Information Technology

ITECH1101 Portfolio Assessment

11 April 2023 06:05 AM | UPDATED 2 years ago

ITECH1101 Portfolio Assessment :

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ITECH1101 Portfolio Assessment
ITECH1101 Portfolio Assessment


This ITECH1101 Portfolio Assessment requires you to establish a personal goal relating to the development of one aspect of your problem solving skillset, and maintain a portfolio documenting your progress and reflections. This is an individual ITECH1101 Portfolio Assessment assessment.

Timelines and Expectations

Percentage Value of Task: 20% Due: See course description Minimum time expectation: 12 hours

Learning Outcomes Assessed

The following course learning outcomes are assessed by completing this ITECH1101 Portfolio Assessment :

  • K1. Explain fundamental strategies for problem solving
  • K2. Relate goal-setting and plan formulation to problem solving
  • K3. Compare and contrast commonly used problem solving strategies
  • K4. Describe tools and techniques that can be used to model and describe problems
  • K5. Describe the value of reflection, attitude and self-efficacy towards success in problem solving
  • S1. Decompose a problem and create goals and plans to solve that problem
  • S2. Devise and implement problem solving strategies which can be applied to a range of IT problems
  • S3. Develop and verify algorithms based on conceptual models used in programming
  • S4. Construct documentation describing how to solve a problem
  • A1. Apply problem solving strategies, tools and techniques to solve problems in a variety of domains

Assessment Details

Throughout the semester, you will be working towards improving your problem solving capabilities. Each of us has a different starting point, established through our life experiences and educational background. This ITECH1101 Portfolio Assessment requires you to identify an aspect of problem solving that you would like to focus on improving. This may be something that you consider to be a weakness in your problem solving capabilities, or something that you think you do well but would like to improve. The important thing is that this is something you can genuinely work to improve, so that you are able to reflect meaningfully on your progress and the challenges that arise throughout the semester.

Your task is to:

  1. Use the “Setting a Goal” section of this ITECH1101 Portfolio Assessment specification to identify an aspect of problem solving that you wish to target throughout the semester.
  • Develop a personal goal to specifically identify what it is you wish to focus upon, and how you are going to achieve this. Explain why this goal is relevant to you.
  • Maintain a portfolio of your efforts towards meeting your goal. This portfolio must:
    • be documented in Microsoft Word or saved as a .pdf file for submission.
    • specify your personal goal and its relevance to you.
    • be updated at least once a week, for Weeks 1-10.
    • contain evidence of your work that shows you have been addressing your goal. This could include screenshots, photographs, typed or handwritten text, or any other evidence that clearly identifies what you have been working on. If the evidence is long (e.g. multiple pages of work, then just a sample that gives some detail is sufficient). This evidence may include coursework, provided it directly relates to your goal and you are not discussing the evidence for any other assessment.
    • include a discussion of each week’s evidence that explains what you have been doing and provides a meaningful reflection on your progress. The discussion must be written explicitly for this assessment.
    • conclude with an overall reflection of your progress towards your goal throughout the semester. This reflection must consider:
      • how well you adhered to the requirements of your goal (i.e. did you do what you said you were going to do?).
      • the impact of your work on the aspect of problem solving you set out to improve.
      • challenges you encountered and how you responded to these.
      • what you have learned from the process of setting a goal and tracking your progress throughout the semester.

Setting a Goal

Your personal goal needs to follow the SMART format: Specific, Measurable, Action-Oriented, Realistic, Time-Based. Using this format gives your goal clear focus, and allows you to know what you need to do and when you need to do it.

Some of the problem solving capabilities included in the goals are not taught in the course in the first few weeks. This is not a problem; the idea is that you start based on what you currently know, and improve throughout the course. We would hope that your work improves further once the problem solving capability has been taught, but you are not being assessed on how much your skill improves or how well you perform the skill.

Starting Point for Goals:

The list below provides a starting point for your personal goal. You must modify your goal to fully address the SMART goal criteria and to provide more specific details where appropriate (for example, what day / time each week will you schedule the activity?). You may further modify the goal to better reflect your personal problem solving capabilities, but please check with your tutor to ensure the goal is appropriate if you take this option.

You are required to choose one of these four goals below and modify it so it that it becomes a SMART goal.

  1. I will improve my understanding of heuristics by selecting a different heuristic each week

and using it to try solving a problem.

