Information Technology

ICTNWK546 Manage Network Security

09 April 2023 06:34 AM | UPDATED 2 years ago

ICTNWK546 Manage Network Security :

For solution: +610482078788



ICTNWK546 Manage Network Security
ICTNWK546 Manage Network Security
ICTNWK546 Manage network security

student assessment tasks
Manage network security


Introduction  4

Assessment Task 1: Knowledge Questions  5

Assessment Task 1: Checklist 8

Assessment Task 2: Project Portfolio  9

Assessment Task 2: Checklist 13

Final Results Record  15


The assessment tasks for ICTNWK546 Manage network security are outlined in the assessment plan below. These tasks have been designed to help you demonstrate the skills and knowledge that you have learnt during your course.

Please ensure that you read the instructions provided with these tasks carefully. You should also follow the advice provided in the IT Works Student User Guide. The Student User Guide provides important information for you relating to completing assessment successfully.

Assessment for this unit

ICTNWK546 Manage network security describes the skills and knowledge required to implement and manage security functions throughout a network.

For you to be assessed as competent, you must successfully complete two assessment tasks:

  • Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions – You must answer all questions correctly.
  • Assessment Task 2: Project – You must work through a range of activities and complete a project portfolio.

Assessment Task 1: Knowledge Questions

Information for students

Knowledge questions are designed to help you demonstrate the knowledge which you have acquired during the learning phase of this unit. Ensure that you:

  • review the advice to students regarding answering knowledge questions in the IT Works Student User Guide
  • comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide
  • adhere with your RTO’s submission guidelines
  • answer all questions completely and correctly
  • submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced
  • submit a completed cover sheet with your work
  • avoid sharing your answers with other students.
iAssessment information Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in Appendix A of the IT Works Student User Guide.Refer to the appendix for information on: where this task should be completedthe maximum time allowed for completing this assessment taskwhether or not this task is open-book. Note: You must complete and submit an assessment cover sheet with your work. A template is provided in Appendix C of the Student User Guide. However, if your RTO has provided you with an assessment cover sheet, please ensure that you use that.


Provide answers to all of the questions below:

  1. List two types of ICT networks. Include a description of their configuration in your answer.
  2. Complete the following table about network attacks, vulnerabilities and security technologies.
 Network attack 1Network attack 2
List two types of network attack. Briefly describe the type of attack.  
Outline the vulnerabilities of the ICT system that may have led to each of the attacks.  
List a security technology that can prevent such an attack  
  • With the expansion of cloud services and new technologies, the use of mobile devices and the Internet of Things (IoT), there have also emerged a number of security issues. List two examples of emerging security issues.
  • Outline the terms auditing and penetration testing that can be used to measure a network’s security.
  • Outline two logging analysis techniques that can be used to measure the security of a network.
  • Outline two types of security measures that can be put in place in a network.
  • List a type of software that can be used for network security and summarise its capabilities.
  • List a type of hardware that can be used for network security and summarise its capabilities.
  • Given the importance of network security, describe the key features that a network security policy should include, as well as procedures that should be included.
  • Outline two network management and security process controls that can be put in place to ensure network security.
  • Explain the importance of a risk management plan and procedures in network security implementation.
  • Outline the process of developing risk management plans and procedures as part of network security planning.
  • Explain how risk management should be built into cost analysis and budgeting of network security. Give an example to illustrate your answer.

Assessment Task 1: Checklist

Student’s name:
Did the student provide a sufficient and clear answer that addresses the suggested answer for the following?Completed successfully?Comments
Question 1   
Question 2   
Question 3   
Question 4   
Question 5   
Question 6   
Question 7   
Question 8   
Question 9   
Question 10   
Question 11   
Question 12   
Question 13   
Task outcome:SatisfactoryNot satisfactory
Assessor signature: 
Assessor name: 

Assessment Task 2: Project Portfolio

Information for students

In this task, you are required to demonstrate your skills and knowledge by working through a number of activities and completing and submitting a project portfolio.

You will need access to:

  • a suitable place to complete activities that replicates an ICT environment including access to network infrastructure where network security will be implemented
  • network support tools i.e. information about network security tools that can be used as part of the design
  • security policies and standards e.g. as discussed at:
  • manufacturer’s recommendations for network security equipment (depending on the security equipment chosen for the design)
  • your learning resources and other information for reference
  • Project Portfolio template
  • Simulation Pack (if you need a case study).

Ensure that you:

  • review the advice to students regarding responding to written tasks in the IT Works Student User Guide
  • comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide
  • adhere with your RTO’s submission guidelines
  • answer all questions completely and correctly
  • submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced
  • submit a completed cover sheet with your work
  • avoid sharing your answers with other students.
iAssessment information
Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in Appendix A of the IT Works Student User Guide.Refer to the appendix for information on: where this task should be completedhow your assessment should be submitted. Note: You must complete and submit an assessment cover sheet with your work. A template is provided in Appendix B of the Student User Guide. However, if your RTO has provided you with an assessment cover sheet, please ensure that you use that.


