SITXWHS007 Implement Health And Safety :
SITXWHS007 | |||||
implement and monitor work health and safety practices | |||||
This form must be completed and attached to the completed Student Assessment Booklet when submitting.
UNIT OF COMPETENCY | SITXWHS007 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices |
By submitting this assessment, I declare that:
· I have been advised of the assessment requirements, and I have been made aware of my rights and responsibilities as an assessment candidate.
· the assessment tasks submitted are my own original work and are not copied or taken from another source except where this work has been correctly acknowledged. I have retained a copy of my assessment, which I can produce if the original is lost.
· I am aware that a false declaration may lead to withdrawal of a qualification or statement of attainment.
Student Signature | Date: |
First published 2022
Version 1.0
RTO Works
© 2022 RTO Works
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Hospitality Works is a series of training and assessment resources developed for qualifications within the Tourism, Travel and Hospitality Training Package.
Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions 5
Assessment Task 1: Checklist 14
Assessment Task 2: WHS Project 16
Assessment Task 2: Checklist 25
Welcome to the Student Assessment Tasks for SITXWHS007 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices. These tasks have been designed to help you demonstrate the skills and knowledge that you have learnt during your course.
Please ensure that you read the instructions provided with these tasks carefully. You should also follow the advice provided in the Hospitality Works Student User Guide. The Student User Guide provides important information for you relating to completing assessment successfully.
For you to be assessed as competent, you must successfully complete two assessment tasks:
Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions
Knowledge questions are designed to help you demonstrate the knowledge which you have acquired during the learning phase of this unit. Ensure that you:
- review the advice to students regarding answering knowledge questions in the Hospitality Works Student User Guide
- comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide
- adhere with your RTO’s submission guidelines
- answer all questions completely and correctly
- submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced
- submit a completed cover sheet with your work
- avoid sharing your answers with other students.
Assessment information | |
Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in Appendix A of the Hospitality Works Student User Guide.Refer to the appendix for information on: where this task should be completedthe maximum time allowed for completing this assessment taskwhether or not this task is open-book. Note: You must complete and submit an assessment cover sheet with your work. A template is provided in Appendix B of the Student User Guide. However, if your RTO has provided you with an assessment cover sheet, please ensure that you use that. |
Provide answers to all of the questions below.
- Identify five examples of actions that a business needs to take to be legally compliant under WHS legislation.
- Identify four responsibilities employers have to provide a safe workplace.
- Identify four responsibilities employees have to ensure a safe workplace for themselves, their colleagues and others who attend the workplace.
- List three reasons businesses are required to consult with the workforce on WHS matters.
- Name the four occasions when employers are required by WHS legislation to consult with the workforce.
- Identify who the employers are required to consult with regarding WHS issues.
- Complete the box below by briefly explaining how each option operates to enable effective consultation on WHS issues.
Consultative Process | Explanation |
Diary, whiteboard or suggestion box. | |
Fact sheets about WHS rights and responsibilities. | |
Formal WHS representatives and committees. | |
Formal meetings with agendas, minutes and action plans. | |
Informal meetings with notes. | |
WHS discussions with employees during the course of a business day. | |
Recording issues in a management diary. | |
Regular staff meetings that involve WHS discussions. | |
Seeking staff suggestions for content of WHS policies and procedures. | |
Special staff meetings or workshops to specifically address WHS issue. | |
Staff handbook containing WHS information. | |
Surveys or questionnaires that invite staff feedback on WHS issues. |
- Explain the role and responsibilities of health and safety representatives. In your answer, also discuss requirements in regards to how they are appointed.
- Identify three obligations an employer has to their health and safety representative.
- List three roles and responsibilities of workplace Health and Safety Representatives.
- List three categories of workplace hazards that must be identified when undertaking workplace hazard identifications.
- List five acceptable ways in which workplace hazard identification might occur.
- List three acceptable practices inherent in workplace risk assessment.
- List the six classifications of risk controls provided for in the ‘Hierarchy of Risk Controls’.
- List five requirements organisations need to comply with in relation to WHS record keeping.
- List three requirements organisations need to comply with in relation to acceptable record keeping mechanisms.
