuff, like getting in and out of the bath. There will be some big changes at home and you’re nervous.
  • You’ve been told that you have to quit your job or at least reduce your hours because you have a very stressful job (nurse, teacher, etc).
  • You’ve received medical advice to alter your lifestyle, but you’re not sure how to do this (diet, exercise etc).
  • You have significant whānau obligations, with two school age children at home, and your elderly parents live with you who you also care for.
  • You are not sleeping well in hospital – noisy environment.

 Guidelines for Actors

Thank you for consenting to assist with this communication simulation. We appreciate you supporting the student nurse in these circumstances. Can we ask if you could please sign the provided consent from prior to recording?

Choose one scenario from these three options and do your best to pretend you’re in that environment and experiencing those feelings and issues as your student nurse interviews you. It’s okay if you don’t remember specifics from the scenario, it’s just a general guide.

The interview will last approximately 5 – 6 minutes. The student should set a timer that will alarm at 5 minutes.  Please assist with concluding the interview at this stage and minimise brining up new issues. We are happy for you to expand on the scenario and vary it to get into role.

 We require the student to demonstrate core communication skills (introduction, appropriate body language, listening, understanding, exploration, reassurance). They are not expected to have any medical knowledge at this stage, so please don’t focus on issues such as pain or anything that expects the student to have medical knowledge. 

With regards to the characters you are playing please keep them ‘average’. We are trying to build student confidence and would like them to be able to deal with ‘normal’ situations before they attempt ‘abnormal’ situations.

Thank you again for your assistance with these communication simulation scenarios.

Client Consent for “The Interview”:

Interview Scenarios Interpersonal Relationships

The student from the Bachelor of Nursing programme at Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki (WITT), who is being assessed, has explained that they will perform an interview with me to complete a communication exercise “The Interview”.  I understand that there are certain interpersonal therapeutic communication skills they must demonstrate, therefore I will act in a role and answer questions to support the student in this communication exercise. 

I am willing to take part in this communication exercise “The Interview” carried out by the student.

Student Name:  _______________________________

Client Name:  _______________________________

Client Signature:  ______________________________

Date:  _______________________________________


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