
SITXINV001 Receive And Store Stock

21 April 2023 15:00 PM | UPDATED 2 years ago

SITXINV001 Receive And Store Stock :

SITXINV001 Receive And Store Stock
SITXINV001 Receive And Store Stock

Student Assessment Tasks

SITXINV001 Receive and store stock

SITXINV002 Maintain the quality of perishable

SITXFSA002 Participate in safe food handling practices

Student Name:

Student Number:


Assessment process overview ………………………………………………………………………………  3

Tips for submitting written work ……………………………………………………………………………… 4

Assessment agreement ………………………………………………………………………………………. 4

Assessment Task 1: Theory Task …………………….……………………………………………………   5

Assessment Task 2: Theory Task …………………….……………………………………………………  17

Assessment Task 3: Practical Activity ……………………………………………………………………… 22

Assessment Task 4: Practical Activity ………………………………………………………………………. 26

Assessment Task 5: Practical Activity ………………………………………………………………………. 29

Assessment process overview

This Student Assessment Task Booklet is used to assess your performance against the requirements of the following units of competency: SITXINV001 Receive and store stock, SITXINV002 Maintain the quality of perishable and SITXFSA002 Participate in safe food handling practices.  You must satisfactorily complete the following assessment tasks to be deemed competent for these units:

Assessment Task                              Assessment Outline

1. Theory task                                       Provide written responses to questions

2. Theory task                                       Provide written responses to questions

3. Practical activity                               Receive, transport and store food and beverage

4. Practical activity                               Monitor stock levels and storage conditions

5. Practical activity                               Access, present and serve food and beverages

Assessment requirements

You will be provided an assessment schedule by your trainer. This will indicate the dates assessments will be undertaken e.g. for practical activities and/ or the dates for assessment submissions e.g. for written work.

Prior to assessment your assessor will provide you information on how to prepare. Ensure you are fully prepared for each assessment task. The resources required for each task are indicated in each task.

If you have identified special learning needs the assessment process and/ or materials may be adjusted to address these requirements. If you feel there is an issue that will impact your performance during an assessment task, it is important to bring this to the attention of your assessor prior to attempting the task.

Read all assessment task information in full.  Contact your assessor to clarify assessment requirements if you are unsure about any aspect of the assessment process or task requirements.

Each assessment task includes a set of instructions that guide you on requirements. Information is also provided on the assessment context (e.g. where it will be undertaken) and conditions (e.g. closed book).

For performance to be deemed satisfactory in an assessment task, you must satisfactorily address all the assessment criteria. You must satisfactorily complete each assessment task to be deemed competent in this unit.

Submitting assessments

You will be informed the process for submitting any written work and what has to be submitted. This information will be supplied with each task. You must submit all work by the due date. Failure to do so may count as a submission attempt.

Complete the Student declaration section of the Assessment Cover Sheet that is supplied with each assessment task. Submit this to the assessor along with your work. Retain a copy of all work submitted for each assessment task.

Academic conduct

Cheating, plagiarism and unauthorised collusion in any form during assessments will result in the assessment submission being invalidated.

Assessment feedback

You will be provided feedback on performance on completion of the task. The feedback will be provided in the Assessment Cover Sheet and will indicate if you have satisfactorily addressed all the assessment criteria and indicate the assessment result as S – Satisfactory or U – Unsatisfactory. Assessors will discuss your performance in each task when providing feedback. 

Assessment resubmissions

If you fail to demonstrate satisfactory performance in an assessment task you will be provided another 2 opportunities to address the assessment criteria. The assessor will arrange this with you.

Accepting the assessment result

Once the assessor has provided written and verbal feedback, you are required to complete the Accepting assessment result section of the Assessment Cover Sheet.

Assessment appeals

You have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if you feel you have been dealt with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal.

Tips for submitting written work

Assessment questions, report briefs and project instructions include words that guide you on the expected level of response. The information below is a guide on the expected level and type of response required by questions and instructions that include the highlighted words below.

