
HNN313 Perioperative Nursing

28 April 2023 15:26 PM | UPDATED 1 year ago

HNN313 Perioperative Nursing :

HNN313 Perioperative Nursing
HNN313 Perioperative Nursing

HNN313 Perioperative Nursing

Assessment Task one – Video Submission

10-minute video – 50%

Purpose of assessment task

This assessment task will enable you to demonstrate your understanding of teamwork in the perioperative environment to enable safe, quality patient care. A video submission is designed to enable you to provide evidence of your learning and to develop your presentation and communication skills.

Due date:         Wednesday 19th April 2023

Time:               8.00pm

Location:         Assignment dropbox on HNN313 CloudDeakin unit site

Format:           Video Recording

*Steps for assistance with video uploading can be found at this link:

Submitting your AT1 Video assessments Demo video – DeakinAir

Assignment Task Description:

Identify and explain the role of the perioperative nurse, as a member of the perioperative team in minimising the patient risk for pressure injury

occurring during a surgical procedure.

The assignment has two components:

1. Create a 10-minute video presentation addressing the above assignment question.

2. Provide a written reference list adhering to APA7 guidelines.

Instructions for this assessment task:

To be successful with this assessment task you are strongly advised to:

  • Draw upon relevant concepts presented in this unit.
  • Utilise recent and relevant literature to inform and support your discussion.
  • Student must be visible in the video and wearing Deakin uniform/professional attire.
  • Use professional language in the video.
  • Self-assess your presentation against the marking rubric before submission. This will      ensure that all the required elements have been addressed.
  • APA 7 referencing is required.

 The School of Nursing and Midwifery follows the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition referencing style. Presentation requirements of this referencing style are outlined below. For further detail regarding APA 7 referencing style refer to Referencing | Students (

Criterion mode: PointsHigh DistinctionDistinctionCreditPassFail
Starting %80Starting %70Starting %60Starting %50Starting %0
Criterion 1   Identify and explain the role of the perioperative nurse in working within the perioperative team to minimise the risk of pressure injury.Accurately identifies and thoroughly explains all key components of teamwork within the perioperative environment articulating a thorough understanding of the role of the nurse in minimising risk and promoting optimal patient outcomes.   (24-30)Accurately identifies and thoroughly explains most key components of teamwork within the perioperative environment   demonstrating a thorough understanding of the role of the nurse in minimising risk and promoting optimal patient outcomes.   (21-23.5)Accurately identifies and explains some key components of teamwork within the perioperative environment demonstrating an understanding of the role of the nurse in minimising risk and promoting optimal patient outcomes.       (18-20.5)Identifies and explains some key components of teamwork within the perioperative environment but demonstrating a basic understanding the role of the nurse in minimising risk and promoting optimal patient outcomes.       (15-17.5)Key components of teamwork are missing or inaccurate. Basic understanding of the role of the nurse in minimising risk and promoting optimal patient outcomes is not demonstrated.             (0-14.5)
  Points    30
Criterion 2   Provide an engaging presentation that is professionally and skillfully delivered according to assessment instructions.The content presented is exceptionally organised and skilfully delivered to support the information provided.     (8-10)The content presented is thoroughly organised and skillfully delivered to support the information provided.     (7-7.5)The content presented is organised and mostly skillfully delivered to support the information provided with some creativity.   (6-6.5)The content presented is mostly organised and delivered to support the information provided.       (5-5.5)The content presented is not organised and information is not delivered skillfully. Required assessment instructions NOT met.     (0-4.5)
Criterion 3   Assess and utilise current, credible, and relevant literature to support discussion.  Consistently accesses contemporary and relevant professional literature which is skillfully used to support and develop ideas.   (4-5)Consistently accesses relevant professional literature which is mostly skillfully used to support and develop ideas.   (3.5)Accesses mostly relevant professional literature which is used to support ideas.       (3)Accesses a limited range of professional literature which is only sometimes used to support ideas.       (2.5)Selects information that lacks relevance and/or quality and/or is not used to support discussion.       (0-2)  
Criterion 4   Referencing style is accurate and consistent with APA style.Adheres to APA 7 referencing style with minimal errors.       (4-5)  Adheres to APA 7 referencing style with occasional errors.       (3.5)  Adheres to APA 7 referencing style with multiple minor errors and/or one significant error.   (3)  Adheres to APA 7 referencing style with multiple significant errors.     (2.5)Does not adhere to APA 7 referencing style.       (0-2)
Total Points50     


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