
SITHKOP010 Plan And Manage Recipes

23 April 2023 13:10 PM | UPDATED 2 years ago

SITHKOP010 Plan And Manage Recipes :

SITHKOP010  Plan And Manage Recipes
SITHKOP010 Plan And Manage Recipes

SITHKOP010 – Plan and cost recipes

Assessment Tool
Mode | Classroom Delivery

Assignment Cover Sheet

Student ID 
Student Name 
UnitSITHKOP010 – Plan and cost recipes
Assessment Task – Title/Number 
Date Submitted 

Note: Plagiarism/Cheating is a serious offence. If a student is found plagiarising/cheating, it may result in a penalty of suspension/cancellation of student’s enrolment. In submitting their work, students must be aware of college’s Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct Policy available in student handbook, college’s website and student administration.

Declaration of Originality:

By submitting this assignment for assessment, I acknowledge and agree that:

  • This assessment task/work is submitted in accordance with the college’s Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct Policy. I also understand the serious nature of academic dishonesty (such as plagiarism) and the penalties attached to being found guilty of committing such offence
  • No part of this assessment task/work has been copied from any other source without acknowledgement of the source
  • No part of this assessment task/work has been written by any other person, except to the extent of team and/or group work as defined in the unit/assessment task
  • A copy of the original assessment task/work is retained by me and that I may be required to submit the original assignment to the trainer/assessor upon request
  • The trainer/assessor may, for the purpose of assessing this assessment task/work:
    • Provide a copy of this assignment to another member of the faculty for review and feedback; and/or
    • Submit a copy of this assignment to a plagiarism checking service. I acknowledge that a plagiarism checking service provider may then retain a copy of this assessment task/work on its database for the purpose of future plagiarism checking

Late submission: Late submission without a prior approval of the trainer/assessor will not be accepted and may delay the assessment outcome. You may also need to resubmit work as per college’s Reassessment Policy.

I declare that this assessment is my own work.

Student signature: Date: 


Admin Use Only

Received | Date Stamp   Comments (if any) 

Assessment Summary
Read all the instructions below before attempting the assessment task. Assessment tasks are tools used to determine if you have the knowledge and skills to complete tasks to industry standards within the workplace. Your trainer/assessor will help you throughout this task and it is your responsibility to provide enough evidence to justify a competent decision by the trainer/assessor. If you do not understand the questions or what is required, ask your trainer/assessor for assistance. For group assessments, all students are to contribute to the assessment tasks. You can work in groups up to a maximum of four people.

You are to complete all tasks by the due date and assessments must have a coversheet attached. If you think you do not have enough time to complete the tasks by the due date, discuss with the trainer/assessor the reasons of why you cannot submit on time.

Writing your responses

When answering questions, ensure that your answers are detailed enough to so the assessor can draw a conclusion that you have the knowledge and/or skills to demonstrate competency. Handwritten answers must be written in blue or black pen. When producing reports, ensure that your project has a title page, table of contents, page numbers, reference list, ensuring that your answers thoroughly match the questions asked.

Answer all questions in your own words to avoid plagiarism. Plagiarism is copying someone else’s work or ideas and saying that it your own work. Sources of work must be properly referenced, outlining the source of your ideas. Penalties may include having to resubmit the assessment task again, repeating the Unit of competency, or for repeat plagiarism, expulsion from Australian College of Hospitality & Business Management.

Marking of Assessments

On submission of your assessment will be marked for a result of either Satisfactory (S) or Not Yet Satisfactory (NYS). If you receive a NYS result, you will be asked to redo the tasks again. To achieve a competent result with this unit, all tasks need to be completed and marked as satisfactory. Your trainer/assessor will provide feedback to you on each task, outlining where you must improve to achieve a Satisfactory (S) result. When all tasks are marked as Satisfactory (S), you will receive a result of Competent (C) for this unit otherwise, you will be marked Not Yet Competent (NYC). Assessments submitted to the trainer/assessor after the due date may not be accepted, and you may have to pay a resubmission fee / adjustment may apply.