Note that the following guidance is the minimum level of response required.

List                         Identify information in a list format. A short response is required e.g. a list of food items required for a menu.

Identify Similar to list.A short response is required e.g. identify 3 types of cheese.

Outline                  A brief response of 1 or 2 sentences is required that includes a brief overview of the main parts/ aspects of the question subject.

Summarise          A brief response of 1 or 2 sentences is required that includes a brief overview of the main parts/ aspects of the question subject.

Describe               This requires a more comprehensive response than outline or summarise. When describing something you provide more detailed information of the question subject. You may be often asked to describe processes or aspects/ features or qualities of the question subject.  Expected responses will be between 3 to 4 sentences in length.

Explain                  When explaining something you provide detailed information on the question subject. You may be asked to explain reasons justifying why you would complete processes in a certain order or why something happened. Expected responses will be between 3 to 4 sentences in length.

Analyse                 When responding to questions asking you to analyse something, you should identify key aspects or features of the subject. Expected responses will be between 3 to 4 sentences in length.

Quick summary of assessment process

  1. Review task requirements to identify assessment criteria and task requirements.
  2. Clarify anything you don’t understand with your assessor.
  3. Ensure you are fully prepared to undertake the task.
  4. Complete the Assessment Agreement.  Provide this to your assessor prior to attempting assessment task 1.
  5. Complete the Assessment Task Cover Sheet and submit to you assessor at the commencement of a task that is observed by your assessor or when submitting written work.
  6. Undertake the task in accordance with task requirements.
  7. Your assessor will provide written feedback in the Assessment Task Cover Sheet and discuss this with you.
  8. If required identify and confirm part of the task that must be resubmitted and confirm your understanding of requirements with the assessor.
  9. Complete the Student Declaration – Acceptance of assessment result section of the Assessment Task Cover Sheet.  Keep a copy of the feedback provided in the Assessment Task Cover Sheet.

Assessment Task 1 – Theory task – Written questions


In this task you are required to provide written responses to questions.

Assessment conditions & context

This is an open book assessment task. Students may refer to their notes during this task.  This task is to be completed in your own time and submitted by an agreed date.  Submit the completed Assessment cover sheet and question sheet to your assessor at the completion of this task.

Assessment criteria

For performance to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment task, you must satisfactory complete each part of the task (provide an appropriate response to each question). If part of this task is not satisfactorily completed, you will be asked to complete further assessment to demonstrate satisfactory performance.


You will be provided feedback on your performance by the Assessor. The feedback will indicate if you have satisfactorily addressed each part of the task requirements.

If any part of this task is not satisfactorily addressed your assessor will explain why and provide you written feedback along with guidance on what you must undertake to demonstrate satisfactory performance. Re-assessment attempt/ s will be arranged at a later time and date.


You have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if you feel you have been dealt with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal.

Confirming requirements

Assessors will confirm requirements of this task with you prior to commencement. If you are unsure about any aspect of the requirements, ask your assessor to provide clarification.  Consult with the assessor if you have any learning issues/ needs that may impact your performance when attempting this task.

Required resources

PC or laptop and internet access


A response to each question.


