
CHCCCS011 Meet Personal Support Needs

18 April 2023 16:50 PM | UPDATED 1 year ago

CHCCCS011 Meet Personal Support Needs :

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CHCCCS011 Meet Personal Support Needs
CHCCCS011 Meet Personal Support Needs


[Theory Tasks]

CHCCCS011 Meet Personal Support Needs   Student Name:                    ___________________________ 
Suite 203, 11-15 Deane Street Burwood, NSW, 2134Email: [email protected]RTO Code: 45342

© 2020 Advance College

Advance College is a trading name of Australian Newtown College, RTO 45342.

Cover image © Bigstock


This Student Assessment Booklet-I includes Task 1 for assessment of CHCCCS011 Meet personal support needs.


This unit requires that you complete 3 assessment tasks. You are required to complete all tasks to demonstrate competency in this unit.

Assessment TaskAbout this task
Assessment Task 1: Written questionsYou must correctly answer all the questions to show that you understand the knowledge required of this unit.
Assessment Task 2: Role playsYou are to do this task in your workplace. You will be observed:
Assessment Task 3: Observation taskYou are to be observed in your workplace supporting at least two clients with a variety of personal care needs.

Supporting resources

You may like to look at the following websites, books and documents for more information about the topics related to this unit:

How to submit your assessments

When you have completed each assessment task you will need to submit it to your assessor.

Instructions about submission can be found at the beginning of each assessment task.

Assessment Task Cover Sheet

At the beginning of each task in this booklet, you will find an Assessment Task Cover Sheet. Please fill it in for each task, making sure you sign the student declaration.

Your assessor will give you feedback about how well you went in each task, and will write this on the back of the Task Cover Sheet.

Make sure you photocopy your written activities before you submit them – your assessor will put the documents you submit into your student file. These will not be returned to you.


The prerequisite for this unit is NIL.


The candidate must show evidence of the ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage tasks and manage contingencies in the context of the job role. There must be evidence that the candidate has:


The candidate must be able to demonstrate essential knowledge required to effectively complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage tasks and manage contingencies in the context of the work role. This includes knowledge of:

For all documentation on the performance criteria and assessment requirements of the unit CHCCCS011 Meet personal support needs, please refer to the website with this link:


Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately for this task.

Student Name 
Assessor Name 
Unit: CHCCCS011 Meet personal support needs
Assessment Details
Assessment Type   Written/Oral questions  
Agreement by the student
Read through the assessments in this booklet before you fill out and sign the agreement below. Make sure you sign this before you start any of your assessments.
Have you read and understood what is required of you in terms of assessment?    Yes    No
Do you understand the requirements of this assessment?             Yes    No
Do you agree to the way in which you are being assessed?    Yes    No
Do you have any special needs or considerations to be made for this assessment?  If yes, what are they?  …………………………… ………………………… ………………… ……… … … .………………………………………….    Yes    No
Do you understand your rights to appeal the decisions made in an assessment?    Yes    No
None of this work has been completed by any other person.    Yes    No
I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.    Yes    No
I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts to complete these assessment tasks.    Yes    No
I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me.    Yes    No



I,____________________________________________________ ,  certify that the statements I have attested above have been made in a good faith, are true and correct. To the best of my knowledge and belief, these tasks are my own work.


Student Signature: ……………………………                                                       Date: …………… /……………../……………………………..

Result – Attempt 1Satisfactory (S)   Not Yet Satisfactory    (NYS)

ASSESSOR FEEDBACK – Attempt 1 (Assessment Task 1)


Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback.


Assessor signature:                                                               Date: 

Re-assessment Result (if NYS in Attempt 1)Satisfactory (S)   Not Yet Satisfactory (NYS)   

ASSESSOR FEEDBACK – Attempt 2 (Assessment Task 1)


Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback.


Assessor signature:                                                               Date:

Re-assessment Result (if NYS in Attempt 2)Satisfactory (S)   Not Yet Satisfactory (NYS)   

ASSESSOR FEEDBACK – Attempt 3 (Assessment Task 1)


Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback.


Assessor signature:                                                               Date:


I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I have observed the student demonstrate unit outcomes through consistent and repeated application of skills and knowledge over a period of time and provided appropriate feedback.   Signature:     Date:  


Fill in the declaration below if you have received a not yet satisfactory (NYS) in all three attempts. 

You can make an appeal about an assessment decision by putting it in writing and sending it to us. Refer to your Student Handbook for more information about our appeals process.

 I have received my assessment result and I am satisfied with the given feedback for this assessment.

