
PFA 401 Person Centred Approach

09 April 2023 04:44 AM | UPDATED 2 years ago

PFA 401 Person Centred Approach :

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PFA 401 Person Centred Approach
PFA 401 Person Centred Approach
Subject Code and TitlePFA 401 Person Centred Approach
AssessmentCase Study
Length2000 words (+/- 10%)
Learning OutcomesUnderstand and apply a person-centred approach to analyse and problem solve issues and challenges associated with ASD.Describe the historical context of ASD and contemporary developments.Identify and analyse the support needs of ASDfor the individual and their carers.Demonstrate research and communication skills for post graduate level.
SubmissionBy 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of Week 12
Total Marks100 marks

Assessment Task

The PFA 401 Person Centred Approach assessment is prescribed for you to advance your analytical skills, and your knowledge andunderstanding of ASD and the lived experience of autistic individuals.


This assessment prepares you to apply contemporary practices in the classroom using the person-centred approach of ASD, whilst understanding the varying views of ASD based on the historicalevolution in terms of how the condition has been described over time.


This assessment requires you to critically analyse four scenarios from the subject focusing on the historical context and contemporary practices. You will draw on literature specific to the evolution ofASD and apply a person-centred approach to discuss the issues and challenges an individual and their carers face with regard to the contemporary implications of a range of historical perspectives on ASD, and associated practices.

You will need to read broadly about the history of ASD and apply this in relation to the person first perspective presented in each scenario. The responses require you to utilise problem solving skills.

You will demonstrate knowledge and understanding of ASD whilst using a person- centred approach by comparing and contrasting historical and contemporary contexts. You will identifysupport needs related to ASD for the individual and their carers in relation to historical and contemporary practices.

The scenario structure response should include the following:

Section 1. (this section will be repeated for each scenario) Introduce the scenario.

Discuss historical and contemporary practices in relation to the development of

knowledgein ASD.

Using a person-centred approach for both the individual and carer, analyse the key issues ofthe scenario.

Provide a rationale for the historical or contemporary influence on the lived experience.

Section 2. (one response across all scenarios)

Synthesise and describe changes and challenges throughout generations through anindividual and carer person first lens.

Describe the support needs required for the individual and carer using a person first lens inrelation to historical and contemporary practices.

Section 3. (one response across all scenarios)

Reflect on the impact of the changes in generational knowledge and practice utilising theanalysis of the four scenarios.


It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see more information on referencing in the Academic Skills webpage.

Submission Instructions

Academic Integrity

All students are responsible for ensuring that all work submitted is their own and is appropriately referenced and academically written according to the Academic Writing Guide. Students also need to have read and be aware of Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure and subsequent penalties for academic misconduct. These are viewable online.

Students also must keep a copy of all submitted material and any assessment drafts.

Special Consideration

To apply for special consideration for a modification to an assessment or exam due to unexpected or extenuating circumstances, please consult the Assessment Policy for Higher Education Coursework and ELICOS and, if applicable to your circumstance, submit a completed Application for Assessment Special Consideration Form to your Learning Facilitator.

Learning Rubric

Assessment AttributesFail (Unacceptable)  Pass (Functional)  Credit (Proficient)  Distinction (Advanced)  High Distinction (Exceptional)
Grade Description (Grading Scheme)Evidence of unsatisfactory achievement of one or more of the learning objectives of the course, insufficient understanding of the course content and/or unsatisfactory level of skill development.Evidence of satisfactory achievement of course learning objectives, the development of relevant skills to a competent level, and adequate interpretation and critical analysis skills.Evidence of a good level of understanding, knowledge and skill development in relation to the contentof the course or work of a superior quality on the majority of the learning objectives of the course. Demonstration of a high level of interpretation and critical analysis skills.Evidence of a high level ofachievement of the learning objectives of the course demonstrated in such areas as interpretation and criticalanalysis, logical argument, use of methodology and communication skills.Evidence of an exceptional levelof achievement of learning objectives acrossthe entire content of the course demonstrated in such areas as interpretation and critical analysis, logical argument, creativity, originality, use of methodology and communication skills.
Knowledge and understanding 30%Limited understanding of requiredconcepts and knowledge   Key components of the assignment arenot addressed.The response identifies historical and contemporary perspectives of ASD and identifies experiences and support needs of the person with ASD and their carers.The response demonstrates an in- depth understandingof varying views of ASD based on historical and contemporary practices.The response demonstratesa high order analysis of ownand others’ biases, prejudices and assumptionsin relation to the historical and contemporary practices.Comprehensive reflection and coverage of ASD integrating the importance of lived experience understanding and support in thecontext of historical and contemporary practices.
Critical reflection 30%Specific position (perspective or argument) fails to take into accountthe complexities of the issue(s) or scope of the assignment.   Makes assertions that are not justified.The response demonstrates a capacity to critique and analyse reasonsfor current views about ASD in relation to historicaland contemporary practices.The use of critical analysis of both the student knowledge of ASD and those of others is included in relation to the personfirst approach.Using the person first approach, a thorough demonstration of the support approaches for an individual with ASD and their carers from the perspective of historical andcontemporary practices.Specific perspective is presented imaginatively and accurately taking in to account the complexity of ASD. Limits ofposition are acknowledged.
Capacity to apply a person centred approach 30%Limited synthesis and analysis.   Limited application/recomm endationsbased upon analysis.The relationship between the shift of the student understandings about ASD in a historical and contemporary practice context is demonstrated throughthe lens of the person centred approach.There is clear identification and understanding of the support required for individuals and their carers based on historical and contemporary practices.The response demonstratesa highly developed capacityto integrate person centred approach from a historical and contemporary context.The reflection demonstrates a creative, innovative synthesis of ideas.
Academic conventions 10%Poorly written with errors in spelling, grammar.   Demonstrates inconsistent use of good quality, credible and relevant research sources to support and develop ideas.The response is written according to academic genre. The response demonstrates a consistent use of credible and relevant research sources to support ideas, however these are not always welldeveloped.Is well-written and adheres to the academic genre (e.g. with introduction, conclusion or summary).   Demonstrates consistent use of high quality, credible and relevant research sources to support and develop ideas.Is very well-written and adheres to the academicgenre.   Consistently demonstrates expert useof good quality, credible and relevant research sources to support and develop appropriate arguments and statements. Shows evidence of reading beyond the key reading.Expertly written and adheres to the academic genre.   Demonstrates expert use of high-quality, credible and relevant research sources to support and develop arguments and position statements. Shows extensive evidence of reading beyond the key reading.


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