  1. According to the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code, what are the definitions of the following terms:
  2. Contaminant
  3. Contamination
  4. Potentially hazardous foods
Definition: Contaminant           Contamination           Potentially hazardous foods    
  • Outline three aspects of guidance the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code provides to employees in relation to hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP) methods for controlling food safety.
1.                 2.                   3.                
  • Identify two critical control points in any of a restaurant’s food handling processes where hazards must be controlled.
1.                     2.                  
  • Provide an example of how each of the following different types of food contamination can impact food during storage or service. In your response provide a possible reason on how the contamination may occur.
  • Microbiological
  • chemical
  • physical
Microbiological                             chemical                           physical                
  • Outline how you would use bacterial swabs and counts to monitor food safety.
  • Outline two factors to consider when ordering and receiving food ingredient supplies. Your response must address ordering and receiving supplies.
1.                       2.                        
  • Outline 3 environmental conditions for storing fruit and vegetable products and dishes to optimise shelf life.
1.             2.             3.            
  • Outline two employee and two employer Occupational Health and Safety responsibilities in relation to storing stock.
Employee: 1.               2.               Employer: 1.               2.            
  • Provide one advantage of using a “bin card’ and ‘imprest’ stock control systems. A different response must be provided for each.
advantage of using a “bin card’ stock control systems:                   advantage of using a ‘imprest’ stock control systems:                    
  1. Describe the main features of an integrated point-of-sale stock control system.
  1. Provide a benefit of a ledger stock control system.
  1. Outline a method for quarantining the storage of the following items that are likely to be the source of contamination of food:
  2. chemicals
  3. clothing
  4. personal belongings
  chemicals             clothing             personal belongings        
  1. Outline an example of a food or beverage item that may present the following signs of contamination.
  2. degradation of flavour and texture
  3. degradation of aroma and colour
  4. enzymic browning
  5. drying and hardening
  6. crystalisation
  7. infestation of animal and pest waste
  8. mould
  9. exposed packaged food through damaged packaging
  10. odour
  11. reduced size and weight
degradation of flavour and texture           degradation of aroma and colour           enzymic browning             drying and hardening           crystalisation           infestation of animal and pest waste         mould         exposed packaged food through damaged packaging         odour         reduced size and weight        
  1. Outline three possible aspects of food safety programs relating to the storage and service of perishable food items. Your response must address storage and service at least once each.
1.                   2.                   3.                  
  1. Provide a summary of what is meant by the term ‘temperature danger zone and the two-hour and four-hour rule’.
  1. Outline how to use one type of pest control equipment/ material to ensure food safety during storage.
  1. Outline two methods for identifying contaminated perishable fresh food. For each method identify an action that should be taken upon identification.
1.                   2.                    
  1. Outline a method for identifying food that is intended to be:
  2. frozen but has thawed
  3. chilled but has reached a dangerous temperature zone
frozen but has thawed               chilled but has reached a dangerous temperature zone              
  1. Outline how cross contamination can originate from food equipment or utensils.
  • Explain two possible ramifications to employees who fail to observe safe food handling legislation, policies and procedures when undertaking their job role tasks.
1.                         2.                      
  • Explain two possible ramifications to employers who fail to ensure their business operates in compliance with Occupational Health and Safety legislation relevant to processing and storing food.
1.                           2.                                        

End of task

Assessment Task 2 – Theory task – Written questions


In this task you are required to provide written responses to questions.

Assessment conditions & context

This is an open book assessment task. Students may refer to their notes during this task.  This task is to be completed in your own time and submitted at an agreed time and date.  Submit the completed Assessment cover sheet and question sheet to your assessor at the completion of this task.

Assessment criteria

For performance to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment task, you must satisfactory complete each part of the task (provide an appropriate response to each question). If part of this task is not satisfactorily completed, you will be asked to complete further assessment to demonstrate satisfactory performance.


You will be provided feedback on your performance by the Assessor. The feedback will indicate if you have satisfactorily addressed each part of the task requirements.

If any part of this task is not satisfactorily addressed your assessor will explain why and provide you written feedback along with guidance on what you must undertake to demonstrate satisfactory performance. Re-assessment attempt/ s will be arranged at a later time and date.


You have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if you feel you have been dealt with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal.

Confirming requirements

Assessors will confirm requirements of this task with you prior to commencement. If you are unsure about any aspect of the requirements, ask your assessor to provide clarification.  Consult with the assessor if you have any learning issues/ needs that may impact your performance when attempting this task.

Required resources

PC or laptop with Word software and internet access


A response to each question.


