
First Year Nursing Assessment

28 April 2023 13:49 PM | UPDATED 1 year ago

First Year Nursing Assessment :

First Year Nursing Assessment
First Year Nursing Assessment

Year 1 Nursing assignment 1 Professional Boundaries  (50% of course mark)

Getting started: 

Check you understand all of the words in the question, what you have to do and the marking schedule.

If you are unsure – check with your tutor

  1. Go through the essay and find all the action words and write them in the action column. 

Ask yourself ‘what do I have to choose or do?’  Then ask are there any boundaries to the question?

Word count 1,500 words – Must achieve 50%                                                                       Due Date: …………………….

Action: What do I do?What do I do it to?Boundaries?ReferencesDone ü
ChooseOne scenario–   a)  unacknowledged receipt of gifts Or   –      b)  patient’s rightsOne only  
IdentifyKey issueOne from senario  
DescribeKey issueOne from senario  
LinkIssue relates to nursing codeFrom scenario (250-300 words)  
DiscussAction conflict from scenarioNCNZ expectations (250-300 words)  
ChooseOne competencyRelevant to issue  
DiscussHow actions do not meet competencyAbove (200-250 words)  
                                                                            UseReferences to support writingrelevant  
 Conclusion:  summary of what you found out – (main findings/points)   100 words 
 Introduction:  key points;   identify health promotion;  your journey   100 words approx 
Proof readSuggest using speech software 
CheckAgainst the marking schedule – have you covered everything? 
CheckReferencingMinimum 5, academic, less than 10 years 
CheckWord count  900-11005% deduction  
CheckSpelling, punctuation and grammar   
CheckFormatingAgainst instructions  
Submit workTurnitinword format  
KeepElectronic copy in case of emergencies   

Place to start:

  • Turn the above actions into questions (below).  Answer each one and you will have answered the essay question.  Once done, link key ideas together at the end of each paragraph so that it flows.

What is the key issue in each scenario?

Describe what has happened?

How does it link to the code?  Which nursing code is being asked about?

Is there a conflict between the actions of the nurse and what the code presents?

If so, what are the NCNZ expectations?

What are nursing competencies?

Where will you find them?

Which one best matches the scenario?

How does the nurses action not meet competency ?

Why do you think you are being asked to write this essay?

What is this whole essay actually asking you to do?  Mention in introduction and conclusion and make reference to this during the journey of this essay.

A great starting point:

Hatlevi, I. K. R. (2012).  The theory-practice relationship:  Reflective skills and theoretical                 knowledge as key factors in bridging the gap between theory and practice in initial nursing education.  Journal of Advanced Nursing, 68(4), 868 – 877.  doi:10.1111/j.1365-2648.2011.05789.x

Health and Disability Commissioner Act 1994. (1994). /1994/0088/latest/DLM333584.html

Health and Disability Commissioner. (2012). Code of health and disability services:  Consumers’ rights.

Health and Disability Commissioner. (2021). The code and your rights.

Council of New Zealand. (2012a). Code of conduct.

Council of New Zealand. (2012b). Standards and guidelines for nurses.

Papps, E. (2017). Acting in accordance with New Zealand regulatory frameworks. In P. A. Potter, & A. G. Perry, Potter & Perry’s Fundamentals of Nursing (5th ed., pp. 194-208). Elsevier.


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