Information Technology

Implement Database Using Mysql

26 April 2023 12:49 PM | UPDATED 1 year ago

Implement Database Using Mysql :

Implement Database Using Mysql
Implement Database Using Mysql

Stage 3: Implement database/ Presentation

Due: Session 10/11 Weight: 15%

Based on the stage 2, write queries for the following questions:

  1. Write a query to display the author last name, author first name, and book number for each book written by that author. Sort the results by author last name, first name, and then book number.
  2. Write a query to display the author ID, book number, title, and subject for each book. Sort the results by book number and then author ID.
  3. Write a query to display the author last name, first name, book title, and replacement cost for each book. Sort the results by book number and then author ID. Replacement cost = Book Cost + 10% of Book Cost.
  4. Write a query to display the author ID, first and last name, book number, and book title of all books in the subject “Cloud.” Sort the results by book title and then by author last name.
  5. Write a query to display the total value of all books in the library.
  6. Write a query to display the lowest book cost in the system.
  7. Write a query to display the book number, title, and year of all books published after 2015 and on the “Programming” subject sorted by book number.
  8. Write a query to display the book number, book title, and subject for every book sorted by book number.
  9. Write a query to display the different years in which books have been published. Include each year only once and sort the results by year.
  10. Write a query to display the book number, title, and cost for all books that cost $99.95 sorted by book number.

In your group, you will need to:

  1. Implement Database in XAMPP using MySQL.
  • Create a database (developed using MySQL), this should contain sufficient data in each table to demonstrate that your queries work. All tables must be populated with minimum of 10 records. Provide screenshots as evidence of your implementation.
  • An electronic copy of your database, with all records saved in the database.

<group_no>_nit1201.sql Example group21_nit1201.sql

  • Write the answer to each query and the result of the query (screen capture). You should submit all design work, program documentation, and relevant sample screen shots of your implementation.
    • Team contribution statement

The group should also complete the Student Contribution table for this stage of the Assignment and submit it along with your documents to the Stage 3 Dropbox (/d2l/common/dialogs/quickLink/quickLink.d2l? ou=1752648&type=dropbox&rcode=VU-1046965).

Student Contribution Table

Student Name(s) / Number(s):% ContributionDescription of the contributionNo. of hours worked for this Stage

Last Visited 12 March, 2023 22:12


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