  1. Provide two examples of how food wastage impacts a commercial catering organisation. 
1.             2.            
  • Outline three Occupational Health and Safety guidance inclusions for the induction and training for canteen customer service staff.
1.             2.           3.              
  • Outline an example of one safe food handling practice that can be implemented to ensure the safety of each of the following hospitality customer groups. Provide a reason why the practice may help ensure their safety. Provide a different safe food handling practice for each customer group.
  • children or babies
  • pregnant women
  • aged persons
  • people with immune deficiencies or allergies
  • unwell persons
safe food handling practice (children or babies)             safe food handling practice (pregnant women)             safe food handling practice (aged persons)               safe food handling practice (people with immune deficiencies or allergies)             safe food handling practice (unwell persons)            
  • Outline one benefit gained by a restaurant from implementing two different methods for identifying food safety hazards. Provide an outline of each method and benefit gained in your responses.
1.             2.            
  • Suggest a recommended frequency for undertaking temperature checks on fresh fish (unfrozen) during storage.
  • List two sources of local government Occupational Health & Safety specialist advice for food handling in the workplace.
1.             2.            
  • Identify the name of one Commonwealth Act/ piece of legislation that applies to food safety in Australia.
  • Identify the name of one State/ Territory Act/ piece of legislation where you live that applies to food safety.
  • Outline the purpose of the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code.
  1. Identify the name of a State/ Territory body who are responsible for enforcing the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code where you live. Outline two of their roles.

End of task

Assessment Task 3 – Practical activity – Safely receive, transport & store stock


In this task you are required to safely receive perishable stock deliveries in accordance with workplace food safety programs, policies and procedures. You will then transport and store the delivered stock.  This task has two parts.

Assessment conditions & context

This is an open book assessment. Students may refer to their notes during this task.

This task is to be completed at the JLC commercial kitchen at an agreed time and date with your assessor.

The assessor will observe your performance during this task.

During this task the kitchen will have traffic of people, noise, other cooks undertaking tasks and cooking workflows in operation.

The assessor is the kitchen supervisor.

Assessment criteria

For performance to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment task, you must satisfactory complete each part of the task. If part of this task is not satisfactorily completed, you will be asked to complete further assessment to demonstrate satisfactory performance.


You will be provided feedback on your performance by the Assessor. The feedback will indicate if you have satisfactorily addressed each part of the task requirements.

If any part of this task is not satisfactorily addressed your assessor will explain why and provide you written feedback along with guidance on what you must undertake to demonstrate satisfactory performance. Re-assessment attempt/ s will be arranged at a later time and date.


You have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if you feel you have been dealt with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal.

Confirming requirements

Assessors will confirm requirements of this task with you prior to commencement. If you are unsure about any aspect of the requirements, ask your assessor to provide clarification.  Consult with the assessor if you have any learning issues/ needs that may impact your performance when attempting this task.

Required resources

  • Commercial kitchen, equipment and resources for food preparation, cooking, delivery & storage facilities including dry stores, cool rooms, freezers, refrigerators, sink/ hand washing facilities & materials
  • Equipment manufacturer manuals
  • A wide variety of ingredients and finished products including dairy products (including milk, cheese, eggs, creams/ other dairy liquids), frozen goods, fruit, meat, poultry, seafood and vegetables
  • Kitchen supervisor – The assessor is the kitchen supervisor
  • Other members of the kitchen team (other students undertaking their own tasks)
  • Kitchen programs, policies and procedures in relation to Organisational Health & Safety, food handling, receipt, transportation, storage and preparation
  • Guidelines relating to food receipt, checking, disposal, storage and presentation requirements
  • Current plain English regulatory documents distributed by the national, state, territory or local government food safety authority
  • Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code
  • Documentation for stock delivery, transport, storage and maintenance
  • Food safety plan
  • Safety data sheets (SDS) for cleaning agents and chemicals
  • Temperature recording charts
  • Thermometers
  • Appropriate facilities for handwashing, including – designated hand washing sink, antiseptic liquid soap, single use towels and warm running water
  • Electronic stock control equipment and software