Students with Special Needs

If leaners/learners have any special needs (e.g. physical disability, learning difficulty) regarding assessment, they should be directed to discuss these with the Course Coordinator. The college will endeavour to make all possible and reasonable adjustments to any aspect of assessment in order to address those needs. Some examples of additional support could include:

Reasonable adjustment

Reasonable adjustment refers to any modification made to the learning environment, certification requirements, training delivery or assessment method to help learners with a disability access and participate in education and training on the same basis as those without disability (IBSA, 2015). The Disability Standards for Education 2005 were formed under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992. They clarify the obligations of training providers to ensure that learners who have a disability are able to access and participate in education and training on the same basis as those without disability.

Some examples of reasonable adjustments could include:

The determination of “reasonableness” requires judgement that must take into account the impact on the RTO and the need to maintain the integrity of the qualification. While reasonable adjustments can be made to the ways in which evidence of performance is gathered and demonstrated, the criteria for making Competent/Not Yet Competent decisions (and/or awarding grades) should not be altered in any way. That is to say, the standards expected should be the same irrespective of the group and/or individual being assessed (Disability Standards for Education 2005).

Skill Recognition and Credit Transfer

Appropriate credit(s) may be granted to eligible students against each unit of competency on presentation of evidence of successful completion of the same unit in an equivalent or higher qualification. Under the Australian Qualifications Framework, this qualification recognises competencies achieved as part of a Nationally Recognised Qualification from other institutes or universities.

Students may also apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) by providing evidence that they have the required skills and knowledge in the specific areas of competency through work/industry experience and/or completed eligible assessments in equivalent or higher qualification. 

Please refer to college’s RPL/Credit Transfer Policy for more information and applicable procedures. The policy is available either through the faculty coordinator or college’s website

Academic Policies and Procedures

Applicable policies and procedure related to this course including plagiarism, assessments, appeals and complaints, can be found with the course coordinator as well as in the “Policies and Procedures” section of the college’s website.

Submission of Work

All the written works must be submitted in a hard copy, and an additional soft/electronic copy if required by the trainer/assessor, with an accompanying “Assessment Cover Sheet”. Each Assessment Cover Sheet should be signed by the student and must contain student details and date of submission.

Material submitted for assessment—Word processed assignments, reports, essays, projects, etc. must contain student’s name, ID (if available). Within the context of these assessment tasks, the assessor fulfils the role of client, manager or supervisor, as applicable. Work submitted for “approval” within this context must demonstrate care and attention to detail, such that the student inspires confidence that the work is being undertaken competently.

Where soft copy/electronic files are submitted, students are encouraged to name the files according to established procedure. This would typically include a course or unit code, assessment or submission code, and in the case of multiple files an alphanumeric identifier. Multiple files may also be required to be submitted within an enclosing folder (with similar, appropriate naming conventions) or archive format—e.g. zip. Follow submission guidelines in each assessment task for specific instructions.

Unit Overview

his unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to plan and cost recipes for dishes or food product ranges for any type of cuisine or food service style. It requires the ability to identify customer preferences, select recipes to meet customer and business needs, cost recipes and evaluate their success.

It does not cover the specialist skills used by senior catering managers and chefs to design and cost complex menus after researching market preferences and trends. Those skills are covered in SITHKOP015 Design and cost menus.

The unit applies to hospitality and catering organisations. Recipes can be for ongoing food service, for an event or function, or for a food product range such as patisserie products.

It applies to cooks, patissiers and catering personnel who usually work under the guidance of more senior chefs.

The skills in this unit must be applied in accordance with Commonwealth and State or Territory legislation, Australian standards and industry codes of practice.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, the learner/trainee will be able to;

  • Identify customer preferences.
  • Plan dishes.
  • Cost recipes.
  • Write dish description.
  • Evaluate dishes.

As well as demonstrating the performance criteria, to be assessed as competent, the learner must demonstrate their ability to apply the required knowledge and skills in a range of situations.  These are summarised in the Competency Standards section below.