- Explain the requirement an employer is under to provide workplace WHS training to employees.
- Describe three employee responsibilities in relation to participating in established WHS practices and training.
- Identify ten possible ramifications for employers who fail to observe OHS or WHS laws and Code of Practice (COPs).
- List the comprehensive details of the Safe Work Australia Model Code of Practice ‘Hazardous manual tasks’.
- List three methods of receiving updated information on OHS or WHS laws and Code of Practice (COP’s).
- Complete the table by providing a reason for each time that hazard identification must be carried out.
Time when hazard identification must be carried out | Reason |
Before premises are used for the first time. | |
Before and during the installation or alteration of any plant, machinery or equipment. | |
Before changes to work practices, procedures or processes are introduced. | |
When any new information relating to health, safety and security risks becomes available. |
- List five possible inclusions in workplace WHS record keeping systems.
- List three examples of WHS ‘consultation’ record requirements.
- Identify three hazard identification records that need to be maintained in a workplace.
- Identify five examples of ‘notifiable incidents’ where a person has been impacted that need to be reported.
- List five examples of ‘notifiable incidents’ where a person has not been impacted or injured that need to be reported.
- Why do WHS statistics need to be reviewed and reported on?
- Discuss how the following are used when developing monitoring reports and making recommendations for change:
- agendas for and minutes of meetings
- committee members
- consultation decisions and follow-up actions
- consultation processes
- diaries of meetings
- WHS information provided to personnel
- risk controls
- safe work practices
- Identify three reasons there is a need for workplaces to establish and maintain records regarding risk assessments including risk control actions that have been implemented.
- Identify five examples of details that need to be maintained regarding WHS training plans developed by an organisation for their employees.
- List five examples of details that need to be maintained regarding WHS training undertaken by employees of an organisation.
Student’s name: | ||||
Did the student provide a sufficient and clear answer that addresses the suggested answer for the following? | Completed successfully? | Comments | ||
Yes | No | |||
Question 1 | ||||
Question 2 | ||||
Question 3 | ||||
Question 4 | ||||
Question 5 | ||||
Question 6 | ||||
Question 7 | ||||
Question 8 | ||||
Question 9 | ||||
Question 10 | ||||
Question 11 | ||||
Question 12 | ||||
Question 13 | ||||
Question 14 | ||||
Question 15 | ||||
Question 16 | ||||
Question 17 | ||||
Question 18 | ||||
Question 19 | ||||
Question 20 | ||||
Question 21 | ||||
Question 22 | ||||
Question 23 | ||||
Question 24 | ||||
Question 25 | ||||
Question 26 | ||||
Question 27 | ||||
Question 28 | ||||
Question 29 | ||||
Question 30 | ||||
Question 31 | ||||
Question 32 | ||||
Question 33 | ||||
Task outcome: | Satisfactory | Not satisfactory | ||
Assessor signature: | ||||
Assessor name: | ||||
Date: | ||||
Assessment Task 2: WHS Project
Tasks required for this unit This unit of competency requires that you: | |
Instructions for how you will complete these requirements are included below. |
Complete the following activities.
Carefully read the following information.