Task instructions part A

In this task you are required to safely receive perishable stock supplies in accordance with workplace food safety programs, policies and procedures. Stock will be delivered to the kitchen delivery area. This task is to be completed in a maximum of 20 minutes (Assessor to confirm duration)

You will undertake this task for six different types of perishable stock orders. Types of stock will include four of the following categories:

Beverages                    Meat

Dairy products              Poultry

Frozen goods               Seafood

Fruit                              Vegetables

The above types of perishable stock will also include a mixture of cold/ chilled foods, raw foods and reheated foods or ingredients.

When undertaking this task you are to complete the following activities in accordance with the kitchen food safety program, policies and procedures.

Review and confirm your understanding of task requirements with the assessor.

Communicate effectively during this task by speaking clearly, concisely and using language/ terminology relevant to the topic and audience.

Wear approved personal protective equipment and demonstrate safe food handling and safe manual handling techniques during this task.

Inspect the delivery receiving area and remove any hazards within your control. Inform your supervisor if any identified hazards are out with the scope of your responsibilities.

Access and review stock order documentation for the incoming delivery. Confirm delivery quantities for four items with the supervisor.

Check the stock delivery documentation to ensure it correlates with the order documentation. Notify the outcome to the supervisor and if required any discrepancies with order documentation.  Record discrepancies on stock delivery documentation.

Instruct the delivery driver where and how to safely assessable the stock delivery. Review the assembly of stock delivery for any hazard and implement corrective action where required.

Check the quantities of incoming stock against delivery documentation. Notify the outcome to the supervisor and if required any discrepancies with delivery documentation.  Record on discrepancies on stock delivery documentation.

Consult with the assessor whether to accept any oversupply and notify the delivery driver. (if required)

Inspect the quality of individual supplies and identify any non-conformities with acceptable standards. (e.g. damage, freshness, spoilt, temperature, use by dates)

Calibrate and use a temperature monitoring device to check the temperature of relevant supplies. Clean after use with each item. Notify the supervisor how to check the probe to ensure its working correctly.

Inform your assessor specific examples quality standards of what you are looking for when inspecting individual stock supplies.

Record any non-conformities/ issues with stock on the delivery documentation. Inform the delivery driver whether you will accept any stock that does not address organisation quality standards.

Complete the stock order documentation once the order and stock has been reviewed and accepted.

Secure the delivery area and notify the staff team that a stock order has been received and accepted.

Store the stock delivery documentation.

Notify the supervisor of two food hazards that can occur when receiving stock orders. For each hazard outline how your actions when receiving food supplies could or have prevented these occurring.


Stock order documentation

Stock delivery documentation – including, if required, details of any discrepancies (with order quantity and quality)

Task instructions part B

In this task you are required to safely transport and store perishable stock deliveries in accordance with workplace food safety programs, policies and procedures. Delivery stock will be located in the kitchen delivery area, ready for transportation and storage. This task is to be completed in a maximum of 20 minutes (Assessor to confirm duration)

You will undertake this task for four different types of perishable stock orders. Types of stock will include four of the following categories (and be different from those received in part A of this task):

Beverages                    Meat

Dairy products              Poultry

Frozen goods               Seafood

Fruit                              Vegetables

The above types of perishable stock will also include a mixture of cold, chilled foods, raw foods and reheated foods or ingredients.

When undertaking this task you are to complete the following activities in accordance with the kitchen food safety program, policies and procedures.

Review and confirm your understanding of task requirements with the assessor.

Communicate effectively during this task by speaking clearly, concisely and using language/ terminology relevant to the topic and audience

Wear approved personal protective equipment and demonstrate safe food handling and safe manual handling techniques during this task.