Prerequisite Requirements


Performance Criteria

The following performance criteria specify the required level of performance for each of the elements of competency:

ElementPerformance Criteria
1. Identify customer preferences.1.1. Identify current customer profile for the food business. 1.2. Identify food preferences of customer base to inform recipe planning.
2. Plan dishes.2.1. Generate a range of ideas for dishes or food production ranges. 2.2. Choose dishes to meet organisational service style and cuisine and customer preferences. 2.3. Include balanced variety of dishes or food production items for the style of service and cuisine.
3. Cost recipes.3.1. Itemise proposed components of included dishes or food production items. 3.2. Calculate portion yields and costs from raw ingredients. 3.3. Assess cost-effectiveness of proposed dishes or food production items and identify ingredients that provide high yield. 3.4. Price dishes to ensure maximum profitability.
4. Write dish description.4.1. Write dish descriptions using words that appeal to customer base and fit with the business service style. 4.2. Use correct names for style of cuisine.
5. Evaluate dishes.5.1. Use feedback from supervisor or colleagues to determine saleability of dishes. 5.2. Adjust recipes based on feedback and profitability.

Performance Evidence

The candidate must demonstrate the ability to complete the tasks outlined in the elements, performance criteria and foundation skills of this unit, including evidence of the ability to:

  • plan and cost recipes for three complete dishes for four of the following menu types (12 recipes in total):
  • à la carte
  • buffet
  • cyclical
  • degustation
  • set or table d’hôte
  • identify the food preferences of customer groups and use to inform recipe planning for the above 12 dishes
  • seek feedback from supervisor or colleagues and implement improvements to dishes as required
  • develop the above recipes using:
  • standard recipe cards in spreadsheet format, including:
  • method
  • portion size
  • ingredients
  • units of measure
  • description
  • equipment
  • food cost percentage
  • GST.

Knowledge Evidence

The following knowledge must be assessed as part of this unit:

  • organisation-specific information:
  • sources of information on current customer profile and food preferences
  • service style and cuisine
  • costs of supply for ingredients
  • methods and formulas for calculating portion yields and costs from raw ingredients:
  • food cost percentage
  • budgeted sales price
  • standard measures
  • standard yield tests
  • GST addition and subtraction
  • characteristics of different menu types listed in the performance evidence, including portion size
  • food preferences relating to:
  • classical and contemporary dining trends
  • cultural and ethnic influences
  • seasonal dishes
  • variety of food products
  • characteristics of different customer groups:
  • age range
  • buying power
  • gender
  • dietary requirements or preferences
  • location
  • social and cultural background
  • influence of seasonal products and commodities on recipe content
  • culinary terms for a variety of cuisines.


Welcome to the Student Assessment Tasks for SITHKOP010 Plan and cost recipes. These tasks have been designed to help you demonstrate the skills and knowledge that you have learnt during your course.

Please ensure that you read the instructions provided with these tasks carefully. You should also follow the advice provided in the Hospitality Works Student User Guide. The Student User Guide provides important information for you relating to completing assessment successfully.

Assessment for this unit

For you to be assessed as competent, you must successfully complete two assessment tasks:

  • Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions – You must answer all questions correctly.
  • Assessment Task 2: Plan and cost recipes – You must work through a range of activities to plan and cost 12 recipes and complete a Customer Preferences and Recipe Planning Template (Assessment Task 2), a Standard Recipe Card Spreadsheet Template (Assessment Task 2) and a Recipe Feedback Template (Assessment Task 2).
Kitchen time required
You will require time in the kitchen to complete Assessment Task 2. You will find more information about the requirements for training/commercial kitchens in the Hospitality Works Student User Guide.