You are to assume that you are the manager of a café or food business called the Blue Healer Café. You will make use of the Blue Healer Café documentation included in the student resources folder along with the WHS Policy and Procedures from the WHSMS for the training kitchen of your RTO for this assessment. As the manager, it is your responsibility to implement and monitor the work health and safety practices of the employees (your classmates). What do I need to demonstrate? During this task, you will be required to demonstrate a range of the skills and knowledge that you have developed during your course. These include: Provide information on health, safety and security by ensuring that you:Explain relevant health, safety and security information to personnel.Make all current health, safety and security information readily accessible to staff.Monitor safe work practices by:Monitoring ongoing compliance with safe work practices.Take prompt action to address non-compliance with procedures and safe work practices.Monitor day-to-day effectiveness of health, safety and security practices in maintaining the health, safety and security of personnel.Coordinate consultative arrangements for the management of health, safety and security issues by ensuring that you:Provide opportunities for staff members to contribute their views on health, safety and security management practices.Resolving or referring issues raised through health, safety and security consultation to the appropriate person.Implement and monitor procedures for identifying hazards, and assessing and controlling risks by:Scheduled hazard identification activities, ensuring hazards are identified at times designated by legislation.Identify any hazards on an ongoing basis during own day-to-day workplace operations.React to reports of hazards by other workers, and coordinate and participate in risk assessments.Implementing risk control methods or refer to appropriate person if control is outside scope of responsibility.Monitoring effectiveness of control measures, promptly identify any inadequacies, and resolve or report them to the appropriate person.Coordinate health, safety and security training through:Identifying health, safety and security training needs. Make arrangements for fulfilling training needs.Monitoring the effectiveness of training and make required adjustments.Maintain health, safety and security records and reports by ensuring that you:Complete health, safety and security records and reports accurately and legibly and store according to organisational and legal requirements.Use data and reports to provide reliable and timely input into the management of workplace health, safety and security. How will I provide evidence? Your assessor will provide you with templates and administration documents to complete each activity. You will find some detailed information about providing evidence; this will include: the WHS handouts x 3 (Activity 3)a Hazard Inspection Checklist for meeting room (Activity 4)a WHS Management Report (Activity 6)a Risk Management Report (Activity 6)an updated Workplace Health, Safety and Security Action Plan (Activity 6)a WHS Training Report (Activity 8)a completed Hazard Identification Checklist for the kitchen (Activity 9)a Hazardous Incidents Register (Activity 9)a WHS email report to owner. You will need to complete each activity and submit the completed templates and tasks at the end of each step. Tips for completing your WHS Project Read through this assessment and each of the WHS Project activities before you get started and make sure you understand what you need to do. If you are unsure, speak to your assessor and/or supervisor.Stay up to date! Stay in touch with your assessor. Ask questions, raise issues, check in, communicate. Most importantly, ask for help if you are having trouble! | |
You are required to develop three health and safety information handouts, which are to be provided to, and discussed with, your team at a WHS briefing. Read the requirements for each of the handouts below and then conduct research using the Internet to identify the information needed for each of the handouts and include information from the kitchen’s WHS Policy and Procedures, and reference this as required in your handouts. The format and style for the handouts are as follows: You will be required to present the handouts that you have developed at a WHS briefing session soon. Print one copy of each handout for the training session but save soft copies to your WHS filing system on your device. | |
Submit a copy of each handout to your assessor prior to the meeting. | |
Handout 1: Legislation The purpose of this handout is to clearly and simply explain important information about legislation. Your handout should: | |
Handout 2: Identifying hazards and risk control in the café The purpose of this handout is to provide information about identifying hazards and risk control, and procedures for dealing with hazards in the environment. You should briefly explain the process of identifying hazards and risk control and provide 5 common examples of hazards that may occur in the kitchen environment based on data from your research about the most common ones Include information about how employees can complete an incident report and the investigation process undertaken by the business. Choose one of the common hazards that you have identified and include a simple step-by-step procedure for dealing with that hazard (risk control), using diagrams to illustrate each step where possible. Your handout should also address and explain the hierarchy of control and how it is to be used in the workplace. | |
Handout 3: WHS Consultation The purpose of this handout is to explain the requirements for WHS consultation under legislation and to indicate how the business communicates WHS legislation and consults with staff as indicated in the organisation’s WHS policy and procedure. You should also explain why it is important for a business to conduct WHS communication and consultation. Include the details of the college’s WHS representative or committee. |
