Information Technology

ICTWEB513 Build Dynamic Websites

13 April 2023 06:49 AM | UPDATED 1 year ago

ICTWEB513 Build Dynamic Websites :

For solution: +610482078788



ICTWEB513Build dynamic websites  

First published 2020

RTO Works

[email protected]

0452 157 557

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IT Works is a series of training and assessment resources developed for qualifications within the Information and Communications Technology Training Package.


Section 1: Dynamic website building preparation. 5

Section 2: Dynamic website development 7

Section 3: Dynamic website testing and finalisation. 8

Student name: 
Student ID: 
Submission date: 
Assessor name: 
Documentation reviewed as preparation: 

Section 1: Dynamic website building preparation ie ICTWEB513 Build Dynamic Websites

Legislation, standards and procedures Identify: One applicable legislation and its relevance to dynamic website developmentTwo applicable standards and its relevance to dynamic website developmentThe procedures that you will follow to develop your dynamic website. 
Dynamic website Describe the dynamic website you are going to design and develop, including: purposeexpectations for the document required functionality. 
User interface design requirements, including user needs, design principles and operating systems Based on the business’ requirements, analyse and then describe: user interface design requirements for the dynamic websiteuser needs – list at least three. design principles – list at least threeoperating systems -indicate the system that will be used for web hosting. 
Hierarchy Provide a diagram of the hierarchy for the website. This can be hand drawn here or developed using software in which case you should attach a screenshot.  Your hierarchy should also show the navigation for the website. 
User interface prototype Provide a diagram of the user interface website. This can be hand drawn here or developed using software in which case you should attach a screenshot.  
Website architecture Determine and document the website architecture including: technical requirements, for example, server, storage, memory and communication interfacesFunctional aspects including the type of services or processes the dynamic website will provide.Visual appearance of the website, for example, colours, buttons and other visual design elements. Security parameters i.e. how the website will ensure secure access control and transactions. 
Data storage Explain how the data collected through the website will be stored? 

Section 2: Dynamic website development

Dynamic website development You are to develop the dynamic website you have planned. Using the software you have downloaded, document the coding. Take screenshots of your work to attach to your portfolio. List each screenshot here and then attach. 
Styling You are to style your dynamic documents using the software you have selected. Summarise the details of your styling work here. Take screenshots of your work to attach to your portfolio. 
Testing You are to test each component of the website that you have developed. Describe the testing process for each component here. Take screenshots of your work to attach to your portfolio. 
Integration You are to integrate all components to produce the final product. Describe the integration process here. Take screenshots of your work to attach to your portfolio. 
Paperclip Attach:Screenshots

Section 3: Dynamic website testing and finalisation

Testing You are to test the website you have developed and check it meets the business’ requirements. List and describe the tests you have undertaken. Take screenshots of your work to attach to your portfolio   
Security You are check the website to ensure it is secure. List and describe the tests you have undertaken to ensure security. The tests should also follow procedures for cyber security. Describe how you have ensured you follow procedures. Take screenshots of your work to attach to your portfolio   
Debugging You are check the website to ensure it is bug free. Describe the validation process you undertook to ensure that there are no errors.  The tests should also follow procedures for cyber security. Describe how you have ensured you follow procedures. Take screenshots of your work to attach to your portfolio   
Browser and devices You are to test that your dynamic website work on: Two different types of browsersTwo different types of browsers List the two browsers you tested your dynamic website on and the two devices. Take screenshots of your work to attach to your portfolio   
Feedback Document an email to your assessor here, asking for feedback on your final dynamic website. Provide the link to your website. 
Update Describe the feedback you received from your assessor here. Explain how you updated the website based on this feedback. Provide a link to the finalised dynamic website. 
Paperclip Attach:Screenshots


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