Assessment Task 1

Assessment TaskKnowledge Questions
Outcomes AssessedPerformance Criteria

Knowledge & Performance Evidence   Addresses some elements of required foundation skills, Knowledge skills and Performance Evidence as shown in the Assessment Mapping documents

Instructions for answering written questions:

  • Student must have to complete a written assessment consisting of a series of questions.
  • It is expected from students to correctly answer all the questions.
  • Answers must demonstrate an understanding and application of relevant concepts, critical thinking, and good writing skills.
  • Student must concise to the point and write answers according to the given word-limit or provide enough evidences to each question and do not provide irrelevant information.
  • Student must not use non-discriminatory language. The language used should not devalue, demean, or exclude individuals or groups based on attributes such as gender, disability, culture, race, religion, sexual preference or age. Gender inclusive language should be used.
  • Assessor should not accept answers copied directly from texts without acknowledgement of the text
  • Trainer/Assessor will provide student further information regarding the location of completing this assessment task.

Information for students

Knowledge questions are designed to help you demonstrate the knowledge which you have acquired during the learning phase of this unit. Ensure that you:

iAssessment information
Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in Appendix A of the Hospitality Works Student User Guide. Refer to the appendix for information on: Note: You must complete and submit an assessment cover sheet with your work. A template is provided in Appendix B of the Student User Guide. However, if your RTO has provided you with an assessment cover sheet, please ensure that you use that.


Provide answers to all of the questions below.

Menu StyleDescription
À la carte  
Table d’hote 
Budgeted sales price  
Standard measures  
Food cost percentage  
Standard yield tests  
Mark up  
GST added on to determine final sale price  
GST off sale price to determine portion cost                      
Cultural and ethnic 
Variety of food products   
Age range 
Budget or buying power 
Dietary requirements or preferences 
Social and cultural background 

Assessment Task 1: Checklist

Student’s name: 
Did the student provide a sufficient and clear answer that addresses the suggested answer for the following?Completed successfully?Comments
Question 1   
Question 2   
Question 3   
Question 4   
Question 5   
Question 6   
Question 7   
Question 8   
Task outcome:
Assessor signature: 
Assessor name: 
SITHKOP010 Plan And Manage Recipes

Assessment Task 2

Assessment TaskPlan and cost recipes
Outcomes AssessedPerformance Criteria
1.1, 1.2, 2.1,2.2,2.3, ,3.1,3.2,3.3,3.4,4.1,4.2,5.1,5.2
Knowledge & Performance Evidence   Addresses some elements of required foundation skills, Knowledge skills and Performance Evidence as shown in the Assessment Mapping documents

Information for students

Tasks required for this unit This unit of competency requires that you:
Instructions for how you will complete these requirements are included below.
SITHKOP010 Plan And Manage Recipes


Complete the following activities.

Successful completion of this unit requires that you complete the range of tasks listed above. It is important that you provide evidence that you have successfully completed each task. Below is a guide to the skills and knowledge you must demonstrate when you are completing each task. We have provided a number of templates to assist you and you will find these in the student resources. What do I need to demonstrate? During this task, you will be required to demonstrate a range of the skills and knowledge that you have developed during your course. These include:   How will I provide evidence? In your student resources folder, you will find a number of templates, each of which you must complete. Detailed instructions for completing each of the templates are provided below. Tips for completing Plan and cost recipes Most importantly, ask for help if you are having trouble!