  • I will improve my ability to write algorithms by writing a new algorithm each week and asking someone to follow it and provide me with feedback on how well it works.
  • I will work on my growth mindset by reviewing my work each week to retry at least one task where I applied a fixed mindset, reframing my thinking to approach the task with a growth mindset.
  • I will work on my creative thinking by identifying a different problem each week and spending at least 15 minutes writing down a list of all the creative solutions I can identify.


Your completed portfolio must be submitted in the Portfolio submission link in Moodle by the due date and time.  You will not be able to edit your Portfolio once it has been submitted.

You must submit your Portfolio as a single document containing each week’s activities via the Portfolio Assignment submission link on Moodle. Only .pdf files or Microsoft Word documents will be accepted.

Marking Criteria

Please refer to the marking rubric provided at the end of this document for the marking criteria.


Marks will be uploaded in fdlMarks and a completed marking feedback sheet uploaded in Moodle within 2 weeks of the assessment due date.


Plagiarism is the ITECH1101 Portfolio Assessment presentation of the expressed thought or work of another person as though it is one’s own without properly acknowledging that person. You must not allow other students to copy your work and must take care to safeguard against this happening. More information about the plagiarism policy and procedure for the university can be found at study/online-help-with/plagiarism.

Marking Criteria – ITECH1101 Portfolio

CriteriaHigh (1.5 marks)Medium (1 mark)Low (0.5 marks)Not demonstrated (0 marks)
Personal SMART goal establishedSMART goal is ALL OF specific, measurable, action- oriented, realistic and time- based. It is personalized and appropriately focused on improving a single problem solving capability.SMART goal is MOST OF specific, measurable, action- oriented, realistic and time- based. It is personalized and appropriately focused on improving an aspect of problem solving.SMART goal may not meet all the requirements of specific, measurable, action- oriented, realistic and time- based. It may not be personalized but is appropriately focused on improving an aspect of problem solving.No SMART goal provided OR SMART goal is not / minimally modified from the starting point provided.
Relevance of SMART goal describedThe personal relevance of the SMART goal is clearly described in depth. The goal provides an appropriate level of challenge.The personal relevance of the SMART goal is clearly described but lacking some depth. The goal provides an appropriate level of challenge.The personal relevance of the SMART goal may lack depth. The goal may not provide an appropriate level of challenge.Relevance of SMART goal not provided / inappropriate.
Week 1 Evidence and discussionThe evidence provided clearly supports the personal goal. The discussion is relevant, insightful and demonstrates a high degree of personal reflection. The level of challenge is appropriate.The evidence provided clearly supports the personal goal. The discussion is relevant, and may be insightful with some degree of personal reflection. The level of challenge is appropriate.The evidence provided clearly supports the personal goal. The discussion is relevant, but may lack in insight or personal reflection. The level of challenge may not be appropriate.Evidence not provided OR discussion not provided OR either evidence or discussion not relevant to the goal.
Week 2 Evidence and discussionThe evidence provided clearly supports the personal goal.The evidence provided clearly supports the personal goal.The evidence provided clearly supports the personal goal.Evidence not provided OR discussion not provided OR
 The discussion is relevant, insightful and demonstrates a high degree of personal reflection. The level of challenge is appropriate.The discussion is relevant, an may be insightful with some degree of personal reflection. The level of challenge is appropriate.The discussion is relevant, but may lack in insight or personal reflection. The level of challenge may not be appropriate.either evidence or discussion not relevant to the goal.
Week 3 Evidence and discussionThe evidence provided clearly supports the personal goal. The discussion is relevant, insightful and demonstrates a high degree of personal reflection. The level of challenge is appropriate.The evidence provided clearly supports the personal goal. The discussion is relevant, an may be insightful with some degree of personal reflection. The level of challenge is appropriate.The evidence provided clearly supports the personal goal. The discussion is relevant, but may lack in insight or personal reflection. The level of challenge may not be appropriate.Evidence not provided OR discussion not provided OR either evidence or discussion not relevant to the goal.
Week 4 Evidence and discussionThe evidence provided clearly supports the personal goal. The discussion is relevant, insightful and demonstrates a high degree of personal reflection. The level of challenge is appropriate.The evidence provided clearly supports the personal goal. The discussion is relevant, an may be insightful with some degree of personal reflection. The level of challenge is appropriate.The evidence provided clearly supports the personal goal. The discussion is relevant, but may lack in insight or personal reflection. The level of challenge may not be appropriate.Evidence not provided OR discussion not provided OR either evidence or discussion not relevant to the goal.