Complete the following activities:

  1. Carefully read the following:
This project requires you to manage network security for an organisation. You can complete this project based on the case study organisation in the ICTNWK546 Simulation Pack or you can base it on an organisation that you are familiar with or working for. If you choose to complete the project based on a business of your choice, it is important that you can access the network infrastructure where network security will be implemented, as well as network support tools used to manage network security and security policies, standards and manufacturer’s recommendations for network security equipment (see the list of information you must be able to access). Speak to your assessor to get approval if you want to base this on an organisation of your choice.
 You will be collecting evidence for this unit in a Project Portfolio. The steps you need to take are outlined below.
  • Preparation
Make sure you are familiar with the organisation you are basing this assessment on and have read through the necessary background information. For the case study organisations, this is all of the documents included in the ICTNWK546 Simulation Pack. If it’s your own organisation, it’s important that you have this approved by your assessor. Complete Page 4 of your Project Portfolio for this unit. Read through the requirements of Section 1 and 2 of your Project Portfolio which include detailed guidance relevant to all the assessment activities.
  • Preparing for the security design
You are required to prepare for the network security design process, as well as identify and analyse threats and risks. This involves: Defining processes that needs to be followed in order to plan, build and manage network security.Researching and reporting on major threats to any network security, as well as their origins.Researching and reporting on network vulnerabilities.  Determining current risks to the network and developing a risk management plan. Listing the assets that need to be protected, as well as categorising them according to their value.   Complete Section 1 of your Portfolio.
You are to create a security design to protect the network for your chosen organisation. You are also to develop and document relevant security policies which is also to include the auditing of the network, as well as how to respond to incidents. Detailed instructions are included in your Portfolio. You are also to prepare a short presentation about the work that you have completed that can be presented to a team for feedback. If you are completing this in your RTO, this will be to a small group of students organised by your assessor. If you are completing this based on your own business, it can be a presentation to your team at work or you can also present it to a small group of students. Your presentation should be for approximately 10 minutes. Complete Section 2 of your Portfolio.
  • Security design presentation
Provide your presentation to your team about the security design you have developed.  Make sure you provide your team the opportunity to provide feedback. Following the presentation, you will document the feedback in your Portfolio, as well as your response. During the presentation, you are to use oral communication skills including: speaking clearly and concisely asking questions to identify required information responding to questions as required using active listening techniques to confirm understandingobservational techniques to ensure that everyone is participating so that you can gain a range of different perspectives.
iThis can either be viewed in person by your assessor or you may like to video record the session for your assessor to watch later. Your assessor can provide you with more details at this step. Make sure you follow the instructions above and meet the timeframes allocated. Following the presentation, include the feedback you received in Section 1 of your Portfolio and make amendments to your quality management plan to include the corrective action. Further report on the skills of staff, confirming their ability to meet quality standards or otherwise.
  • Submit your completed Project Portfolio 
Make sure you have completed all sections of your Project Portfolio, answered all questions, provided enough detail as indicated and proofread for spelling and grammar as necessary. Submit to your assessor for marking.

Assessment Task 2: Checklist

Student’s name:
Did the student:Completed successfully?Comments
Evaluate security information to plan network security?   
Define and document the planning phase for network security design as per the organisation’s requirements?   
Define and document the building phase for network security design as per the organisation’s requirements?   
Define and document the managing phase for network security design as per the organisation’s requirements?   
Identify and report on the organisation’s assets that required network security protection?   
Categorise and document assets and determine their value following organisational requirements?   
Determine and report on major threat themes to network security?   
Determine and report on attacker scenarios and threats according to network security design specifications?   
Determine and report on possible origins of major threats according to network security design specifications?   
Identify and describe industry standard common network vulnerability types?   
Design and document threat model according to network security design specifications?   
Review risk management requirements and develop and document a risk management plan?   
Create and document a network security design?   
Develop and document security policies including auditing and incidents response procedure?   
Submit document and seek feedback?   
Respond to feedback provided?   
Use oral communication skills including: speaking clearly and concisely asking questions to identify required information responding to questions as requiredusing active listening techniques to confirm understandingobservational techniques to ensure that everyone is participating so that you a range of different perspectives can be gained?   
Task outcome:SatisfactoryNot satisfactory
Assessor signature: 
Assessor name: 

Final Results Record

Student name: 
Assessor name: 

Final assessment results

SatisfactoryUnsatisfactoryDid not submit
Assessment Task 1Knowledge questionsSUDNS
Assessment Task 2Project PortfolioSUDNS
Overall unit results CNYC 


Student signature: ___________________________________________   Date: _________________

Assessor signature:   _________________________________________   Date:  _________________


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