Notify the supervisor of the correct storage location for each stock item.

Access and prepare any equipment required to transport stock.

Review the transportation route to the storage area/ s and each food storage area.  Identify any hazards and take action to control hazards within the scope of your responsibilities. Report any identified hazards out with the scope of your responsibilities to the supervisor.

If required, clean and sanitise any storage/ transportation equipment, surfaces and utensils.

Safely transport each stock item to the correct storage location. Use equipment where required.

Repackage food supplies in accordance with kitchen storage requirements (where required)

Place the stock in each location to ensure efficient stock rotation, minimise wastage and avoid cross contamination.

Inform supervisor if any storage locations contain excess or damaged/ spoilt stock. Safely dispose of spoilt/ damaged stock in correct locations.

Review storage conditions in each storage location (including for pest and animal infestation). Adjust any storage conditions as required. Inform your supervisor of the correct storage conditions for each location (temperature, moisture, ventilation, light/ dark). Notify supervisor and record the outcome of check for any pest infestation and take action to control if within the scope of your responsibilities.

Notify the supervisor of three potential food transportation and storage hazards (responses must address each once).  For each hazard outline how your actions during transportation and storage could or have prevented these occurring.

Once located, label and date code all stock delivered.  Using JLC electronic stock control equipment and software, update the organisation system to include the items you have stored. Secure each food storage location.


Completed Food receiving Form

Assessment Task 4 – Practical activity – Monitor storage conditions


In this task you are required to safely monitor the storage of perishable stock in accordance with workplace food safety programs, policies and procedures. Stock will be located in various storage areas in the JLC.

Assessment conditions & context

This is an open book assessment. Students may refer to their notes during this task.

This task is to be completed at the JLC stock storage facilities at an agreed time and date with your assessor.

The assessor will observe your performance during this task.

During this task the kitchen will have traffic of people, noise, other cooks undertaking tasks and cooking workflows in operation.  The assessor is the kitchen supervisor.

Assessment criteria

For performance to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment task, you must satisfactory complete each part of the task. If part of this task is not satisfactorily completed, you will be asked to complete further assessment to demonstrate satisfactory performance.


You will be provided feedback on your performance by the Assessor. The feedback will indicate if you have satisfactorily addressed each part of the task requirements.

If any part of this task is not satisfactorily addressed your assessor will explain why and provide you written feedback along with guidance on what you must undertake to demonstrate satisfactory performance. Re-assessment attempt/ s will be arranged at a later time and date.


You have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if you feel you have been dealt with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal.

Confirming requirements

Assessors will confirm requirements of this task with you prior to commencement. If you are unsure about any aspect of the requirements, ask your assessor to provide clarification.  Consult with the assessor if you have any learning issues/ needs that may impact your performance when attempting this task.

Required resources

  • Commercial kitchen, equipment and resources for food preparation, cooking, delivery & storage facilities including dry stores, cool rooms, freezers, refrigerators, sink/ hand washing facilities & materials
  • Equipment manufacturer manuals
  • A wide variety of ingredients and finished products including dairy products (including milk, cheese, eggs, creams/ other dairy liquids), frozen goods, fruit, meat, poultry, seafood and vegetables
  • Kitchen supervisor – The assessor is the kitchen supervisor
  • Other members of the kitchen team (other students undertaking their own tasks)
  • Kitchen programs, policies and procedures in relation to Organisational Health & Safety, food handling, receipt, transportation, storage and preparation
  • Guidelines relating to food receipt, checking, disposal, storage and presentation requirements
  • Current plain English regulatory documents distributed by the national, state, territory or local government food safety authority
  • Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code
  • Documentation for stock delivery, transport, storage and maintenance
  • Food safety plan
  • Safety data sheets (SDS) for cleaning agents and chemicals
  • Temperature recording charts
  • Thermometers
  • Appropriate facilities for handwashing, including – designated hand washing sink, antiseptic liquid soap, single use towels and warm running water
  • Electronic stock control equipment, software and documentation

Task instructions

In this task you are required to safely monitor the storage of perishable stock in accordance with workplace food safety programs, policies and procedures. Stock will be located in various storage areas at JLC facility. This task is to be completed in a maximum of 40 minutes (Assessor to confirm duration)

You will undertake this task with the following different types of perishable stock.