In the next activity step, you will run your WHS briefing session. In line with procedure, and as outlined in action item 6, you are required to conduct a hazard inspection using the relevant form from the WHSMS. Your assessor will set up the room prior to you conducting the inspection. Complete the checklist in full using a pen and make sure it is accurate and legible. You will also be required to record recommended corrective actions as well as future risk control measures. You will be assessed on whether you have correctly identified the hazards and suitable corrective actions and risk control measures. When you have identified a hazard, implement procedures to control the risks involved. Give a verbal commentary on what you are doing, so your assessor can follow the thinking behind your actions. In particular, your commentary should demonstrate how you are using the hierarchy of control to determine the best procedures to implement. | |
Submit your completed Hazard Identification Checklist to the assessor before the next step. |
It’s time to deliver your staff briefing. At the briefing you are required to: This briefing should go for about 20-30 minutes and will be delivered to your assessor and two other people. Ask staff members about their WHS training requirements that they would like to see happen now and in the future. Encourage discussion among the team members about the training that could be relevant for the staff of the case study café or the actual business you are basing this assessment on. During the presentation, demonstrate effective communication skills including: |
Immediately after the meeting, write a management report for the owner outlining what took place at the meeting along with the training suggestions from staff and what you believe will be best to focus on immediately and for the future. Include the relevant data gathered from the meeting and identify any non-compliance with procedure and outline the actions you are going to take immediately to address this. Use the WHS Management Report Template as a guide and complete all sections. Add these actions to the Action Plan with clear dates and time for this to proceed (consult with your assessor when this training can take place and use that date and time in your report). Ensure you also mark other items you have addressed as completed. Complete risk management reporting and risk assessment for the proposed training activities – current and future. Use Risk Management Plan Template as a guide and complete all sections. | |
Submit the following to your assessor: File these documents in your WHS folder system on your device. |
Run the training session as you have planned for in your action plan. While running this training, participate but also observe the following: After the training, your assessor will take each student aside to run through a scenario with you individually and then you will split back into your group you were in for activity step 5 and conduct a debrief session asking employees for their feedback and thoughts on how the drill went and to make suggestions for the future. |
Use WHS Training Report template. Save this report as WHS training report. | |
Submit this to your assessor and file in your electronic folder system. |
It has come to your attention that one of the staff members failed to complete hazard identification and reporting when he was the team leader for the first shift yesterday. On top of that, a hazardous incident did occur and the register was not completed either. One of the other staff members advised you about the matter later yesterday afternoon. Meet with the non-compliant staff member (your assessor) to discuss the issue and provide the necessary training. During the meeting, you will need to demonstrate effective communication skills including: During the meeting you are required to: | |
Submit: Save the files in your electronic folder system. |
Now that you have completed the counselling/training session and have new information, develop a solution for the deficiency and email this to the owner to have the changes implemented immediately. Make sure your email is warm and friendly but also professional. Submit the email or send it to your assessor. Save a copy in the WHS filing system on your device. |
Has the following been completed? | Completed successfully? | Comments | ||||
Yes | No | |||||
The student has satisfactorily explained health, safety and security information to staff. | ||||||
The student has satisfactorily made health, safety and security information available to staff. | ||||||
During the WHS briefing, the student has satisfactorily demonstrated effective communication skills including: speaking clearly and concisely using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding asking questions to identify required information responding to questions as required using active listening techniques to confirm understanding. | ||||||
The student has satisfactorily implemented and monitored adherence to health, safety and security procedures in the following areas: evacuation of staff and customershazard identification and reportingrisk assessment and reporting. | ||||||
The student has satisfactorily coordinated consultative processes for the above three areas, including providing opportunities for staff to contribute their views and resolving issues. | ||||||
The student has satisfactorily coordinated risk assessment, WHS training and maintained and stored the relevant records for the three areas. | ||||||
The student has satisfactorily monitored the effectiveness of the WHS system by identifying adjustments and staff training needs. | ||||||
The student has satisfactorily demonstrated that their management practices align with state/territory guidelines and WHS legislation. | ||||||
The student has satisfactorily taken prompt action to address non-compliance and discipline staff as necessary. | ||||||
The student has satisfactorily used data and reports to provide reliable and timely input into the management of workplace health, safety and security. | ||||||
Task outcome: | ||||||
Assessor signature: | ||||||
Assessor name: | ||||||
Date: | ||||||
Student name: | |
Assessor name: | |
Date: | |
Unit name: | SITXWHS007 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices |
Qualification name: |
Final assessment results
Task | Type | Result | ||
Satisfactory | Unsatisfactory | Did not submit | ||
Assessment Task 1 | Knowledge Questions | S | U | DNS |
Assessment Task 2 | WHS Project | S | U | DNS |
Overall unit results | C | NYC |
Student signature: ___________________________________________ Date: _________________
Assessor signature: _________________________________________ Date: _________________
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