MBA402 Governance Ethics And Sustainability

10 April 2023 07:15 AM | UPDATED 1 year ago

MBA402 Governance Ethics And Sustainability :

For solution: +610482078788



 MBA402  Governance Ethics And Sustainability
MBA402 Governance Ethics And Sustainability

Assessment 2 Information

Subject Code:MBA402
Subject Name:Governance, Ethics and Sustainability
Assessment Title:Code of Ethics
Assessment Type:Code of Ethics
Word Count:2,000Words(+/-10%)
Weighting:30 %
Total Marks:30
Submission:Via Turnitin
Due Date:Tuesday, Week 9

Your Task

Your MBA402 Governance Ethics And Sustainability task is to draft a Code of Ethics for the Australian Cereal Manufacturer Noumi Limited: https://noumi.com.au


formerly trading under the name Freedom Foods: https://ffgl.com.au/brands/australias-own/

The word limit for your draft is 2,000 words (plus References).

Assessment Instructions

You are required to research recent news articles and other information about Freedom Foods, to discover some of the problems this company has faced in recent years. Here are a few links to get you started:

https://www.consultancy.com.au/news/2251/pwc-and-ashurst-looking-into-misconduct-at- freedom-foods

https://www.smartcompany.com.au/business-advice/legal/sme-learn-freedom-foods-debacle- directors/

https://www.abc.net.au/news/rural/2019-03-14/freedom-foods-accused-of-exploiting-migrant- workers/10900850

https://edairynews.com/en/freedom-foods-accused-of-underpaying-exploiting-migrant-workers-in- shepparton-dairy/

The information you uncover will provide a brief Background discussion for your Code of Ethics.

Your Code of Ethics must specifically address the following ethical categories:

·         Discrimination

  • Exploitation

·         Dishonest and Fraudulent Behaviour.

Each MBA402 Governance Ethics And Sustainability section of your Code of Ethics will define the relevant ethical category, then provide rules to guide the behaviour of employees and other company stakeholders.

For further guidance here are the links to three example company codes of ethics:

  1. Wesfarmers – https://www.wesfarmers.com.au/docs/default-source/default-document- library/wesfamers-code-of-conduct.pdf?sfvrsn=181f0ebb_2

Assessment Instructions

Students must present their answer in a document that contains the following categories.

  • Background (Maximum 400 words). Briefly discuss some of the recent scandals impacting Freedom Foods (now Noumi Limited). What do these scandals indicate regarding the need for a Code of Ethics for Noumi Limited?
  • Code of Ethics: (1,600 words split across the following sections):

Discrimination Exploitation

Dishonest and Fraudulent Behaviour Whistleblower Protections Enforcement

You will be required to include a minimum of 8 references in your Code of Ethics, 4 of which must come from academic journals or textbooks.

Important Study Information

Academic Integrity Policy

KBS values academic integrity. All students must understand the meaning and consequences of cheating, plagiarism and other academic offences under the Academic Integrity and Conduct Policy.

What is academic integrity and misconduct? What are the penalties for academic misconduct? What are the late penalties?

How can I appeal my grade?

Click here for answers to these questions: http://www.kbs.edu.au/current-students/student-policies/.

Word Limits for Written Assessments

Submissions that exceed the word limit by more than 10% will cease to be marked from the point at which that limit is exceeded.

Study Assistance

Students may seek study assistance from their local Academic MBA402 Governance Ethics And Sustainability Learning Advisor or refer to the resources on the MyKBS Academic Success Centre page. Click here for this information.