Beverages                    Meat

Dairy products              Poultry

Seafood                       Vegetables

Fruit                              Frozen goods

The above types of perishable stock will also include a mixture of cold, chilled foods, raw foods and reheated foods or ingredients.

When undertaking this task you are to complete the following activities in accordance with the kitchen food safety program, policies and procedures.

Review and confirm your understanding of task requirements with the assessor.

Communicate effectively during this task by speaking clearly, concisely and using language/ terminology relevant to the topic and audience

Wear approved personal protective equipment and demonstrate safe food handling and safe manual handling techniques during this task.

Access and prepare any equipment required to monitor stock and storage conditions.

Review each food storage area.  Identify any hazards and take action to control hazards within the scope of your responsibilities. Report any identified hazards out with the scope of your responsibilities to the supervisor.

If required, clean and sanitise any storage equipment, surfaces and utensils.

Report chipped, broken or faulty food handling utensils/ equipment to the supervisor.

Repackage food supplies in accordance with kitchen storage requirements (where required)

If required. re-arrange stock in each location to ensure efficient stock rotation, minimise wastage and avoid cross contamination.

Review the quality of food items. Record outcomes on Stock Quality Inspection Record.

Calibrate and use a temperature monitoring device to check the temperature of relevant stock.  Clean after use with each item.  Notify the supervisor how to check the probe to ensure its working correctly.                          

Inspect stock items and storage areas for animal and pest damage and report incidents of infestation to the supervisor. Record outcomes on Storage Area Inspection Record. Take action to remove incidents of infestation within the scope of your responsibilities.

Inform supervisor if any storage locations contain pest infestation, excess or damaged/ spoilt stock.

Mark and separate from other stock any food identified for disposal.

Safely and promptly dispose of spoilt/ damaged stock in correct locations.

Review storage conditions in each storage location. Record outcomes on Storage Area Inspection Record. Adjust any storage conditions as required. Inform your supervisor of the correct storage conditions for each location. (temperature, moisture, ventilation, light/ dark).

Outline three potential food storage hazards to the supervisor. Outline how to identify and control/ minimise each potential hazard.

Review stock levels in each storage area.  Record outcomes on the Stock Quality Inspection Record.

Access Central Stock Control Record.  Identify if actual stock levels correlate with the central data. Notify the supervisor of any discrepancies and update central data (where required).

Check stock for slow moving items and inform assessor of outcome.

Secure each food storage location.


  • Completed Central stock control record template
  • Completed stock quality inspection record template
  • Completed stock Area Inspection Record template

End of task

Assessment Task 5 – Practical activity – Access, transport, present and serve food and drinks safely


In this task you are required to demonstrate safe food hygiene practices when accessing, preparing, transporting, presenting and serving food. You will also be required to provide responses to verbal questions during the task. You will be observed by the assessor when completing this task. 

Assessment conditions & context

This is an open book assessment. Students may refer to their notes during this task.

This task is to be completed at an agreed time and date with your assessor. The task will be completed at JLC simulated service area environment.

The assessor will observe your performance during this task.

During this task the kitchen will have traffic of people, noise, other cooks undertaking tasks and cooking workflows in operation.

The assessor is the supervisor.

Assessment criteria

For performance to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment task, you must satisfactory complete each part of the task. If part of this task is not satisfactorily completed, you will be asked to complete further assessment to demonstrate satisfactory performance.


You will be provided feedback on your performance by the Assessor. The feedback will indicate if you have satisfactorily addressed each part of the task requirements.