SITHKOP010 Plan And Manage Recipes
In this step, you need to: The food business could be your RTO’s training kitchen or a workplace. Customers can be a group of customers of your RTO’s training kitchen (these could be fellow students or actual customers) or your workplace. Your assessor will assist you to identify a suitable food business and customers. Use the Customer Preferences and Recipe Planning Template to record the information about the food business’ current customer profile. To complete this template, you will also need to interview a minimum of four (4) customers about their food preferences.  Use the questions included in the Customer Preferences and Recipe Planning Template and then then interview each of your four customers, documenting their answers in the template. As this unit requires you to demonstrate that you can use oral communication skills for asking questions that inform recipe choice and listening and responding to each customer’s feedback, you will also need to arrange with your assessor to observe you completing at least two of the interviews. Your assessor can watch the interviews in person, or you can record your interviews for your assessor to view later. Speak to your assessor about whether the observations will be in person on recorded. Please note that you will also use the information recorded in your Customer Preferences and Recipe Planning Template to plan your recipes. You will need to generate ideas based on identifying customer preferences and then select twelve dishes or food production types for which you will develop recipes. The twelve recipes must consist of three (3) complete dishes or food production items for four of the following menu types: In the next activity, you will cost these recipes.  
Complete your Customer Preferences and Recipe Planning template in full and submit to your assessor.
SITHKOP010 Plan And Manage Recipes
For this part of the assessment, you need to document, as well as cost your twelve (12) recipes. The recipes need to be created in spreadsheet format and a Standard Recipe Card template has been provided for you in your student resources. The standard recipe card requires you to complete the following information: Please note that your assessor will provide you with a commodity price list for the ingredients which you will use for in your menus.
Record your 12 dishes or food production items in your Standard Recipe Card template and submit to your assessor.
SITHKOP010 Plan And Manage Recipes
Once you have developed your recipes, you need to evaluate them to check that the dishes or food production items will sell well. Choose three of the recipes that you have developed and that you feel you would like feedback on. Arrange to meet with at least two colleagues (fellow students or workplace colleagues) to discuss and seek feedback on the two recipes. At the meeting you will advise your colleagues of the following: Use the questions in the Recipe Feedback Template and record the feedback you receive.
Record the feedback received as well as what changes or improvements you would make to your dishes on the Recipe Feedback template and submit to your assessor.
SITHKOP010 Plan And Manage Recipes

Assessment Task 2: Checklist

Has the following been completed?Completed successfully?Comments
The student has identified customer preferences by:   
The student has used oral communication skills to ask questions and listened to responses.   
The student has generated a range of ideas for dishes or food production ranges.   
The student has planned and cost recipes for three complete dishes for any four of the following menu types (12 recipes in total):   
The student has chosen dishes to meet the food business’ service style and cuisine and meet customer preferences.   
The student has included a balanced variety of dishes or food production items for the service style and cuisine.   
The student has itemised proposed components of included dishes or food production items.   
The student has calculated portion yields and costs from raw ingredients.   
The student has assessed cost-effectiveness of proposed dishes or food production items and identified ingredients that provide high yield.   
The student has priced menu items to ensure maximum profitability and included calculating mark-ups and selling price.   
The student has written correct dish descriptions including using words that will:   
The student has sought out feedback from supervisor or colleagues to determine saleability of dishes.   
The student has compared dishes or food production items based on their anticipated yield, budgetary constraints and profitability.   
The student has evaluated dishes by using the feedback from supervisor or colleagues to determine saleability of dishes.   
The student has adjusted recipes based on feedback provided and profitability.   
Task outcome: 
Assessor signature:  
Assessor name:  
SITHKOP010 Plan And Manage Recipes

Student Feedback Form
Unit SITHKOP010 – Plan and cost recipes
Student Name:  Date 
Assessor Name: 
Please provide us some feedback on your assessment process. Information provided on this form is used for evaluation of our assessment systems and processes. This information is confidential and is not released to any external parties without your written consent. There is no need to sign your name as your feedback is confidential.
 Strongly AgreeAgreeAverageDisagreeStrongly Disagree
I received information about the assessment requirements prior to undertaking the tasks54  3    2  1
The assessment instructions were clear and easy to understand54  3    2  1
I understood the purpose of the assessment54  3    2  1
The assessment meets your expectation54  3    2  1
My Assessor was organised and well prepared54  3    2  1
The assessment was Fair, Valid, Flexible and Reliable54  3    2  1
My Assessor’s conduct was professional54  3    2  1
The assessment was an accurate reflection of the unit requirements54  3    2  1
I was comfortable with the outcome of the assessment54  3    2  1
I received feedback about assessments I completed54  3    2  1
The pace of this unit was:Too Slow Great Pace Too Fast
SITHKOP010 Plan And Manage Recipes


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