Week 5 Evidence and discussionThe evidence provided clearly supports the personal goal. The discussion is relevant, insightful and demonstrates a high degree of personal reflection. The level of challenge is appropriate.The evidence provided clearly supports the personal goal. The discussion is relevant, an may be insightful with some degree of personal reflection. The level of challenge is appropriate.The evidence provided clearly supports the personal goal. The discussion is relevant, but may lack in insight or personal reflection. The level of challenge may not be appropriate.Evidence not provided OR discussion not provided OR either evidence or discussion not relevant to the goal.
Week 6 Evidence and discussionThe evidence provided clearly supports the personal goal.The evidence provided clearly supports the personal goal.The evidence provided clearly supports the personal goal.Evidence not provided OR discussion not provided OR
 The discussion is relevant, insightful and demonstrates a high degree of personal reflection. The level of challenge is appropriate.The discussion is relevant, an may be insightful with some degree of personal reflection. The level of challenge is appropriate.The discussion is relevant, but may lack in insight or personal reflection. The level of challenge may not be appropriate.either evidence or discussion not relevant to the goal.
Week 7 Evidence and discussionThe evidence provided clearly supports the personal goal. The discussion is relevant, insightful and demonstrates a high degree of personal reflection. The level of challenge is appropriate.The evidence provided clearly supports the personal goal. The discussion is relevant, an may be insightful with some degree of personal reflection. The level of challenge is appropriate.The evidence provided clearly supports the personal goal. The discussion is relevant, but may lack in insight or personal reflection. The level of challenge may not be appropriate.Evidence not provided OR discussion not provided OR either evidence or discussion not relevant to the goal.
Week 8 Evidence and discussionThe evidence provided clearly supports the personal goal. The discussion is relevant, insightful and demonstrates a high degree of personal reflection. The level of challenge is appropriate.The evidence provided clearly supports the personal goal. The discussion is relevant, an may be insightful with some degree of personal reflection. The level of challenge is appropriate.The evidence provided clearly supports the personal goal. The discussion is relevant, but may lack in insight or personal reflection. The level of challenge may not be appropriate.Evidence not provided OR discussion not provided OR either evidence or discussion not relevant to the goal.
Week 9 Evidence and discussionThe evidence provided clearly supports the personal goal. The discussion is relevant, insightful and demonstrates a high degree of personal reflection. The level of challenge is appropriate.The evidence provided clearly supports the personal goal. The discussion is relevant, an may be insightful with some degree of personal reflection. The level of challenge is appropriate.The evidence provided clearly supports the personal goal. The discussion is relevant, but may lack in insight or personal reflection. The level of challenge may not be appropriate.Evidence not provided OR discussion not provided OR either evidence or discussion not relevant to the goal.
Week 10 Evidence and discussionThe evidence provided clearly supports the personal goal.The evidence provided clearly supports the personal goal.The evidence provided clearly supports the personal goal.Evidence not provided OR discussion not provided OR
 The discussion is relevant, insightful and demonstrates a high degree of personal reflection. The level of challenge is appropriate.The discussion is relevant, an may be insightful with some degree of personal reflection. The level of challenge is appropriate.The discussion is relevant, but may lack in insight or personal reflection. The level of challenge may not be appropriate.either evidence or discussion not relevant to the goal.
 High (2 marks)Medium (1 marks)Low (0.5 marks)Not demonstrated (0 marks)
Concluding ReflectionThe concluding reflection is relevant, insightful and demonstrates a high degree of personal reflection. It includes a meaningful discussion on how often the goal was followed, challenges encountered and responses to these, the impact of this process on the student’s problem solving skillset and learning attained through this process.The concluding reflection is relevant, insightful and demonstrates a moderate degree of personal reflection. It includes a meaningful discussion on how often the goal was followed, challenges encountered and responses to these, the impact of this process on the student’s problem solving skillset and learning attained through this process.The concluding reflection is relevant, insightful and demonstrates some degree of personal reflection. It includes a discussion, which may lack depth, covering most of how often the goal was followed, challenges encountered and responses to these, the impact of this process on the student’s problem solving skillset and learning attained through this process.Final reflection not provided OR final reflection does not include most of the required content.


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