If any part of this task is not satisfactorily addressed your assessor will explain why and provide you written feedback along with guidance on what you must undertake to demonstrate satisfactory performance. Re-assessment attempt/ s will be arranged at a later time and date.


You have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if you feel you have been dealt with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal.

Confirming requirements

Assessors will confirm requirements of this task with you prior to commencement. If you are unsure about any aspect of the requirements, ask your assessor to provide clarification.  Consult with the assessor if you have any learning issues/ needs that may impact your performance when attempting this task.

Required resources

  • Front of house service area
  • Commercial kitchen, equipment and resources for food preparation, cooking & storage including dry stores, cool rooms, freezers, refrigerators, work benches, sink/ hand washing facilities & materials
  • Equipment manufacturer manuals
  • A wide variety of ingredients and pre-prepared food
  • Customers – role played by other students.
  • Kitchen supervisor – The assessor is the kitchen supervisor
  • Other members of the kitchen team (other students undertaking their own tasks)
  • Kitchen policies and procedures in relation to Organisational Health & Safety and Food handling, preparation and storage, stock control and kitchen/ personal hygiene
  • Guidelines relating to food handling, disposal, storage and presentation requirements
  • Food safety plan
  • Safety data sheets (SDS) for cleaning agents and chemicals
  • Food handling gloves
  • Current plain English regulatory documents distributed by the commonwealth, state, territory or local government food safety authority
  • Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code
  • Food safety program, policies and procedures used for managing food safety.

Task instructions

You are to undertake the role of counter assistant in the JLC simulated food service area.  You are to access, transport, prepare and present the food and drinks. You are then to serve the food to customers. You will also be required to provide responses to verbal questions during the task.

When undertaking this task you are to complete the following activities in accordance with organisational practices, policies and procedures.

The kitchen supervisor will provide verbal instructions on what food is to be accessed, prepared, presented and served. You are to follow instructions. Ask questions to clarify information as required.

During service your assessor will ask you questions relating to hazard identification and control, food hygiene risks, hazard reporting and organisation food safety requirements. You are to provide a verbal response to each question.


Dress in full organisation service area uniform and wash hands. Ensure uniform is clean.

Wash hands in correct facility during service as required to ensure continued compliance with hygiene requirements.

Use appropriate utensils and equipment for handling food and liquids.

Transport, prepare, present and serve food in safe manner to avoid any spills, damage or wastage.

Identify any hazards that may impact food, own, customer or staff safety (including but not limited to  cleaning, sanitising and maintenance issues).

Take action to control hazards within your scope of knowledge/ responsibilities. (if hazards occur and within your scope)  

Verbally report all hazards and control actions taken to your supervisor (if hazards within scope occur). Report hazards out with your scope of knowledge/ responsibilities to your supervisor. (if hazards out with scope occur).

Access the food and drinks in accordance with instructions.

Re-heat a variety of foodstuffs and drinks in accordance with instructions.

Check the temperature of food and drinks to ensure compliance with kitchen requirements. Identify discrepancies and implement corrective actions within the scope of your responsibilities. Record outcomes on Food Temperature Check Record.

Present food and drinks in accordance with instructions (hot and cold food and drinks). Place food and drinks in correct presentation location. Check temperature of hot and cold storage equipment. Record outcome of check on organisation template. Amend storage equipment temperature if required.

Serve food and drinks to customers in accordance with their requests.

Clean/ clear up any drips and spills during service.

Consult with supervisor to identify food/ drinks to be re-stored. Place unused food and drinks in storage containers/ packaging.

Store unused food and drinks in correct locations.

Promptly dispose of waste in accordance with organisational requirements.

At the end of the service clean all surfaces, containers, service trays and utensils in accordance with organisational requirements.

Secure all food and equipment/ utensils in designated storage locations.


Completed Food and Drink temperature check record.


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