Information Technology

Implement Relational Database Schema

26 April 2023 13:08 PM | UPDATED 1 year ago

Implement Relational Database Schema :

Implement Relational  Database Schema
Implement Relational Database Schema

Stage 2: Relational data structures & database schema

Due: Session 8, 5pm Weight: 10%

For the structure shown in the table below, answer the following questions: BOOK_IDBOOK_TITLE                                                                                          BOOK_YEARBOOK_COSTB

5237Mastering the database environment 2015 89.95D 5237Mastering the database environment 2015 89.95D 5237Mastering the database environment 2015 89.95D 5237Mastering the database environment 2015 89.95D 5237Mastering the database environment 2015 89.95D 5240iOS Programming 2015 79.95P 5240iOS Programming 2015 79.95P 5240iOS Programming 2015 79.95P 5240iOS Programming 2015 79.95P 5240iOS Programming 2015 79.95P 5240iOS Programming 2015 79.95P 5240iOS Programming 2015 79.95P What You Always Wanted to Know About Database 5248 ,                 2016 49.95D    

But Were Afraid to Ask

What You Always Wanted to Know About Database, 5248

But Were Afraid to Ask

What You Always Wanted to Know About Database, 5248

But Were Afraid to Ask

2016            49.95D

2016            49.95D

5243DATABASES in Theory                                                              2015                                                                                                       129.95D

5243DATABASES in Theory                                                              2015                                                                                                       129.95D

5246Capture the Cloud                                                                    2016                                                                                                       69.95C

5246Capture the Cloud                                                                    2016                                                                                                       69.95C

Download Data Sets (../DataSet.xls?


In your group, you will need to submit the following for the above given ER diagram:

  1. Write the relational schema and draw the Dependency Diagram that is in 3NF for each relation. For each relation show the level of Normalisation achieved, and for any not in Third Normal Form, explain why. Discuss PK and FK for each relation. (Also make sure that the new dependency diagram contains attributes that meet proper design criteria; that is, make sure there are no multivalued attributes, that the naming conventions are met, and so)
  2. Draw the Crow’s Foot ERD.
  3. Relational data structures that translates the above ER diagram, which includes:
    1. relation names,
    1. attribute names and field types
    1. primary keys identified Sample Data Dictionary
  • Team contribution statement

The group should also complete the Student Contribution table for this stage of the Assignment and submit it along with your E-R diagram to the Stage 2 Dropbox (/d2l/common/dialogs/quickLink/quickLink.d2l? ou=1752648&type=dropbox&rcode=VU-1046965).

Student Contribution Table

Text Box: Student Name(s) / Number(s):	%
Contribution	Description of the contribution	No. of hours worked
for this Stage


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