Assessment Marking Guide

CriteriaF (Fail) 0%-49%P (Pass) 50%-64%CR (Credit) 65%-74%D (Distinction) 75% – 84%HD (High Distinction) 85%-100%Mark
BackgroundSensationalist and/or unstructured discussion of recent company missteps. No attempt to link discussion to categories appearing in the Code of Ethics. No lessons drawn on the need for a company Code of Ethics.Provides a good basic account of at least one recent company scandal or problem. No attempt to link problems to categories in the Code of Ethics. No lessons drawn on the need for a company Code of Ethics.Coherently describes at least two recent company scandals. Limited attempts to link one of these to a category appearing in the Code of Ethics. Minimal attempt to draw lessons on the need for a company Code of Ethics.Provides a coherent, well- researched summary of recent company scandals. Draws out the ethical implications of the events described. Cogently argues a case for producing a company Code of Ethics.Provides a succinct, comprehensive, insightful summary of recent company scandals. Intelligently draws out the ethical implications of the events described. Cogently links the scandals to the case for producing a company Code of Ethics./4
Code of Ethics: DiscriminationCode of Ethics does not adequately explain or apply the concept of discrimination. Code of Ethics fails to expressly prohibit discrimination.Discrimination is sufficiently explained and applied in the Code of Ethics. Discrimination is expressly prohibited but more information required to clarify the forms of behavior that amount to discrimination.Specific examples of discrimination are included in the Code of Ethics to support accurate application. Express prohibition of discrimination included making it clear that specific examples of behavior provided are in breach.A detailed explanation and application of the concept of discrimination is provided for in the Code of Ethics supported by relevant examples. Such discrimination is expressly prohibited by the Code of Ethics.Discrimination is comprehensively explained and applied and supported by directly relevant examples. Such discrimination is expressly prohibited by the Code of Ethics with cross reference made to potential sanctions in the Enforcement section./4
Code of Ethics: ExploitationLittle to no discussion of the application of exploitation in the code of ethics. No express prohibition of exploitation in Code of Ethics.Code of Ethics includes adequate application of the concept of exploitation. Express prohibition of exploitation is included but further details are necessary to better illustrate what forms of exploitation will not be tolerated in the organization.Exploitation is clearly explained and applied in the Code of Ethics with specific examples included. Exploitation is expressly prohibited and a direct reference is made to examples provided as being in breach.Elaborate explanation and application of the concept of exploitation is provided for in the Code of Ethics and supported by helpful examples. Exploitation is expressly prohibited by the Code of Ethics.Exploitation is thoroughly explained and applied and supported by multiple relevant examples. The Code of Ethics expressly prohibits exploitation and refers to potential sanctions in the Enforcement section./4
Code of Ethics: Dishonest & Fraudulent BehaviourLittle to no discussion of the meaning and application of dishonest and fraudulent behaviour. No express prohibition of dishonest and fraudulent behaviour in Code of Ethics.Code of Ethics includes adequate outline of the concept of dishonest and fraudulent behaviour and relevant application. Express prohibition of dishonest and fraudulent behaviour is included but further details are necessary to better illustrate what forms of dishonest and fraudulent behavior will not be tolerated in the organization.Dishonest and fraudulent behaviour is clearly explained and applied in the Code of Ethics with specific examples included. Dishonest and fraudulent behaviour is expressly prohibited and a direct reference is made to examples provided as being in breach.Elaborate explanation and application of the concept of dishonest and fraudulent behaviour is provided for in the Code of Ethics and supported by helpful examples specifically including dishonest and fraudulent behavior. Dishonest and fraudulent behaviour is expressly prohibited by the Code of Ethics.Dishonest and fraudulent behaviour is thoroughly explained and applied, and supported by multiple relevant examples including dishonest and fraudulent behavior. The Code of Ethics expressly prohibits dishonest and fraudulent behaviour and refers to potential sanctions in the Enforcement section./4
Code of Ethics: Whistleblower ProtectionsCode of Ethics does not adequately explain and apply the concept of whistleblower or the need for adequate protections. Code of Ethics fails to expressly provide for whistleblower protections.Whistleblowing is sufficiently explained and applied in the Code of Ethics with consideration of the need for protections. Whistleblower protections are expressly provided for but more protective measures required to encourage whistleblowers to come forward.Specific examples of whistleblowing are included in the Code of Ethics to support accurate explanation and application. Express provision of whistleblower protections included making it clear that specific examples of behavior provided are entitled to protection.A detailed explanation and application of the concept of whistleblowing is provided for in the Code of Ethics supported by relevant examples. Such whistleblowing is expressly protected by the Code of Ethics.Whistleblowing is comprehensively explained and applied and supported by directly relevant examples. Such whistleblowing is expressly protected by the Code of Ethics with cross reference made to potential sanctions in the Enforcement section./4
Code of Ethics: EnforcementLittle to no discussion and application of the enforcement and its purpose. No express provision for enforcement in Code of Ethics.Code of Ethics includes adequate outline of the enforcement and application to each area. Express provision for enforcement is included but further structure is necessary to better illustrate sanctions for breach and deter breaching behavior.Enforcement is clearly explained and applied in the Code of Ethics with specific examples included. Enforcement is expressly provided for and a direct reference is made to examples provided as being in breach with corresponding sanctions clearly illustrated.Elaborate explanation and application of the concept of enforcement is provided for in the Code of Ethics and supported by helpful examples specifically including discrimination, exploitation, corruption, dishonest and fraudulent behavior, and whistleblower protections. Enforcement is expressly provided for in the Code of Ethics.Enforcement is thoroughly explained and applied, and supported by multiple relevant examples including discrimination, exploitation, corruption, dishonest and fraudulent behavior, and whistleblower protections and more. The Code of Ethics expressly provides for enforcement and cross references previous section of the Code/4
Structure, Format and PresentationAnswer not clearly and logically presented. Appropriate theory and research are not used to answer questions posed. Correct academic writing style not used, including correct spelling, grammar and punctuation. Format of answer inconsistent with question requirements and KBS guidelines. In-text referencing and reference list does not follow Harvard style and consistent with KBS guidelines.Answer logically presented. Some appropriate theory and research analysis to answer questions posed. Mostly correct academic writing style used, including correct spelling, grammar and punctuation. Format of answer mostly consistent with question requirements and KBS guidelines. In-text referencing and reference list mostly follows Harvard style and consistent with KBS guidelines.Answer clearly and logically presented. Appropriate theory and research analysis to answer questions posed. Correct academic writing style used, including correct spelling, grammar and punctuation. Format of answer consistent with question requirements and KBS guidelines. In-text referencing and reference list follows Harvard style and consistent with KBS guidelines.Answer clearly, concisely and logically presented. Appropriate theory and additional research analysis to answer questions posed. Correct academic writing style used, including correct spelling, strong grammar and punctuation. Format of answer consistent with question requirements and KBS guidelines. In-text referencing and reference list follows Harvard style and consistent with KBS guidelines.Answer clear, concise, effective, and logically presented. Appropriate theory and comprehensive research analysis to answer questions posed. Correct academic writing style used, including correct spelling, advanced grammar and punctuation. Format of answer consistent with question requirements and KBS guidelines. In-text referencing and reference list follows Harvard style and consistent with KBS guidelines./6


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