 I am not satisfied about my result and I would like to appeal regarding my result.


Student Signature: ……………………………                   Date: ……… /………../………………

Task summary:

What do I need in order to complete this assessment?

When do I do this task?

what do I need to do if I get something wrong?

If your assessor marks any of your answers as incorrect, they will talk to you about resubmission. You will need to do one of the following:

Question 1


Question 2

What rights do clients have to privacy and confidentiality?


Question 3 

Geraldine trips over a bucket that has been left in the corridor. Luckily she is not hurt. Geraldine’s carer removes the bucket and puts it back in the cleaner’s room. 
How to report verbally:
How to report in writing:
Upon investigation, it is found that the new cleaner left the bucket in the corridor. He is called to the supervisor’s office and told that his work practices were unsafe – Geraldine could have been seriously hurt. Geraldine’s carer informs her that the cleaner has been spoken to and he will probably get fired if he ever does it again.

Question 4

In your work you will be required to use the computer to complete reports and access information. What are two safety considerations you must use when using computers?

Safety consideration 1: 
Safety consideration 2: 

Question 5

Elsie has dementia. She is a resident in a high-care nursing home. She needs significant help with personal care, including showering, grooming, dressing, feeding, toileting and transferring. Damien is a young man with MS. He has sound cognitive ability but is dependent on his wife for assistance with all activities of daily living. His wife needs to go to hospital so she has arranged for home nursing while she is unable to look after Damien. Damien will tell the carers what he requires and how he likes things to be done. Jessie cares for her mother, Maria, who lives next door to her.  Maria is frail but has full cognitive function and is able to undertake most activities of daily living without assistance. Jessie is having a baby in four weeks’ time. Jessie has arranged for her mother to go into respite care for a month after the baby is born so she has some time to recover from the birth and get used to her role as a mother.  She is relieved that Maria will be safe and have meals cooked for her.

In approximately 100 words, describe the differences between the giving of personal care for each of these situations. 

Is it a ‘one-size fits all’ approach, or is care planned for the individual needs of each client?


Question 6

Molly is feeling a bit down today.  She is feeling old and tired.  You spend time with her doing her hair and helping her to put on a bit of makeup. She then asks if you would do her nails for her.  When you have finished, she looks in the mirror and smiles.

Question 7

Why is it important to wash from front to back when cleaning the perineal area?


Question 8

Geda has dementia. She is able to brush her own teeth, but forgets when they need to be cleaned and often forgets the process she needs to follow.

Question 9


Question 10

Barry is in his 50s.  He has had a stroke, which has affected his right side and restricted his movement.  He cannot use his right hand to grip. He can walk with a stick. His wife left him last year – she used to do all the cooking. Barry is depressed and feels he can’t do anything for himself.  His daughter tries to persuade him to do things for himself more. He has personal care to get him up in the morning, shower him and get him a cup of tea.  He has meals on wheels which he hates but is not able to make food for himself, or even a cup of tea. Barry’s care has been reviewed and the occupational therapist visits Barry in the home and suggests she works with him to improve his ability to do his activities of daily living. She arranges a microwave for him and shows him how to use it.  She also arranges a tipper for the kettle so that he does not need to grip it. The OT builds up his experience with the kettle and the microwave.  As he gains confidence with this he also learns how to make simple dishes on the stove.  A nutritionist visits to provide advice to Barry about the importance of good nutrition. A friend visits after a month and is surprised when Barry dishes up sausages and mash and a big fresh salad for lunch washed down with a mug of tea.  He notices that Barry seems a lot less depressed.

Question 11

Gemma removes her gloves after dressing a client’s wound. She does not wash her hands because her hands were protected from infection by the sterile gloves. 

Question 12

Why is it important to adjust each equipment aid used to the needs of each client?


Question 13

List two personal safety or security risks that are associated with providing personal support to clients. For each risk identified, outline how you would prevent the risk from occurring.


Question 14  

For the four listed equipment/aids, please outline the features, functions and safe use of those equipment/aids.

Equipment / AidFeaturesFunctionsSafe Use
Toileting / Shower Chair   

Question 15

Outline the techniques and procedures you would use when completing the below physical support routines for a client.

Physical Support RoutineTechnique and proceduresPhysical Support RoutineTechnique and procedures
Transfer into a car Bed bathing 
Transfer out of a car Dressing, undressing 
Transferring between a bed and chair Showering 
Falls Recovering using a hoist Toileting 
What do I need to hand in for this task?Have I completed this?
Your answers to each questiono


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